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Q1. Select and Write the correct answer

1. Which technique is widely used in industry to separate components of

mixture and also to purify them?
a) Steam distillation b) Chromatography c) Solvent extraction d) Filtration

2. Saponification is carried out by__________

a) Oxidation b) Alkaline hydrolysis c) Polymerization d) Free radical

3. In Avogadro’s constant 6.022 x 1023 mol -1 the number of significant

figure is ___________
a) 3 b)4 c)5 d)6

4. Interactive forces are _____ in ideal gas.

a) Nil b) Small c) Large d)same as that of real gas

5. Fruit jam is not an example of _______

a)Sol b)gel c)emulsion d)true solution

6. In modern periodic table, the period number indicates the__________

a) Atomic number b) Atomic mass c) principal quantum number
d)Azimuthal quantum number

7. Which of the following has highest boiling points ________

a) n-pentane b) isobutane c) butane d) neopentane

8. How many grams of oxygen will be required to react completely with 27g
of Al _______
a) 7,15 b)3,12 c)6,14 d)9,17

9. A mixture of acetone and benzene can be separated by ___

a) Simple distillation b)Fractional distillation c)Distillation under reduced
pressure d)Sublimation

10. Which of the following is not an allotrope of carbon__________

a) bucky ball b)diamond c)Graphite d)emerald

11. Which of the following temperatures will read the same value on Celsius
and Fahrenheit scale?
a)-40⁰ b)+ 40⁰ c)-80⁰ d)-20⁰

12. Select the non-aromatic compound by using Huckel rule_____

a) Benzene b) Naphthalene c)Pyridine d) Cycloheptatriene

13. In Haber process of production of ammonia, K2O is used

a) Catalyst b) Inhibitor c) Promoter d) Adsorbate

14. Which one of the statement is not a property of silicones___________

a)Water repellent b)resistant to oxidation c)low thermal stability d)good
electrical insulator

15. The filtrate that remains after separating the crystal by filtration is
a)mother liquor b)mobile phase c)residue d)solution

16. Select the correct increasing order of ionic radii of M+3

a)In3+< Ga3+ < Al3+< B3+
b)B3+< Al3+< Ga3+< In3+
c) B3+< Ga3+< Al3+ = In3+
d) B3+ = Al3+< Ga3+< In3+

17. Two elements A (At.mass 75) and B(At.mass 16) combine to give a
compound having 75.8% of A. The formula of the compound is______
a)AB b)A2B c)AB2 d)A2B3

18. The catalytic action occurs on the surface of a catalyst.Identify the X in

the given steps Diffusion → X → Intermediate formation → product
formation → Description

19. The unit of viscosity is _________

a) dynes b) newton c)gram d)poise

20. Principal quantum number describes__________

a) shape of orbital b)size of the orbital c)spin of electrons d)orientation in
the orbital electron cloud

Q2.Answer the following:

1. What is Pyrolysis?
Ans: Pyrolysis is a chemical process in which organic materials are decomposed at
high temperatures in the absence of oxygen. During pyrolysis, the organic material
undergoes thermal degradation, breaking down into smaller molecules, gases, and solid
residues. This process occurs typically at temperatures above 300°C and can result in
the production of various products such as gases, liquids (bio-oil or tar), and char (solid
residue). Pyrolysis is often used in waste management, biomass conversion, and the
production of biofuels and specialty chemicals.

2. State true or false? Correct the false statement. In the p-block elements
only carbon shows allotropy.
Ans: False. In the p-block elements, several elements besides carbon exhibit allotropy.
For example, sulfur, phosphorus, and selenium are known to exist in various allotropes
3. What is the effect of a catalyst on the equilibrium constant of a given
reaction? CH3COOH(l) + C2H5OH(l) ⇋CH3COOC2H5(l) + H2O(l)

4. In which reaction does nitrogen exhibit variation of oxidation state from

-3 to +5?

5. Name the therapeutic radioisotope of iodine which is used for the

treatment of thyroid cancer?
Ans:Iodine-131 is a radioactive isotope of iodine that emits beta particles
and gamma rays
6. The colloidal or microscopic particles undergo ceaseless random motion
in all directions in a fluid. What is the motion of dispersed phase called?
Ans: The motion of colloidal or microscopic particles undergoing ceaseless
random motion in all directions in a fluid is called:
Brownian motion:
Brownian motion is the random movement of particles suspended in a fluid
(liquid or gas) resulting from their collisions with molecules of the
surrounding medium. This motion was first observed by the botanist Robert
Brown in 1827 while studying pollen grains suspended in water. Brownian
motion plays a significant role in the stability and behavior of colloidal

7. Give examples of Isoelectronic species?

Ans:Isoelectronic species are elements or ions that have the same, or
equal number of electrons. examplesNa+, F- both have 10 electrons.

