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Lattice Boltzmann

Lattice Boltzmann
Cornell ece5760
Lattice Boltzmann methods can be used to simulate fluid flow on a grid of cells. The goal
is to parallelize the LB calculation onto the FPGA, but there are a few steps to do first.
First figure out the algorithm and tune it in matlab. Then 'devectorize' into C. Then build
FPGA hardware and parallelize. Nowicki and Claesen give one approach to implementing
the FPGA hardware.

The fluid flow is abstracted into continuous-valued densities, flowing in eight discrete
directions from a given cell, with zero velocity flow as a ninth flow. Constrains are placed
on the densities to conserve momentum and mass. At any time step, eight densities from
neighboring cells stream into a cell where they 'collide', are mixed, then on the next time
step, stream to new cells. The images below were taken from O'Brien 2008 to show the
propagation and collision steps.

Streaming: The distribution for a cell is copied to the eight cells around it. (from O'Brien
2008 )

Collision: Velocity distribution modeled after He and Luo (1997).

Boundaries are handled by assuming 'no slip' conditions so that streams hitting a
boundary cell are bounced back in the direction they came from. The image below is
again from O'Brien 2008. Discrete streams that go into boudary cells are returned to the
originating cell in the oppposite directions. This slightly more detailed image is from
Nicolas Delbosc labeling the density vectors.

Matlab implementation

The first code is a mash-up of the three sources below. The overall framework is from
Haslam, but modified to use the simpler (no division) update function of Nowicki and
Claesen. The Palabos code was used to understand the scaling of various constants,
partcularly the relaxation constant, omega. A frame from the solution(mp4) is shown
below with a von Karman vortex street in the wake of the flat plate at x=100.

Laminar flow past the flat plate at lower omega (higher dynamic viscosity).

The second code implements a jet which pushes fliud to the right in a zero velocity
The region has walls top/bottom and is toroidally connected left/right.
There is also a particle (white disc) advected by the flow. (mp4)
Another version has 100 advected particles. (youtube)

A variant injects particles continuously into the jet and surpresses the color coding of
velocity. (mp4)(youtube)
One particle per time step is injected into the jet inlet, so the number maxes out at 40000
With bigger particles (mp4).

A moving velocity source is a model for an interactive simulation or game. A velocity

source is
moved along the x-direction with a source speed protional to the movment speed.
The code needs work for stability, but produces nice animation. I suspect that the
distribution functions
for fluid speed from the source need work.

A test code implements a square region with a driven edge. A main vortex forms with two
vortices in the upper corners. Comparision with plots in Perumala and Dassb suggests a
Reynolds number of about 1000-2000. (mp4). The velocity pulse at the very beginning of
the animation
is a weak sound wave resulting from initial conditions.

C implementation
Daniel V. Schroeder at Weber State University has written a good explaination of LB, as
well a very nice interactive javascript simulation. We ported the javascript to C then
optimized it for the HPS. The alogrithm is a memory hog, requiring about twelve arrays of
dimension equal to the total number of grid cells.

1. The first step is to convert to fixed point for speed. We chose s1x25 format (sign bit,
one bit to the left of the radix point, 25 fractional bits) because it ports well to the
FPGA DSP multiplier we are using.
2. The next optimization step was to eliminate two divides per grid cell per time step by
Taylor-expanding the reciprocal of the denominator and multiplying. Three terms of
the expansion were kept because the fluid density (denominator) was within a few
percent of unity. The approximation is shown below, with mFix being the fixed point
multiply. The divide is thus converted into four adds and a multiply.
Fix rho_inv = 1 - (rho - 1) + mFix(rho - 1),(rho - 1))
3. Drawing the fluid flow required calculating the speed of the flow from the x and y
velocity components. To avoid a square-root calculation we used the simplest
possible alpha-max beta-min algorithm to compute the magnitude, with alpha=1 and
speed = max(abs(ux[i]), abs(uy[i])) + (min(abs(ux[i]), abs(uy[i])) >>1)
This speed approximation is good to about 8%.
4. Speed was mapped to the green channel (6 bits) of the 640x480 VGA and those
colors were assigned equal speed intervals for plotting. Tracer particles are
advected through the flow field.

A single core version of a s1x25 fixed point LB solver running on the HPS is shown

Verilog sof file is in this project ZIP for Quartus 18.1

A fixed point s1x18 version was written to better fit into Cyclone5 M10k block memory.
The FPGA will be memory limited, so a 20-bit format allows a maximum number of grid
cells, of around 14,000 or so. The next step was to parallelize across the two ARM cores
using pthreads primitives for syncing the calculations. The heavy computational step is
the equlibrium distribution calculation which conveniently uses only information already in
each individual cell. This was easy to split into left/right halfs for the two cores. The
streaming step in which the fluid velocities are propagated separates into seven distinct
memory copies, also easy to split. With the best split I could find, the two processors were
running at 98% and 80%. The speed up was about 1.7. With both processors running the
HPS flooded the bus and sometimes intefered with VGA production.
C code for 2 core


Fluid Dynamics Simulation-- interactive LB solver

Background math for the solver
Daniel V. Schroeder at Weber State University

SoC Architecture for Real-Time Interactive Painting based on Lattice-Boltzmann

Domien Nowicki, Luc Claesen
2010 17th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems
Year: 2010 Pages: 235 - 238, DOI: 10.1109/ICECS.2010.5724497

Lattice Boltzmann Matlab Scripts

Iain Haslam, March 2006.

Lattice Boltzmann in various languages

from Palabos is an open-source CFD solver based on the lattice Boltzmann method.


A Thesis by PATRICK O’BRIEN 2008, Texas A&M University

Lattice boltzmann model for the incompressible navier-stokes equation
X. He and L.-S. Luo,
Journal of Statistical Physics, vol. 88, no. 3, pp. 927-944, Aug 1997.

Real-Time fluid Simulation

Nicolas Delbosc; School of Mechanical Engineering University of Leeds, England

Application of lattice Boltzmann method for incompressible viscous flows

D. Arumuga Perumala, Anoop K. Dassb.
Applied Mathematical Modelling Volume 37, Issue 6, 15 March 2013, Pages 4075–4092

Simulation of miscible binary mixtures based on lattice Boltzmann method

Hongbin Zhu , Xuehui Liu, Youquan Liu and Enhua Wu
: 403–410

Copyright Cornell University May 12, 2022


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