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Physical Chemistry Lab

Experiment: 9

Critical solution temperature

Name : shifa ghannam

Partner name : sondos


1) To construct the phase diagram for a pair of partially miscible liquids.

2) To determine the critical solution temperature and the corresponding composition

Data part 1:

run V V n- T1 T2 T1(k) T2(k) Tave

aniline hexane
1 1.5 10 78 51 351.15 324.15 337.65
2 2 10 63 63 336.15 336.15 336.15
3 2.5 10 78 70 351.15 343.15 347.15
4 3 10 79 79 352.15 352.15 352.15
5 3.5 10 78 78 351.15 351.15 351.15
6 4 10 78 80 351.15 353.15 352.15
7 4.5 10 80 82 353.15 355.15 354.15

Data part 2

run V V n- T1 T2 T 1(K) T2(K) Tave

aniline hexane
1 10 1.5 75 38 348.15 311.15 329.65
2 10 2 80 47 353.15 320.15 336.65
3 10 2.5 85 61 358.15 334.15 346.15
4 10 3 85 62 358.15 335.15 346.65
5 10 3.5 78 67 351.15 340.15 345.65
6 10 4 80 57 353.15 330.15 341.65
7 10 4.5 80 52 353.15 325.15 339.15
8 10 5 75 38 348.15 311.15 329.65
9 10 5.5 86 44 359.15 317.15 338.15
10 10 6 85 37 358.15 310.15 334.15

compound aniline n-hexane

Density (g/mL) 1.021 0.659
Molar mass
(g/mol) 93.13 86.18

For calculation

1-Mass= density*voloume

2-number of mol = mass/molar mass

3-mol fraction of x = mol x /total mol

For analine in part 1 first sample

V=1.5 ml ,,,,,,,,,,,,, mass=1.5ml*1.021g/ml=1.53g


Mol n-hexane=0.07647

Total mol =0.0928…………………………………mol fraction analine=0.016/(0.0764+0.016)=0.173

Same step for all other sample

Result of calculation

Part 1

m m n
n aniline n total X aniline X hexane
aniline hexane hexane
1.53 6.59 0.01643 0.07647 0.09290 0.176846 0.823154
2.04 6.59 0.02190 0.07647 0.09837 0.222669 0.777331
2.55 6.59 0.02738 0.07647 0.10385 0.263659 0.736341
3.06 6.59 0.03286 0.07647 0.10933 0.300543 0.699457
3.57 6.59 0.03833 0.07647 0.11480 0.333908 0.666092
4.08 6.59 0.04381 0.07647 0.12028 0.364234 0.635766
4.59 6.59 0.04929 0.07647 0.12576 0.39192 0.60808
Part 2

m m
n aniline n hexane n total X aniline X hexane
aniline hexane
10.2 0.9885 0.109524 0.01147 0.120995 0.905199 0.094801
10.2 1.318 0.109524 0.015294 0.124818 0.877471 0.122529
10.2 1.6475 0.109524 0.019117 0.128642 0.851391 0.148609
10.2 1.977 0.109524 0.022941 0.132465 0.826817 0.173183
10.2 2.3065 0.109524 0.026764 0.136289 0.803621 0.196379
10.2 2.636 0.109524 0.030588 0.140112 0.781691 0.218309
10.2 2.9655 0.109524 0.034411 0.143935 0.760927 0.239073
10.2 3.295 0.109524 0.038235 0.147759 0.741237 0.258763
10.2 3.6245 0.109524 0.042058 0.151582 0.72254 0.27746
10.2 3.954 0.109524 0.045882 0.155406 0.704763 0.295237


T heating (K)





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

mole fraction of n-hexane

T heating (K)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

mole fraction of Aniline



T cooling (K)




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

mole fraction of Aniline



T average (K)





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

mole fraction of Aniline

Discussion of result :

Based on the results obtained from the experiment, we constructed the phase diagram for the
aniline-n-hexane binary fluid system. The phase diagram shows the temperature at different
compositions of aniline and n-hexane. There is a region of partial miscibility between the two
liquids, indicating that they can partially mix within a certain range of compositions. However,
outside this range, the liquids become immiscible and separate into two distinct phases.

But we didn’t get the true critical temperature in our experiment. However, there are several
potential sources of error that may have affected the determination of the true critical
temperature. These include instrumental errors, experimental conditions, contamination of the
samples, equilibrium time, human errors, assumptions and simplifications, and sample
preparation. It is important to recognize these errors and take them into account when
interpreting the results and improving the accuracy and reliability of future experiments

There are several possible reasons why we may not have obtained the true critical temperature
in the experiment. These reasons can be attributed to various sources of error that could have
affected our results.

Instrumental Error: The accuracy and precision of the instruments used, such as the
thermometer, burettes, and volumetric pipettes, can contribute to errors in temperature and
volume measurements. Any inaccuracies or inconsistencies in these measurements can affect
the determination of the critical temperature.

Experimental Conditions: The experiment relies on controlling the temperature of the water
bath accurately. Fluctuations in the water bath temperature or inadequate temperature control
can lead to incorrect temperature readings and, consequently, inaccurate determination of the
critical solution temperature.

Contamination: Contamination of the aniline or n-hexane samples can introduce impurities that
can alter the miscibility behavior and affect the observed critical temperature. It is essential to
ensure the purity of the chemicals used and prevent any contamination during the experiment.

Equilibrium Time: Achieving thermodynamic equilibrium between the aniline and n-hexane in
the mixture can take time. If the system is not given enough time to reach equilibrium at each
composition, the observed temperatures may not accurately represent the true critical solution

Human Error: Human error, such as misreading or recording data, improper handling of
equipment, or inconsistent experimental technique, can introduce errors in the results. It is
crucial to carefully follow the experimental procedure and exercise caution to minimize human

Assumptions and Simplifications: The experimental procedure and analysis may involve certain
assumptions and simplifications that can introduce uncertainties. For example, assuming ideal
behavior of the system, neglecting interactions between molecules, or not accounting for other
factors that may influence the miscibility behavior can lead to deviations from the true critical

Sample Preparation: Inaccurate preparation of the aniline-n-hexane mixture, such as incorrect

proportions or incomplete mixing, can affect the observed behavior and contribute to errors in
determining the critical temperature.

It is important to recognize these potential sources of error and take them into account when
interpreting the results. By understanding the limitations of the experimental setup and
minimizing these errors, we can improve the accuracy and reliability of our measurements in
future experiments.

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