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CATIA cadcamguru



► Objectives:

¾ Introduction to sketcher work bench

¾ Introduction to sketcher tool bar
¾ Operation tool bar
¾ Profile tool bar
¾ Constraints tool bar
¾ Selection of sketcher
¾ Selection of working plane
¾ Customizing the grid
¾ Creating geometry using profile tool

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► Sketcher mode:
Now lets get familiar with the sketching toolbar. As we know how to reach up-to-this lets
go ahead.
Using the Toolbar Icon.
After you entered sketcher, the toolbar displays the icon for the following option:

► Profile Tool Bar:

¾ Create Profile
¾ Create Parallelogram Rectangle
¾ Create Oriented Rectangle
¾ Create Elongated Hole
¾ Create Cylindrical Elongated Hole
¾ Create Keyhole Profile
¾ Create Hexagons
¾ Create Circle
¾ Create Three Point Circle
¾ Create Circle using coordinates
¾ Create Tri-tangent Circle
¾ Create Three Point Arc
¾ Create Three Arc Starting With Limits
¾ Create Arc
¾ Create Spline
¾ Create Ellipse
¾ Parabola By Focus
¾ Hyperbola By Focus Line
¾ Bi-tangent line
¾ Point by clicking
¾ Point by using coordinates
¾ Equidistant point

► Operation tool bar:

¾ Corner
¾ Chamfer
¾ Trim
¾ Break
¾ Translate
¾ Rotate
¾ Scale
¾ Symmetry
¾ Project 3d element
¾ Intersect 3d element

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► Constraints tool bar:

¾ Constraints defined in the dialog box

¾ Constraints
¾ Auto constraints
¾ Animate constraints

► Saving the section:

To save the section before exiting Sketcher, choose File, save or click the Save icon from
the tool bar.

► Exiting Sketcher Mode:

To exit Sketcher after you are finished creating a section, choose exit icon from the tool
bar menu.

► Select the sketcher work bench:

Every time you start CATIA, a screen will appear. The “Welcome to CATIA” pop-up
window will prompt you to select a work bench. The default work bench is product
structure. For this lesson you select the sketcher work bench. As you select the sketcher
work bench that tool bar on right side of your screen change and the welcome to CATIA
pop-up window disappears. If your CATIA screen and / or sketcher work bench screen
are not maximized, maximize them using the windows function at the top of the screen.

► Specify the working plane:

The next step is to create 2D profile of the part. To use sketcher work bench you must
specify which plane the profile is to be created on. Specification the plane can be done
several different ways.
Select the desired plane from the center of the screen, as the particular plane is selected,
the equivalent plane in the specification tree is highlighted.
Other planes surfaces and /or other planner objects can also be selected to define the
sketcher plane.

► Customizing the grid:

Go to the top tool bar in the pull down menu and click on tools, option. This brings up
file tab option on the right side of screen and file type option on the left. From the option
on the left, select part; the tabbed option on the right change accordingly.
Select sketcher. There are four main option under sketcher; you only need to use two of
them at this time, Grid and Sketch Plane.

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The four options under Grid allow user to select display grid or not select it. For this
particular exercise check the display option.
The second option is to allow user to snap to the grid points. For this particular exercise,
check the snap to option.
► Profile Tool Bar:

A) To create a profile:

You can access the profile command by clicking the profile button in the sketcher
toolbar. The profile tool allows true successive line creation. The end point for one line
and the start point for next line requires only one selection. The connected line will
continue to be created with every point selected until you double click. Double click the
end point will end the profile command.
Click the Profile icon from the Profiles toolbar
The Tools toolbar appears with option commands and values:

Enter the First Point values. For example, H: 30mm and V: 40mm.

Enter the Second Point values. For example, H: 70mm and V: 40mm.

Note that at this step, you may also enter Length and Angle values.

