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SESSION 2015-16

Section A [Reading Skills]

Q1. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow by choosing the
correct alternative out of the given options:

Just as the kite moves upwards at an angle to the wind, so a well constructed sailing boat will
move forward. No sailing ship that was ever built could move ahead against the wind but it can
be propelled at an angle to the wind. It follows that if the wind be right ahead the sailor must
resort to tacking, that is, he must pursue a zigzag course, sailing the boat a certain distance with
the wind on one side, and then turning and sailing her for a similar distance with the wind on the
other side.

The boat is then said to be sailing close-hauled, because at this angle the sheets are hauled tight
and the sails are close to the boat. The sheet is not the sail, but the rope which controls it. If the
boat’s head is turned away from the wind the sheet is gradually slackened off until the boat is
said to have the wind abeam. By turning her head further away, still slackening off the sheet, you
may have the wind on the quarter. Finally, if you turn the remainder of the half-circle, you will
be running ahead before the wind, with the boom of the sail as far out as it will go. At this point
very careful steering is essential.

1. A sailing ship moves ahead only when

a. It is propelled at an angle to the wind
b. It is propelled at an angle against the wind
c. It is propelled into the wind
d. It is propelled by the wind movement.

2. In tacking a sailor resorts to

a. Pursue a straight course
b. Pursue a crooked course
c. Pursue a meandering course
d. Pursue a zigzag course.
3. When the boat is close hauled, the ________ is involved.

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a. Sail
b. Sheet
c. Stern
d. Wheel
4. The boom of the sail is
a. A part attached to the sail
b. To make a loud sound
c. A part of a cannon
d. Sister of a broom
5. The word ‘slackening’ means
a. To make loose
b. To laugh
c. To break
d. To dance

Q2. Read the following passage carefully:

A good book may be the best of friends. It is the same today that it was always and it will never
change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companion. It does not turn its back upon us in
times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness, amusing and
instructing us in youth and confronting and consoling us in age. A good book is often the best
urn of a life enshrining the best thoughts of which that life was capable for. The world of a man’s
life is, for the most part, but the world of thoughts. Thus, the best books are treasuries of good
words and golden thoughts which are remembered and cherished, and become our abiding
companions and comforters.

Books possess an essence of immortality. They are by far the most lasting products of human
effort. Temples crumble into ruin, pictures and statues decay, but books survive.

Books introduce us into best society; they bring us into the presence of the greatest minds that
have ever lived. We hear what they said and did, we see them as if they were really alive, we are
participants in their thoughts, we sympathize with them, enjoy with them, grieve with them a
measure, their experiences become ours and we feel as if we were , in a measure, actors with
them in the scenes in which they describe.

Q2 (a) Answer the following questions:

1. What does the author regard a good book to be ?
2. Why is a good book often called as the best urn?
Q2 (b) Complete the following statements:
1. A good book is very patient and ____________
2. Books are the most lasting________
3. Temples are destroyed but_____________
Q2 ( c ) Find words from the passage which have the following meanings:

1. To make someone laugh

2. To feel sad

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Q3. Read the following poem carefully. Fill in the blanks with suitable words to complete
the summary of the given poem.
Freedom is the right to do
Anything that pleases you,
As long as you keep in sight
That others also have a right

Have you the right to kill a cat?

Oh no ! It’s wrong, just consider that
The cat has the right to live like you
A right of eating and drinking too !

So remember that it’s certainly wrong

To deprive a nightingale its song
To cheat the poor people, as rich men do
To rob the innocent, as robbers do

To injure someone to win a race

To despise some and others embrace
To disobey every order and rule
And drown a swimmer in the pool

And shout and scream like a fool

Disrespecting the teachers in the school
So never forget that although you are free
You should think of others, not only ’ME’

Through this poem the poet says that one can enjoy the (a)_________ and do whatever
(b)_______one, as long as what (c)______do is also respected. No one has the(d)______to kill a
cat, as it too has the right to (e)_____ . Similarly rich men should not cheat and (f)_________
people who are(g)_________. One must not be (h)________to gain in life. Although one is
(i)________, one should think of others too and not only about(j)___________

Section –B [Grammar]

Q4. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each of the lines against
which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and correction against correct numbers .