8. Write each of the following numbers in ordinary decimal form? a. 3.49 X

10-11 b.14.3 X 10-2
9. Define the term one mole?
Ans:One mole is a unit of measurement used in chemistry to quantify the
amount of a substance. It represents a specific number of elementary
entities (such as atoms, molecules, ions, or particles) in a sample.

10. Why does the molarity of the solution depend upon temperature?
Ans:Molarity of a solution depends upon temperature because volume of a
solution is temperature dependent. What happens is that when the
temperature is increased the distance between the molecules in a liquid
increases leading to volume expansion. In turn leading to decrease in
11. Write a statement of law of mass action?
Ans:The law of mass action states that the rate of a chemical reaction is
directly proportional to the product of the concentrations of the reactants,
each raised to the power of their respective stoichiometric coefficients, at a
given temperature.

12. Convert the -15ᵒC temperature from degree Celsius to Kelvin?

Ans: To convert from Celsius to Kelvin, you add 273.15 to the Celsius
temperature. So, to convert -15°C to Kelvin:

−15∘C+273.15=258.15 K


C+273.15=258.15 K

Therefore, -15°C is equal to 258.15 Kelvin.

13. Give the type of overlap by which Pi bond is formed?

Ans: A π bond is formed by sideways or lateral overlap of p orbitals. This
type of overlap occurs when two parallel p orbitals align side by side,
allowing the electron density to overlap above and below the internuclear

14. If an element X has mass number 11 and it has 6 neutrons,then write

its representation?

15. Why is O2 paramagnetic?

Ans: Oxygen is paramagnetic because it has two unpaired electrons in its
molecular orbital configuration.

16. What is Sorption?

Ans: Sorption is a process by which substances are either adsorbed
(adhesion of molecules of gas, liquid, or dissolved solids to a surface) or
absorbed (penetration of molecules of gas, liquid, or dissolved solids into
the bulk of a solid or liquid material).

17. Name the type of hydrocarbon that is used as lubricant?

Ans: The type of hydrocarbon commonly used as a lubricant is:
Mineral oil
18. Give the formula of a compound in which carbon exhibits an oxidation
state of +4?
Ans: Carbon dioxide


Q3.a) Name the painkiller obtained from acetylation of salicylic acid?

b) Give two examples of antiseptics?
Ans: Hydrogen peroxide, Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol)

Q4. Find out the type of isomerism exhibited by the following pairs?


Ans: A. Metamerism B. Functional group isomerism C. Tautomerism

Q5. Explain formula mass of a substance with an example?

Ans: The formula mass of a substance is defined as the sum of the
atomic masses of constituent atoms in a compound. This is generally
used for compounds which do not contain discrete molecules, but ions
as their constituent units. Example: NaCl (sodium chloride) made of
sodium and chlorine ions.

Q6. a) What happens when Sodium Benzoate is heated with soda lime?
Write a chemical equation?
Ans: Benzoate is a kind of preservative and when it reacts with soda lime
the following decarboxylation reaction takes place resulting in formation of
benzene and sodium carbonate

b) Write the rate equation for the following reason? 2KClO3→2KCl


Q7. Observe the following and answer the question given below? CH3-CH3
U.V light CH3+CH3
a) Name the reactive intermediate produced?

b) Comment on stability and reactivity of this intermediate product?

Q8. Explain the formation of BeCl2.

Q9. How does atomic size vary in a group and across a period? Explain with
a suitable example?

Ans: atomic size increase in groups while going down of the group
ex=group 1 atomic size increase
atomic size slightly decrease in period while going left to right
Q10. For a chemical equilibrium reaction.
H2(g) + I2(g) ⇌2Hl(g)Write the expression for KP
Q11. a) When a gas is heated,the particles move more quickly. a) What is
the change in volume of a heated gas if the pressure is kept constant?
b)What is the stationary phase in paper Chromatography?

Q12.Write the reaction to convert a) Propene to 1-bromopropane b)Propene

to 2-bromopropane
Q13. Calculate the number of moles of hydrogen in 0.448litre of hydrogen
gas at STP?

Q14. What are aliphatic compounds?Give any two characteristics which

make them different from aromatic compounds?

