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Answer the following questions:

1. Give one word for the following:

a) An object that does not emit light of its own.
b) Unlike shadows, it shows details and colours of the object.
c) Straight line motion of an object.
d) When due to revolution, the Earth comes in between the Sun and the
Moonand the shadow if Earth falls on the Moon.
2. Encircle the odd one out and give reason for your choice:
a) Clear Water, Tree, Glass, Cellophane paper, Air
b) Light, Smell, Eyes, Colours.
3. Give reasons for the following:
a) Moon is a non luminous body though it shines at night.
b) Only opaque objects form a shadow.
4. Which property of light is used in the working of pin hole camera?
5. What are the factors on which shape, size and nature of a shadow depend?
6. How is rainbow formed in the sky?
7. Give the nature of image formed by a plane mirror.
8. Give two important properties of light.
9. Differentiate between:
a. Image and shadow
b. Lunar and solar eclipse
10.Draw the following diagrams:
a. The image formed in a pin hole camera.
b. Lunar eclipse
c. Solar eclipse


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