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J Syst Sci Syst Eng (Jun 2013) 22(2): 127-151 ISSN: 1004-3756 (Paper) 1861-9576 (Online)

DOI: 10.1007/s11518-013-5219-4 CN11-2983/N


James M. TIEN
College of Engineering, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida 33146, USA
jmtien@miami.edu ()

At present, it is projected that about 4 zettabytes (or 10**21 bytes) of digital data are being
generated per year by everything from underground physics experiments to retail transactions to
security cameras to global positioning systems. In the U. S., major research programs are being funded
to deal with big data in all five sectors (i.e., services, manufacturing, construction, agriculture and
mining) of the economy. Big Data is a term applied to data sets whose size is beyond the ability of
available tools to undertake their acquisition, access, analytics and/or application in a reasonable
amount of time. Whereas Tien (2003) forewarned about the data rich, information poor (DRIP)
problems that have been pervasive since the advent of large-scale data collections or warehouses, the
DRIP conundrum has been somewhat mitigated by the Big Data approach which has unleashed
information in a manner that can support informed – yet, not necessarily defensible or valid – decisions
or choices. Thus, by somewhat overcoming data quality issues with data quantity, data access
restrictions with on-demand cloud computing, causative analysis with correlative data analytics, and
model-driven with evidence-driven applications, appropriate actions can be undertaken with the
obtained information. New acquisition, access, analytics and application technologies are being
developed to further Big Data as it is being employed to help resolve the 14 grand challenges
(identified by the National Academy of Engineering in 2008), underpin the 10 breakthrough
technologies (compiled by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2013) and support the Third
Industrial Revolution of mass customization.
Keywords: Big data, data acquisition, data access, data analytics, data application, decision
informatics, products, processes, adaptive services, digital manufacturing, mass customization, third
industrial revolution

1. Introduction employed to make informed decisions in a range

While the focus of this paper is on Big Data, of areas, including business, science,
it should be emphasized that data – especially engineering, defense, education, healthcare and
big data – is worthless from a decision making society-at-large. Big Data is poised to add
perspective unless it is analyzed or processed to greater value to businesses (which can fathom
yield critical information which can then be their transactional data to detect patterns

 Systems Engineering Society of China & Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

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128 J Syst Sci Syst Eng

suggesting the effectiveness of their pricing, a set or file of data; for example, a photo file’s
marketing and supply chain strategies), to metadata would identify the photographer, the
understand planet earth (which is being camera settings, the date taken, etc. For the
extensively monitored on the ground, in the air purpose of this paper, our definition of data
and in the water), to solve science and would include measurements, raw values,
engineering problems (which have become more processed values, and metavalues. More
data- or empirically-driven), to support modern specifically, the focus of this paper is on digital
medicine (which is collecting and mining large data, which basic unit of measurement is a bit,
amounts of image scans and genetic data), to an abbreviation for a binary digit that can be
enhance the World Wide Web (which is stored in a device having two possible distinct
amassing terabytes of textual and visual material values or levels (say, 0 and 1). A byte is a basic
that is becoming widely available through search unit of information containing 8 bits, which can
engines like Google and Baidu), and to aid include 2 raised to the power of 8 or 256 values
intelligence agencies (which are collecting and (say, 0 to 255). Table 1 details the range of
mining satellite and thermal imagery, audio digital data sizes, from kilobytes, to megabytes,
intercepts and other readily available to gigabytes, to terabytes, to petabytes, to
information, including that found on the World exabytes, to zettabytes, and to yottabytes.
Wide Web). Clearly, all this assortment of data can add up
It is helpful to first define data, which, and grow very quickly in size; as indicated in
according to the current version of Wikipedia, Figure 1, the International Data Corporation
“are values of qualitative or quantitative estimates that, on a world-wide basis, the total
variables, belonging to a set of items”. Data are amount of digital data created and replicated
typically the results of measurements and are each year will grow exponentially from 1
considered to be raw before they are processed; zettabyte (or 10**21 bytes) in 2010 to 35
in fact, the processed data from one stage may zettabytes in 2020! Thus, in the current year of
be considered to be the raw data to the next 2013, it is projected that about 4 zettabytes of
stage. Metadata, sometimes referred to as “data digital data are being generated by everything
about data”, describes the content and context of from underground physics experiments to retail

Table 1 Digital data sizes

1000**1 KB Kilobytes
1000**2 MB Megabytes
1000**3 GB Gigabytes
1000**4 TB Terabytes
1000**5 PB Petabytes
1000**6 EB Exabytes
1000**7 ZB Zettabytes
1000**8 YB Yottabytes
Tien: Big Data: Unleashing Information
J Syst Sci Syst Eng 129

World Wide Digital Data Created and Replicated Each Year


Amount of Data in Zettabytes

2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
Source: International Data Corporation

Figure 1 Growth in digital data

transactions to security cameras to global size is beyond the ability of commonly used
positioning systems. software tools to capture, manage, and process
Mayer-Schonberger & Cukier (2013) credit the data within a tolerable elapsed time”.
computer scientist Oren Etzioni with having the Obviously, the definition of what constitutes Big
foresight to see the world as a series of big data Data is shifting as software tools become more
problems, before the concept of Big Data was powerful; today, depending on the nature and
introduced. In 1994, he helped build one of the mix of the data, a data set is considered big if it
Web’s first search engines, MetaCrawler, which contains a few terabytes to many petabytes of
was sold to InfoSpace; he then co-founded data. Whereas Tien (2003) forewarned about the
Netbot, the first major Web shopping site, which data rich, information poor (DRIP) problems
was sold to Excite; another startup for that have been pervasive since the advent of
abstracting meaning from text documents, large-scale data collections or warehouses, the
named ClearForest, was eventually bought by DRIP conundrum has been somewhat mitigated
Reuters; and Farecast, a predictive model for by the Big Data approach which has unleashed
airline and other fares, was sold to Microsoft’s information in a manner that can support
Bing in 2008 for $110 million. Indeed, informed – yet, not necessarily defensible or
Mayer-Schonberger & Cukier (2013) provide valid – decisions or choices. The focus,
not only an historical perspective on the birth emphasis and scope of Big Data – and its
and evolution of Big Data but also a persuasive growing impact – are discussed herein. Section 2
argument about the importance of Big Data, considers Big Data from the decision making
which can offer us insights about “what” is in and data processing perspectives; Section 3
the data, not necessarily about the “whys” details the Big Data components of acquisition,
behind the insights; in short, they consider Big access, analytics and application; and Section 4
Data to be a revolution that will transform how concludes with several critical observations in
we live, work and think. regard to Big Data, both its benefits and
Big Data, according to the current version of concerns. Finally, it should be noted that
Wikipedia, “is a term applied to data sets whose inasmuch as Big Data impacts the critical and
Tien: Big Data: Unleashing Information
130 J Syst Sci Syst Eng

related areas of decisions, risk, informatics, knowledge. This sequence of derivations is

