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CATIA cadcamguru


► Objectives:
In this module we will explore the following:

¾ Introduction to CATIA
¾ CATIA Running On Windows NT
¾ CATIA Standard Menus & Tools

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CATIA cadcamguru

► Introduction to CATIA:

CATIA is one of the worlds leading high-end CAD/CAM/CAE software packages.

CATIA version 5, takes the power of an industry and technology-leading legacy
CAD/CAM/CAE program and update the programming (a total rewrite) to take
advantage of the new Window technology.

CATIA programming also allows you the flexibility of using sketched and parametric
based design. CATIA is the power you expect. CATIA makes a lot of processes
practically automatic. The user defines the variables and CATIA creates it. If it isn’t
exactly what is wanted, you adjust your variable and CATIA will update the creation.
CATIA functionality is growing with each release; it will be the program that does it all.
It is the leading edge technology starting with its product concept, through design,
assembly, testing, manufacturing and modeling, to its rendering capabilities.

► CATIA Running On Windows NT:

CATIA running on Windows NT & CATIA running on UNIX is almost identical. The
biggest difference is UNIX will not have all of the Windows NT functionality. The
Windows NT functionality gives the user the flexibility of having several options in
completing almost any task. For example you have the cut/copy and paste tools in the
Windows NT pull down menu, you have the quick key that accomplish the same thing
(Ctrl c/ Ctrl v) or you could use CATIA Cut /Paste tool found in CATIA Standard tool
bar. Another example is you have the choice to highlight an entity then select the tool to
apply or you can reverse the choice and select the tool, then select the entity. Some of
these options are not available on the UNIX operating system.

► CATIA Standard Menus & Tools:

The following figure shows you where on CATIA standard screen layout the different
tools and tool bars are located. The tool label is followed by a brief explanation and in
some cases, steps on how to use and/ or access the tool.

A) The Start Menu: The Start pull down menu gives you access to all of the CATIA
work benches which covers the Sketcher, Part Design, Drafting, assembly Design,
Generative shape Design.

B) The Specification Tree: The Specification tree contains the history of tools and
processes used to create a part. The Specification tree contains the entire history of the
part creation. Select the Tool, Option, General and Tree option to specify what you want
the Specification tree to show and how you want it to appear. The branches of the
Specification Tree can be expanded and contracted by selecting the –and +symbol located

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in each branch. The Specification Tree is a very powerful tool, but you must know how to
use it to your advantage.

C) The Standard Windows NT Tool Bar: This tool bar contains your standard
Windows NT Pull down menus. The tools you will be required to use in this book will be
defined in the lesson that they are used in.

D) The Active Work Bench Icon: This icon shows in this location signifies which
workbench is active.

E) The Part Select Tool Bar: Selecting this tool allows you to select entities in the
workspace. The default selector is the Select Arrow, which allows single point and left
click selection.
Selection Trap: This allows you to draw a box around the entities that you want to select.
This is a quick and easy multi-select tool.

Intersecting Trap: This allows you to draw a box around the entities, but will also select
that entities that are intersected with the box.

Polygon Trap: This selection is similar to the box selection trap, but allows you to sketch
a more defined area of inclusion and exclusion of entities.

Paint Stroke Selection: This selection tool allows you to point a line across the screen
and any entity that the paint stroke crosses is selected.

F) CATIA Standard Tool Bar:

This tool bar has twelve tools in it, some offer an alternative method of accomplishing a
similar task found in standard Windows NT Tool bar. The tools are listed below, with
some definition,

¾ New: Creates a new file (document).

¾ Open: Open an existing file (document).
¾ Save: Saves the active file (document).
¾ Quick Print: Prints the active file (document).
¾ Cut: Delete the selected element and/or elements.
¾ Copy: Another method of copying a selected element and/or elements.
¾ Paste: Another method of pasting an element and/or elements.
¾ Undo: This tool allows you to step backward one mistake at a time.
¾ Redo: This tool allows you to undo your undo!
¾ What’s this? This tool will identify anything on the screen and /or Specification Tree.

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G) The View Tool Bar: The View tool bar contains CATIA specific function.