B) To create a rectangle:

You can access the rectangle command by selecting rectangle from sketcher toolbar
Click the Rectangle icon from the Profiles toolbar. Position the cursor in the desired field
(Tools toolbar) and key in the desired values.
First Point

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For example, key in the coordinates of one corner of the rectangle (H: 20mm and V:
Second Point

For example, define the rectangle other end corner (second point) either according to the
axis origin point (H and V) or to the first point previously selected (Width: 40mm and
Height: 25mm).
When you create a rectangle using the
Tools toolbar, constraints are similarly
assigned to this rectangle.
As a result, to modify the position of this
rectangle, you will perform as follows:
Double-click the constraint corresponding
To the value to be modified. The
Constraint Definition dialog box appears.
Enter the new value. For example, key in 50mm.Click OK.

C) To create an oriented rectangle :

Click the Oriented Rectangle icon from the Profiles toolbar. The tools toolbar now
displays values for defining the first side of the oriented rectangle (both points) and then
either one point on the second side or directly the oriented rectangle height.
Position the cursor in the desired field (Tools toolbar) and key in the desired values.
First Corner

For example, key in the coordinates of the first point on the first rectangle side (H: 20mm
and V: 20mm) or first corner.
Second Corner

For example, to define the second point, key the width of the rectangle first side (W: 20mm) and
the radius of the first side relatively to the horizontal origin axis (A: 25deg) or second corner.

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Third Corner

For example, key in the height of the rectangle (Height: -22mm) or third corner.
Click to create the oriented rectangle.
The oriented rectangle and corresponding constraints appear as shown here.

D) To Create a Parallelogram :

Click the Parallelogram icon from the Profiles toolbar (Predefined Profile sub toolbar).
The tools toolbar now displays values for defining the parallelogram.
Position the cursor in the desired field (Tools toolbar) and key in the desired values.
First Point

For example, key in the coordinates of the first point on the parallelogram first side (H:
20mm and V: 20mm).
Second Point

For example, key in the coordinates of the second point on the parallelogram first side
(H: 37mm and V: 10mm).
Third Point

For example, key in the coordinates of the third point on the parallelogram, in other
words, on the second side of this parallelogram (H: 57mm and V: 10mm).
Click to create the parallelogram.
The parallelogram and corresponding constraints appear as shown here.

E) To Create a Elongated Hole :

Click the Elongated Hole icon from the Profiles toolbar (Predefined Profile sub toolbar).

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The tools toolbar now displays values for defining the elongated hole center to center axis
(first and second center point) and then either the elongated hole radius or a point on this
elongated hole.
Position the cursor in the desired field (Tools toolbar) and key in the desired values.
First Center

Second Center

For example, key in the coordinates of both center points of the elongated hole: a first
point (H: 20mm and V: 18mm) and a second point (H: 50mm and V: 18mm).
You just defined the profile major axis using points. What you can also do is enter both
the length and angle of this axis.
Point on Oblong Profile

For example, key in the coordinates of a point on the elongated hole (H: 53mm and V:
10mm). In other words, you just defined the profile minor axis or the elongated hole
width applying a given radius to the profile extremity. At this step, what you can also do
is enter the elongated hole radius.
The elongated hole appears as shown here.

F) To Create Cylindrical Elongated Hole:

Click the Cylindrical Elongated Hole icon from the Profiles toolbar (Predefined Profile
Sub toolbar).
The Tools toolbar now displays values for defining the cylindrical elongated hole. You
are going to define the (i) circle center, (ii) arc extremities and the (iii) radius of the
cylindrical elongated hole.
Position the cursor in the desired field (Tools toolbar) and key in the desired values.
Circle Center

For example, key in the coordinates (H: 20mm and V: 20mm) of the center point that
will be used to create both the big radius (radius and angle of the cylindrical elongated

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hole) and the small radius (circular extremities used to define the cylindrical elongated
Arc Start Point

For example, key in the coordinates of the arc start point (H: 30mm and V: 10mm).
At this step, you may also define the arc big radius and angle.
The arc appears as a construction arc.

Arc End Point

For example, key in the coordinates of the arc end point (H: 10mm and V: 30mm).
At this step, you may also define the arc big radius (R) and angle (A).
Point on Cylindrical Elongated Hole

For example, key in the coordinates of a point on the cylindrical elongated hole (H:
20mm and V: 20mm).
In other words, you are defining what we call the small radius (Radius: 14.142mm).
This small radius corresponds to the width of the cylindrical elongated hole, relatively to
the circle center.