services, goods, and customization or illustrated in Figure 2. Although the literature
personalization, the contents herein reference does not distinguish between data and
earlier papers by Tien (2003, 2008, 2011, 2012), information, we attempt to do so in this paper, to
Tien & McClure (1986), Tien & Berg (1995, the extent practical. In fact, if we were to strictly
2003) and Tien et al. (2004) on the same adhere to such a distinction, we would conclude
overlapping areas of concern. that given the current state of information
technology, it should be referred to as more data
2. Considerations – than information – “technology”; however,
At the beginning of the 21st Century, the this would lead to an unnecessary level of
growing volumes of data presented a seemingly confusion, especially in regard to Big Data
insoluble problem; storage and CPU (central which is generally considered to be information
processing unit) technologies were overwhelmed (i.e., from which informed decisions can be
by the terabytes of data being generated. made).
Fortunately, Moore’s law came to the rescue and There are actually two approaches to the
helped to make storage and CPUs larger, faster, analysis of data: the scientific and the
smarter and cheaper. Today, Big Data is no engineering approach. The scientific focus is on
longer a technical problem: it is has become a investigating natural phenomena, acquiring new
competitive advantage. As indicated earlier, knowledge, correcting and integrating previous
enterprises are developing and employing Big knowledge, or understanding the laws of nature;
Data tools for exploring their data trough, to it includes observations, measurements, and
discover new insights that could help them to experiments, and the formulation, testing, and
develop better relationships with their customers, modification of hypotheses. On the other hand,
to identify new areas of business opportunities, the engineering approach – which Tien (2003)
and to better manage their supply chains, all in calls decision informatics – is very purposeful;
an increasingly competitive business that is, as per Figure 3, the nature of the required
environment. In short, Big Data can serve to real-time decision (regarding the production
improve services, products and processes, and/or delivery of, say, a service or a
through its impact on decision making and data manufactured good) determines, where
processing. appropriate and from a systems engineering
perspective, the data to be collected (possibly,
2.1 About Decision Making from multiple, non-homogeneous sources) and
As alluded to earlier, the purpose of Big Data the real-time fusion/analysis to be undertaken to
is about decision making. More specifically, the obtain the needed information for input to the
overarching reason for undertaking data analysis modeling effort which, in turn, provides the
is to obtain or derive information from data, knowledge to support the required decision in a
knowledge from information, and wisdom from timely manner.
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J Syst Sci Syst Eng 131

Figure 2 Decision making framework

Figure 3 Decision informatics: an engineering approach

The feedback loops in Figure 3 are within modeling methods include discrete simulation,
the context of systems engineering; they serve to finite element analysis, stochastic techniques,
refine the analysis and modeling steps. Thus, neural networks, genetic algorithms,
decision informatics is supported by two sets of optimization, etc. Further, real-time decision
technologies (i.e., information and decision modeling is not just concerned with speeding up
technologies) and underpinned by three the models and solution algorithms; it, like
disciplines: data fusion/analysis, decision real-time data fusion and analysis, also requires
modeling and systems engineering. Data fusion additional research, especially since most steady
and analysis include the fusing and mining of state models become irrelevant in a real-time
data, information and knowledge, by employing Big Data environment. Systems engineering is
such methods as probability, statistics, quality, about integrating products, processes and
reliability, fuzzy logic, multivariable testing, operations from a holistic perspective, especially
pattern analysis, etc. On the other hand, human-centered systems that are computationally
real-time data fusion and analysis is more -intensive and intelligence-oriented. A critical
complex and require additional research, aspect of systems engineering is system
especially in the era of Big Data. Decision performance; it provides an essential framework
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for assessing the decisions made – in terms of Black-Scholes formula for option pricing, etc. –
such issues as satisfaction, convenience, privacy, from which extraction, estimation and fusion
security, equity, quality, productivity, safety, approaches can be further developed.
reliability, etc. Similarly, undertaking systems Before addressing the Big Data components
engineering within a real-time environment will in Section 3, it is helpful to compare the Big
require additional thought and research. Data approach with the traditional data
processing approach; as summarized in Table 3,
2.2 About Data Processing there are major differences between the two
Digital data are being generated by many approaches. In particular, in contrast to the
different sources (media, entertainment, traditional, mostly statistical, approach, Big Data
healthcare, life sciences, surveillance, seeks to unleash information in a manner that
transportation, logistics, telecommunication, can support informed decisions – by somewhat
education, etc.) and for different purposes overcoming data quality issues with data
(tracking, communication, location, investment, quantity, data access restrictions with
learning, etc.). Almost three decades ago, Tien & on-demand cloud computing, causative analysis
McClure (1986) identified several data issues
with correlative data analytics, and model-driven
from an operational, tactical, strategic and policy
with evidence-driven applications. This
perspective. It is instructive to see how Big Data
somewhat expedient – but not necessarily valid
is addressing these issues; as summarized in
– approach can result in a corresponding set of
Table 2 and while the lack of data quality
potential pathologies or concerns, which are
remains a problem, most of the other issues are
further discussed in Section 4. On the other hand,
being mitigated – through the breakthroughs in
the feasibility – or “good enough” – focus of Big
storage and CPU technologies. In regard to data
Data is usually more realistic than the optimality
quality (i.e., accuracy, completeness, consistency,
focus of traditional, operations research methods;
currency, ambiguity, etc.), it is obvious that
in fact, the steady-state assumption that
imperfect data can negatively impact the
underpins optimality is, for the most part,
decision making process, leading to inferences,
unrealistic, especially in real-time environments
interpolations or conclusions that are not
where values are changing and agent-negotiated
trustworthy and, of course, unacceptable in
critical, life-and-death situations (e.g., defense, solutions are indeed messy and at best only
air travel, automobiles, healthcare, etc.). feasible. Nevertheless, no matter what the
Depending on the application and the quality of purpose is for the processing or analysis of the
the data, a number of smart, data-driven data, it is critical that the data contain the
analytical methods are being employed to insights or answers being sought; otherwise, we
develop and/or combine the data over both space have a case of garbage-in, garbage-out. As a
and time, including such methods as Bayes consequence, the aforementioned metadata can
inference of subjective probabilities, Dempster- play an important role in ascertaining the scope,
Shafer theory of plausible belief functions, validity and viability of the data.
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3. Components in Figure 4.
In general, and as identified in Figure 4,
there are four steps or components to Big Data 3.1 Acquisition
processing: 1) acquisition (including data Advances in digital sensors, communications,
capture); 2) access (including data indexing, computation and storage have yielded zettabytes
storage, sharing and archiving); 3) analytics of data. Table 4 contains a range of possible
(including data analysis and manipulation); and digital data sources, including customer order
4) application (including data publication). transactions, emails and their attachments, radio
Although the four steps can be considered to be frequency identification (RFID) sensors, smart
somewhat sequential in any Big Data application, phones, films, video recordings, audio
there is in essence 4-combinatorial-2 or six recordings, and genetic sequences. In terms of
possible interactions or feedback loops among data acquisition methods, Table 5 includes four
and between the four components, as illustrated example groups of methods, including those

