Test 3

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เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
ชุดที่ 3

Part I: Conversation
Direction: Choose the best answer.

Situation: Mrs. Baker is at the bank.

Bank Officer: Good morning, may I help you?
Mrs. Baker : Good morning, I need to cash this money.
Bank Officer: Certainly, Ma’am. _______1_______
Mrs. Baker : Sure. Where should I give my signature?
Bank Officer: In this box, please. Do you bring ID card and your saving account book?
Mrs. Baker : Yes I do. _______2_______
Bank Officer: Yes, please. Thank you Ma’am. Wait a moment, please.
Mrs. Baker : Thank you.
1. a. Please sit down and wait. b. Could you do me a favour?
c. Could you please fill in this form? d. Do you want to cash money?
2. a. Help me, please. b. Do you have ID card?
c. Could I bring it tomorrow? d. Would you like to see them?

Situation: Pete is telling Whitney about his problem.

Pete: _____3_____ Someone must have stolen it from my bag.
Rose: _____4_____ You had better tell our teacher. He can help you for sure.
3. a. I wish I could lose my iPhone. b. My iPhone is missing.
c. My iPhone is kept safely. d. Have you ever seen my iPhone?
4. a. That’s it. b. How boring!
c. Don’t mention it. d. I’m sorry to hear that.

Situation: Jeff is talking with Scott.

Jeff: I think we have to help these homeless people. _____5_____
Scott: I agree with you. What should we do?
เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
Jeff: We should ask people to donate money or things through us.
Scott: Your idea is great. _____6_____.
5. a. Do you understand? b. What do you mean?
c. Do you agree with me? d. What do you want to say?
6. a. I’m afraid I disagree. b. I couldn’t agree less.
c. I couldn’t agree at all. d. I couldn’t agree more.

Lisa: _____7_____ that learning English needs a lot of practice?

Rosie: Yes, I do.
Lisa: I don’t think all people can do it, though.
Rosie: Exactly. _____8_____
7. a. Do you want b. Don’t you think
c. Do you mind d. Don’t you forget
8. a. That’s wrong. b. You must be joking.
c. That’s impossible. d. You can say that again.

Iris: _____9_____ the meeting yesterday?

Alex: Oh, it was terrible.
Iris: I think so. It showed me each person’s attitudes.
Alex: _____10_____ Tom’s idea?
Iris: It was nonsense. He also didn’t care about other people’s feelings.
9. a. How do you feel about b. Who asked you to go to
c. When did you hear about d. What time did you go to
10. a. How do you find b. Who told you about
c. When did you listen to d. Why do you think about
เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
Part II: Grammar and Structure
Direction: Choose the best answer.

11. There was a lot of _______ in the bathroom after she took a shower.
a. steams b. steam
c. steam’s d. steams’
12. Please put your money in _______ tin by the door when you leave.
a. a b. an
c. the d. -
13. ________ child will receive a certificate at the end of the course.
a. All b. Every
c. Some d. Many
14. Could I have ______ recommendations for a nice hotel in this area?
a. some b. any
c. little d. a little
15. The game _______ before Marco and Sue found their seats.
a. started b. was starting
c. was started d. had started
16. By the time you arrive, a beautiful room in the hotel _______ for you.
a. is preparing b. will be preparing
c. will have prepared d. will have been prepared
17. The students are usually nervous if they _______ a test.
a. have b. had
c. will have d. would have
18. The ________ phone annoyed everyone in the movie theater.
a. ring b. rings
c. rung d. ringing
19. I am _______ that they broke up. I thought they were happy together.
a. surprise b. surprised
c. surprising d. surprisingly
เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
20. Tony and Ananda decided to tour Laos _______ bicycle last summer.
a. by b. in
c. on d. with

Part III: Vocabulary

Direction: Choose the correct answer that has the same meaning as
the underlined word.

21. He takes English course in order to study abroad.

a. at home b. in other schools
c. in different areas d. in a foreign country
22. Exercise is a simple and healthy way to lose weight.
a. fun b. easy
c. tired d. short
23. My father has already fixed the car.
a. placed b. moved
c. washed d. repaired
24. Robert has been a bank manager for three years.
a. staff b. boss
c. officer d. worker
25. People had to queue up outside the hall to buy concert tickets.
a. pick up b. sit down
c. wait in line d. make phone calls
เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
Part IV: Reading Comprehension
Direction: Choose the best answer.

26. What is the purpose of this email?

a. To change the lecturer. b. To change the lecture room.
c. To postpone the lecture time. d. To assign the audience tasks.

(27 – 28)

27. If you have a 1,000 Baht note to pay for a ticket to Lampang, how much change will you
a. 278 Baht b. 390 Baht
c. 610 Baht d. 722 Baht
28. If you take the bus from Uttaradit on Friday, what time will you arrive in Bangkok?
a. at 9 pm. on Friday b. at 10 pm. on Friday
c. at 4:30 am. on Saturday d. at 5:30 am. on Saturday
เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
(29 – 30)

29. According to the pie graph, which reasons for foreign tourists in Thailand were
the same percentages?
a. Pass and Holiday b. Holiday and Culture
c. Beautiful Place and Pass d. Beautiful Place and Culture
30. Which one was the highest reason of the foreign tourists for visiting Thailand?
a. Pass b. Holiday
c. Culture d. Beautiful Place

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