Incorrect Correct
We look in our soldiers with exceptional (a) _______ ________
pride and pin ours greatest hope on them (b) _______ ________
Almost a decade after an Indian army (c) _______ ________
begins including women officers into active (d) _______ ________
service, more and more young woman are (e) _______ ________

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opting to joining and defence forces. They (f) _______ ________
have trained alongside men, make good (g) _______ ________
officers and carved a place for themselves. (h) _______ ________

Q5(a). Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences :

i. beaches / shells / a / sandy / variety / provide / of

ii. shells / on / are / rocky coasts / found / also /
iii . as tiny / as / these/ the grains/ could be / of / sand
arnav could only find three ingredients tea leaves sugar and milk

Q6. Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs from brackets:
(a) You and I___________ completed the task on time. ( has/ have)
(b) Mathematics___________not a topic of my interest. ( is/are)
(c) When everything fails, prayers_________ . ( work/ works)
(d) Neither of the two shirts_________liked by her. ( were / was)
(e) Five times five____________ always twenty five. ( are / is)

Q7. Fill in the blanks with correct tense and verb forms given in the bracket:

(a) She said that he __________for a walk today in the evening. [ (go), (Future continuous)
(b) The boy admitted that he _______the glass. [ (break), Past Perfect]
(c) Stella_____ food for his family. [ (cook), Present continuous]
(d) He was______ while cheating in the exams. [ (catch), Simple Past]

Q8. Do as directed:

(a) Write the negative form for the given affirmative sentences:
i. Harsha scored 90% marks in his board examination.
(b) Write the ‘wh-questions’ for the given sentences:
ii. Mrs Sharma asked her daughter what she was doing?
(c) Correct the following sentence:
i. Madhav do not dance well.
(d) Fill in the blanks in the following sentence with suitable phrasal verbs given in the
i. Those flowers________(give in/ give off) fragrant smell.


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(Ch-More About Numbers , Whole Numbers , Integers )
Q1. The largest whole number is (a) 1 lakh (b) 1 crore (c)10 crores (d)none of these
Q2. In Roman numerals, 5000 is represented as (a) VM (b) L (c) V (d)MMMMM
Q3. The largest number of four-digits which is exactly divisible by 3 is:
(a) 9995 (b)9990 (c) 9991 (d) 9999
Q4. Insert appropriate symbol: (a) (-5) + 5 ___ 9 + (-9) (b) 30 – (-62)____ 62 + 30
Q5. How many 300g sugar packets would balance a 9kg 600g sugar bag?
Q6. Estimate (i) 5781 x 1613 (ii) 9250 x 29 (iii) 12,904 + 2,888
Q7. Write in Roman numerals : i) 99 ii) 999 iii) 659

Q8.The town newspaper is published every day. One copy has 12 pages . Everyday 11,980

Copies are printed . How many total pages printed every day?
Q9. To stitch a shirt, 2m 15cm cloth is needed. Out of 40m cloth, how many shirts can be

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Stitched and how much cloth will remain?
Q10. Find the difference of the place values of two 8’s in 98378234.
Q11. Find the value using suitable properties.
a) 4 x 1768 x 25 b) 297 x 17 + 297 x 3 c) 81256 x 169 – 81265 x 69
d) 3845 x 5 x 782 + 769 x 25 x 218
Q12.Find the value of 4 – 7 + (-5) – (-3) + 5.
Q13. Find the product of the largest 4-digit and 6-digit numbers using distributive property.
Q14. A place is 100m above sea level and another is 10m below sea level. What is the
difference of the level between two places?
Q15. Find the successor of -599 and predecessor of -250.

