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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 03, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059


Kusuma Atmaja, 2Kusumo Bintoro
Program Pascasarjana Magister Manajemen, Universitas Bakrie, Jakarta

Article Info The development and density of population as well as changes in people's
consumption patterns, especially in big cities, have resulted in increasingly diverse
Received: 12/06/2023 types and characteristics of waste. The data shows that plastic is the largest
Revised: 14/07/2023 composition of inorganic waste that is disposed of at the Bantargebang final
landfill (TPST) every day with 14.02% being plastic waste. According to the
Accepted: 21/07/2023
Minister of Industry, Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita , the plastic recycling industry
can produce a variety of value-added products with an economic potential of more
than IDR 10 trillion per year and an export potential of US$ 141.9 million of
recycled plastic derivative producbts. From this potential, the research results show
that in 2 different scenarios, the plastic waste processing business plan has a
positive NPV with a payback period of 1.78 years and 3.55 years respectively for
the base and worst scenarios. These results indicate the feasibility of the plastic
recycling business to run

Keywords: recycling, plastic waste, business plan

1. Introduction
Development and density resident as well as change pattern consumption public especially in
cities big raises types and characteristics more trash _ various . Condition it also causes increasing
production and volume of waste in cities big in Indonesia. Following This is data for 5 cities with
production and volume of waste transported.
Table 1 Amount Production and Transported Waste Volume
City Rubbish organic Rubbish B3 waste Amount Rubbish
2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018
DKI Jakarta 3,693.80 3,693.80 3,139.96 3,139.96 38,42 38,42 6872.18 6872.18
Medan 1230.00 1303.50 662.00 742.80 - - 1892.00 2046.30
Surabaya 878,21 905,26 738,83 761.57 - - 1617.04 1666.83
Bandung 543.09 625.04 492.01 566,26 84.78 97.58 1119.88 1288.88
Bandar 510.00 540.00 340.00 360.00 - - 850.00 900.00
Source : BPS, 2019
Data is for the DKI Jakarta area as Mother country city with amount with resident as many as
11,058,944 (BPS, 2020) are city with waste production and volume most in Indonesia. According to
data from the Department of the Environment Long live DKI Jakarta, the average garbage that comes
in to place disposal rubbish Bantargebang TPST _ every the day . Following this is the average
amount data incoming trash _ to TPSP bantargebang every the day .

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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 03, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059

Table 2 Average Number Garbage Entering the Bantar TPST Gebang Every Day
Information 2017 2018 2019
Amount Garbage ( Tonnage ) 6715.8 7,496.6 6927.7
Source : BPS, 2020
Published data service environment live DKI Jakarta, composition the garbage that comes from
from results Transportation in the DKI Jakarta area includes 53.75% organic and the remaining
46.25%. is inorganic and materials toxic dangerous . (BPS, 2020). Following composition This
transported waste _ according to type trash in 2019 .
Rubbish paper and plastic is composition rubbish inorganic most are discarded to place disposal
rubbish Bantargebang TPST _ every the day . Of the total 46.25% waste inorganic 14.02% constitute
rubbish plastic . According to Rubbish plastic has damage ecosystem in a manner
massive . Its destructive power to environment so big Because very hard plastic unraveled . However
according to Director General Management Waste , Garbage , and Materials Toxic Dangerous
(PSLB3) Ministry of the Environment Life and Forestry , Rosa Vivien Ratnawaty rate , trash plastic
own potency economy prospectively ( , 2019). More carry on according to Industry Minister
Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita mention industry cycle repeat plastic can produce various product
worth plus with potency economy reach more from IDR 10 trillion per year and potential export
product derivative cycle repeat plastic US$141.9 million .
Cycle repeat rubbish plastic have network start from scavenger small as collectors material raw
until factory as consumer rubbish plastic cycle repeat . Following this is a trading chart management
rubbish plastic . Stage in cycle repeat rubbish plastic Alone covers stage collecting and sorting .
Usually a number scavenger Work The same make group For gather rubbish plastic from TPS or from
place other . After That for sale to stalls small ( collectors ) for done sorting rubbish plastic in
accordance with type Then done cleaning and packing neat before for sale to factory cycle repeat or
milling plastic .
Generally type plastic circulating and frequent recycled repeat between others : (1) PET, PETE
( Polyethylene terephthalate ) Plastic This type is generally found in bottles drink or materials _
consumption other liquid . _ (2) HDPE ( High Density Polyethylene , Polyethylene density high )
Plastic type This usually is on the bottle detergent . (3) PVC ( polyvinyl chloride ) Is type code plastic
in pipes, furniture , and so on . (4) LDPE ( Low Density Polyethylene , Polyethylene density low )
Plastic type This usually is on the packaging food . (5) PP ( polypropylene ) Code of plastics this can
be found on the lid bottle drinks , straws , as well a number of type toys . (6) PS ( polystyrene ) Plastic
code These can be found in lunchboxes, boxes wrapping meat , cups , and utensils _ kitchen other .
Based on description above and according to Director Executive of the Indonesian Pocket Diet
Movement Tisa Mafira Plastic that level cycle repeat rubbish plastic in Indonesia only around 9-10
percent . That means 90 percent rubbish plastic No oldest repeater and author see potency still
business _ open .

