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เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
Lesson 3
Subject-Verb Agreement Part II

Subject-Verb Agreement หมายถึ ง การใช; ค ำกริ ย าให; ส อดคล; อ งกั บ ประธาน โดยพิ จ ารณาวN า
ประธานในประโยคควรใช;กริยาในรูปเอกพจนQหรือรูปพหูพจนQ ประธานรูปเอกพจนQต;องใช;กับกริยาในรูป
เอกพจนQ และประธานรูปพหูพจนQต;องใช;กับกริยาในรูปพหูพจนQ

SเอกพจนQ + VเอกพจนQ
SพหูพจนQ + VพหูพจนQ

กฎการใช'ประธาน (Subjects) และ กริยา (Verb) ร=วมกันในประโยค

กฎข;อที่ 8 ประธานที่เป\นจำนวนเงิน ระยะทาง เวลา น้ำหนัก ผลการคำนวณ ชื่อหนังสือ หนัง และเพลงถือ
เชNน Two thousand baths is too much for this dress.
Five hundred miles is probably too far to drive in one day.

กฎข;อที่ 9 คำบอกปริมาณตNอไปนี้ ถ;าตามด;วยคำนามเอกพจนQ ให;ใช;กริยาเอกพจนQ ถ;าตามด;วยคำนามพหูพจนQ

some (of) lots of a lot of most of
all of percent of half of fractions
เชNน Some excellent wine is made in Chilie.
A lot of peaches in the basket are not ripe.
One-half of the beer at the party was warm.

กฎข;อที่ 10 คำนามตNอไปนี้มีรูปเป\นพหูพจนQแตNความหมายเป\นเอกพจนQ ให;ใช;กริยาเอกพจนQ

Mathematics Statistics Economics Physics
Politics Linguistics News Gymnastics
เชNน Mathematics is an easy subject for some people.
Physics seems difficult for many students.
เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
กฎข;อที่ 11 ประโยคที่ขึ้นต;นด;วย There และ Here กริยาใช;ตามคำนามที่อยูNด;านหลัง
เชNน There is little rain in desert.
Here is the book you wanted.

กฎข;อที่ 12 ประโยคที่มี Relative Pronoun (who, which, that) ให;ใช;กริยาตามคำนามที่แทนด;านหน;า

Relative Pronoun
เชNน This is a boy who is running in the park.
No houses that were made of wood survived in the fire.

กฎข;อที่ 13 A number of (จำนวนหนึ่ง) + คำนามพหูพจนQ + กริยาพหูพจนQ

The number of (จำนวนของ...) + คำนามพหูพจนQ + กริยาเอกพจนQ
เชNน A number of students want to be professional athletes.
The number of students in this class is thirty.
เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
Directions: Choose the best answer.
1. A lot of tea sold in America ________ from India.
a. come b. comes
c. coming d. to be come
2. Most of the water in the river near the factory ________.
a. polluted b. has polluted
c. is polluted d. have polluted
3. Sixty percent of the students in the class ________ three languages.
a. speak b. speaks
c. is speaking d. has spoken
4. Twenty dollars ________ too much for tip.
a. were b. is
c. have d. are
5. Seven hundred kilometers ________ probably too far to drive in one day.
a. be b. have been
c. is d. are
6. The police ________ right away.
a. comes b. is coming
c. has come d. are coming
7. A police officer sometimes _______ nights and weekends.
a. work b. will be worked
c. works d. are working
8. Three fourths of the flowers in the garden ________ roses.
a. will b. is
c. are d. was
9. A lot of the coaches in the tournament ________ Asia.
a. were from b. was from
c. were come from d. comes from
10. A number of shoes in our factory ________ to European countries.
a. exported b. was exported
c. have exported d. were exported
เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
11. The number of cats _____ up significantly in the last ten years.
a. has gone b. went
c. have gone d. will go
12. Physics ________ difficult at first, but it can be easy if you study.
a. seem b. seems
c. seeming d. to seem
13. Ten hours _______ enough for this student to finish the project.
a. is b. are
c. were d. being
14. The person whom I called yesterday _______ in the same apartment with me.
a. live b. lives
c. living d. to be live
15. Gulliver’s travels ________ written by Swift.
a. be b. have
c. was d. were
เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
Conversation & Vocabulary
Directions: Choose the best answer.
1. Situation: A tourist is asking Kate the direction.
A tourist: Excuse me, I’m sorry to trouble you, but could you tell me ____________?
Kate: Yes, no problem. Walking straight ahead, after you pass the library you have to turn
left. Take your first right and it's across from the bus station.
A tourist: Thank you so much!
a. which bus I can take
b. how I can take the bus
c. where the bus station is
d. how I can get to the train station
2. Situation: Bob and Mike are talking about the movie that they’ve just seen it.
Bob: How did you find the movie?
Mike: ___________________
a. It’s awesome.
b. It’s found by accident.
c. I found it on the internet.
d. I didn’t know how to find it.
3. Situation: Jane and Tanya are talking about their plan this weekend.
Jane: What shall we do this weekend?
Tanya: ___________________
Jane: Let’s go to Iconsiam.
Tanya: That’s a good idea.
a. Do you have any ideas?
b. What about going to school?
c. What time would you like to go?
d. Would you like to go to the movie?
4. Situation: On the phone
Tim: Hello! May I speak to Jane, please?
Mario: ______________________
Tim: All right, thanks.
Jane: Hello, Jane’s speaking. Who’s on the line, please?
เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
a. Hang up the line, please.
b. Hold on the line, please.
c. Could you leave a message?
d. I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.
5. Situation: At lunch
Jane: _______________________
Kathy: No, thanks. I’ve just had it.
a. Do you like a sandwich?
b. Would you like a soft drink?
c. Can I have some orange juice?
d. Could you pass me a dish, please?

For many people, the tiger is the most beautiful and most exciting member of the cat
family. But these creatures are in ____6____. A hundred years ago, there were 100,000 tigers.
They lived all over Asia. Today ____7____ only 5,000 tigers.
In some countries, the local people hunt the tiger and sell its body. And the forests
where tigers live are ____8____, so they are losing their natural homes too many ____9____
are trying to save the tiger, but it isn’t easy. If we aren’t careful, the power and beauty of the
wild tiger will only ____10____ in our memories.

6. a. good deal b. good order

c. great danger d. great demand
7. a. there is b. there are
c. there was d. there were
8. a. spearing b. appearing
c. disappearing d. reappearing
9. a. generation b. decoration
c. immigration d. organizations
10. a. exist b. entertain
c. exit d. extend

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