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Motor system examination






General examination:


Oriented to time, place and person

Comfortable at rest

Well-built, well-nourished

Not anaemic

Not Jaundiced

Not Cyanosed

No Clubbing

No Pedal Oedema

No significant palpable lymphadenopathy

Vital signs:

Pulse rate:


Respiratory rate:


Bulk of the muscle:

On inspection:

There is no wasting of muscles on both sides in arm, forearm, thigh and calf
On palpation:

Circumference of Right (in cms) Left (in cms)

Upper limb – arm & forearm – symmetrical on both sides

Lower limb – thigh & leg – symmetrical on both sides

Tone of the muscle:

On assessing the tone of the muscles of both sides of the body, it is found that

Right side Left side

Upper limb Normal Normal
Lower limb Normal Normal

Power/ strength of the muscles:

Muscle Action Right side Left side

Muscles of the hand:
Flexor pollicis longus, brevis Flexion of thumb Grade 5 Grade 5
Extensor pollicis longus, Extension of thumb Grade 5 Grade 5
Abductor pollicis longus, Abduction of thumb Grade 5 Grade 5
Adductor pollicis Adduction of thumb Grade 5 Grade 5
Opponens polliclis Opposition of thumb Grade 5 Grade 5
Dorsal interossei Abduction of fingers Grade 5 Grade 5
Palmar interossei (Card test) Adduction of fingers Grade 5 Grade 5
Lumbricals (Pen test) Flexion at metacarpo-phalangeal Grade 5 Grade 5
joint and extension at inter-
phalangeal joint
Flexor digitorum superficialis Flexion of fingers Grade 5 Grade 5
and profundus
Muscles of wrist:
Flexor carpi radialis, ulnaris Flexion of wrist Grade 5 Grade 5
and palmaris longus
Extensor carpi radialis longus Extension of wrist Grade 5 Grade 5
and brevis, ulnaris
Flexor and extensor carpi Abduction of wrist Grade 5 Grade 5
Flexor and extensor carpi Adduction of wrist Grade 5 Grade 5
Muscles of elbow:
Biceps Flexion of elbow Grade 5 Grade 5
Triceps Extension of elbow Grade 5 Grade 5

Brachioradialis Flexion of elbow in semi-prone Grade 5 Grade 5

Muscles of shoulder joint:
Muscle Action Right side Left side
Pectoralis major Flexion of shoulder Grade 5 Grade 5
Anterior fibres of deltoid
Posterior fibres of deltoid Extension of shoulder Grade 5 Grade 5
Lattismus dorsi
First 15- 30 degrees: Supra Abduction of shoulder Grade 5 Grade 5
30-90 degrees: Middlefibres
of deltoid
90-180 degrees: Trapezius
and Serratus anterior
Lattismus dorsi, pectoralis Adduction of shoulder Grade 5 Grade 5
Anterior fibres of deltoid, Medial rotation of shoulder Grade 5 Grade 5
pectoralis major,
Posterior fibres of deltoid Lateral rotation of shoulder Grade 5 Grade 5
Infra spinatus
Trapezius Shrugging of shoulder Grade 5 Grade 5
Abdominal muscles:
Rectus abdominis Rising head from supine position Grade 5 Grade 5
Erector spinae Rising head from prone position Grade 5 Grade 5
Lower limb muscles
Hip joint:
Iliacus and psoas major Flexion of hip Grade 5 Grade 5
Gluteus maximus Extension of hip Grade 5 Grade 5
Gluteus medius and minimus Abduction of hip Grade 5 Grade 5
Adductor longus, brevis and Adduction of hip Grade 5 Grade 5
Psoas major Medial rotation of hip Grade 5 Grade 5
Pyriformis, obturator Lateral rotation of hip Grade 5 Grade 5
internus and externus,
Knee joint:
Popliteus, semitendinosus, Flexion of knee Grade 5 Grade 5
semimembranosus, biceps
Quadriceps femoris Extension of knee Grade 5 Grade 5
Ankle joint:
Tibialis anterior Dorsi flexion Grade 5 Grade 5
Soleus and gastrocnemius Plantar flexion Grade 5 Grade 5
Subtalar joint:
Tibialis anterior and Inversion Grade 5 Grade 5
Peroneus longus and brevis Eversion Grade 5 Grade 5


Right side Left side

Upper limb
Finger nose test Normal Normal
Finger-finger nose test Normal Normal
Draw a circle in air with Normal Normal
index finger

Rapid alternate movements Normal Normal

(Supination and pronation)
Lower limb
Heel knee test Normal Normal
Draw circle in air with great Normal Normal
Tandem walking Normal


Superficial reflexes Root value Right side Left side

Corneal reflex Afferent – V CN Present Present
Efferent – VII CN
Centre – Pons
Conjuctival reflex Afferent – V CN Present Present
Efferent – VII CN
Centre – Pons
Abdominal reflex T7 – T12 Present Present
Plantar reflex L5 – S1 Normal (plantar Normal (plantar
flexion) flexion)
Deep tendon reflexes Root value Right side Left side
Jaw Jerk Afferent – V CN Present Present
Efferent – V CN
Centre – Pons
Biceps jerk C5, C6 Present Present
Triceps jerk C6, C7 Present Present
Supinator jerk C5, C6 Present Present

Knee jerk L2, L3, L4 Brisk Brisk

Ankle jerk S1, S2 Present Present
Gait of the subject is Normal

No Involuntary movements are seen during examination

Result: On examination, the motor system of the subject is found to be normal

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