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I – DEFINITION........................................................................................................................................4

1. Live the present moment fully, get to know yourself better..........................................................4

2. Make new friends...........................................................................................................................5

3. Gain self-confidence and have a great capacity for adaptation......................................................5

4. Open up to the world.....................................................................................................................6

5. Become more responsible..............................................................................................................6

6. Appreciate what you have; realize how lucky we are.....................................................................7

7. Put yourself in the shoes of an adventurer.....................................................................................7

8. Learn about cultures around the world..........................................................................................7

9. Disconnect from the routine..........................................................................................................7

10. Improve your health.....................................................................................................................8

11. Be happy to spend your money....................................................................................................8

12. Take stock of his life.....................................................................................................................9

13. Taste New Dishes.........................................................................................................................9

14- A stop to social networks.............................................................................................................9

III - TRAVEL IN AIR TRANSPORT............................................................................................................10

IV- DIFFICULTIES ENCOUNTERED TO TRAVEL IN THIS TIME OF COVID.................................................12


References, sources.............................................................................................................................15

Nowadays, we can travel around the world to discover new countries,
new landscapes, and also new cultures.But we can also stay in our
country (BENIN) and not to get lost, simply discover other areas or rest.
There are different ways available to us in this case to make a trip.
You can travel on horseback, on foot, on site, by coach, by car, by train,
by boat, by plane, by motorhome, by rocket etc… We travel by day or by
night with or without money.
We travel alone, with family or a group.
Travel also allows you to take stock of your life, what you want but also
what you no longer want … Nothing better than being far from your
comfort zone to get to know yourself. Even and have a much more
precise idea of what you want to accomplish in your life.

But what can push us to travel and what do these trips bring us?

Some go to rest, unwind, play sports, have fun, forget about everyday
worries and enjoy the sun.
There are also the real travelers, the adventurers who go to the other
side of the world to meet adventures, to contemplate extraordinary
We can discover traditions completely different from ours such as
religion, festivals, cuisine, for example there is Chinese cuisine, Italian
cuisine ... In addition to traditions, trips allow you to learn about each

country and its region, culture, by being interested in its history, by
visiting many monuments for example or by speaking with locals.
Languages vary from country to country, they are all so different. This
can be an opportunity to practice a foreign language that you have
learned. You can always have a dialogue by speaking English, but it's
difficult to understand someone who doesn't speak our language.
However, traveling also has its drawbacks. The main one is the cost of
the trip because transport, accommodation and multiple activities are
excessively expensive. You can be disappointed with a trip because of a
lot of things like the weather or just expecting something else.

A trip is the movement of a person in space, constrained, made to a
more or less distant point for personal (for example tourism) or
professional (business) or other (war, political or climatic refugees), travel
motivated by sports or socio-cultural activities or major ...


Why travel? Traveling is great! Traveling makes us grow, traveling
teaches us things ... We marvel at sublime landscapes different from
those we already know, we meet people we would never have met in
normal times, we do things that we would never do at home ... etc ...
Whether negative or positive, every traveler (beginner or advanced) gets
something from their trip.
Whether long or short, far or near, exotic or not, the trip has virtues and
here is a list:

1. Live the present moment fully, get to know yourself better

Far from home and its landmarks, we discover aspects of ourselves that
are sometimes unsuspected (strengths, weakness, aptitudes, character
traits). In short, we discover the worst and the best in us. These findings

can prove to be very useful upon return, both in our personal and
professional life.

2. Make new friends

It is also true that travel promotes meetings and no one will say the
opposite! Even when you go alone, you quickly realize that you really
aren't. You always meet someone. Whether in a hotel (or hostel), during
a visit, at a bus station, on a café terrace or on a train. There will always
be an opportunity!

3. Gain self-confidence and have a great capacity for adaptation

Having to react and adjust quickly to situations that are foreign to us and
realize that in the end you did well are valid aspects of the journey in
everyday life.

A village in Timbuctu

4. Open up to the world

Openness to the world allows us to open up to others, to new beliefs, to

sometimes surprising customs and to ways of seeing things differently,
we develop tolerance, patience, indulgence and respect for difference.
We are much less afraid of the unknown, which allows us to meet people
that we would never have been able to do otherwise, to create new and
enriching ties

5. Become more responsible

You quickly learn to distinguish the essential from the accessory, and as
a result, you improve your sense of organization.

6. Appreciate what you have; realize how lucky we are

When we have shared, even for a few hours, the daily life of people who
have nothing but smile, we no longer tend to complain about small details.
We realize with even more force the value of what surrounds us, both the
magnificent landscapes of our country and the richness of our family and

7. Put yourself in the shoes of an adventurer

Although the world has never been so well connected as it is today, there
are still quite a few places that are not known to the average tourist.
Creating your own list of places you want to visit is extremely motivating -
it gives you a tangible goal to achieve.

