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First, Multiple Choices

1. If the demand curve for a product is shifted to left as a result of a decrease in income, then
this product is considered as:
a) An inferior good.
b) A normal good.
c) An abnormal good.
d) All of the above.
2. Which of the following could increase the demand for new cars:
a) Lower price of new cars.
b) Lower price of Gasoline.
c) High price of Gasoline.
d) High price of spear parts.
3. At any price above equilibrium price of a product is expected to create:
a) Excess demand
b) Excess supply
c) Shortage
d) None of the above
4. Supply curve of T-shirts shows a:
a) Negative relationship between the quantity demanded of T-shirts and its price
b) Positive relationship between the quantity demanded of T-shirts and its price
c) Positive relationship between the quantity supplied of T-shirts and its price
d) Negative relationship between the quantity supplied of T-shirts and its price
5. If the government decided to subsidize food for consumers in the market:
a) Government should impose a price ceiling.
b) Government should impose a price floor.
c) Government should make a minimum price for food.
d) All of the above.

Second: If the demand and supply curves are given in the following equations:
Qd = 20 – P, Qs = -2 + 2P

1. Measure equilibrium quantity and equilibrium price (draw your answer)

Answer: 14 units and $6 per unit
2. If the government decided to put a price floor of $4 per unit, measure the effect of
this policy on the market of this product. (Excess demand or excess supply)
Answer: Excess demand of 6 unit (16 – 10)

Third: given the table below

Pric Quantity Quantity
e Demanded Supplied
Per Per Month Per
unit Month
$5 6,000 10,000
$4 8,000 8,000
$3 10,000 6,000
$2 12,000 4,000
$1 14,000 2,000

a) Draw graphically the demand and supply curves for flashlights.
Make certain to label the equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity.
b) What is the equilibrium price and the equilibrium quantity?
Answer: Equilibrium price is $4 and equilibrium quantity is 8,000 units.
c) Measure the change in consumer surplus if the price changed from $4 to $2.
Answer: $20 = $16 + $ 4

Answer (a) draw graphically



$2 D

4 6 8 10 12

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