Table 2 Data issues: big data considerations


Operational Lack of data quality (accuracy, Still Mitigated by larger data
completeness, consistency, currency, Problematic acquisition, including proxy
ambiguity, etc.) metrics
Tactical Lack of data processing (timely access, Mostly Increasingly more powerful
storage capacity, data-user interface, Overcome data access technologies
scalability, etc.)
Strategic Lack of decision-support tools Much Increasingly more sophisticated
(modeling, formulation, monitoring, etc.) Improved data analytics
Policy Lack of policy-support tools (modeling, Much Increasingly more integrated
formulation, monitoring, etc.) Improved data application

Table 3 Data processing approaches: traditional versus Big Data


Focus Problem-Oriented Data-Oriented

Acquisition Emphasis Data Quality Data Quantity
Scope Representative Sample Complete Sample
Focus On-Supply, Local-Computing On-Demand, Cloud-Computing
Access Emphasis Over-Time Accessibility Real-Time Accessibility
Scope Personal-Security Cyber-Security
Focus Analytical Elegance Empirical Messiness
Analytics Emphasis Causative Relationship Correlative Relationship
Scope Data-Rich, Information-Poor (DRIP) Data-Rich, Information-Unleashed (DRIU)
Focus Steady-State Optimality Real-Time Feasibility
Application Emphasis Model-Driven Evidence-Driven
Scope Objective Findings Subjective Findings
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Figure 4 Big Data components

Table 4 Sources of digital data


Transactions Customer Orders Walmart
Emails 10-25 MB Attachment Allowed Google’s Gmail
Sensors Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) FedEx
Smart Phones 3G, 4G, GPS, Etc. Apple’s iPhone
Films 1-2 GB Walt Disney Pictures
Video Recordings Aspect Ratios: 4:3, 16:9 Microsoft’s Bing
Audio Recordings 200 Hours = 640MB LibriVox
Genetic Sequences 3.2B DNA Base Pairs in A Human Life Technologies

Table 5 Big Data scope: data acquisition


Keystroke Logger; Clickstream; Monitoring Software; Website Trackers;
Smart Sensors; Health Monitors; Smart Phone Apps; RFID;
Drone Sensors; Samples Ornithopters; Memoto; Compressed Samples
Visual Detection; Video Cameras; Thermal Imager; Bug’s Eye;
Light-Field Photography; Lytro;
Beyond Video and Audio Telepresence Internet Transmission of Touch, Smell & Taste Senses
Magnetic Response Imaging; U.S.’s Human Connectome Project ($40M);
Functional MRI (fMRI); E.U.’s Human Brain Project (Euro 1B);
Diffusion MRI (dMRI) U.S.’s BRAIN Initiative ($100M)
Real-Time Location Data; Smart Phone-Based, Global Positioning System (GPS);
Real-Time Image Display; Motion & Image Sensors; OLED TV;
Real-Time Response Ocean Observatories; Smart Grids; Smart Cities

dealing with data capture, multisensory data, loggers and clickstreams (both of which can
brain imaging, and real-time sensing. provide real-time insights into consumer
In regard to data capture, the methods behavior); smart and RFID sensors (which are
include such stealth approaches as keystroke becoming ubiquitous in devices, products,
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buildings, and even cities); health monitors (for systems which are becoming ever more
both humans and animals in the monitoring of pervasive (through smart phones) and precise
their body temperature, blood pressure, etc.); (through powerful satellites), to image display
drone sensors (including wing flapping which will become increasingly dominated by
ornithopters and stamp-sized Memoto cameras); organic light-emitting diode (OLED) displays
and samples (from metamaterial that directly that allow for faster-moving images and are
compresses a scene’s image, thus obviating the bigger, brighter and thinner than the current
need for post processing). liquid crystal displays (LCDs), to ocean
In regard to multisensory data, one can observatories which are gathering temperature,
obtain terabytes of data from video surveillance pressure and salinity data at depths of 2,000
cameras (Chongqing, China, for example, has meters, to smart grids which can capture the
over half a million cameras in public spaces), behaviors of suppliers and consumers in order to
thermal imaging (which was responsible for improve the efficiency, reliability, economics,
recently capturing the heat signature of and sustainability of the electrical production
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, one of the April 15, 2013, and distribution system, and to smart cities like
Boston Marathon bombers), a bug’s eye view Santander, Spain, which have thousands of
(which has a dome of 180 microlenses that can electronic sensors that can monitor traffic,
capture a 160-degree field of vision), light-field parking, electrical consumption, water
photography or Lytro (which is a multi-lensed consumption, waste management, etc., all to
camera that can capture all incoming light, increase the efficiency and reduce the stress of
including color, intensity, angle, etc., in a 3D urban life.
pattern which can be endlessly refocused using Four remarks should be made in connection
sophisticated software), and the eventual with the astounding growth in Big Data
development of Internet-transmittable senses of acquisition. First, in order to become truly smart
touch (haptic), smell (olfactory) and taste. in, say, a smart city sense, all the sensors must
In regard to brain imaging, U.S. and E.U. be connected or electronically fused on to a
have recently provided several large government common platform that can streamline both the
grants, including the U.S.’s Human Connectome data gathering and the resultant analyses.
Project at $40M, the E.U.’s Human Brain Second, inasmuch as all sensors must
Project at 1B Euros, and the U.S.’s BRAIN communicate – and they do, mostly in a wireless
(Brain Research through Advancing Innovative manner – the question remains: what is the
Neurotechnologies) Initiative at $100M for the potential health effect from long-term exposure
first year; such efforts may in time make to radio frequency (RF) energy emitted by these
artificial intelligence – whereby an electronic sensors? There is, at this time, no long-term
machine is endowed with feelings and health study that can provide a definitive answer.
consciousness – a reality. Third, the speed of data acquisition is
In regard to real-time sensing, the relevant accelerating; for example, when the human
technologies range from global positioning genome was first being decoded in 2003, it
Tien: Big Data: Unleashing Information
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required almost a decade to sequence one Oracle – provides the networks, servers, storage
person’s 3.2 billion base pairs – today, a single and related services. Thus, as an example,
facility can sequence an individual’s complete Netflix employs Amazon to stream its
genome in a day! Fourth, both the acquisition on-demand videos and movies to their over 35
and subsequent use of personal data raise a million subscribers in North and South America,
number of privacy issues, from misuse to abuse; the Caribbean, and several countries in Europe;
yet, these same data can save lives or at least indeed, on a typical weeknight, Netfix movies
help to make lives better, if not safer – clearly, account for about one-third of all downstream
there are trade-offs to be considered. internet traffic in North America.
In regard to data management (including
3.2 Access indexing, warehousing, searching and
Table 6 summarizes Big Data’s access navigating), images are especially hard to index;
performance in terms of data service, data a chicken-and-egg problem develops when there
management, platform management and cloud are insufficient images to train an algorithmic
computing. In regard to data service, platform as classifier – as a result, a learning approach must
a service (PaaS) consists of a computing be employed to effect such training. Adobe
platform and a solution stack as a service; along provides an integrated data warehousing
with software as a service (SaaS) and approach with its digital management schema.
infrastructure as a service (IaaS), it is a service Microsoft Office 365, as a cloud server, allows
that is now typically associated with cloud access to the Office suite from anywhere,
computing. In this service schema, the consumer anytime. As Furtado (2009) details, there are a
creates the software using tools and/or libraries number of reasons for selecting a parallel or a
from the provider and is also able to control distributed warehouse, depending on data size,
software deployment and configuration settings. query processing speed and organizational
The provider – including such powerhouses as structure. An increasing number of the data
Google, VMware, Amazon, Microsoft, HP and warehouses are being located in the cloud

