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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Bohol

Physical Education 6


Quarter : 2 Week : 1 Day : 3 Activity No. : 1

Competency: : 1. Assesses regularly participation in physical activities based the Philippines
Physical Activity Pyramid.Code:PE6PF-IIb-h-18
2. Observe safety precautions. Code: PE6GS-IIb-h-3
Objective : Assess physical activities and physical fitness using the physical fitness pyramid.
Topic : Assessment of Physical Activity based on the Physical Fitness Pyramid
Materials : Pictures, basketball/volleyball/matured coconut, rope
Reference : (Ligaya Bautista Garcia-Quinitio, Eduardo V. Cipriano, Eliseo P. Buhain, Juliet H. Brioso, Diana Alcoba-Alonzo,
Gernalyn Andres-Solano 2016)
Ligaya Bautista Garcia-Quinitio, Eduardo V. Cipriano, Eliseo P. Buhain, Juliet H. Brioso, Diana Alcoba-Alonzo,
Gernalyn Andres-Solano. 2016. The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION. Quezon City: REX PRINTING

Copyrights : For classroom use only

Concept Notes:

➢ Physical Fitness Pyramid

• a guide to improve your physical fitness.
• recommends different types of activities you should be doing in a week to stay physically fit.
• The closer to the pyramid base the more frequent you do the physical activities.

Photo credit: Kid’s Activity Pyramid

Four Steps in the Physical Activity Pyramid

✓ First Step
• To build an active lifestyle, one should include physical activities in one’s daily regimen.
• Walking to school, doing household chores, cleaning the yard, washing the car, running errands,
and walking the dog are some activities needed to be performed as much as possible.

✓ Second Step
• Playing physical games like badminton, basketball, volleyball, soccer, football, futsal, and tennis
are suggested to be performed for three to five times a week.
• Doing exercises like bicycling, swimming, and brisk walking are found to facilitate active
• Playing street games also aid in making you fit.

✓ Third Step
• These are recreational activities you do during free time for at least two to three times a week.
• You can do calisthenics, martial arts, boxing, gardening, jogging, sliding, swimming, hiking,
stretching, dancing, skating, and playing golf and bowling.
• These activities can help you improve your muscle’s strength and flexibility.

✓ Fourth Step
• Are activities you should reduce like sitting, and texting all day, watching television, playing
game console and computer games, and talking escalators and elevators instead of stairs.
• Not only that it slows down metabolism but can make also you feel languished and lazy.

Precautionary Measures in Doing Physical Activities.

1. Stretching. Before an activity, you need to stretch your muscles to avoid injuries.
2. Attire. You must wear the proper attire comfortable enough so you can move freely and at ease.
3. Equipment. These must be checked if they are free from wear and are still safe to use.
4. Weather. Check if the weather could affect the activity. If it is raining, better do it indoors. If it is too
sunny, put anti-ultraviolet lotion on your skin. Put insect-repellant lotion.
5. Health condition- before being involved in a strenuous activity, you must secure medical clearance from
your doctor. Physical activities might give you injury rather than long time health benefit if you have
health problems.
Activity 1


1. Follow the safety precautions and refer to the result of your PAR-Q before doing the physical fitness
2. Perform the following physical activities with the assistance of your parents, elder siblings, or
anybody in the home older than you.

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Resting Heart Rate
Directions: Count your pulse for 1 minute before doing any activity with your radial or carotid artery.
a. Write your pulse rate here: ___________beats per minute
2. General Warm- up Exercise

Directions: Do the following

a. breathing exercise d. arms circling f. half knee bending
b. neck bending e. hip bending g. foot rotation
c. shoulder rotation

B. Performance of Physical Fitness Test

➢ Throwing
Materials: basketball/volleyball ball (If there is no available ball at home, you may borrow from the barangay or
you may use matured coconut “ patay nga lubi” as an alternative ball.)
• Measure 16 feet distance using one-foot ruler. Mark one end as starting point and the other end
as goal.
• Position yourself at the starting point with feet and shoulder width apart.
• Hold the ball with both hands on either side of the ball.
• Point your elbows out to the side to increase the power of your throw.
• Reach your throw behind your head.
• Follow through with your arms and body.
• Make 24 throws then count how many throws reached the goal.

➢ Catching the ball (Use the same ball and measurement of the ground in throwing)
• Align yourself with the ball. You’ll need to move your body so that you are in catching distance
of the ball. Keep your eyes focused on the ball.
• Meet the balls with your hands. Keep your hands wide-spread, keep your fingers relaxed and
reach toward the ball.
• Grasp the ball. Watch the ball move into your reaching hands, squeeze your fingers around the
ball trap it in your hands.
• Cushion impact of the ball. Keep your knees bent and your stance wide to improve balance when
• Bend your arms at the elbows to help reduce the force of the ball’s impact.
• Record how often did you catch the ball.
• Make 24 catches and count how many catches you made.

➢ Jumping rope
• Sizing the rope. You need to make sure your rope is in the right size.
• Loosely hold the handles at your sides and relax.
• Start with the rope behind your feet, and swing the jump rope upward and over your head.
• Try to stay on the balls of your feet, minimize the bend in your knees, bouncing just high enough
for the rope to pass under your feet.
• Record the number of jumps within 3 minutes.

➢ Curl-ups
• Lie in supine position with feet together and arms on your knees.
• While your partner is holding your feet, raise your head and torso upward and forward keeping
the lower back on the floor.
• Then return to your original position.
• Record the number of curl-ups in 2 minutes.

C. Assessment of Physical Fitness Tests Results.

1. Record your scores in the table below.
Physical Activity Components of Target Actual Rating
Physical Fitness Performance Performance
1. Throwing Arms strength and power 24
2. Catching the Ball Agility 24
3. Jumping Rope Speed 20
4. Curl-ups Abdominal strength 20

2. Assess your performance rating by using the rating scale below:

For Throwing and Catching the Ball For Jumping Rope and Curl-ups
Score Rating Score Rating
24 Excellent 20 Excellent
19-23 Very Good 17-19 Very Good
13-18 Good 11-16 Good
7-12 Fair 6-10 Fair
1-6 Needs Improvement 1-5 Needs Improvement

D. Answer the following questions:

1. What can you say about your assessment results? In which component are you weak?
2. Basing on the physical fitness pyramid, in what way can you improve your performance?

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