FYP Progress Report_Khairil Zakhwan

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Diploma of Engineering Technology (Computer & Networking)


Title: Network Intrusion Detection: Securing Web & Real-Time Communication Data


Muhammad Khairil Zakhwan Bin Mohd Khair


Ts. Sri Banu A/P Munisamy
Summary Of Meetings

No. Week Date Expected Stage Progress Current Stage Progress

1. 3 7/11/23 Discussion among team Came out with title project.

members about the project.
2. 4 13/11/23 Started doing project Made some improvement
proposal. towards project proposal and
finish it.
3. 5/12/23 Make a preparation to Waiting for company to give
7 approach and present the idea their answer about our
to company. project.
4. 7 10/12/23 Fam Fries HQ has given the We started to calculate the
final words. project costing and make a
better planning.
5. 15/12/23 We did further research for Started doing our own tasks.
8 this project and divided the
tasks among team members.
6. 10 27/12/23 Setting up the software that Finish to setup a web
needed. interface.
7. 12 9/1/24 Interview session with En. Finished recording an
Khalil about our project. interview session with En.
8. 12 10/1/24 Started implement the Doing some troubleshooting
hardware and guided by our for web interface.
(PIC) En. Aizad.
9. 12 12/1/24 Made some improvement Able to finish up the web
related to software and interface for this project.
13 17/1/24 Through some re-check and Finalise the project.
run the project smoothly.
Meeting No. 1
Date 7/11/23
Week 3
Semester 5

Progress By Student
Event Place: WhatsApp Application
Time: 9:30 PM – 12:30 PM
Description: Project Research and Project Title Discussion

• Discussion among team members via WhatsApp Group chat about the project research.
• Identifying the project’s context, problem description and objectives.
• Sharing duties among team members.
Meeting No. 2
Date 13/11/23
Week 4
Semester 5

Progress By Student
Event Place: WhatsApp Application
Time: 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Description: Project Progression

• Discussion among team members about project’s proposal.

• Divide each other’s tasks.
Meeting No. 3
Date 5/12/23
Week 7
Semester 5

Progress By Student
Event Place: Fam Fries HQ
Time: 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Description: First Meeting With Company

• Approach the company’s staffs about our idea’s project.

• Present the idea which is Smart Office System, Network Intrusion Detection and New
Server System.
• Provided a paper planning what the company wants.
Meeting No. 4
Date 10/12/23
Week 7
Semester 5

Progress By Student
Event Place: Fam Fries HQ
Time: 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Description: Project Title Decision

• Fam Fries HQ has given the final word on the project they want to do.
• Upon this decision we decided to make a better planning and name the project title as
‘Network Intrusion Detection: Security Web and Real-Time Communication Data’.
• We start calculating the costing for this project and decided what we want to buy.
Meeting No. 5
Date 15/12/23
Week 8
Semester 5

Progress By Student
Event Place: Restoran Ali Maju, Sri Rampai
Time: 9:30 PM – 12:00 PM
Description: Divided the tasks for this project

• We did a research and study about the project.

• This project requiring 6 software to make it work, which is Snort, Xampp, Telegram,
Nicepage, Virtual Machine and Visual Studio Code.
• Among this software, we gave each other the tasks that they need to work on and make
it as our project scope.
Meeting No. 6
Date 27/12/23
Week 10
Semester 5

Progress By Student
Event Place: Fam Fries HQ
Time: 11:30 PM – 22:30 PM
Description: Set up the require software

• Setting up Visual Studio Code such as installing a specific programming language.

• Started to work on my task which is setup a web interface using NicePage.
• Design a web interface for the require project.
Meeting No. 7
Date 9/1/24
Week 12
Semester 5

Progress By Student
Event Place: COO of Fam Fries HQ’s House
Time: 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Description: Discussion about the project with En. Khalil

• Got invited to En. Khalil’s house (COO Fam Fries HQ) to discuss about the
progression of this project and record some of interview session.
• Interview session include the company’s problem and background.
• We give the solution to the company’ problem and En. Khalil agreed with our idea
which ‘Network Intrusion Destruction’ system.
Meeting No. 8
Date 10/1/24
Week 12
Semester 5

Progress By Student
Event Place: Fam Fries HQ
Time: 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Description: Progression of project and introduction the staffs

• Meet up with Fam Fries staffs and PIC (Person in Charge), En. Aizad.
• Approach the PIC and requested for need more time because current software
implementation required some adjustment.
• The PIC was agreed, and we started do some recording of staff’s introduction.
• Staff Include:
1) En. Aliff (Business Development Executive)
2) En. Aizad (IT Technical Support)
• Started doing the Installation hardware and test the project.
• Troubleshoot some coding error for web interface and seek some guidance through
application Google Chrome.
Meeting No. 9
Date 12/1/24
Week 12
Semester 5

Progress By Student
Event Place: Fam Fries HQ
Time: 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Description: Troubleshooting project

• Doing each other tasks with some improvement made from past progression.
• Started to learn more about programming language such as HTML, PHP and CSS to
improve the web interface.
• Made some troubleshoot throughout this project.
Meeting No. 10
Date 17/1/24
Week 13
Semester 5

Progress By Student
Event Place: Fam Fries HQ
Time: 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Description: Finalise Project

• Recording the interview session with PIC about feedback project.

• Do some re-check and run the project to ensure smooth operations and verify through
En. Aizad.

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