Table 6 Big Data scope: data access


Platform As A Service (PaaS); Google, VMware; Amazon;
Software As A Service (SaaS); Microsoft; Google; Globus Online;
Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS) Amazon; HP; Oracle
Data & Image Indexing; Microsoft’s Bing; Adobe;
Enterprise Data Warehouses; SAS, Microsoft Office 365; VMware Inc;
Database Search & Navigation Visualization; SAP; Splunk
Accessibility; Google Fiber (Kansas City, Austin);
Scalability; Quantum Computing; Petascale to Exascale Computer; D-Wave;
Security State-Backed Hackers
Private Clouds; Cloudcor; NEC;
Public Clouds; Google; OpenStack;
Hybrid Clouds Amazon; Rackspace
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(Schadt et al. 2010), where there is the potential quantum information processing (Stern &
of accessing an unlimited amount of processing Lindner 2013); it must have a scalable
and storage power that can be reconfigured on architecture and error correction that can be
an on-demand basis and which cost can be performed in parallel with computation –
charged on a pay-as-you-use basis, much like D-Wave’s quantum computer is especially adept
the use of electricity. Splunk, for example, is a at solving discrete optimization problems. On
10-year old software company focused on the other hand, SAP is developing faster
capturing, indexing and correlating real-time database software to deal with the growing
data in a searchable repository from which it can storage and processing needs. Big Data security
generate graphs, reports, alerts, dashboards and is obviously a matter of grave concern; Shostack
visualizations. (2012, p.8) appropriately states that
In regard to platform management (including “information security is the assurance and reality
accessibility, scalability and security), it is that information systems can operate as intended
obvious that bandwidth is a critical issue; in a hostile environment”. Thus, research is
Google has just selected Austin, Texas, as its ongoing to build smarter storage systems that
second city (after Kansas City) to be wired to can adaptively reconfigure as they learn from
receive both downloads and uploads at a how they are being used and make run-time
gigabyte per second, fast enough to transmit a changes to better meet goals for dependability,
high-definition, feature-length film in a second availability, performance, privacy, and security.
or two – AT&T declared that it too is planning to A related issue is about benchmarking Big Data
bring the same broadband service to Austin. The systems; Baru et al. (2013) are beginning to lay
benefit-cost impact of such an investment is yet the groundwork.
to be determined. Even the successful social In regard to cloud computing in private,
networks – including Facebook, MySpace, public or hybrid clouds, it should be noted that
Twitter, Ning, LinkeIn and Zanga – are still large or big data sets are becoming more the
developing an effective and viable business norm as scientists try to gain insights into global
model based on attracting advertising dollars warming, meteorology, neurology, genomics and
through targeted ads; nevertheless, as their nanotechnology, and as engineers and other
subscribers and Big Data problems multiply, decision makers seek answers to the
they are increasingly migrating to the cloud. The development of new drugs, novel materials,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Titan is more efficient supply chains and more effective
today’s fastest computer at 18 petaflops (10**15 sensors. As noted earlier, the big data files are
floating point operations per second); however, increasingly being archived in the cloud. For
scientists and engineers are clamoring for an example, the 1996 established Internet Archive,
exaflop machine that could better model climate a 501(c)(3) non-profit, resides in the cloud; it is
changes, cryptography, quantum mechanics, building a digital library of Internet sites and
nanodevices and advanced biofuel engines. The other cultural artifacts in digital form, and it is
exascale machine will probably employ providing free access to researchers, historians,
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scholars, and the general public. Cloud computer-based information system, while in the
computing – provided by such companies as past statistics and mathematics could be studied
Cloudcor, NEC, Google, OpenStack, Amazon without computers and software. Of course,
and Rackspace – is growing in size as technical mathematics underpins the methods and
and security issues are being resolved and algorithms employed in analytics and the
enterprises become dependent on the cloud for science of analytics is concerned with extracting
their growth, system efficiencies and new useful insights or properties of the data using
products and processes; it is projected that by computable functions. It should be explicitly
2015, more than 2.5 billion users and 15 billion noted that although the underlying mathematics
devices will be accessing cloud services. may still be valid for Big Data, the software
Three remarks should be made in connection application may come undone if the dataset is
with the astounding growth in Big Data access. too large (Jacobs 2009). Indeed, there are other
First, big media firms are worried that scalability issues in connection with Big Data
broadband access may cause greater video (Allen et al. 2012).
piracy, as was the case in South Korea where the It should be noted that Big Data analytics in
home entertainment industry was decimated by the business environment has been referred to by
digital piracy, supposedly enabled by the widely other names, including Business Intelligence
available high-speed Internet – obviously, piracy (Luhn 1958), Decision Informatics (Tien 2003)
must be prevented, most likely by a and Business Analytics (Davenport & Harris
technological solution that is yet to be developed. 2007). In addition to a decision-driven focus that
Second, there remains a policy question permeates business and engineering, Big Data
regarding cyber-security and whether the U. S. analytics has also been employed to gain
government is responsible for protecting scientific insights concerning, say, the laws of
commerce (especially financial businesses) from nature, genomics and human behavior. Actually,
cyber-attacks, just as the U. S. military is the first time that computers or analytics were
responsible for defending the air and sea lanes employed to prove a scientific theorem was
from an invasion. Third, as with Big Data when Appel & Haken (1977) proved the four
acquisition, Big Data access is also subject to color theorem using a special-purpose computer
the same privacy and confidentiality concerns. program to empirically confirm that no more
than four colors are required to color the regions
3.3 Analytics of a map so that no two adjacent regions have
When analyzing Big Data, we must the same color. Initially, their proof was not
necessarily employ the computer, resulting in accepted by the theoretical mathematicians
the term data analytics, which, according to the because the computer-assisted proof was not
current version of Wikipedia, “is the application able to be checked by hand (Swart 1980). Since
of computer technology, operational research, then the proof has gained wider acceptance,
and statistics to solve problems in business and although some doubt still remains (Wilson
industry”. Analytics is carried out within a 2002).
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J Syst Sci Syst Eng 139