(A) Sets the Fly Mode: This is a very Powerful and fun tool.
(B) Fit All In: This is similar to other graphics programs. It is a quick way to see
what elements are on the screen and where they are in relationship to one
(C) Layers: This allows you to assign entities and/or components to a particular
layer. To use to you select the down arrow and then select “other layers”. This
will bring up the Named Layers window. Select New. Select the entity and/or
component you want on the newly named layer. Assigning layers will allow
you to use the Visualization Filters toll located in the Tools menu. Selecting
the Visualization Filters will bring up the Visualization Filters window. Select
New and specify what layers you want visible then apply.
(D) Pan: This similar to other graphics programs. It allows you to move the part
around the screen. The part does not change its location in XYZ coordinate
system, only in relationship in screen.
(E) Rotate: This tool allows you to rotate the part in 3 dimensional spaces & in
real time.
(F) Zoom In: This is similar to other graphic program. This allows you to get
closer look at final detail.
(G) Zoom Out: This is similar to other graphic program. This allows you to get
the big picture, making the part smaller.
(H) Normal View: This tool allows you to view a particular plane/surface in true
length view. You specify the plane/surface and CATIA V5 will rotate the
plane/surface 90 degrees to screen view. This will make the geometry on the
plane/surface true length.
(I) Quick View: This icon has the arrow to the bottom right of it, as explained.
The tool option of the orthographic view option: Iso, Front, Back, Left,
Right, Top and Bottom.
(J) View Mode: There are six different option associated with this tool
¾ Wire frame (NHR): This shows the part as a wireframe, no solid, no
shading. The (NHR) means “No Hidden Line Removal”. With no hidden
line removed, all edges of the part will be visible at all times.
¾ Hidden Line Removal (HLR): The line that would be hidden or not visible
is not shown.
¾ Dynamic Hidden Line Removal: This tool will only update the hidden line
removal after the rotating process is complete.
¾ Shading (SHD): This tool shows the solid shaded without any edge line
¾ Shading With Edge: This tool shows the solid shaded and with the edge
line representation.
¾ Applied Customized View Parameters: This tool will bring up a “Custom
view mode” window that gives you many different parameters to choose

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(K) Hide/Show: This tool allows selecting any entity or multiple entities and
placing them in “no show space”. This removes the selected entity/entities
from the “working space”.
(L) Swap Visible space: Selecting this tool will take you out of the “working
space” window and into the “no show space”.

H) The Apply material Tool Bar: This tool allows you to apply a material to your
solid. Applying material gives the solid texture and color of the selected material.

I) Update All: This tool will be under intensified unless there is an entity in the file
that requires updating. If the tool is colored it is signifying that some entity required

J) Axis System: This tool allows you to create multiple local axis system.

K) Open Catalog: This tool allows access to the user defined catalog.

L) The Measure Tool Bar: There are three analysis type tools:
A) Measure between: This tool allows you to measure the distance between two entities.
You can measure the distance between surfaces, planes, lines, points etc.
B) Measure: It measures the length of an individual entity.
C) Measure Inertia: This measure the physical attributes of selected solid such as
volume, mass, centroid, etc.

M) The Analysis Tool Bar: This is tool bar that is dependant on the active

N) The Compass Tool Bar: This allows you to modify the location and orientation of a
part relative to the XYZ coordinates and/or relative to the other part if they are in an assembly.

O) The Current Work Bench Tool: The side bar will be filled with tool bar and tools
associated with the current workbench.

P) The Prompt Zone: This is very helpful area. When CATIA is waiting on input
from you, the user, there are usually some helpful prompt found in this area.

Q) Additional tools: There are other tools that appear depending on current
A) Sketcher Grid: This is the toggle tool, which is for two-dimensional geometry
Creation. You turn it on and off by selecting it.
B) Snap to Point: This is also the toggle tool. It turns the snap on and off.
C) Show Constraints: It allows you to show or not to show the constraints.
D) Create Detected Constraints: It allows creating a constraint automatically if it is

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E) Construction/Standard Elements: It is use to being reference only. Construction

Elements are dashed and under intensified elements.
F) Geometrical Constraints: This is a toggle tool that turns the Geometrical
Constraints tool on and off.
G) Dimensional Constraints: This is another toggle tool that turn the Dimensional
Constraints tool on and off.


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