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Optional Rules for Battalion-Sized Battles Using the Axis & Allies Miniatures Rules and 1/285 Micro Armor

I. About Battalion Commander

A. Introduction
This section gives some background on the Axis & Allies Miniatures game and describes how
these “home-brewed” rules came to be. If you want to get right to the immediate gaming-relevant
section, feel free to skip to the last paragraph.
Axis & Allies Miniatures (AAM for short) is a platoon-scale World War Two (WWII) skirmish
game that uses collectible, pre-painted plastic miniatures. Like other collectible miniatures games,
AAM uses cards that go with each miniature to provide basic game stats and special abilities for each
piece. The game is played on hex maps (each hex representing 100m) with ranges and movement given
in number of hexes. AAM is a “beer and pretzels” game, with somewhat simpler and faster-playing
rules than the more technical WWII war games like Advanced Squad Leader or Flames of War.
I have been playing AAM for years and so I was around during the time I like to call “The
Change.” The original AAM offered miniatures in a mix of scales: infantry that were 15mm (1/100)
vehicles that were mostly 1/150 (but some scale variation existed across a 1/150 - 1/100 range) planes
that were 1/240 and artillery pieces with scaling was all over the board. The game was played on maps
with 2” hexes representing 100m. After the 5th AAM set, the game was revised: expanded rules were
offered, many pieces (some “broken” in game -play terms) had their stats cards revised, new maps
were printed with 3” hexes and vehicles were rescaled to a uniform 15mm. All subsequent sets
featured 15mm vehicles and many, but not all, of the vehicles manufactured in the previous, smaller
scale have subsequently been reprinted in 15mm scale.
There were both good and bad things about “The Change” but I’m not going to waste a lot of
space here discussing all of it. Instead, I’m going to mention the thing I miss most about the smaller-
scaled version of the game, which is what motivated me to develop Battalion Commander: the ability
to set up a large map (in terms of number of hexes) in a relatively small physical gaming space (e.g. a
smallish dining room table.). The newer maps with bigger hexes (and thus smaller maps) detract from
the game in a couple of ways for me: less maneuvering and less opportunity to capitalize on the
advantages of pieces with longer ranges. I believe that both of these effects reduce the amount of
tactical thinking that goes into playing AAM.
Battalion Commander started out as my attempt to restore maneuver and long-range tactics to
a game I love. I had known about 1/285 scale (6mm) micro armor miniatures for some time. So I began
to experiment with playing AAM using these miniatures. I immediately figured out that you can play
“straight” AAM perfectly well using 6mm minis. After establishing this fact, I realized that 6mm minis
provided some new opportunities for playing AAM. One opportunity is to translate AAM, which is
essentially a squad-based game (basic infantry pieces representing 4-10 soldiers, heavy weapons
miniatures representing 2-4 soldiers and vehicle and armored fighting vehicle minis each representing
one AFV or vehicle) into a platoon-based game that could work for up to battalion vs. battalion-sized
battles. Battalion Commander also became an opportunity to address some of the aspects of AAM that
many players feel need fixes - such as the effectiveness of AT guns – while still preserving its essential
fast-play nature.

B. Preparing to Play Battalion Commander

Battalion Commander is not a stand-alone game. It requires painted and based 1/285 scale micro
armor miniatures, a set of AAM rules, AAM unit stat cards (available at

BATTALION COMMANDER: Optional Rules for Battalion-Sized Battles Using the Axis & Allies Miniatures Game and 1/285 Micro Armor
Written by Steven Bean, 2011 – Rules adapted from Axis and Allies Miniatures by Wizards of the Coast Page 1, AAM Hit Counters and 2-inch hex maps
from the first version (v1) of the AAM game. (These maps are available on Ebay for a reasonable cost.
Players can also use Hotz-style maps with 2” hexes and create 3D terrain or use terrain tiles from a
game like Memoir ’44) Some new playing aids not found in AAM are required, including this rules
supplement and new counters for the following conditions: “decimated,” “reinforcing,” “sniped,”
“camouflage,” “dug-in” and “sniped.” Printable tokens for these new counters are provided at the end
of this rules supplement. BatCom requires more calculations than AAM, so an electronic calculator is
recommended as a gaming aide.

6mm micro armor models need to be mounted on bases for use with Battalion Commander (BatCom
for short). For AFVs and other vehicles, a pair should be mounted on a base, representing a platoon of
between 3-6 vehicles. 4-5 infantry miniatures should be mounted together representing a platoon of
25-50 soldiers. Artillery can be mounted singly or in pairs or trios but should be deployed in pairs or
trios within a single hex to represent a typical WWII-sized artillery battery of 4-16 guns. While it is not
absolutely necessary, basing 6mm minis to be removable using small magnets is a nice touch for a
BatCom game.

II. Representation: Map Scale and Miniatures

A. Map Scale
Battalion Commander uses v1 AAM maps with 2” hexes, with one hex representing 100m.

B. Units
Instead of minis representing squad-sized groups of soldiers and single vehicles, as they do in AAM,
minis in BatCom represent platoon-sized units: a platoon of 3-6 AFVs in the case of tanks, a platoon of
25-50 men in the case of infantry and a battery of 4-16 guns in the case of artillery.

Stat cards are read normally, but in some cases the size of the units represented by minis (platoons
instead of squads or single vehicles) means that special abilities (SAs) need to be modified. A list of SA
modifications can be found in rules section VII. B., below.

III. How to Win

Like AAM, BatCom can be played two ways: “seize the objective” where players attempt to control a
specific location on the board by the end of the game, or “points destroyed,” where each player tries
to destroy the larger portion of the opponent’s force, measured in terms of build points.

NEW RULE: Multiple objectives – Unlike AAM, BatCom recommends using multiple objectives in a
“seize the objective”-style game. For every 100 build points, each player receives one objective marker
to place on the map. Each objective marker is worth a base 5 victory points. Objective markers should
be placed at locations with tactical or strategic value, such as bridges, crossroads, towns, hill tops or
positions with commanding fields of fire. For each objective marker placed, count the number of hexes
from the opponent’s map edge. For every 20% of total map depth (rounded to the nearest whole hex)
from the opponent’s edge to the objective marker, subtract 1 VP from the value of the objective
marker. Add 1 VP to the value of an objective marker if it is placed in a hex with terrain that does not
provide cover to vehicles. Add 1 VP to the value of the objective maker for every two rows of hexes
between the objective marker and any opposing deployment zone that is closer to a player’s
deployment zone than the objective marker and is within eight hexes of the objective marker.