G) To Create a Keyhole Profile:

Click the Keyhole Profile icon from the Profiles icon (Predefined Profile sub toolbar).
The tool toolbar now displays values for defining the keyhole.
Profile Position the cursor in the desired field (Tools toolbar) and key in the desired
First Center

Second Center

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For example, key in the coordinates that will allow to define the center to center axis
(First center point: H: 20mm and V: 20mm, Second center point: H. 20mm and V:
40mm).Click to define the first radius and then the second radius.

H) To Create a Hexagon:

Click the Hexagon icon from the Profiles icon (Predefined Profile sub toolbar).
The tools toolbar now displays values for defining the hexagon center and then either a
point on this hexagon or the hexagon dimension and angle.

Position the cursor in the desired field (Tools toolbar) and key in the desired values.
Hexagon Center

For example, key in the coordinates of the center of the hexagon (H: 25mm and V:
Point on Hexagon

For example, key in the dimension (35mm) and Angle (10deg) of the hexagon.
The hexagon is created

I) To Create a Circle:

Click the Circle icon from the Profiles toolbar (Circle sub-toolbar).
The Tools toolbar now displays values for defining the circle.
Position the cursor in the desired field (Tools toolbar) and key in the desired values.
Circle Center

For example, key in values of the point corresponding to the circle center (H: 30mm and V:
Point on Circle

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For example, define a point on the circle using keying in either coordinates or the circle
radius (R: 20mm).Double-click the constraint corresponding to the value to be modified.
For example, double-click
20 radius value.
The Constraint Definition
dialog box appears.

Select the Diameter

dimension type.
Click OK.

J) To Create a Three Point Circle:

Click the Three Point Circle icon from the Profiles toolbar (Circle sub toolbar).
The tools toolbar will display one after the other values for defining the three points of
the circle: values for defining the horizontal (H) and vertical (V) values of a point on the
circle or else the radius of this circle.
Position the cursor in the desired fields and key in the desired values.
First Point (H: 10mm and V: 10mm)

Second Point (H: 50mm and V: 20mm)

Last Point (H: 30mm and V: 50mm)

K) To Create a Circle using Co-ordinates:

Click the Circle Using Coordinates icon from the Profiles toolbar (Circle sub toolbar).
The Circle Definition dialog box is displayed. The default point coordinates that appear in the
Circle Definition dialog box are the origin axis coordinates.
If, before clicking the Circle Using Coordinates icon, you select a point, this point will be used as
a reference point and the coordinates of this point will appear in the Circle Definition dialog box.

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Enter the coordinates of the center point.

Enter the desired circle radius value.

Press OK.
The circle and its center point are created.

L) To Create a Tri-tangent Circle:

Click the Tri-Tangent Circle icon from the Profiles toolbar (Circle sub toolbar).
Click a first element. For example, a circle.
Click a second element. For example, another circle.
Click a third element. For example, a line.
The tri-tangent circle appears as well as the corresponding constraints provided you

activated the Internal Constraints icon

Tangents are created as close as possible to where you clicked on the circle. Instead of
clicking a line, you can create and click a point
At any time, you can select a point type element. The circle will go through this point and
a coincidence constraint is created on this point.

M) To Create an Arc:

Click the Arc icon from the Profiles toolbar (Circle subtoolbar).
The Tools toolbar now displays values for defining one after the other the arc center
point, start point and end point.
Position the cursor in the desired field (Tools toolbar) and key in the desired values.
Arc Center

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Start Point

For example, enter H: 18mm and V: 30mm (Circle Center) and then H: 40mm and V:
40mm (Start Point).
The arc center and start point appear.
The arc will now appear according to the position you assign to the cursor. In this
particular case, the cursor position is at the bottom extremity of the arc.
End Point

For example, enter S: -70deg (Angular Sector).

The arc appears as shown here.