With the advent of Big Data analytics, a search-based applications, data-mining grids,
number of niche analytics have been developed, distributed file systems, distributed databases,
including in retail sales, financial services, risk cloud computing platforms, the Internet, and
and credit, marketing, buying behavior, loan scalable storage systems.
collections, fraud, pricing, telecommunications, Table 7 identifies some categories of Big Data
supply chain, demand chain, transportation, and analytics, including correlational analysis,
visualization. Early efforts at risk management pattern recognition, evidence-driven, and
were focused on risk avoidance; however, lost analytics accreditation. In regard to correlational
opportunities should also be factored into such analysis, a number of companies offer their
efforts. To process Big Data within tolerable statistical, operations research and management
elapsed times, Manyika et al. (2011) suggest science services in this domain, ranging from
several appropriate technologies, including statistical algorithms that fill in for incomplete,
association rule learning, classification, cluster inconsistent or inaccurate data sets; to data
analysis, crowdsourcing, data fusion and fusion for differentiated direct marketing
integration, ensemble learning, genetic strategies (van Hattum & Hoijtink 2008); and to
algorithms, machine learning, natural language simulation which Coca-Cola employs to
processing, neural networks, pattern recognition, combine a myriad of flavors and consumer
predictive modeling, regression, sentiment preferences to arrive at a Black Book of new
analysis, signal processing, supervised and offerings. Lavalle et al. (2011) provide other
unsupervised learning, simulation, time series examples of how to transition from possible
analysis and visualization. Additional correlations to plausible ones to probable ones to
technologies being applied to Big Data include credible insights using Big Data analytics.
massively parallel-processing databases,

Table 7 Big Data scope: data analytics


Statistics; Visualization; Data Fusion; Data Cave; SAS; IBM; GE;

Operations Research; Simulation; VMware; Terradata; Amazon; Coca-Cola;
Management Science; Algorithms Splunk; Twitter; Zynga; Risk Management
Tracking; Disease Spread ShopperTrak; Facebook’s Timeline Google;
Topology; Simulation; Modeling Ayasdi’s Software; Ansys’ Simulator;
Real-Time Search Sparse Fourier Transform; IBM’s Watson
Marketing (Behavior, Attitude); Facebook’s Graph Search; E-Marketing;
Evidence-Driven Predicting (Savvy, Statistics); Crowdsourcing; Pricing; Obama Elections;
Technical Assistant; Answering Questions Apple’s Siri; Google’s MapReduce; Hadoop
PStat (Accredited Professional Statistician); By ASA (American Statistical Association);
CAP (Certified Analytics Professional); By INFORMS (Institute for OR & MS);
Niche Analytics Practiced by IBM, SAS, Etc.
Tien: Big Data: Unleashing Information
140 J Syst Sci Syst Eng

In regard to pattern recognition, ShopperTrak techniques to create a virtual feedback loop

is not only about traffic counting but also tracks between Facebook users and advertisers; by
security breaches and inventory shrinkages; dissecting behavioral data, e-marketers are
Facebook’s Timeline is collecting and analyzing arming websites with effective micro-marketing
consumer data on an unprecedented scale, abilities; Silver (2012), a renowned statistician,
presumably to better target advertisements; by examines past predictions and suggests that most
employing a range of predictive models which predictions fail because we have a poor
correlated 45 search terms with actual flu cases understanding of probability and uncertainty and
documented by the Centers for Disease Control we lack the humility to learn from our failures;
(CDC) in 2007 and 2008, Google was able to Netflix crowdsourced a web event that awarded
predict and locate the 2009 H1N1flu spread on a one million U.S. dollars for an algorithm that
near real-time basis; employing the mathematics could best Netflix’s own algorithm for
of topology, Ayasdi seeks to draw novel patterns predicting film ratings by at least 10% – the
and relationships among data points; Ansys, like winner was able to best it by10.06%; Black &
SolidWorks, provides software that can simulate Scholes (1973) established a cornerstone of
products and processes in order to build better modern finance by developing a future option
prototypes; in geophysics, sophisticated models pricing formula (which, surprisingly and
of large data sets are simulating seismic because of a hedging assumption, does not
activities in order to better understand depend on the expected return of the underlying
earthquakes (Barbot et al. 2012, Segall 2012); in share) that won them a Nobel Prize in 1997;
transportation, multiagent-based simulations are although largely unseen, Siegel (2013) is
being employed to better understand driver convinced that Big Data analytics is driving
behavior (Hattori et al. 2011); sparse Fourier millions of decisions, determining who to call,
transforms (SFTs) are allowing for more mail, investigate, incarcerate, set up on a date, or
real-time analysis and decision support; and in medicate; SAS advertises its analytics prowess
2011 IBM’s Watson computer was able to beat in visualization, marketing and business;
two former Jeopardy! champions by first microtargeting played a critical role in both of
understanding the questions being asked (in President Barack Obama’s presidential
natural language) and then sifting through campaigns (Samuelson 2013); Apple’s
terabytes of data to find the best answers. As a intelligent personal assistant, Siri, is able to
footnote, Watson is now being used to suggest listen and communicate in several languages,
cancer treatments. while undertaking semantic-based management,
In regard to evidence-driven analytics, search, and retrieval of available data; and
Ahlquist & Saagar (2013) are integrating open-source Hadoop (Zikopoulos et al. 2012) –
behavior and attitude data to gain insights into which is at the core of the Watson computer –
customers for, say, marketing segmentation and and Google’s MapReduce attempt to find
messaging purposes; Facebook is employing answers to queries by quickly and cheaply
graph search and the earlier cited Timeline sifting through massive data sets that are
Tien: Big Data: Unleashing Information
J Syst Sci Syst Eng 141

residing in different data centers. Parenthetically, technology, may the best practices be
Hadoop was the name of the toy elephant documented and promulgated.
belonging to the son of Douglas Cutting, an Four remarks should be made in connection with
advocate and creator of the open-source search the astounding growth in Big Data analytics.
technology. First, there is a concern that modeling or design
In regard to analytics accreditation, the support software like Ansys and SolidWorks
American Statistical Association (ASA) may undermine the need for young engineers to
developed in 2010 a PStat (Accredited engage in hands-on activities; on the other hand,
Professional Statistician) designation; it is a such support may provide more time for the
voluntary portfolio-based rather than aspiring engineers to become more involved in
examination-based designation, covering the understanding the physical complexities of their
candidate’s education, experience, and software-supported designs. Second, a similar
demonstrated statistical competence as well as concern is that powerful machines like Watson
their agreement to abide by ethical standards of might displace human workers; again, machines
practice. The Institute of Operations Research which can satisfy the Turing (1950) test of
and Management Science (INFORMS) artificial intelligence are yet to be built by
developed in 2013 a CAP (Certified Analytics humans – meanwhile, existing machines are, for
Professional) designation that is also based on a the most part, only doing the drudgery work that
portfolio of experience and skills (i.e., humans dislike, including searching, mining and
attainment of at least a BS or BA degree, 3-7 matching. In fact, Watson’s new offering, known
years of professional analytics work experience as IBM Watson Engagement Advisor, will give
depending on the degree field and level, and customer service transactions a layer of
confirmation of acceptable “soft skills” by the cognitive computing help, leveraging Watson’s
candidate’s current or previous employers), unique skills to semantically answer questions.
followed by a 100-question, task-and-knowledge Third, the question may well be asked about the
examination. Furthermore, in order to maintain usefulness or impact of Big Data analytics;
the CAP designation, a minimum of 30 Tables 8 and 9 respectively assess the potential
professional development units (PDUs) are impact in regard to the 14 grand challenges
required in a 3-year renewal period; the PDUs (promulgated by the National Academy of
may be achieved through formal professional Engineering) and the 10 breakthrough
education courses, self-directed learning, new technologies (reported by Technology Review, a
analytics knowledge development, volunteer publication by the Massachusetts Institute of
service, and/or relevant work experience, with Technology) –resulting in an impact valuation,
every hour of activity being equal to one PDU. ranging from medium to high. Fourth, as with
Additionally, other niche analytics are being Big Data acquisition and access, Big Data
practiced by IBM, SAS, etc. without the benefit analytics is also subject to the same privacy and
of certified experts; hopefully, as with any new confidentiality concerns.
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Table 8 Big Data impact: 14 NAE grand challenges