BATTALION COMMANDER: Optional Rules for Battalion-Sized Battles Using the Axis & Allies Miniatures Game and 1/285 Micro Armor
Written by Steven Bean, 2011 – Rules adapted from Axis and Allies Miniatures by Wizards of the Coast Page 2
EXAMPLE: A game is being played on a pair of standard AAM maps that create a play space 11 hexes wide by
18 hexes deep. The Allied player places an objective marker in a town hex four hexes in from the Axis player’s
map edge. The placing player calculates the value of the objective marker as follows: 4/18 = X/100, or 22.22%
or 20%; the objective marker is worth 4 VPs. However, the Axis player has a deployment zone that is two hexes
closer to the Allied player than to the objective marker and is within eight hexes of the objective marker. This
adds 1 VP to the value of the marker, making it a 5 VP marker.

For games where players want to combine both points destroyed and objectives, multiply the value of
each objective marker by 10.

NEW RULE: Non-Combat Units and Objectives – Objective hexes CANNOT be held with units that have
no attack values (e.g. trucks)

IV. Distance, Movement and Position

A. Speed, movement and range are all read normally and applied to the 2-inch hexes the same way
they would be for 3-inch hex maps using v1 or v2 AAM minis.

B. NEW RULE: Hex Stacking Limits

In BatCom, a hex may contain up to two units from each side. Only a total of two units in a given hex
may be Vehicles. Hexes may be over stacked by one unit per the AAM Advanced Rules.

NEW RULE: Stacking limits and “non-combat” units – ONE vehicle (total, not per side) with the
Transport SA AND no attack values may be ignored when determining stacking limit in a hex.

Optional: Skirmish Sideboard and Skirmish Markers – Even though BatCom uses 6mm micro armor
minis, a fully-stacked or over-stacked hex, with its attendant counters, can get very crowded. To keep
track of these very crowded hexes, players may opt to use a “skirmish sideboard.” The skirmish
sideboard is any off-map area designated to store the unit contents of a map hex in reasonable
manner. Players may set up the skirmish sideboard any way they wish, e.g. using ½ sheets of 8½ x 11
inch copy paper for each individual hex. If the map being played on is labeled with a grid system, then
the hex from which units are drawn and placed on the skirmish sideboard can be written on the
sideboard. This rules supplement provides a 2-inch, hex-shaped “Skirmish” counter. This counter can
be placed on the hex from which units have been relocated to the skirmish sideboard. The units that
were relocated to the sideboard ca be written on the counter so players can continue to track with
where forces are positioned on the board.

C. Terrain and Movement

NEW RULE: Changing Facing After a Failed Movement Roll - In BatCom, a unit is permitted to change
facing after a failed movement roll. This facing change is limited to a shift of one hex side to the left or
the right.

D. Facing
NEW RULE: Facing and Firing arcs for Units with the Fixed Gun/No Turret SA – In AAM, these units
cannot fire directly to the side or in their Rear Firing Arc. In BatCom minis abstractly represent a
platoon of 3-6 vehicles, whereby, in reality, each of these individual vehicles could have its own facing.
Thus, only the line of fire that stretches directly behind units with these SAs is restricted. However, an

BATTALION COMMANDER: Optional Rules for Battalion-Sized Battles Using the Axis & Allies Miniatures Game and 1/285 Micro Armor
Written by Steven Bean, 2011 – Rules adapted from Axis and Allies Miniatures by Wizards of the Coast Page 3
attack made within other, non-restricted portions of these units’ Rear Firing Arc is made with 2/3 the
number of dice (rounded to the nearest whole die) that the unit would normally roll, as if the unit were
making a split fire attack (See rules section V. A., below).

As in AAM, units with the Fixed Gun and No Turret SAs CANNOT make anti-vehicle attacks against units
in their own hexes.

E. Range
NEW RULE: Maximum Effective Range – Weapons ranges in the standard AAM game have been
reduced or compressed compared to the performance of actual WWII weapons. For example, the
feared German Tiger’s 88mm gun often took out Sherman tanks at the range of one mile (1500m, or 15
AAM hexes). Yet, the range on the AAM Tiger is limited to 12 hexes (1200m). This
reduction/compression was probably introduced to the AAM game design to maintain tactical
variation on relatively small maps. The larger playing area afforded by BatCom allows for longer ranges
to be included in the game.

The table below introduces a new range category applied to all Vehicle and Soldier-Artillery attacks:
Maximum Effective range. Vehicles and Soldier-Artillery may make attacks at Maximum Effective
Range at -1 attack die and a -1 penalty to each attack die rolled.

Range Category AAM Range in Hexes Maximum Effective Range in Hexes

Close Assault 0 N/A
Short 0-1 N/A
Medium 2-4 N/A
Long 5-8 9-10
Extended Range 10 9-10 11-16
Extended Range 12 9-12 13-18
Extended Range 16 9-16 17-24
Extended Range 20 9-20 21-30

F. Line of Sight (LOS)

In BatCom, line of sight is drawn from hex center to hex center in the same manner as AAM.

V. Attacks and Damage

A. NEW RULE: Split Fire - Any full-strength unit (does not have a face-up Decimated counter) may
choose to “split its fire” and make two attacks at two different targets in its assault phase. Each of
these attacks is made with 2/3 the number of attack dice normally rolled, rounded to the nearest
whole die.

B. NEW RULE: Hit Categories- BatCom adds an additional hit category to represent the additional
force needed to eliminate platoon-sized units from the battlefield. This category, called
“Decimated,” represents a unit that has had its numbers significantly reduced by casualties but still
has sufficient strength to fight. As part of adding this additional damage category, BatCom changes
the number of successes and/or hits necessary to Destroy a unit and remove it from the game.

BATTALION COMMANDER: Optional Rules for Battalion-Sized Battles Using the Axis & Allies Miniatures Game and 1/285 Micro Armor
Written by Steven Bean, 2011 – Rules adapted from Axis and Allies Miniatures by Wizards of the Coast Page 4
BatCom Hit Categories:

 Successes in a single attack equal to DEF score.
 Effects of a face-up Disrupted counter are the same as in AAM: the unit cannot move, receives
a -1 to its DEF and receives a -1 penalty on each attack die rolled

Damaged (Vehicles ONLY):

 Successes in a single attack exceed a Vehicle’s DEF score
The second time successes equal a Vehicles DEF score in a single phase
 Effects of a face-up Damaged counter are the same as in AAM: the unit receives a -1 to its DEF
and receives a -1 penalty on each attack die rolled

Against Soldiers (As Destroyed in AAM) –
 Successes in a single attack exceed a Soldier’s DEF score
 The Soldier unit receives two hits in a single phase

Against Vehicles (As Destroyed in AAM) --

 Successes in a single attack equal, or exceed by one, a unit’s doubled DEF score
A unit receives 3 hits within a single phase
A unit with a face-up Damaged counter receives 2 hits within a single phase

EFFECTS: Units with a face-up Decimated counter in BatCom subtract 1 from their speed (before
applying the DHR), reduce their DEF scores by -1, receive a -1 penalty on each attack die rolled and
roll attack dice as if they were attacking at a range one category higher than the actual range of
their attack, i.e. Short range attacks are made with the unit’s Medium range attack value, Medium
range attacks are made with the unit’s Long range attack value, Long range attacks are made at an
additional -1 (hit only on 6s) as if they were being made at Maximum Effective Range.