N) To Create an Arc Through Three Point:

Click the Three Point Arc icon from the Profiles toolbar (Circle subtoolbar).
The Tools toolbar will display one after the other values for defining the three points of
the circle: defining the horizontal (H) and vertical (V) values of three points on the arc.
Position the cursor in the desired fields and key in the desired values.
Start Point (H: 12mm and V: 32mm)

Second Point (H: 27mm and V: 17mm)

End Point (H: 12mm and V: 7mm)

O) To Create an Arc Using Limits:

Click the Three Point Arc Starting with Limits icon from the Profiles toolbar (Circle sub

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The Tools toolbar will display one after the other values for defining the three points of
the circle: values for defining the horizontal (H) and vertical (V), values for defining the
arc start, end or second points or else the radius of this arc.
Position the cursor in the desired fields and key in the desired values.
Start Point (H: 25mm and V: 37mm)

End Point (H: 25mm and V: 7mm)

Second Point (R: 15.5mm)

Drag the cursor and click to create the arc intermediate point (the point which the arc will go

P) To Create a Spline:

Click the Spline icon from the Profiles toolbar.

Click to indicate the points through which the spline goes.
Double-click to end the spline. Clicking another command ends the spline too.
Keep in mind that using the displayed Tools toolbar also allows creating a spline. In
addition, two constraints will be created (H and V).

Double-click the control point you wish to

The Control Point dialog box appears.
Enter new coordinates. For example, v: 9mm
Check the Tangency option to impose a
tangency on this control point.
You can invert the tangent direction clicking
the Reverse tangent button.
Click OK.

The point is moved and an arrow appears on

this point to indicate a tangency.

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You can also check the Curvature option to activate the Curvature editor and impose a
curvature on the previously selected control point. Keep in mind that selecting a point then
dragging it will modify the spline shape.
Tangents can be constrained.

Q) To Create an Ellipse:

Click the Ellipse icon from the Profiles toolbar.

The Tools toolbar displays values for defining the ellipse center point, major and then
minor semi-axis endpoint.
Position the cursor in the desired fields and key in the desired values.

For example, enter H: 9mm and V: 8mm.

Note that you can also click to create a first point that corresponds to the ellipse center.

Major Semi-Axis Endpoint

For example, enter H: 65mm and V: 8mm.

You just created a point on the ellipse. This point allows defining the major semi-axis.
Move the cursor and click a point on the ellipse. You just created a point which allows
defining both minor semi-axes.

R) To Create a Parabola by Focus:

Click to define the parabola focus and apex.

Click two points that correspond to the parabola end points.

S) To Create a Hyperbola by Focus:

Click to define the hyperbola focus, center and apex.

Focus: once you click, a cross symbolizes the focus
Center (asymptote intersection):
The center is not associative to the hyperbola.
Click two points that correspond to the hyperbola end points.

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Note that, you can use the Tools toolbar for defining the eccentricity of the hyperbola.

► To Create a Line:

The Tools toolbar now displays values for defining the rectangle.
you can create a line that is symmetrical to its origin.
First Point

Click the line first point (first point).

Position the cursor in the desired field (Tools toolbar) and key in the desired values.

Second Point

You can define the second point either according to the axis origin point (H and V) or to
a given length (L) and angle (A).
For example, key in L: 30mm and A: 45deg.
Press Enter.
When you create a line using the Tools
toolbar, constraints are similarly assigned to
this line As a result, to modify the position
of this line, you will perform as follows:
Double-click the constraint corresponding to
the value to be modified.
The Constraint Definition dialog box
Enter the new value. For example, use the
spinner and assign a 30deg value to the line.
Click OK.

T) To Create a Bi-tangent Line:

Click a first element (first tangent). For example, click a circle.

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Click a second element (second tangent). For example, click another circle.
The bi-tangent line appears between both selected elements. The bi-tangent line appears
as well as the corresponding constraints provided you activated the Geometrical
Constraints icon. Tangents are created as close as possible to where you clicked on the
circle. At this step, create a point.
At any time, you can select a point type element. The line will go through this point and a
coincidence constraint is created on this point.

U) To Create an Axis:

Position the cursor in the desired field (Tools toolbar) and key in the desired values.
First Point

Second Point

For example, key in the coordinates of the first point (H: 20mm and V: 20mm) and then
the coordinates of the second point (H: 10mm and V: 35mm).
Press Enter.
The axis results as shown here.
If, before you select the Axis icon, you have already selected a line, this line will
automatically be transformed into an axis.
Note that you can create only one axis per sketch.
If you try to create a second axis, the axis first created is automatically transformed into a
line (construction type element).