2. Method
Sugiyono (2013) argued that technique data collection is the most strategic move in research ,
because objective main from study is get data. Because objective main from study is get data. Without

Jurnal Scientia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-
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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 03, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059

know technique data collection , then researcher No will get relevant data established data standards .
technique data collection used in study This ie observation , questionnaire , and study library .
Source of data used in study This ie primary data and secondary data . Primary data is done
with method observation direct and collect questionnaire For get the data to use in compile
appropriateness business . Secondary data obtained from literature such as bps data, and studies
References For get theory useful support _ as reference theory for data analysis and processing .
Deep data analysis method study This is analysis descriptive , according to I Made Winartha
(2006), method analysis descriptive qualitative is analyze , describe , and summarize various
conditions, situations from various data collected in the form of interview results or observation about
the problem being studied occurs in the field . Study This use aqnalisa appropriateness business from
two apek ie aspect marketing using the Business Model Canvas (BMC) strategy and aspects finance
use method NPV , IRR , Payback Period and Profitability Index.

3. Results And Discussion

Business Model Canvas (BMC)
For describe and explain the business model processing waste plastic writer use framework The
Business Mode Canvas (BMC) depicted in the figure under this :

Fig 1. Business Model Canvas of Plastic Waste Processing Business

Source : Author Analysis Results
Analysis Appropriateness Business
Under This is a business feasibility analysis using the NPV , IRR , Payback Period and
Profitability Index methods . The assumption uses 2 scenarios, namely the base scenario assuming the
purchase of raw materials and sales of 1000 kg of production per day and the worst scenario by
reducing the assumption of purchasing raw materials and sales of production by 50%. The first thing
that needs to be done is projection profit loss and cash flow .
NPV analysis
because company entirely using the sale of preferred stock, then DF uses the value of the cost
of equity of preferred stock, which is 9.52%, so the NPV calculation for both scenarios can be seen in
table below .

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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 03, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059

Table 3. NPV Analysis ( Base Scenario )

Source : Author Analysis Results

Table 4. NPV Analysis ( Worst Scenario )

Source : Author Analysis Results

Based on the table above, it is known that the NPV value for the base scenario is Rp.
1,061,433,106 and the worst scenario is Rp. 51,966,553. The NPV of both scenarios is positive so that
the investment is considered feasible.
IRR analysis
The Internal Rate of Return ( IRR ) is the discount rate or interest rate that results in an NPV equal to
zero. The IRR formula is as follows

 IRR = Internal Rate of Return
 i1 = Discount Rate which will result in a positive NPV
 i2 = Discount Rate which will result in a negative NPV
 NPV1 = Net Present Value which is positive
 NPV2 = Net Present Value which is negative
From the formula the We need look for the resulting NPV value mark negative . The NPV
value that produces mark negative can seen in the table below .

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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 03, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059

Table 5. Negative NPV Analysis ( Base Scenario )

Source : Author Analysis Results

Table 6. Negative NPV Analysis ( Worst Scenario )

Source : Author Analysis Results

The results in the table above show that the NPV is negative for the base scenario of 49%
with an IRR of 48.75%. while the NPV is negative for the worst scenario of 13% with an IRR of
Payback Period Analysis

Table 7. Payback Period Analysis ( Base Scenario )

Source : Author Analysis Results

Jurnal Scientia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-
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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 03, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059

Table 8. Payback Period Analysis ( Worst Scenario )

Source : Author Analysis Results

Based on the table above, it shows that for the base scenario it is known that in year 2 cash
flows have shown a positive value with a payback period value of 1.78 years while the worst scenario
is known in year 4 cash flows have shown a positive value with a payback period value of 3.55 years .
Given the expected return on investment capital is 5 years, the investment is declared feasible.
Profitability Index analysis
Based on NPV table for total cash inflows _ for 5 years For base scenario is Rp. 2,018,933,106
and the worst scenario of 1,113,043,671 then with initial capital investment Rp . 957,500,000 then
obtained The Profitability Index is 2.11 and 1.16 respectively , because the PI index is above 1 point
investment stated worth .

4. Conclusions
Feasibility analysis business plan The plastic waste processing business from 2 different
scenarios has a good rate of return with a positive NPV and IRR of 48.75% and 12.62% for the base
scenario and worst scenario respectively . However, the worst scenario payback period shows a longer
payback period of 3.55 years compared to the base scenario of 1.78 years. Based on results mentioned
, the plastic waste processing business plan worthy For run For second scenario .


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