Against Soldiers –
 Successes in a single attack exceed a Soldier’s DEF score by two or more.
 The Soldier unit receives three hits in a single phase

Against Vehicles -
 Successes in a single attack exceed double a unit’s DEF score by two or more successes
A unit receives 4 hits within a single phase
A Damaged unit receives 3 hits in a single phase
A Decimated unit receives 2 hits in a single phase

EFFECTS: A unit that receives a face-up Destroyed counter is removed from the game.

BATTALION COMMANDER: Optional Rules for Battalion-Sized Battles Using the Axis & Allies Miniatures Game and 1/285 Micro Armor
Written by Steven Bean, 2011 – Rules adapted from Axis and Allies Miniatures by Wizards of the Coast Page 5
NEW RULE: Decimated NOT Destroyed Rule (DnD) – Special Abilities that place an immediate face-up
destroyed counter or immediately remove units from the game (e.g. Flamethrower, Fire Hazard)
instead place an immediate face-up Decimated counter instead.

NEW RULE: Air Attack Damage Against Full-Strength Units – Damage from attacks by aircraft against
opposing units that DO NOT have a face-up OR face down Decimated counter are limited to Decimated
in that phase.

Defensive Fire – Defensive Fire in BatCom is lethal per the AAM Expanded Rules (page 29), i.e.
Defensive Fire attacks are treated the same as other attacks in terms of their effects, which take effect
immediately after the attack is rolled.

C. NEW RULE: Reinforcing (Combining Two Decimated Units to Make a Full-Strength Unit) – A
player can combine two units of the same type with either face-down or face-up Decimated counters
into one full-strength unit. This is called “reinforcing.” Units do not have to be identical to combine into
a new full-strength unit but only units with the same Type and Subtype can be combined in this
fashion: Tanks with Tanks, Tank Destroyers with Tank Destroyers, Soldier-Artillery w/ Soldier-Artillery,
etc. When non-identical units combine to form a new unit, the new unit becomes a full-strength
version of the units with the lower cost. If the costs of the two units are equal, the player may choose
which type of unit the new full strength unit is designated as.

In order to combine two Decimated units into a single full-strength unit, the player must move the
units he or she wishes to combine so that they share the same hex. At the start of the next phase, the
player replaces both units’ face-up Decimated Counter with face-up Disrupted Counters and places a
Reinforce Counter face up on each of the combining units. During the casualty phase following that
phase, one of the units is removed from play, all damage counters are removed.

EXAMPLE: At the start of Turn 3, the Allied player has a KV-1 with a face-up Decimated counter, and 2 hexes
away, a T-34/76 with a face-up Decimated counter on it. In the Turn 3 Movement Phase, the Allied player moves
the T-34/76 into the same hex as the KV-1. At the start of the Allied Turn 3 Assault Phase, the Allied player place
face-up “Reinforce” counters on both units and replaces their Decimated Counters with face-up Disrupted
counters. If the Axis Assault Phase FOLLOWS the Allied Assault phase, then any attacks against these units by
the Axis player during the Turn 3 Assault Phase are made against these units as Disrupted units for the purposes
of how many successes or hits are required to Damage, Decimate or Destroy them. During the Turn 3 Casualty
Phase, the Allied player removes the KV-1 unit and all damage counters and now has a full-strength T-34/76

Detachments (see below) that are part of a either unit that combines with another unit as part of a
reinforcement may be transferred to the new full-strength unit if a player so chooses, but the player
must observe the detachment limits for the type of units being reinforced (e.g. two detachments in the
case of Soldier-Infantry). See section VI. C. and VI. D., below, for rules about detachments.

Aircraft Reinforcing – Unlike other units, aircraft reinforce off-board. In order to combine two
decimated Aircraft units to create a single full-strength unit, the two combining units must NOT be
placed on the board during a turn. The full-strength unit may be placed in the next turn. An aircraft
unit MAY reinforce while disrupted. Special Abilities with a once-per-game use (e.g. Bombs and

BATTALION COMMANDER: Optional Rules for Battalion-Sized Battles Using the Axis & Allies Miniatures Game and 1/285 Micro Armor
Written by Steven Bean, 2011 – Rules adapted from Axis and Allies Miniatures by Wizards of the Coast Page 6
Rockets) are retained in the new full-strength unit ONLY if the two combining units BOTH possess a
once-per-game SA AND ONLY if neither of the two units had yet used their once-per-game ability.

VI. Creating a “Build” in Battalion Commander

Battalion Commander has been designed to simulate battles as large as battalion vs. battalion-size
using 6mm micro armor and modified AAM rules without increasing complexity or playing time in
comparison to a 250 point AAM game using mostly low-cost AFVS (35 points or less) and in comparison
to a 350 point game that uses a significant number of high-cost AFVs (40+ points). Play testing has
shown that BatCom can accommodate builds up to the 400-600 points per side range and still achieve
this goal.

A. Units that are NOT used in BatCom Builds:

Heroes - e.g. Resourceful Hero, Grizzled Veteran, Inspiring Hero, etc.
Support Units - i.e. Ammo Dump, Fuel Depot and Headquarters

B. Limits on Builds
In a standard BatCom Game, Elite Infantry (see below) are limited to 1 per 50 build points. Scenario-
based games may allow a higher proportion of Elite Infantry.

C. Soldiers
NEW RULE: Basic Soldier Units - Soldier units are treated differently when making a BatCom build
compared to an AAM build. In BatCom, there are four units that are categorized as Basic Soldier Units
 Soldier-Infantry – These BSUs come in two types “Vanilla” Infantry and “Elite” Infantry. Any
Soldier unit with a 5/5 DEF qualifies as Elite Infantry.
 Soldier – Artillery
 Engineers (Soldier units with the word “Engineer” in their unit name, plus German Pioneers)
 Heavy Machinegun Teams. Any Soldier-Infantry unit with the Double Shot Special Ability is
considered a Heavy Machinegun Team

Basic Soldier Units are purchased at the point cost printed on the card.

NEW RULE: Detachments - Many of the Soldier units used as individual units in AAM are only used in
combination with other units in BatCom, as what are called “Detachments.” These include:
 Infantry-Portable Anti-Tank Weapons - e.g. Bazooka, PIAT Gunner, Panzerfaust, etc.
 Submachine Guns - e.g. Thomson Gunner, PPSh-41 SMG, Sten Gun, etc.
 Light Machineguns - e.g. BAR Gunner, Bren Gunner, Breda Modello 30 LMG, etc.
 Light Mortars - e.g. Lebel 86M93 Grenadier, Type 89 Mortar, Brixia M35 45mm Mortar, etc.
 Elite Command Units – e.g. Haupsturmfuhrer, Screaming Eagle Captain, Imperial Sergeant, etc.

