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SAP Invoice Correction Request

SAP Invoice Correction Request Business Process

eneral SAP Invoice Correction Request Processing Flow

The whole process began with the normal Sales Order – Delivery
Order – Billing sequence until the marketing admin received a
complaint from the customer regarding the wrong price or quantity.
This issue should be addressed without having to cancel the billing

As you may see on the picture, in the last step of the process, the
system will generate a Credit Memo (more on this will be explained in
the billing process).

SAP Invoice Correction Request – Step by Step

Let’s provide a detailed guidance for the processing of SAP invoice

correction request. We will assume that a previous order to cash
process has been completed and we now have a billing document.
Create SAP Invoice Correction Document

You have the previous billing document. Now, let’s create SAP Invoice
Correction Request.

1. Run the VA01 transaction, select the sales document

type (Invoice Correction Request) and put the necessary sales area.

Create SAP Invoice

Correction Request

2. Press Enter button. You have to look up your client’s business

process whether they need a previous document to be referenced or it
can be made independently. For this document, I will make it
mandatory to put the previous generated billing document, so a new
pop up will show up.

3. Fill in the field with the billing document number.

4. Click copy or press Enter button.

Input Billing Document as Reference

5. The copy control procedure will do magic by referencing all of the

information taken out from that billing document (partner function
information, quantity, even price).

The Overview screen that is displayed upon you is almost identical

with your regular sales order creation process except the billing block
is now automatically filled (which is set by the configuration). Based
on the role, only the authorized person will be able to release it. With
respect to the process flow, the marketing manager will release it by
putting it blank.
Create SAP Invoice Correction Request – Overview Screen

6. Let’s select the “Sales” tab. In this tab, we are going to fill out the
“Order Reason” field as one of mandatory requirement for SAP invoice
correction request document.

Select One of the Pre-Defined Order Reason Based on the Situation

7. Despite of being identical with credit/debit memo request process,
the screen is slightly different in the item structure. SAP invoice
correction request will automatically create two line items for each

* First Line: Credit item

* Second Line: Debit item

Those line items carry the same value and quantity. In the credit item,
the system will credit the full value and you cannot change it; in the
debit side however, you may change the quantity or pricing. The net
value will reflect the calculation between credit and debit item.

Change Either Price or Quantity in The Second Line Item

Look at the Net Value: the Calculation is Coming from Line Item One Minus Line Item Two

You also can change the price. If that is the case, do the following:

 Select the second line item.

 Click the “conditions” button.
Change Price by Going to Item’s Conditions

 Change the amount.

Change Amount in Conditions Tab

8. Now, we are ready to save the document. Just in case, check the
incompletion log and then click on the save button .

Release SAP Invoice Correction Request

Based on the segregation of duties profile, a marketing admin will not

be authorized to release SAP invoice correction request. Based on our
scenario, only the Sales Manager can review the document and make
a justification whether or not this new document granted to be billed
to the customer.

1. The Sales Manager may run the standard report to look up if there is
new complain document created today through transaction VA05N. In
the selection screen, put the necessary information to filter out the
document specific to the Invoice Correction Request. Click the
Execute button .
Run VA05N and Fill the Necessary Fields

The List of Invoice Correction Request will be Displayed

2. Run the transaction VA02 and open the document number you have
found on the previous step.
SAP Invoice Correction Request Overview Screen in Change Mode

3. The Sales Manager is authorized to release the document by putting

a blank value in the “Billing block” field if he agrees to release it.

Release the Billing Block by Leaving It Blank

4. If the Sales Manager decides to reject the document, he may select
an appropriate value from the drop-down list of the ‘Reason for
Rejection” field.

Select One of the Reason for Rejection

5. Either way click “Save” button .

Create Credit Memo

SAP Invoice Correction Request is an “order-related billing” document.

The released document is eligible for creation of a billing document.
For this tutorial, the authorized person to create the billing is the
Accounting Department. They will run the transaction VF01 to create
a credit memo.

Note that in the SAP standard system, the invoice correction request
is characterized as a credit memo request, thus whether the net value
results in positive or negative, the system the system will always
generate a credit memo based on the standard copy control
If, for example, you want the system to create a debit memo for
negative amount of net value and generate a credit memo for positive
amount net value, you have to create additional documents in the
customizing and configure the copy control accordingly.

1. Type in SAP Invoice Correction Request document, select the

“Billing Type” and put the Billing Date as well. You can leave them
blank and the system will copy them from document creation date.
Press Enter.

Run VF01 and Enter SAP Invoice Correction Request Number

2. Before you can save it, you might want to input text(s) for print-out
Input Necessary Texts Before Saving
Example of Text
3. Click the save button and voilà. You now have a credit memo
invoice that basically creates a new revenue item.
Find the Document Number
4. After the credit memo billing has been created, we can check the
generated accounting document. Run the transaction VF03. It will call
your billing document automatically.
ck “Accounting” Button after Entering Credit Memo Number in VF03

Double Click on the Accounting Document Number

Accounting Entries for Credit Memo
The account receivable line for the customer is coming from the net
value of difference between credit and debit (first and second item) in
SAP invoice correction request (which is obviously copied to the billing

– If the remaining net value is negative, it will generate a debit posting


– If the remaining net value is positive, it will generate a credit posting

Example of Positive Net Value

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