1. Advance Health Informatics Detect, Track and Mitigate Hazards High (3)
Healthcare &
2. Engineer Better Medicines Develop Personalized Treatment Medium (2)
3. Reverse-Engineer The Brain Allow Machines to Learn & Think High (3)
4. Secure Cyberspace Enhance Privacy & Security High (3)
5. Enhance Virtual Reality Test Design & Ergonomics Schemes High (3)
Informatics &
6. Advance Personal Learning Allow Anytime, Anywhere Learning High (3)
7. Engineer Discovery Tools Experiment, Create, Design and Build Medium (2)
8. Prevent Nuclear Terror Identify& Secure Nuclear Material Low (1)
9. Make Solar Energy Economical Improve Solar Cell Efficiency Low (1)
10. Provide Energy From Fusion Improve Fusion Control & Safety Low (1)
Sustainable 11. Develop Sequestration Methods Improve Carbon Dioxide Storage Low (1)
Systems 12. Manage The Nitrogen Cycle Create Nitrogen, Not Nitrogen Oxide Low (1)
13. Provide Access To Clean Water Improve Decontamination/Desalination Low (1)
14. Improve Urban Infrastructure Restore Road, Sewer, Energy, Etc. Grids Medium (2)
Average Impact Medium (1.9)

Table 9 Big Data impact: 10 Technology Review breakthrough technologies

1. Deep Learning Mimic The Brain Through Digital Patterns High (3)
Healthcare &
2. Prenatal DNA Sequencing Determine Genetic Destiny of Unborn Medium (2)
3. Memory Implants Form Memories Despite Brain Damage Low (1)
4. Baxter: The Blue Collar Robot Reprogram Robotic Functions As Needed High (3)
Informatics & 5. Big Data From Cheap Phones Detect Disease Spread By Mobility Data High (3)
Risk 6. Temporary Social Media Maintain Privacy By Self-Destruct Tweets Medium (2)
7. Smart Watches Allow Easy-to-Use Interface to Phone Data High (3)
8. Ultra-Efficient Solar Power Improve Solar Cell Efficiency Medium (2)
9. Supergrids Integrate Wind & Solar By DC Grid Medium (2)
10. Additive Manufacturing Make Complex Parts By 3D Printing High (3)
Medium (2.4)

3.4 Application innovations, IBM is credited with coining and

To begin, it is, of course, difficult to separate trademarking the term “Smarter Planet”, which
Big Data analytics from Big Data applications; is their overarching goal for collaborating with
however, for the purpose of this paper, Section 3 companies, cities and communities in
is focused on the prominent types of analytics, establishing social businesses (by developing a
while the current section considers the broader social network within the enterprise and
application areas that may be based on one or empowering customers and partners to
more of the individual analytics – nevertheless, crowdsource the enterprise); a range of
there may be areas of overlap. driver-assist technologies (e.g., reverse-park,
Table 10 identifies some topics of Big Data crash-avoidance, skid-avoidance, etc.), including
application, including smart innovations, those being developed by Google, will
data-driven insights, data-driven decisions and essentially constitute an autopilot for cars, which
mass customization. In regard to smart will in turn lower congestion, pollution, injuries,
Tien: Big Data: Unleashing Information
J Syst Sci Syst Eng 143

deaths and, ultimately, insurance costs; Intel’s well-reasoned priors; machine learning, a branch
algorithmically-designed 3D transistors are of artificial intelligence, will benefit from
faster, more energy-efficient and more powerful quantum computing which allows for the
than the traditional 2D devices (and, moreover, simultaneous analyses of data; autonomous
will extend the life of Moore’s Law which systems – like driverless cars and drones – are,
predicts that the number of transistors per chip of course, data-driven in its performance; and a
will double every two years); Rethink Robotics’ number of consulting companies – like
Baxter is not only an innovative industrial robot, McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group and Bain –
it is also a platform that can be employed to are always ready to provide services that help
develop other robotic applications; Google Glass organizations to deal with new government
will not only record audio and video but also regulations, including the Dodd-Frank financial
provide total recall and support augmented reform and the Obama Care health reform.
reality and cognition (i.e., a brain prosthesis); In regard to data-driven decisions, McAfee
and telemedicine can improve access to medical & Brynjolfsson (2012) caution that a change in
services and save lives in critical care and the enterprise’s decision making culture must
emergency situations, especially when it is occur before the benefits of Big Data can
augmented by an Internet that can transmit the revolutionize company management and
sense of touch. performance; as more local, state and federal
In regard to data-driven insights, PECOTA agencies make their data public or digitally
(Player Empirical Comparison and Optimization available, more new Big Data related businesses
Test Algorithm) is a system developed by Silver will flourish (e.g., car-navigation, precision
(2003) for forecasting Major League Baseball farming, property valuation, matching suppliers
player performance that exemplifies the and consumers, etc.); human resource data can
importance of understanding probability, be mined for insights on promotion and
uncertainty and Bayesian reasoning with retention; the healthcare industry can be helped