Detachments other than Elite Command Units are purchased at 70% of the cost printed on their card,
(rounded to the nearest whole point) Elite Command Unit Detachments cost 50% of their printed cost,
rounded up. After being purchased, Detachments are attached to a BSU. A BSU may have no more
than 2 Detachments. The stat cards for Detachments are paired with the card for the BSU to which
they are assigned. Players should paper clip Detachments to their BSUs or use some other system to
keep track of which BSUs have which Detachments.
BATTALION COMMANDER: Optional Rules for Battalion-Sized Battles Using the Axis & Allies Miniatures Game and 1/285 Micro Armor
Written by Steven Bean, 2011 – Rules adapted from Axis and Allies Miniatures by Wizards of the Coast Page 7
EXAMPLE: The Allied player is working on his build. He purchases one M1 Garand unit at 4 points as a BSU
and wants it to have anti-tank capabilitie in the form f a Bazooka-equipped squad within the platoon. He
purchases a Bazooka unit as a Detachment for the M1 Garand platoon. The Bazooka costs 70% of its printed
cost, or 2.8 points rounded up to 3 points. The combined unit is a total of 7 points.

Detachments become part of the BSU to which they are assigned and have the Speed and DEF of that
BSU. The BSU and the Detachment treat damage as one unit – when the BSU is removed from the
game, so is the Detachment.

Detachments convey to its BSU some combination of extra attacks, extra attack dice and additional
special abilities.

Detachments that Add a Separate Attack - Flamethrowers, Infantry-Portable Anti-Tank Weapons and
Light Mortars are the Detachments that add additional attacks to BSUs. Units with these Detachments
may make one additional attack during the assault phase. This attack uses the attack rolls from the stat
card for the Detachment and this attack benefits from any SAs on the Detachment’s stat card
applicable to the attack. The attack suffers the penalties of any face-up damage counters on the BSU.

EXAMPLE: The Allied player in the previous example built an M1 Garand BSU with a Bazooka Detachment. In
his Axis opponent’s Assault Phase, his opponent moves a Tiger I into the same hex as the M1 Garand and uses
the Tiger’s Overrun SA to Disrupt the Allied player’s unit. In the Allied Assault Phase the Allied player sees that
there is a Mauser KAR 2 hexes away from his unit . He rolls the M1 Garand’s 7-dice medium range attack at the
Mauser, applying a -1 penalty to each die because of the Disruption. Then, he has the choice of a 9-dice anti-
vehicle attack or a 10-dice Close Assault against the Tiger I as the Bazooka Detachment’s additional attack.
Whichever one of these attacks the Allied player chooses, the attack will suffer a -1 penalty on each attack die
because of the Disruption to the BSU.

Detachments that Add Extra Attack Dice to a BSU’s attack – Submachine gun units and light
machinegun (LMG) units fall into this category. When the BSU makes its attack, it may use the attack
value of one of its Detachments so long the attack is consistent with any limitations on the
Detachment’s attack. If the BSU uses the attack values of a Detachment, subject to any limitations,
than that BSU may also utilize the beneficial SAs possessed by that unit. (See below).

EXAMPLE: An Allied player’s M1 Garand BSU has a Thompson Gunner Detachment. In an assault phase, the
Axis player moves an SS Panzergrenadier into the same hex as the Allied player’s M1 Garand unit with the
Thompson Detachment. The Allied player rolls Defensive Fire. He can roll 10 dice because the attack conforms to
the Thompson Detachment’s Limited Range 2 SA. The Defensive Fire attack is also rolled with a +1 bonus to
each die because of the Detachment’s “Gung Ho” Special Ability.

Detachment Special Abilities - If the BSU uses the attack values of a Detachment, subject to any
limitations, than that BSU may also utilize the beneficial SAs possessed by that unit.

EXAMPLE: In the example above, the M1 BSU with the Thompson Detachment makes its Defensive Fire attack
against the Panzergrenadier with a +1 bonus to each die because of the Detachment’s “Gung Ho” Special

To give another example, an M1 Garand BSU with a BAR Gunner Detachment can apply the BAR
Gunner’s Covering Fire SA to the M1 Garand BSU’s attack.
BATTALION COMMANDER: Optional Rules for Battalion-Sized Battles Using the Axis & Allies Miniatures Game and 1/285 Micro Armor
Written by Steven Bean, 2011 – Rules adapted from Axis and Allies Miniatures by Wizards of the Coast Page 8
However, when applying Detachment SAs to BSU attacks it should be noted that:
 BSUs do not apply SAs to their attacks from Detachments that provide additional attacks, e.g.
an M1 Garand BSU with a Bazooka Detachment doesn’t make a 10-dice Close Assault.
 Identical or functionally similar SA’s possessed by both the BSU and the Detachment DO NOT
 Players MUST exercise common sense, good judgment and fair play in applying Detachment
SAs to BSUs.

Elite Command Unit Detachments - AAM units with the Commander and Tank Commander sub-types
are not used on their own in BatCom. Instead, these units are treated as Detachments. All BatCom
units are assumed to have officers appropriate to their unit size, e.g. Sergeants and other NCOs in
charge of squads within platoons, Lieutenants in charge of platoons, etc. Command Detachments
represent Captains or Majors in charge of Companies made up of 3-5 platoons. What’s more, given
that not every build will feature a Command Detachment for every five platoons - and given their in-
game abilities - the purchased Commander Detachments are not just “run-of-the-mill” officers - they
are exceptional individual officers or command units, akin to “Heroes” in AAM (but slightly little less
fantastical). Otherwise, how would an NCO or Lieutenant have an influence on as many as 11 nearby
platoons, unless he or she were an exceptional leader?

Units with the Commander subtype are purchased as Detachments in the same manner as other
Soldier-Infantry Units. Elite Command Unit Detachments cost 50% of their printed cost, rounded up.

BatCom builds are limited to one ECU per 100 build points.

Using an ECU Detachment - BSUs with Elite Command Unit Detachments (ECUs) can utilize the
Commander Abilities of the ECU. The BSU to which a Commander unit is attached are affected by the
Commander Abilities of its ECU hust as in AAM the Commander itself benefits from its own abilities.
Elite Command Unit Detachments NEVER give their BSUs additional attacks. A BSU may use an ECU’s
attack values IN PLACE of its normal attack, subject to any limitations printed on the ECU’s stat card.