Give very brief answers:
1. Classify the following as natural fibres and synthetic fibres: Nylon, Wool, Cotton, Silk,
Polyester, Jute.
2. Complete the following table:


1 House lizard
2 Sparrow
3 Squirrel
4 Spider
5 Fish

3. Name any four food products prepared from milk.

4. What is the main function of Vitamin D in our body? Name two sources of Vitamin D.
5. Which carbohydrate is present in wheat, rice and potatoes?

Give short answers:

1. What is a loom? For what purpose is it used? What is the difference between handloom
and power loom?
2. How will you show that ground nuts contain fat or oil?
3. Identify the liquid in the dropper and what does this activity demonstrate?

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Give long answers:
1. How will you distinguish between cotton, wool, silk and synthetic fabrics? Suggest two
different methods in the table form.
2. Identify the disease and list its symptoms:

3. State two beneficial effects of cooking food. Name two cooking practices which lead to
the loss of nutrients in food materials.

1. The material P obtained from an animal’s skin is converted into Q by a process R. Q is
then made into a sweater by the technique S. What are P, Q, R and S?
2. A and B are the two natural fibres. Fibre A is very soft and smooth which is separated
from the seeds by the process C. Fibre A is used to make the wicks of oil lamps lit on
Diwali. Fibre B is very rough which is present on an outer covering on the ripened fruit D
which mainly occurs in coastal areas. Fibre B is also known by another name E. This
fibre is used for making ropes and mats.
a) Name the fibre A.
b) What is the process C known as?
c) Name the fibre B.
d) What is the name of the fruit D?
e) Write the name E.
3. The seeds X or Y are put in a vessel containing water and kept overnight. The seeds are
then removed from water, wrapped in a piece of wet cloth and kept aside for one day.
Water is sprinkled on the piece of cloth from time to time. On opening the wrap, it is
found that the seeds are converted into Z having tiny white structures.
a) What could be the seeds X and Y?
b) What is the general name of Z?
4. A person lives in a hilly area. The drinking water and food grown in this area are poor in
a mineral P. The deficiency of P in the body causes an abnormal enlargement of the gland

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Q leading to a disease R. The disease R, however, does not occur in the people living in
coastal areas.
a) What is the name of the mineral P?
b) Name the gland Q.
c) What is the disease R?
d) Why does the disease R not occur in coastal areas?
5. Make a list of three main food items consumed in the following regions of India.


Students will be required to complete the following activities &
questions as a part of their assignment on A4 size sheet with the help of
textbook & colored pens.

QUE 1 – Find out information about this important historical monument.

(Write about in 30-50 words)

QUE 2 - List the major differences between manuscripts & inscriptions.

QUE 3 – Paste the pictures of different shapes of “Globe” in World.

QUE 4 – Complete the following words by filling the empty blanks.(Consult your atlas)

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1. A country through which the Equator passes _ _ _A_ _ _.
2. When it is noon at London it is _._ _ PM in India.
3. The tropic of Cancer passes through this country _ _ _ _ A.

QUE 5- Make a colored poster on ‘Abolishing Untouchability” & write few lines on Dr.
B R Ambedkar.

QUE 6 -

 Read the PREAMBLE carefully & write all the Fundamental Rights given by
Our Indian Constitution.
 If you could add another feature to the Preamble which would it be?



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1. A special effect used to progress from one slide to the next.

2. Special visual and sound effects applied to text or content.
3. The basic unit of a presentation.
4. Printed version of the presentation.
5. Displays slide on the full screen of your computer’s monitor.
6. A symbol such as a heavy dot or other character that precedes text (list) in a
7. Displays three panes : Slide pane, Outline pane and Notes pane


8. Provides consistency in design and colour throughout the entire presentation.

9. Boxes that are displayed when you create a slide in a presentation.
10. Displays thumbnail versions of all the slides in a presentation.
11. A connection from a slide to another slide, a web page or a file.

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12. Any element that appears on a slide such as clipart, shape and chart.
13. First slide in a new presentation.
14. Use these when you want to include buttons with commonly understood symbols for
going to the next, previous, first and last slides.

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5 11


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