Table 10 Big Data scope: data application


Smart Buildings & Power Grids; Smarter Planet Global Positioning System; Driverless Cars; IBM
Smart Devices & Cell Phones; Mobile Internet; Apple’s iPhone 5; Intel’s 3D Transistors;
Robots; Reality Augmentation; Telemedicine Rethink Robotics’ Baxter; Google Glass
Probability; Uncertainty; Bayes; PECOTA, Baseball Prospectus;
Machine Learning; Autonomous Systems Algorithmic Trading; Drones
Consulting on Dodd-Frank Reform, Obama Care McKinsey; Boston Consulting Group; Bain
Economic Development in All 5 Sectors; Resource Management; Open Public Data
Improved Health Throughout The Globe; Anticipating Disease; Consumer Choice;
Enhanced Quality of Life Reverse Engineering The Brain
Big Data Analytics; 3D Imaging & Multimedia Information;
Adaptive Services; Nanopore DNA Sequencing; Social Business;
Digital Manufacturing Additive Manufacturing; 3D/4D Printing
Tien: Big Data: Unleashing Information
144 J Syst Sci Syst Eng

in its transformation by tracking encounters over production, employed electromechanical tools

time and establishing personalized that had life cycles on the order of years,
recommendations and aggregated benchmarks; depended mostly on both muscle and brain
and by carefully analyzing millions of power, embraced a living standard concerned
neuroimages, we can better understand how we with quality of goods, and had its initial impact
think, how we learn, how we remember, and in the U.S. and Germany in 1860. The Third
how we can control our muscles and interface Industrial Revolution (TIR) is focused on
with bionic devices. adaptive services and digital manufacturing; it
In regard to mass customization and as seeks to enhance productivity in mass
depicted in Figure 5, Tien (2012) augurs that Big customization (especially in regard to the
Data (especially Big Data analytics) is the integration of services and manufactured goods),
foundation for personalization or mass employs computer and communication
customization, which in turn is the basis for the technologies that have life cycles on the order of
Third Industrial Revolution (TIR). The first two months, depends mostly on brain power,
industrial revolutions focused on goods embraces a living standard concerned with the
(especially manufactured goods), while the third quality of life, and had its initial impact in the
is focused on services and goods (especially the U.S. in 2010. In contrast to the first two
integration of services and/or goods). The First industrial revolutions, which emphasized the
Industrial Revolution (FIR) focused on textiles production of goods (from agriculture, mining,
and iron making; it sought to enhance manufacturing and construction), the third
productivity in production, employed industrial revolution builds on the extensive
mechanical tools that had life cycles on the order development of customized services and
of decades, depended mostly on muscle power, integrates it with the production of customized
embraced a living standard concerned with goods. Thus, every nation has gone or will go
subsistence, and had its initial impact in Britain through these three industrial revolutions,
in 1750. The Second Industrial Revolution (SIR) consistent with their transition through the three
focused on assembly lines (especially as stages of economic evolution: today, the
conceived by Henry Ford) and steel making; it underdeveloped nations are still at the
sought to enhance productivity in mass mechanical stage or experiencing FIR; most of




Figure 5 Third industrial revolution enablers

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J Syst Sci Syst Eng 145

the developed nations are at the electrical stage assemblers and autistic children entertainers),
or experiencing SIR; while the economically airplanes and bullet trains have all been subject
advanced nations are, as noted above, well into to autonomous control – yes, accidents may still
the services stage and, with the advent of Big happen but their casualty rate is much less than
Data, beginning to experience TIR. that for human-controlled systems. On the other
Amazon is a TIR company; among other hand, it is true that humans have to learn to trust
distinctions, it stands out as the publisher with the autonomous systems and overturn, for
the most ambitious goal of digitizing all example, decades of road-safety legislation.
published material and then making it available Third, as Big Data is encompassing in its
on an on-demand basis. On-demand or approach, it can facilitate interdisciplinary
customized printing allows text, graphics and activities; indeed, Nobelist McFadden (2013) is
images to be assembled per the customer’s need; advocating for broadening the traditional theory
thus, a professor can assemble a customized of consumer choice (which is based on the
textbook for her class or a marketer can assumption that consumers are driven by
assemble a set of personalized or customized self-interest) to include the evidence being
letters, each with the same basic layout but provided by cognitive psychology, anthropology,
printed with a different salutation, name and evolutionary biology, and neurology. Fourth, it
address. It should be noted that such a digital should be noted that the term TIR was first
publishing or printing approach is an adaptive coined by the economist, Rifkin (2011); he
service that employs a digital manufacturing considers TIR to be the integration of Internet
technology, leading to mass customization or an technology (an adaptive service) with renewable
on-demand production venue. TIR is flourishing, energy (a digitally manufactured good) – which,
as Big Data, adaptive services and digital in essence, is consistent with this paper’s view
manufacturing are being enhanced; for example, of the Third Industrial Revolution. Fifth, as with
3D printing is making way for 4D printing (i.e., Big Data acquisition, access and analytics, Big
3D printing over time). Data application is also subject to the same
Five remarks should be made in connection privacy and confidentiality concerns; perhaps
with the astounding growth in Big Data more so because applications have a direct
application. First, there is a concern that some impact on the individual.
smart innovations (e.g., smart power grids) are
compromising privacy, raising costs rather than 4. Conclusion
lowering them, and, as noted in Section 3.1, In conclusion, it is helpful to briefly consider
threatening health with electromagnetic fields the benefits of and concerns with Big Data. A
from the smart sensors used to collect and number of papers discuss the challenges and
transmit the data. Second, a similar concern is opportunities posed by Big Data (Chen et al.
that smart innovations like robots and driverless 2012, Bizer et al. 2013), namely the engineering
cars will be difficult to accept; however, it challenge of efficiently managing large data sets
should be noted that robots (including furniture and the semantics challenge of locating and
Tien: Big Data: Unleashing Information
146 J Syst Sci Syst Eng

meaningfully integrating the data of interest. In future concerns; and Big Data’s cyber-security
regard to the benefits, Big Data allows for a) concerns may overlook personal-security
better integration or fusion and subsequent concerns); analytics (i.e., Big Data’s inherent
analysis of quantitative and qualitative data; b) messiness may obscure underlying relationships;
better observation of rare but great impact Big Data’s correlational finding may result in an
events or “black swans” (Taleb 2010); c) greater unintended causal consequence; and Big Data’s
system and system-of-systems efficiency and unleashing of information may obscure
effectiveness; d) better evidence-based – “data underlying knowledge); and application (i.e.,
rich, information unleashed” (DRIU) – decisions Big Data’s feasible explanations may obscure
that can overcome the prejudices of the more probable explanations; Big Data’s
unconscious mind (Mlodinow 2011); and e) evidence-driven findings may obscure
more messy (including data quality concerns) underlying factual knowledge; and Big Data’s
findings but yet good enough to support subjective, consumer-centric findings may
informed decisions. obscure objective findings). Other concerns
In regard to concerns, Table 11 provides a include surveillance by autocratic governments
summary in terms of the four Big Data and processing data in an increasingly unfocused,
components: acquisition (i.e., Big Data does not unproductive and generally “shallow manner”
imply big/complete understanding of underlying (Carr 2010). Of course, the potential Big Data
problem; Big Data quantity does not imply Big concerns or problems can be mitigated with
Data quality; and Big Data sample does not thoughtful and effective approaches and
imply a representative or even a complete practices; for example, legislation could be
sample); access (i.e., Big Data’s on-demand promulgated and passed to forbid the invasion of
accessibility may create privacy concerns; Big privacy and to dispense severe sanctions against
Data’s real-time abilities may obscure past and those who break the law.