EXAMPLE: An Axis player has an SS Panzergrenadier as a BSU with a Wehrmacht Oberleutenant

attached as an ECU Detachment. In his assault phase, the Axis player decides she wants to attack a
Sherman in an adjacent hex. She decides to use the Wehrmacht Oberleutenant’s 6-die anti-vehicle
attack instead of the SS Panzergrenadier’s 2-die AV attack. The Wehrmacht Oberleutenant has Limited
Range 2, but since the Sherman is within range 1, the Axis player can use the Wehrmacht
Oberleutenant’s attack value in place of the SS Panzergrenadier’s.

ECU Detachments and Hit Counters – Similar to AAM, Commander Abilities on an ECU are negated if
there is a face-up Disrupted counter on the BSU to which the ECU is attached. Also when a BSU
receives a face-up Decimated Counter, it can no longer utilize any of the attack values or SAs of an ECU
attached to it. (It is assumed that all of that Command Unit’s efforts are necessary just to maintain
basic platoon operations) If the BSU reinforces by merging with another unit, and keeps the ECU, then
the ECU Detachment functions normally again once its BSU achieves full strength.

BATTALION COMMANDER: Optional Rules for Battalion-Sized Battles Using the Axis & Allies Miniatures Game and 1/285 Micro Armor
Written by Steven Bean, 2011 – Rules adapted from Axis and Allies Miniatures by Wizards of the Coast Page 9
D. Vehicles and Vehicle Detachments
Similar to Soldiers, some vehicles in AAM can also have Detachments. There is presently only one type
of Vehicle Detachment in BatCom: Tank Command Unit Detachments (TCUs). Units with the Tank
Commander sub-type may be purchased in builds and used as TCUs attached to Basic Tank Units (BTU),
- any Vehicle unit with the Tank or Tank Destroyer sub-type. Vehicles with any other sub-type may not
be assigned TCUs. Tank Command Unit Detachments cost: 30% of their printed cost rounded to the
nearest whole point. The BTU to which a TCU is attached may utilize the TCU’s Commander SAs. BTUs
may NOT utilize any of the TCU Detachment’s non-Commander SAs. Tank Command Unit Detachments
DO NOT add attacks to the BTU to which they are attached, nor can the BTU substitute the TCU
Detachment attack values for their own when attacking. As with ECU’s, when a TCU Detachment’s
“host” BTU unit is Disrupted or Decimated, that BTU may no longer utilize the TCU Detachment’s
Commander Abilities until or unless it reinforces and becomes a full-strength unit again AND if it
retains the TCU as a Detachment after reinforcing.

E. Aircraft
Aircraft in BatCom are purchased normally and cannot have Detachments. (Currently there is also no
Equipment and Training & Tactics for Aircraft in BatCom - this could change in the future.) New rules
for using Aircraft in a BatCom game are discussed in Section VI. G., below. Aircaft Reinforce slightly
differently from other units, as described in section V. C., above.

F. NEW RULE: Equipment and Training & Tactics

Equipment and Training & Tactics (EATs for short) work like Detachments – they give a unit for which
they are purchased advantages in the game. EATs are purchased when a player is making his or her
build and players must include the cost of EATs within their build cost limit. The table, below, lists the
available EATs, the unit types/subtypes for which each can be purchased, the year each EAT becomes
available , its cost ,and an explanation for how to use the EAT in the game. Where cost is expressed as
a percentage, the point cost is calculated as the stated percentage of the base cost of the unit for
which the ability is being purchased, rounded to the nearest point. When a player purchases an EAT for
a unit, he or she should write the name of the EAT on a small slip of paper or a sticky note and attach in
to the stat card of the unit for which it was purchased.
Ability Eligible Unit Types/Subtypes Year Cost Description/Rules
Camouflaged Position Soldier-Artillery 1939 +10% Place a face-up CAMO Counter on this unit.
Units w/ the Double Shot SA 1939 +20% This unit cannot be attacked at Medium or
Long Range until it after it makes its first attack
roll of the game.
Dug-In Position Soldier-Artillery 1939 +10% Place a face up Dug-In counter on this
Units with Double Shot SA 1939 +20% unit. This unit has cover in non-cover
hexes and adds +1/+1 to its DEF.
Evasive Driving Vehicle - Armored Car 1939 +25% This unit has cover in non-cover hexes, and
succeeds on cover rolls on a 4-6.
Indirect Soldier - Artillery and Vehicle – Artillery that: 1939 +10% This unit gains the SA Indirect Fire –
Fire a) Do not already have the Indirect Fire SA, b) “If a friendly Spotter is within 8
Training Do not have the term “Antitank Gun” in their hexes (4 BatCom hexes) of an enemy
title, c) Do not have the Antiair SA, and d) Do Solder and has ine of sight to it, this
not have the SAs “Remote Control” or unit’s attack ignores line of sight.
Other Unit Types that: 1939
a) Have the term “Rocket Salvo” and b) Do not

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Written by Steven Bean, 2011 – Rules adapted from Axis and Allies Miniatures by Wizards of the Coast Page 10
already have the Indirect Fire SA.
i.e. currently (7/3/11) German SiG 33, German
Nebelwerfer 41, Soviet 76.2mm Model 1942,
and Soviet BM-13 Katyusha Rocket Launcher;
Mechanized Infantry Soldier - Infantry 1939 2 pts This unit may treat any Vehicle with the Tank
subtype as if it has the Exposed Transport 1 SA.
Motor Recon Spotting Armored Cars w/ Short 1939 +30% This unit has the Spotter subtype and the
Range AV attack values <10 Chatting on the Radio SA.
Pre-Sighted Fields of Fire Soldier – Artillery 1939 2 pts This unit begins the game on Overwatch
Vehicle – Artillery ??? 1939 3 pts
Smoke Projector Vehicle – Tank 1940 6 pts Once per game, at the end of your Movement
Vehicle – Tank Destroyer 1941 6 pts Phase, you may fire a smoke projector from this
Vehicle. The smoke created provides cover within
that hex during that turn and a +1 to any cover rolls
until the end of the turn.

VII. Special Abilities

A. REMINDER: Decimated NOT Destroyed Rule (DnD) – Special Abilities that place an immediate face-
up destroyed counter if their attack meets certain success criteria (e.g. Flamethrowers) instead
place an immediate face-up Decimated counter instead.