Aliphatic compounds or aliphatic hydrocarbons are those compounds

that contain Carbon and Hydrogen
Q15. State -
a)Gay Lassac law of gaseous volume

Ans:Gay lusaacc's law of gaseous volume-

Gay-Lussac's Law shows the relationship between the Temperature and

Pressure of a gas, at a fixed volume, the temperature and pressure of a gas are
directly proportional to each other.
Pressure ∝ Temperature

b) Law of definite proportion

Ans: The law of definite proportions, also known as the law of
constant proportions, states ‘that the individual elements that
constitute a chemical compound are always present in a fixed ratio’ (in
terms of their mass). This ratio does not depend on the source of the
chemical compound or the method through which it was prepared.``

Q16. Give characteristics of equilibrium constant?

● The equilibrium constant has a definite value for each reaction at a
given temperature.
● The equilibrium constant’s value is independent of the initial
concentration of reactants.
● The presence of a catalyst does not affect the equilibrium constant.
This is because the catalyst has an equal impact on the rate of
forward and backward reactions.
● For the same reaction, the value of the equilibrium constant changes
with the change in temperature.
Q17. Why do we see bands separating in column chromatography?
Ans: The components which are readily adsorbed are retained on the
column and others move down the column to various distances forming
distinct bands. Hence, We see bands separating in column

Q18. What is the Tyndall effect?Give importance to the Tyndall effect?

Ans: The Tyndall effect, also known as the Tyndall phenomenon, is
the scattering of a light beam by a medium containing microscopic
suspended particles—for example, smoke or dust in a room—making
a light beam entering a window visible.

Q19. Find out the difference between white phosphorous and Red
Q20. Calculate the molarity of NaOH in the solution prepared by dissolving
4g in enough water to form 250ml of the solution?

Q21. Distinguish between Inductive effect and Resonance effect?

Q22. Explain molecular orbital description of H2 molecule?

Q23. If n=3,What are the quantum numbers of l and m/?

Q24. Define a)Oxidation number and Oxidizing agent
Q25. Differentiate between Real gas and Ideal gas?

Q26.What are the demerits of the Bohr model?

Ans: Other Drawback/Demerits of Bohr's Atomic Model

It fails to explain the shapes of molecules. Bohr's model does not
explain the spectral intensity. It considers the nucleus stationary even
though it rotates on its axis. The model could not clarify the minute
structure in the spectrum line.

Q27. Explain alpha decay with an example?

Ans: Alpha decay. An example of this decay occurs in the uranium-238
nucleus that decays into thorium-234 nucleus. Alpha particle has a
relatively large mass, positive electric charge, and poor radiation
penetration, and it can be stopped by a paper sheet
Q28. Find out the difference between Diamond and Graphite?


Q15.a) Give any two postulates of Bohr atomic theory?

Ans: Two postulates of the Bohr's atomic model were:

(i) Only certain special orbits known as discrete orbits of electrons are
allowed inside the atom.
(ii) When the electron revolves in these discrete orbits, the electrons do not
radiate out any energy.

b) With respect to the line emission spectrum of hydrogen, if n1=3 and

n2=4,5..,then in which region will the emission spectrum lie?
Q16.Calculate the number of moles in each of the following:
a) 3.01 x 10^22 molecules of CO2

b) 1.12dm3 of CO2 at S.T.P.

We know that 22.4 liters of any gas occupy 1 mole.
22.4 liters of carbon dioxide gas occupy 1 mole.
So, 1.12 liters of carbon dioxide gas will occupy 1.12/22.4=0.05 moles

Q17. What is a drug? What are analgesics and antipyretic drugs?

A drug is any substance that, when taken into the body, alters its function
physically or mentally. Drugs can be classified into various categories
based on their effects, mechanisms of action, and therapeutic uses.

Analgesics are drugs primarily used to relieve pain. They work by blocking
the transmission of pain signals to the brain or by inhibiting the perception
of pain.

Antipyretic drugs are specifically designed to reduce fever (pyrexia). Fever

is often a response to infection or inflammation, during which the body's
temperature regulation system raises its core temperature to help fight off
the underlying cause. Antipyretic drugs work by interfering with the body's
temperature regulation mechanisms, typically in the hypothalamus region
of the brain, to lower body temperature back to normal levels.
Q18.Assign the position of the element having outer electronic
configuration i) ns2np4 for n=3 ii) (n-1)d2 ns2 for n=4 and iii)(n-2)f7(n-1)d1
ns2 for n=6 in the periodic table.

