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Scenario CC1: Command Center


HQ has determined that, in order to conduct further operations within the theater, an
important German command center, located in northern France (codename “Town 247”),
must be destroyed. Recent reconnaissance was unable to determine the exact location of
the command center but has determined that the SS-Panzer Division is active within the
area, patrolling “Town 274” & the surrounding countryside. The presence of such elite
units hints at the importance of this location to Axis operations in northern France.
The destruction of this key headquarters will most certainly disrupt their logistical
support & tactical command capabilities. Paratroopers will be airdropped near the town
in an effort to locate & destroy the enemy HQ. They will spot for an air strike and
complete demolition if necessary. Ground forces will perform a frontal assault as a
distraction. Any destruction of SS-Panzer Division armor could prove beneficial to
future operations in the area. Good Luck.

Victory Conditions

Destroy the Command Center - 50 pts.

Destroy all German “Command Units” - 10 pts. Each
Destroy all enemy units - Assigned point value

Points are awarded for successful destruction/defense of the objective. Each unit
destroyed by the opposing army is worth its point value, except the “Command Units”
which are worth 10 additional points each. This scenario is played until one side
concedes defeat or all enemy units are destroyed.

Special Scenario Rules

1) All German armor has the “Camouflaged” SA

2) All German armor has the SA “Initiative +2”
3) All German armor are considered to be “command units”
4) All Allied units have the SA “Spotter”
5) Allied army must contain at least 1 paratrooper
6) Allied paratroopers have the SA “Demolition Crew”
7) Once per game an “Air strike” can be ordered by any Allied spotter

Demolition Crew: To destroy a building adjacent to this unit, declare that this unit
is making a “demolition crew” attack. For two turns, this unit cannot move or attack
(This represents the unit setting charges and finding cover for detonation). At the
end of the second turns assault phase, roll a die. On a 4 or higher the building is
destroyed. This action fails if the unit is destroyed.

Air Strike: During the assault phase, you may attempt to destroy a building within 4
hexes of this unit. Declare that this unit is calling in an air strike. This unit
cannot move or attack during the next turn. (This represents the unit confirming
coordinates and directing aircraft). At the end of that turn, roll a die. On a 4 or
higher the building is destroyed. This action fails if the unit is destroyed.
Axis Army Army Construction Ally Army

SS-Panther Ausf. G Each side 200-500 pts. “Screaming Eagle” paratroopers

SS-Panzer Ausf. F2 (2) No year restriction (2)
SD KFZ 234/2 “Puma” 1 - 4 players “Screaming Eagle” Captain (2)
Sandbagged Machine Gun Team
(2) Remaining points:
U.S., U.K. and French units
Remaining points: only
German units only

Axis armor should deploy in any of the
forest hexes adjacent to the town and the
SBMG in the pillboxes, described below.

Allied units may deploy 4 hexes from the

bottom of the map, preferably along the
road. Paratroopers should deploy somewhere
behind enemy lines near the command

Tank obstacles should be placed at both

entrances to the town on the road, with a
pillbox adjacent to it. Additional tank
obstacles & barbed wire may be placed
anywhere near the town, with no limit. No
army points are used to pay for these Suggested Terrain Setup
obstacles, they are free. Axis may also
place up to 2 minefields.
4 buildings with central fountain.
North/South Road. Forests flanking
town and at road bend. Hills outside
of town.

Alternate Map Setup

Those who do not play with 3D terrain

may use this alternate map setup but be
advised the scenario may not play out as
intended. Map is rotated 90 degrees from
the one above. Consider the marsh hexes
to be forests and 2 hexes between towns
as city hexes.

Created by General_Blitzkrieg
for the
3D AAM Community

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