B. List of Specific Modifications to Special Abilities in Battalion Commander

Antiair – Any unit with this SA may make Defensive Fire Attack against aircraft within 3 hexes.
Commander Hunter – BatCom uses its own Sniper unit card, so this SA should not come into play.
Covering Fire – If a BatCom player is using the Optional Suppressive Fire rule, then the Covering
Fire SA is ignored.
Defensive Preparation, Dug In and Entrenched – In BatCom, these SAs have been tuned into add-
on abilities that players can purchase for points. Ignore these abilities as written on stat cards
Fighting Platform – In BatCom, Soldiers mounted on a transport with this SA CANNOT attack using
the Close Assault SA.
Fire Hazard, Flammable and Highly Flammable – These SAs are subject to the Decimated NOT
Destroyed (DnD) rule.
Flamethrower – Instead of immediately destroying a target unit, when this unit rolls three 6s place
an immediate face-up Decimated counter on the target unit.
Headshot – BatCom uses its own Sniper unit card, so this SA should not come into play.
Heroes and Hero Abilities (e.g. Endurance, Improvisation, Vast Experience, etc.) – Heroes are not
used in BatCom.
Gun Crew Hunter – BatCom uses its own Sniper unit card, so this SA should not come into play.
Lack of Determination - This SA is subject to the Decimated NOT Destroyed (DnD) rule.
Prone to Breakdown – A player may opt to exchange a face-up Decimated Counter for a face-up
Damaged Counter. If this is done, the unit may then move.
Smoke Screen - In BatCom, this SA has been tuned into an add-on ability players can purchase for
points. Ignore this ability as written on stat cards.
Spotter – The BatCom Rules Supplement closes the “spot-then-move” loophole. All units with the
Spotter sub-type or the Spotting SA also have “Chatting on the Radio.” Spotters may only spot from
transports with the "Fighting Platform" or "Exposed Transport" SAs, and only if those transports do
not move during the Assault Phase (The transports can still attack if they possess attack values).
SS Hunter - BatCom uses its own Sniper unit card, so this SA should not come into play.

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Written by Steven Bean, 2011 – Rules adapted from Axis and Allies Miniatures by Wizards of the Coast Page 11
Steely Resolve X – The changes to hit counters in BatCom complicate this SA. If players are playing
with the optional rule about Elite Infantry it is recommended that they ignore this SA on unit stat
cards. If players continue to use 5/5 DEF Elite Infantry then it is recommended that for ay unit with
Steely Resolve 2, they increase that SA to Steely Resolve 3.
Superior Armor X/Superior Frontal Armor X – Unlike Steely Resolve, the changes to hit counters in
BatCom do not complicate this SA – it can be used normally
Tall Silhouette – The effect of this SA is limited to 4 hexes.
Transport – A single vehicle with the Transport SA and no attack values DOES NOT count against
the stacking limit in a hex.

C. Other New Rules

Snipers - BatCom does NOT use the Sniper units and unit cards that are normally used in AAM.
Instead, the four nations that have Sniper units in AAM, the United States and the Soviet Union for
the Allies and Germany and Japan for the Axis may buy Snipers using the card, below. In builds can
also include sipers from Canada and Finland. BatCom Snipers have the following unit statistics:

Sniper Soldier-Sniper 1939 (Axis) Cost 9

1941 (Allies)
Speed 1 Def 3/3
Attacks Short 0-1 Medium 2-4 Long 5-8
AI 5 5 5
AV 1 1 1
Superior Camouflage – While this
unit has cover, enemy units can’t
attack it at medium or long range.
Precision Shooting – This unit gets
+1 on each attack die.
Experienced Recon – This unit can attack units with the
Camouflage or Superior Camouflage ability at medium range.
Disrupt and Demoralize – When this unit would place a face-
down Disruption counter on a unit, a player may choose to
place that counter face-up instead.
May Target Detachments – Instead of placing a hit counter on
an opponent’s unit, the player may choose a Detachment
assigned to a BSU or BTU. Place a face-down Sniped Hit
Counter on the Detachment’s card. While the Sniped counter is
present, that Detachment may not attack, use its special
abilities or add attack dice to its BSU or BTU.
Small Unit – This unit cannot score more than 2 hits against a
target in one phase. Additional hits above two are ignored. This
ability is ignored if the targeted unit has the Sniper or Spotter
In WWII, the sniper served as blocking force, psychological
operations unit and scout as well as deadly long-range shooter.

NEW RULE: Vehicle-Against-Infantry Defensive Fire - Vehicles are allowed defensive fire against
Soldier units moving into the vehicle’s hex if the hex that the Vehicle occupies is NOT a hex that
provides cover to Soldier units.
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Written by Steven Bean, 2011 – Rules adapted from Axis and Allies Miniatures by Wizards of the Coast Page 12
In BatCom, one mini represents a pair of aircraft. The following rules are in effect for using aircraft in

NEW RULE: Alternating Aircraft Placement – Unlike AAM, in BatCom both players place aircraft during
a single Flight Phase. Players alternate placing one Aircraft unit at a time with the player who goes first
during the turn placing the first aircraft mini. If one player runs out of aircraft while the other player
still has two or more aircraft, then thelayer with the remaining unplaced aircraft may place it as he or
she wishes until all Aircraft are placed.

NEW RULE: Ground Unit Attacks Against Aircraft - Any unit that does not have the Antiair SA rolls two
fewer (-2) AI dice when attacking Aircraft units in addition to suffering a -1 penalty to each attack die
rolled. In BatCom, units with the Antiair SA can make Defensive Fire attacks at Aircraft that are placed
within 2 hexes.

VIII. Strongly Recommended (or Discouraged) Optional Rules

Expanded Rules
Expanded Rule: Overwatch – In BatCom, one unit per 100 build points may be put on Overwatch each
turn in accordance with the Expanded Rules (page 24).
Expanded Rules: Ground Attacks against Aircraft – The Expanded Rules include a rule that makes it
more difficult for ground units without the Antiair SA to attack Aircraft. The rule involves establishing
an aircraft’s facing and applying a penalty to any ground units without Antiair that are not directly in
front of the Aircraft when they attack it. This rule reflects reality: it is much more difficult to hit a
vehicle that is speeding past you than one that is heading straight towards you. The rule helps mitigate
the vulnerability of Aircraft in AAM to non-AAA ground fire without making the planes much more
powerful. The designer recommends the use of this rule in BatCom.

Discouraged: Expanded Rules Enfilade Fire and Grazing Fire – Because of the size of Infantry units in
BatCom (platoon-sized) and the increased scale of maps, these rules do not make as much sense as
they do in AAM and the designer would recommend NOT using these rules from the Expanded Rules.

OPTIONAL: Suppressive Fire

Any non-Decimated BSU can declare that is laying down suppressive fire against an enemy unit instead
of making its regular attack. In order to make a Suppressive Fire Attack against Vehicles, a player must
be rolling at least one more attack dice than the DEF Score of the target Vehicle. The attacking unit
foregoes its regular attack and immediately places a face-up Suppressed counter on the targeted unit.
The targeted unit suffers a penalty of -1 on each attack die applied to its next attack, if it attacks in the
same turn. There is no suppressive fire against Aircraft.