Table 11 Big Data: potential concerns


Focus Big Data Does Not Imply Big/Complete Understanding of Underlying Problem
Acquisition Emphasis Big Data Quantity Does Not Imply Big Data Quality
Scope Big Data Sample Does Not Imply A Representative or Even A Complete Sample
Focus Big Data’s On-Demand Accessibility May Create Privacy Concerns
Access Emphasis Big Data’s Real-Time Abilities May Obscure Past and Future Concerns
Scope Big Data’s Cyber-Security Concerns May Overlook Personal-Security Concerns
Focus Big Data’s Inherent Messiness May Obscure Underlying Relationships
Analytics Emphasis Big Data’s Correlational Finding May Result In An Unintended Causal Consequence
Scope Big Data’s Unleashing of Information May Obscure Underlying Knowledge
Focus Big Data’s Feasible Explanations May Obscure More Probable Explanations
Application Emphasis Big Data’s Evidence-Driven Findings May Obscure Underlying Factual Knowledge
Scope Big Data’s Subjective, Consumer-Centric Findings May Obscure Objective Findings
Tien: Big Data: Unleashing Information
J Syst Sci Syst Eng 147

It is also helpful to qualitatively compare the acquisition, access, analytics and application
two data approaches – traditional and Big Data – abilities – is superior to the traditional approach
on four overarching criteria: 1) usefulness (i.e., that has been employed to date.
degree to which traditional and Big Data Within just the past year, Table 13 lists four
acquisition, access, analytics and application are recent Big Data initiatives, if not investments.
useful); 2) timeliness (i.e., degree to which The Simons Foundation selected the University
traditional and Big Data acquisition, access, of California, Berkeley, as host for an ambitious
analytics and application are timely in their new $60M Simons Institute for the Theory of
impact); 3) privacy-sensitivity (i.e., degree to Computing, whereby an interdisciplinary team
which traditional and Big Data acquisition, of scientists and engineers will tackle problems
access, analytics and application are sensitive to in fields as diverse as healthcare, astrophysics,
privacy issues); and 4) benefit-cost (i.e., degree genetics and economics. Boston University
to which traditional and Big Data acquisition, received $15M to establish the Rafik B. Hariri
access, analytics and application have a positive Institute for Computing and Computational
benefit to cost impact). Table 12 provides the Science and Engineering, an interdisciplinary
author’s subjective impact assessments; it is research center for discoveries through the use
interesting to note that Big Data’s impact is of computational and data-driven approaches
medium-high, as compared to the traditional and for advances in the science of computing.
approach’s impact of medium. Clearly, the Big GE decided to open a 400-person, $1B Global
Data approach – with its technology-enhanced Software Center in San Ramon, California, near

Table 12 Traditional versus Big Data impact


Usefulness Medium (2) High (3)
Timeliness Low (1) High (3)
Privacy-Sensitivity High (3) Low (1)
Benefit-Cost Medium (2) Medium (4)
Usefulness Medium (2) High (3)
Timeliness Low (1) High (3)
Privacy-Sensitivity High (3) Low (1)
Benefit-Cost Medium (2) High (3)
Usefulness Medium (2) Medium (2)
Timeliness Medium (2) High (3)
Privacy-Sensitivity Medium (2) Medium (2)
Benefit-Cost Medium (2) Medium (2)
Usefulness Medium (2) High (3)
Timeliness Low (1) High (3)
Privacy-Sensitivity Medium (2) Medium (2)
Benefit-Cost Medium (2) High (3)
Average Impact Medium (1.9) Medium-High (2.5)
Tien: Big Data: Unleashing Information
148 J Syst Sci Syst Eng

Table 13 Recent Big Data efforts in U.S.


Simons Institute For The Theory

U.C., Berkeley $60M Simons Foundation
of Computing

Institute for Computational

Boston U $15M Rafik B. Hariri
Science & Engineering

Global Software Center San Ramon, CA $1B GE

Various Other Big Data Initiatives Mostly At Universities $1B+ Per Year U.S. Agencies

Silicon Valley; its focus is on Big Data analytics. resources to those ideas with the most merit. In
Led by the U.S. Office of Science and short, change is the only constant; companies
Technology Policy, the Departments of Defense, which do not embrace it will face the same
Energy, Health and Human Services (including demise as Kodak, Digital Equipment
the National Institutes of Health) and other Corporation and Atari. On the other hand, those
funding agencies (including the National which allow for disruptive innovations, like GE
Science Foundation) are providing over $1B to and IBM, have not only survived but thrived.
fund mostly academic research in the core
technologies associated with Big Data analytics References
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[30]Swart, E.R. (1980). The philosophical [39]Tien, J.M. & McClure, J.A. (1986).
implications of the four-color problem. Towards an operations-oriented approach to
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697-702 organizations. Public Administration
[31]Taleb, N.N. (2010). The Black Swan: Review, Special Issue on Public Managemnt
Second Edition. Random House, Inc., New Information Systems, 27 (7): 553-562
York, NY [40]Turing, A.M. (1950). Computing machinery
[32]Tien, J.M. (2003). Toward a decision and intelligence. Mind, 59: 433-460
informatics paradigm: a real-time [41]van Hattum, P. & Hoijtink, H. (2008). Data
information based approach to decision fusion: an application in marketing.
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Man and Cybernetics, Part C, Special Issue, Management, 15 (4): 267-284
33 (1): 102-113 [42]Wilson, R. (2002). Four Colors Suffice.
[33]Tien, J.M. (2008). On integration and Penguin Books, London, England
adaptation in complex service systems. [43]Zikopoulos, P.C., Eaton, C., DeRoos, D.,
Journal of Systems Science and Systems Deutsch, T. & Lapis, G. (2012).
Engineering, 17 (2): 1-31 Understanding Big Data: Analytics for
[34]Tien, J.M. (2011). Manufacturing and Enterprise Class Hadoop and Streaming
services: from mass production to mass Data. The McGraw-Hill Companies, New
customization. Journal of Systems Science York, NY
and Systems Engineering, 20 (2): 129-154
[35]Tien, J.M. (2012). The next industrial James M. Tien received the BEE from
revolution: integrated services and goods. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) and the
Journal of Systems Science and Systems SM, EE and PhD from the Massachusetts
Engineering, 21 (3): 257-296 Institute of Technology. He has held leadership
Tien: Big Data: Unleashing Information
J Syst Sci Syst Eng 151

positions at Bell Telephone Laboratories, at the In 2007, he was recruited by the University of
Rand Corporation, and at Structured Decisions Miami to be a Distinguished Professor and Dean
Corporation. He joined the Department of of its College of Engineering. He has been
Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering awarded the IEEE Joseph G. Wohl Outstanding
at RPI in 1977, became Acting Chair of the Career Award, the IEEE Major Educational
department, joined a unique interdisciplinary Innovation Award, the IEEE Norbert Wiener
Department of Decision Sciences and Award, and the IBM Faculty Award. He is also
Engineering Systems as its founding Chair, and an elected member of the prestigious U. S.
twice served as the Acting Dean of Engineering. National Academy of Engineering.

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