Q19. List the properties a solvent must have, so it can be used for
Solvents used for crystallization should possess specific properties to
effectively dissolve the solute at elevated temperatures and then allow it to
recrystallize upon cooling. Here are the key properties a solvent should
ideally have for crystallization:
➢ Solubility
➢ Selective solubility
➢ Chemical compatibility
➢ Non-toxicity
➢ Low volatility
➢ Ease of removal
➢ Cost-effectiveness
Common solvents used for crystallization include water, ethanol, methanol,
acetone, and various organic solvents
Q20. a) With the help of reactions prove that oxide of aluminum is
amphoteric in nature.
1. Hydrogen Fuel: Hydrogen is utilized as a clean and efficient fuel in
various applications, including fuel cells for powering vehicles, buses,
trains, and even some stationary power plants.
2. Ammonia Production: Hydrogen is a key raw material in the
production of ammonia (NH3), which is a crucial component in the
manufacturing of fertilizers.
b) Give any two uses of dihydrogen.
Q21.Write the electronic configuration of Ti(Z=22) and phosphorus
(Z=15)using orbital notation and orbital diagram method.
Ans: Titanium (Ti) (Z = 22):
Orbital Notation:
1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p⁶ 4s² 3d²
1s ↑↓
2s ↑↓
2p ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓
3s ↑↓
3p ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓
4s ↑↓
3d ↑↓ ↑↓
Phosphorus (P) (Z = 15):
Orbital Notation:
1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p³

1s ↑↓
2s ↑↓
2p ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑
3s ↑↓
3p ↑↓ ↑↓ ↑

Q22.a) What are silicones? Give two properties of Silicones?

Ans: Silicones are a class of synthetic polymers made up of silicon, oxygen,
carbon, and hydrogen atoms. They are known for their versatile properties
and find applications in various industries due to their unique combination
of characteristics.
● High Thermal Stability
● Chemical Inertness
b) Draw the structure of Aluminum Chloride?
Aluminum chloride (AlCl3) is a compound composed of one aluminum
atom bonded to three chlorine atoms.

Cl Al Cl
| | |
Cl Cl Cl

Q23.Identify the compounds A,B and C in the following series of reactions?

CH3CH2Br alco KOH A Diborane B HO-OH C
THF NaOH Which class of organic compounds does
compound B belong to?

Q24.It is desired to increase the volume of 80cm3 of gas by 29% without

changing the pressure. To what temperature will the gas be heated if its
initial temperature is 25⁰C?
Q25.With respect to BF3 molecule answer the following questions:

a) The type of hybridization involved

Ans: sp2

b)Geometry and bond angle

Geometry:-Trigonal planar
Bond Angle:-120 degrees
c)Draw the diagram

B —F

Q26.a) Write bond line formula for-

i) Isopropyl alcohol

b) Write correct IUPAC names for 5-ethyl-3-methylheptane?

Ans: 3-ethyl-5-methylheptane

Q27.a.The electronic configuration of some elements are given below. in

which group and period of the periodic table they are placed.

i) 1s2
Group: This configuration corresponds to the noble gas helium (He). In the
periodic table, helium is placed in group 18 (also known as group 8A or
group 0) because it has a filled valence shell.
Period: Since the electron configuration is for the first energy level (1s), it
corresponds to period 1.

Group: This configuration corresponds to the noble gas neon (Ne). In the
periodic table, neon is placed in group 18 (also known as group 8A or group
0) because it has a filled valence shell.
Period: Since the electron configuration involves the first and second
energy levels (1s² and 2s²2p⁶), it corresponds to period 2.
Therefore, for the configuration 1s²2s²2p⁶, the element is placed in group
18 and period 2 of the periodic table.

b) Which one is the smaller ion in the given pair K+,Li+

Ans: The potassium ion (K⁺) is larger than the lithium ion (Li⁺). Therefore,

the smaller ion in the given pair is Li⁺.

Q28.Calculate the number of atoms of hydrogen present in 5.6g of

urea(NH2)2CO. also calculate the number of atoms of N,C,O

Q29. Explain the trends in Ionization enthalpy in group 13 elements.

On moving down a group, ionization enthalpy generally decreases due
to an increase in the atomic size and shielding. Thus, on moving down
group 13, ionization enthalpy decreases from B to Al.
Q30. List the properties of solvents which make them suitable for
Not toxic, not flammable.

● Immiscible pair of solvents: water and low polarity organic solvents. ...
● Good solubility of the target compound. ...
● Poor solubility of impurities. ...
● Volatility of the extraction solvent. ...
● Toxicity and safety properties of the extraction solvent.

Q31.a) Write balanced chemical equation Beryllium oxide is treated

separately with aqueous HCl and aqueous NaOH

b)How is Lithium aluminum hydride prepared?