OPTIONAL: Elite Infantry

All Elite Infantry have their DEF Scores reduced to 4 and gain the SA Steely Resolve 3. Under these
rules, Elite Infantry units with a printed cost of 8 or higher cost -1 point compared to their printed cost.
If optional drift rules are used with Paratroopers, further reduce Paratrooper units that cost more than
8 by an additional -1.

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Written by Steven Bean, 2011 – Rules adapted from Axis and Allies Miniatures by Wizards of the Coast Page 13
OPTIONAL: The Paratrooper Special Ability
When a player deploys a unit according to the Paratrooper SA, he or she runs the risk that the
paradrop will not hit its target. This is called “drift” or the “Drift Rule.”

When a player deploys a unit using the Paratrooper SA, he or she first declares a target hex. This target
hex cannot contain an enemy unit. To determine whether a Paratrooper unit lands in its target hex, the
player rolls 1d6: On a roll of a 1, the unit will land 2 hexes away from the target hex, on a roll of a 2 or
a 3 the unit will land 1 hex away from the target hex and on a roll of a 4,5 or 6, the unit will land in the
target hex. If the player rolls a 1, 2 or 3, the player determines the location of the new deployment hex
by designating one of the hex sides of the target hex as the “1” hex side (by placing a face-down
counter or other token). Then the player rolls another d6 and starting from the “1” hex side counts hex
sides clockwise around the target hex until the layer finds the hex side that matches with the number
rolled on the d6. The player then counts 1 or 2 hexes directly away from that hex side (in accordance
with the first d6 roll) and deploys the Paratrooper unit in that hex.

If the Paratrooper unit is deploying in a hex that contains an enemy unit, that unit may make a
Defensive Fire attack against the Paratrooper.

OPTIONAL: Revised Unit Costs in Battalion Commander (in Alphabetical Order)

40mm Bofors L60 = 14
Amtrack = 7
Junkers JU 87G Stuka = 18
KV-1 = 35 points
Marder II = 14
Matilda II = 20
Nashorn = 33
Soviet M3 Lee = 26
Sturmpanzer IV "Brummbar" = 28
T-26 Series 1933 = 8
Type 1 Ho-Ni = 6
Type 89 mortar = 8

OPTIONAL: High Ground

In WWII hills and other elevated positions were very important. The following rules give extra tactical
benefit to hills and bluffs. Units on hills and bluffs hexes can claim “high ground” against enemies that
are not on hills or bluffs hexes ("On a bluffs hex" in this context means being on a hex that has one or
more sides with bluffs). A unit claiming high ground against an enemy 1 or more hexes away can treat
that enemy as being one hex closer for the purposes of attack range and defensive fire. Units claiming
high ground can also ignore Forest, Jungle, Town and Hedge hexes within two hexes for the purposes
of establishing line of sight to a target unit, so long as the hex the target is in is not adjacent to an
intervening Forest, Jungle or Town hex in the sight line between the attacking unit and the target unit.
If the attacker declares LOS in this situation, then the defender also has LOS for return fire.

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IX. Other Optional Rules
New Units: Bunkers – The Historical House Rules project on the Forumini has some great, custom
cards for fortifications that are adaptable to BatCom:

Sharpedia Cards
“Sharpe,” an active member and moderator of the Forumini has created the “Sharpedia,” a
compendium of something like 1000 custom AAM cards that he has personally designed. The
Sharpedia features many important and interesting units from WWII that are not available in the
official AAM card set. Since they were designed as for AAM, Sharpedia cards are fully compatible with

General Cards
On the Axis and Allies Miniatures Forumini, a private unofficial online discussion forum about AAM,
several members have created the Generals Deck (
This is a deck of cards where each card has a different WWII General. The Generals deck is for nation-
limited games. Each player chooses a nation and then picks one General of this nation. You don't pay
for the General and you can't field units from a nation other than the General's. Each general has one
positive and one negative ability. Similar to a Commander sub-type’s Initiative SA, the Generals’
abilities are “global,” affecting an entire type of units or another somewhat broad spectrum of the
game. The Generals Deck is well designed and a lot of fun. Given the larger scope of BatCom battles
compared to AAM, the Generals Deck seems well suited for use with BatCom.

Blocked Roads
AAM players have often suggested that the miniatures for Destroyed Vehicles be left on the game
board. Several game uses for wreckage have been suggested, including providing cover for infantry and
blocking the use of roads. This designer suggests the latter mechanic as an optional rule in BatCom. It
makes particular sense to use this rule in BatCom as a face-up Destroyed counter on a Vehicle in
BatCom represents the wreckage of not just a single Vehicle, but the better part of a platoon of as
BATTALION COMMANDER: Optional Rules for Battalion-Sized Battles Using the Axis & Allies Miniatures Game and 1/285 Micro Armor
Written by Steven Bean, 2011 – Rules adapted from Axis and Allies Miniatures by Wizards of the Coast Page 15
many as six vehicles. Wreckage could be represented by turning the mini on its side. This wreckage
would prevent the use of the road in its hex. Entering this hex would be the same as entering whatever
terrain besides the road is present in the hex. Wreckage could be cleared by an Engineer unit as if it
were an obstacle. Similarly, Vehicles with the Tank and Tank Destroyer subtypes could attempt to push
the wreckage out of the way. This requires a successful movement roll.

Elevation Levels
Often AAM game maps have several hill hexes groups together. Under the standard rules, LOS is
blocked between two hill hexes if there is a third hill hex in between the hexes that units are
occupying. However, players may choose to create multi-level hills. Hill hexes can be designated with
elevation levels. For most game maps or boards, two levels will be sufficient; some maps may invite
three elevation levels in expansive areas of hills. Elevation levels can be indicated with coins (i.e.
pennies for level one, nickels for level two and quarters for level three) or other tokens. When
determining line of sight between hexes, a lower elevation hill hex does not block LOS from a higher
elevation hill hex.

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X. Classification of Units for Detachment Purchasing
Nation Unit Original Detach Notes & BatCom Modifications (If
Unit Cost Cost Applicable)
Australia Australian Officer 07 04 Add SAs Only
Canada Eagle-Eyed NCO 07 04 Add SAs Only
China Kuomintang Officer 05 03 Add SAs Only
Greece Greek Officer 09 05 Add SAs Only
France Bold Captain 07 04 Add SAs Only
New Zealand New Zealand Officer Add SAs Only
Poland Polish Officer 07 04 Add SAs Only
Soviet Union Commissar 05 03 Add SAs Only
Soviet Union Cossack Captain 09 05 Add SAs Only
Soviet Union T-34/76 Commander Tank Command Unit, Add SAs Only
Soviet Union Veteran NCO 06 03 Add SAs Only
United Kingdom Inspiring Lieutenant 10 05 Add SAs Only
United States M4A1 Sherman Commander 33 10 Tank Command Unit, Add SAs Only
United States Marine Sergeant Add SAs Only
United States “Red Devil” Captain 07 04 Add SAs Only
United States “Screaming Eagle” Captain 11 06 Add SAs Only
Yugoslavia Yugoslavian Partisan Commander 06 03 Add SAs Only
Belgium Belgium Officer 06 03 Add SAs Only
Finland Finnish Officer 06 03 Add SAs Only
Germany Panzer III Ausf H Commander 22 07 Tank Command Unit, Add SAs Only
Germany Panzer IV Ausf H Commander 45 14 Tank Command Unit, Add SAs Only
Germany SS Haupsturmruhrer 07 04 Add SAs Only
Germany Wehrmacht Oberleutenant 12 06 Add SAs Only
Hungary Tenacious Officer 06 03 Add SAs Only
Italy Stalwart Lieutenant 06 03 Add SAs Only
Japan Imperial Engineer Add SAs Only
Japan Imperial Sergeant 09 05 Add SAs Only
Japan SNLF Captain 06 03 Add SAs Only
Romania Vigilant Lieutenant 08 04 Add SAs Only