8. Learn about cultures around the world

9. Disconnect from the routine

We tend to get so caught up in everyday life that sometimes sticking to it

does more harm than good. Is your boss taking control of your life?
Are kids driving you crazy? Are your parents trying to make you live the
life they dream of? How long do you think you can last before you
explode and everything collapses? Sometimes it's better to take a step
back, catch your breath and go for that famous selfie next to the Leaning
Tower of Pisa. More seriously, traveling really isn't a bad option - it's the
most natural way to make someone feel like you are missing or that you
are missing something. Just make sure you aren't overly impulsive and
don't make common travel mistakes (plan a route
too ambitious; forget your budget and find yourself running dry; take too
much stuff; forgetting to make copies of travel documents etc.).

10. Improve your health

Traveling provides many health benefits and benefits:

- from a reduction in stress to a lower chance of developing heart
- It is also one of the best remedies for depression
- This is a real plus for your mental well-being.

Book a ticket, jump on the plane and explore an unfamiliar city, or a
country, or even a continent.

11. Be happy to spend your money

There's a quote from Mark Twain that says, "20 years from now you will
be more disappointed with the things you didn't do than with the things
you actually did." Because, even if it sounds cliché, the money you
spend traveling is an investment in yourself.
Money doesn't buy happiness but a trip (and a good coffee ok) is not far
from it!

12. Take stock of his life.

13. Taste New Dishes

I have no doubts about your fantastic culinary skills, far from it.
But there is nothing quite like tasting a local dish from a different country,
and watching the cook prepare the meal.
It’s a completely new experience!
We are tired of eating the same thing day after day and veiling our faces
(exemple European cuisine, Indian cuisine, West Indian cuisine etc….)

14- A stop to social networks

Traveling to certain destinations is synonymous with going where the

Internet connection is almost non-existent. The fact of not having control
over this technical aspect can be very beneficial since we have more
than to fully experience our expedition!
We stay tuned to everything around us, we allow ourselves treks in the
middle of the forest, in the mountains, in the desert or in the jungle and
above all we avoid all negative waves, the media, advertisements...



It is a pleasure and a time saver to arrive days or nights at your

A multitude of companies offer this service all over the world
You can make this trip by plane in comfort according to your budget to a
destination while complying with the required formalities (visa, passport,
vaccination record, resident card, residence permit, etc.)

There are different classes or cabins:

*economy class,
* economy premium class
* or in business class

In an airplane, various services are also offered:

- sales of items from the company which offers products such as
perfumery, electronics, jewelry etc... to allow the traveler who has not
had time to make a purchase on the ground to have fun or to please
- snack, meal,
- seats with televisions to relax
- music
- the press (newspapers)
- Etc. …….

In our country Benin we can cite as an airline:








- BENIN TAXI (to get to Parakou)


After governments announced to limit and cancel all non-essential travel,
outside travel agents had to quickly come to the aid of their customers.
These agents were faced with a constantly changing ticket cancellation,
modification and refund policy.
In an article: an agent even confides "We looked like bipolar to our
customers". Many tour operators have had to adopt travel credit in
response to the coronavirus. Some clients who were supposed to travel

will not see the money again!

Canceled trips, requests for reimbursement, repatriation of Canadians to
their homes, ... so many problems that had to be resolved. Agents have
gone out of their way to make life easier for their clients.
Travel conditions which must be complied with (types of visa authorized,
borders inaccessible for certain and accessible for other eligible persons

Above all, let's not forget… It's going to be fine!

Some pictures when traveling becomes a pleasure


Travel is an opportunity to become aware of diversity and difference.

Traveling has its drawbacks. The main one is the cost of the trip because
transport, accommodation and multiple activities are excessively
expensive. You can be disappointed with a trip because of a lot of things
like the weather or just expecting something else.

When traveling, we meet people who do not have the same culture as us
and therefore do not have the same codes, the same customs or the
same pace of life. It is a fact of knowing that we think and act differently
but living it allows us to push ourselves and to grow, to become more
tolerant, benevolent, open-minded and to question ourselves sometimes.

No matter how it is experienced, travel and its benefits give our life
something precious so let's go on and travel as much as possible!

References, sources
Ali Hope Travel Backpacker, dreamer and blogger passionate about travel, at 18

already, it was the beginning of the adventures...

Thomas Busson

Thomas is a Passenger Rights and Flight Compensation expert. Frequent traveller, he loves
sharing tips and news to help people make the most of travel



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