Q32.Write electronic configuration of Fe2+(Z=26),Si(Z=14),Ca(Z=20)

Q33.Consider the oxides Li2O,CO2,B2O3

a)Which oxide would you expect to be the most basic?
b)Which oxide would be the most acidic?
c)Give formula of Amphoteric Oxide.


Q27.a) What is the limiting reagent?

b) How many significant figures are present in the following
measurements? i)0.02sec. ii) 4.056m
c) 2.8g of KOH is dissolved in water to give 200cm3 of solution.
Calculate the molarity of KOH in the solution?


a) To determine the limiting reagent, we need to compare the

stoichiometric ratios of reactants and identify which one will be completely
consumed first. However, you haven't provided a specific reaction or set of
reactants to analyze, so I can't determine the limiting reagent without that

b) Significant figures in measurements:

i) 0.02 sec: This measurement has two significant figures.

ii) 4.056 m: This measurement has four significant figures.


Q28.i.)State the law of mass action.

ii.)An endothermic reaction A(g) + 2B(g) ⇋2C(g) is in equilibrium at a
certain temperature. Can we increase the amount of C by a)Adding
catalyst b)increasing temperature?

i.) Law of Mass Action: The law of mass action states that the rate of a
chemical reaction is directly proportional to the product of the
concentrations of the reactants, each raised to the power of their
respective stoichiometric coefficients, at constant temperature and
b) Increasing temperature: In an endothermic reaction, increasing the
temperature will shift the equilibrium towards the products side to
counteract the temperature increase, according to Le Chatelier's principle.
This means that increasing the temperature will favor the formation of
more C(g) from A(g) and B(g), resulting in an increase in the amount of C in
the equilibrium mixture.Therefore, to increase the amount of C in the
equilibrium mixture of the given endothermic reaction, we should increase
the temperature.

Q29.i.)Give the equation for Frendlich adsorption isotherm and explain the
terms involved.
Freundlich isotherm explains the behaviour of adsorption accurately.
In the equation – x/m = k.P1/n (n > 1), 'k' and 'n' are constants that
depend on the nature of the adsorbent and the gas at a particular
ii.)Distinguish between homogeneous catalysis and heterogeneous
Homogeneous catalysts are those which exist in the same phase (gas
or liquid ) as the reactants, while heterogeneous catalysts are not in
the same phase as the reactants. Typically, heterogeneous catalysis
involves the use of solid catalysts placed in a liquid reaction mixture.

Q30.i.) What is isomerism?

Isomerism is the phenomenon in which more than one compounds
have the same chemical formula but different chemical structures.
ii.) Distinguish between Inductive effect and resonance effect?
Q31.Write the reactions to convert-
a) Phenol to benzene
b) Ethyne to 1,1,2,2-tetrabromoethane
c) Ethene to Ethanol
d) Ethyl iodide to ethane

Q32. Define the term
a) Antiseptics
Antiseptics are substances that are applied to living tissue to prevent
infection by inhibiting the growth of microorganisms.
b) Disinfectant
Disinfectants are chemical agents or physical processes that are used to
destroy or inhibit the growth of microorganisms on inanimate objects such
as surfaces, instruments, or equipment.
Analgesics are substances that relieve pain without causing loss of
consciousness. They are commonly used to alleviate various types of
pain, including headache, muscle pain, arthritis, and menstrual cramps.
d)Anionic detergent
Anionic detergents are a type of surfactant (surface-active agent) that
contain a negatively charged hydrophilic (water-attracting) head and a
hydrophobic (water-repelling) tail. These detergents are effective at
removing dirt, grease, and oil from surfaces by forming micelles
Q33.a) Distinguish between sigma bond and Pi bond.

b) Explain BF3 molecule is planar but NH3 is pyramidal.

Ans: The planarity of BF3 is due to the absence of lone pairs on the central
atom, while the pyramidal shape of NH3 is a result of the presence of a
lone pair, which exerts greater repulsion on the bonding pairs, leading to a
distorted geometry.

Q34.a) Write the fusion reactions occurring in the sun and stars.
b) Write the point that differentiates the nuclear reactions from chemical
Chemical reaction normally occurs outside the nucleus. Nuclear
reaction happens only inside the nucleus. When chemical reactions
occur elements hold their identity and the nuclei of atoms also remains
unchanged. During nuclear reactions, the nuclei of atoms changes
completely and new elements are formed.

Q35.Write the formula of the following compounds:

a) Mercury(II)Chloride
c) Tin(IV)Oxide
d)Chromium (III)Oxide

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