Nation Unit Original Detach Notes & BatCom Modifications (If Applicable)
Unit Cost Cost
United States Marine Flamethrower 05 04 Adds additional attack from Detachment
Decimated not Destroyed (DnD) rule applicable
Germany Flammenwerfer 35 05 04 Adds additional attack from Detachment values
Decimated not Destroyed (DnD) rule applicable

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Infantry Mortars
Nation Unit Original Detach Notes & BatCom Modifications (If Applicable)
Unit Cost Cost
France Lebel 86M93 Grenadier 03 02 Adds additional attack from Detachment
United States Mortar M2 06 04 Adds additional attack from Detachment
Germany Light Mortar 05 04 Adds additional attack from Detachment
Italy Brixia M35 45mm Mortar 04 03 Adds additional attack from Detachment
Japan Type 89 Mortar 09 06 Adds additional attack from Detachment
Romania Romanian Mortar 07 05 Adds additional attack from Detachment

Infantry-Portable Anti-Tank Weapons

Nation Unit Original Detach Notes & BatCom Modifications (If Applicable)
Unit Cost Cost
Soviet PTRD-41 Antitank Rifle 04 03 Adds additional attack from Detachment
United Kingdom PIAT Gunner 05 04 Adds additional attack from Detachment
United States Bazooka 04 03 Adds additional attack from Detachment
Germany Panzerfaust 05 04 Adds additional attack from Detachment
Germany Panzershreck 07 05 Adds additional attack from Detachment
Japan Type 97 Antitank Rifle 04 03 Adds additional attack from Detachment

Light Machine Guns

Nation Unit Original Detach Notes & BatCom Modifications (If Applicable)
Unit Cost Cost
Soviet Degtyarev DP-27 04 03 May substitute Detachment attack for BSU attack
United Kingdom Bren Gunner 05 04 May substitute Detachment attack for BSU attack
United States BAR Gunner 04 03 May substitute Detachment attack for BSU attack
Italy Breda Modello 30 LMG 04 03 May substitute Detachment attack for BSU attack
Japan Type 99 LMG 04 03 May substitute Detachment attack for BSU attack

Submachine Guns
Nation Unit Original Detach Notes & BatCom Modifications (If Applicable)
Unit Cost Cost
Australia Owen SMG 04 03 May substitute Detachment attack for BSU attack
Soviet PPSh-41 SMG 03 02 May substitute Detachment attack for BSU attack
United Kingdom Sten SMG 04 03 May substitute Detachment attack for BSU attack
United States Thompson Gunner 04 03 May substitute Detachment attack for BSU attack
German Fortress Defender 02 01 Sub-machinegun indicated in unit illustration
May substitute Detachment attack for BSU attack
German SS Stormtroopers 07 05 DETACH??? If so, only avail to SS Panzergrenadier
May substitute Detachment attack for BSU attack.

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XI. Miscellaneous AAM Revisions for Battalion Commander
 The German SiG 33 should be classified as Vehicle –Artillery instead of Vehicle – Assault Gun
 The US M7 105mm Priest should be classified as Vehicle – Artillery instead of Vehicle - Tank

XII. List of New Rules, Terms and Acronyms with Page Number References
Aircraft Reinforcement …………………………………………………………………………………………………… pg. XX
Air Attack Damage Against Full-Srength Units ………………………………………………………………….pg. 06
Basic Soldier Unit (BSU) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………pg. 07
Basic Tank Unit (BTU) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………pg. 09
Camouflage Counter ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
Decimated and Decimated Counter …………………………………………………………………………………pg. 06
Decimated not Destroyed Rule (DnD) ………………………………………………………………………………pg. XX
Detachments ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………pg. 07
Drift Rule …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………pg. 13-14
Elite Command Unit (ECU) ………………………………………………………………………………………………pg. 08
Equipment and Training & Tactics (EATs) ……………………………………………………………………… 10
Facing and Firing Arcs for Units with the Fixed Gun and No Turret Special Abilities ……… 03
Hex Facing Change after Failed Movement Roll ……………………………………………………………….pg. 03
Full Strength Unit …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….pg. 06
Ground Attacks Against Aircraft ………………………………………………………………………………………pg. 13
Hex Stacking Limits ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….pg. 03
High Ground ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………pg. 14
Hit Categories …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………pg. 04-05
List of Modifications to AAM Special Abilities is Battalion Commander ………………………… 11
Maximum Effective Range ……………………………………………………………………………………………….pg. 04
Multiple Objectives ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….pg. 02
Non-Combat Units and Objectives ………………………………………………………………………………… 03
Reinforcing and Reinforce Counter ………………………………………………………………………………….pg. 06
Snipers and Sniped Counter …………………………………………………………………………………………….pg. 12
Split Fire ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 04
Stacking Limits and Non-Combat Units …………………………………………………………………………….pg. 03
Suppressive Fire ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….pg. 13
Tank Command Unit (TCU) ………………………………………………………………………………………………pg. 09
Vehicle Defensive Fire Against Infantry ……………………………………………………………………………pg. 12

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XIII. New Counters

 Decimated
 Decimated
 Decimated
 Decimated

Reinforce Reinforce Reinforce Reinforce Reinforce Reinforce Reinforce Reinforce Reinforce Reinforce


HEX:___ HEX:___ HEX:___

Suppressed Suppressed Suppressed Suppressed Suppressed Suppressed Suppressed Suppressed Suppressed Suppressed





 Decimated
 Decimated
 Decimated
 Decimated

 Decimated
 Decimated
 Decimated
 Decimated

BATTALION COMMANDER: Optional Rules for Battalion-Sized Battles Using the Axis & Allies Miniatures Game and 1/285 Micro Armor
Written by Steven Bean, 2011 – Rules adapted from Axis and Allies Miniatures by Wizards of the Coast Page 20

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