V) To Create a Point:

The Tools toolbar displays values for defining the point coordinates: H (horizontal) and
V (vertical).
Position the cursor in the desired field and key in the desired values.
Point Coordinates

For example, key in H: 19.7mm and V: 19.5mm.

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When you create a point using the Tools toolbar, constraints are similarly assigned to this
point. As a result, to modify the position of this point, you will either delete the
constraints or perform as follows:
Double-click the constraint corresponding to the value to be modified. For example, 19.7.
The Constraint Definition dialog box appears.
Modify the value in the Constraint Definition dialog box. In this case, enter Value:
Right-click the point and select the Properties option from the contextual menu (Graphic
tab).If needed, click a new symbol.

W) To Create a Point using Co-ordinates:

Select the reference point.

This point will be used as a reference point. You can select this reference point either
before or after you click the Point by Using Coordinates icon.
The Point Definition dialog box appears, which allows you to use either Cartesian (h and
v) or polar coordinates. The coordinates of the reference point will appear in the Point
Definition dialog box.
Enter the desired new point definition in the dialog box.
For example, select the Polar tab and enter Radius: 30mm.
Click OK.
The point is created with a 30mm radius relatively to the reference point.

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X) To Create an Equidistant Point:

Select the curve type element on which you wish to create equidistant points. For
example, select a line.
The Equidistant Points Definition dialog box is
displayed. By default in this particular case, 5
equidistant New Points are previewed and the default
spacing is set at 8.333 mm.

If needed, click the Reverse Direction button to create

these points in a reverse direction. In this particular
case, we do not.
Select one origin point of the line to define the starting

The Parameters field automatically becomes

modifiable. By default, the Points & Spacing
parameter appears.
Key in the desired number of spacing. For example,
enter Spacing: 5mm.
Press Enter.
The five points are created and distributed along the

At this step, you can click or select an ending point, if

needed. In this particular case, we do not.
Select Points & Length as new Parameters field.
Enter 40mm as new Length value (length between
the point first selected and the fifth point automatically created).
Press Enter.
The five points are created and distributed along a
40mm distance on the line.
Select Spacing & Length as new Parameters field.
Enter 25mm as new Length value (length between
the point first selected and the last point automatically
Press Enter.
The number of the points is automatically updated (in
this case, two points) in the dialog box and created on
the line.
Select Spacing & Length as new Parameters field.
Enter 5mm as new Spacing value (spacing between

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each point of a distance defines as 25mm).

Press Enter.
The number of the points is automatically updated (in this case, four points) in the dialog
box and created on the line.

Click Ok to create the points (and the constraint, if needed).

Y) To Create a Point using Projection:

Multi-select the elements to be used for projection.

Select one curve type element on which the element first selected will be projected and
on which projection points will be created.
The projection points automatically appear on the curve type element last selected, as
well as construction lines.
The points that are projected are perpendicular to the element last selected provided this
element is a line. Note that both the selected points and the projected points are
associative with the construction lines that are also created.
The operation tool bar
¾ Corner
¾ Chamfer
¾ Trim
¾ Break
¾ Symmetry
¾ Project 3d element

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► Operation Toolbar:
A) To Create a Corner:

It is to create a rounded corner (arc tangent to two curves) between two lines using
trimming operation. You can create rounded corners between curves.
Click the Corner icon from the Operations toolbar.
The possible corner options are displayed in the Tools toolbar: the Trim All Elements
option command is activated by default.
Keep the All Elements option command active and select the first line.
The selected line is highlighted.
Select the second line.
The second line is also highlighted, and the rounded corner, which moves as you move
the cursor, joins the two lines. This lets you vary the dimensions of the corner.
Enter the corner radius value in the Tools toolbar.

You can also click when you are satisfied with the corner dimensions.
Both lines are trimmed at the points of tangency with the corner

B) To Create Chamfer:

It is to create a chamfer between two lines trimming either all, the first or none of the
elements, and more precisely using one of the following chamfer definitions
The possible chamfer options are displayed in the Tools toolbar.

Trim All / First / No element

Angle-Hypotenuse / Length1-Length2 / Angle-Length1 definition

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Select the first line.

