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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI
Division of Island Garden City of Samal
P2 Brgy. Tagdaliao, District II, Island Garden City of Samal

I. To strengthen the reading proficiency of every learner

II. CATCH – UP FRIDAYS: Drop Everything And Read (DEAR)

Reading Materials suited to Grade three Level


1. Pre-Reading 1. Preparation and Settling In
o Let the Learners gather their
Let the pupils sing a song or
chants related to the story. The chosen reading materials and
find a comfortable spot.
teacher chooses an appropriate
o Teachers create a quiet and
excerpt from the chosen storybook
or poem and then raises conducive reading atmosphere.
motivation questions to elicit o Brief relaxation exercises for a
responses. reading mindset.

2. During Reading 2. Dedicated Reading Time

o Learners read independently or
Develop learners' various reading with a partner.
skills to improve their vocabulary, o Teachers and staff also set a
learn new words and expressions, positive example by
and enhance their creativity and engaging in reading.
Imagination through sounding out o Minimal movement or
words, picture association reading distractions; learners stay
aloud and take turns story reading. focused on their books.
o Encourage writing or drawing if a
3. Post Reading learner finishes early.
Provide the learners the chance to
reflect develop a deeper 3. Progress Monitoring through
understanding of the text, and Reflection and Sharing
promote the use of language or o Voluntary sharing of
newly learned words creatively interesting parts, themes, or
through crafting artworks, writing a book recommendations.
diary or journal, identifying the o Teachers facilitate a brief
favorite part in the story, discussion on the
discussions, think pair/ group- importance of reading.
share o Learners relate stories to
personal experiences during
III. Procedure:

4. Wrap-Up
o Reinforce key points or main
takeaways from the material/ s
o Teachers ask questions about
the reading experience.
o Encourage general feedback.
o Learners set the next reading

IV. Evaluation

1. Did the learners enjoy reading?

2. Did the learners foster their love in reading?

Prepared by:

Janella M. Dumdum
Teacher 1

Noted by:

Asher D. Maranga
Head Teacher II

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