The selected line is highlighted.
Select the second line.
The second line is also highlighted, and a line representing the chamfer, which moves as
you move the cursor, connects the two elements. This lets you vary the dimensions of the
chamfer whose values appear in the Tools toolbar.
Click when you are satisfied with the dimensions of the chamfer.
The chamfer with both elements trimmed is created.
C) Using the Length1/Length2 Definition:

Between Perpendicular Lines

Between Non-Perpendicular Lines

Between Crossing Lines

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Between Non-Intersecting Lines

Between Intersecting Curves

Between Non-Intersecting Curves

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Between Non-Perpendicular Lines

Between Non-Intersecting Curves

D) To Trim Element:

Click the Trim One Element option

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Select the first line or circle.

The selected line or circle is highlighted.
Move the cursor to the second line or circle.
The first line or circle selected is trimmed.
If you select the same first element, it will be trimmed at the location of the second
The location of the trim depends on the location of the cursor
Click when you are satisfied with the relimitation of the two lines.

E) To Break an Element:

Select the line to be broken.

Select the breaking element, that is a point.
The selected element is broken at the selection point. The line is now composed of two
movable segments.

F) To Create Symmetrical Element:

It is to repeat existing Sketcher elements using a line, a construction line or an axis.

G) To Translate Element:

It is to perform a translation on 2D elements by defining the duplicate mode and then

selecting the element to be duplicated.

H) Rotating Element:

It is to rotate elements by defining the

duplicate mode and then selecting the element
to be duplicated.

The Rotation Definition dialog box appears

and will remain displayed all along the

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If you keep it active, you will be allowed to define the number of the instances you wish
to create in the meantime.

I) Scaling Element:

It is to scale an entire profile. In other words, you are going to resize a profile to the
dimension you specify.
Scaling elements also means re-computing distance values, if needed. Note that angle
values will not be modified. Be careful: only non-fixed elements are updated.
The Scale Definition dialog box appears and will remain displayed all along your
Select the element(s) to be scaled.

The value fields appear in the Tools toolbar.

Enter the center point value in the Tools toolbar or click the center point on the geometry.
Enter 2 as Scale Value in the displayed Scale Definition dialog box.

J) Projecting 3D Element:

It is to project edges (elements you select in the Part Design workbench) onto the sketch
Click the Project 3D Elements icon from the Operations toolbar (3D Geometry sub
Multi-select the edges you wish to project onto the sketch plane.

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The edges are projected onto the sketch plane. These projections are yellow (in others
words, you cannot move them).

The constraints tool bar

¾ Constraints from dialog box
¾ Constraints
¾ Auto constraints
¾ Animate constraints

► Constraints Toolbar:
A) Constraints from Dialog Box:

It is to set various geometrical constraints using a

dialog box. For example, you can use the Constraint
command to finalize your profile and set constraints
When you Click the Constraints Defined in Dialog
Box icon The Constraint Definition dialog box
appears indicating the types of constraints you can
set between the selected lines (selectable options).

¾ These constraints may be constraints to be

applied either one per element (Length, Fix,
Horizontal, Vertical) or constraints
between two selected elements (Distance,

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Angle, Coincidence, Parallelism or Perpendicular).

¾ Multi-selection is available.
¾ If constraints already exist, they are checked in the dialog box, by default.

B) Applying Constraints:

To set dimensional or geometrical constraints between one, two or three elements. The
constraints are in priority dimensional. Use the contextual menu to get other types of
constraints and to position this constraint as desired.

C) Create an Auto Constraints:

Detects possible constraints between selected elements and imposes these constraints
once detected.

D) Animate Constraints:

Assign a set of values to the same angular constraint and examine how the whole system
is affected.
When you click the Animate Constraints icon that time Animate Constraint dialog box is
The First value and Last value fields let you
define the maximum and minimum values for
the constraint. For example, enter 0 deg and 360
deg respectively.
The Number of step field defines the number of
values you wish to assign to the constraint
between the first and last values.
Enter Number of step value.
Click the Run animation button to see how the
sketch is affected by the different values
assigned to the constraint. The edited sketch
displays step by step.

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