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เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
ชุดที่ 7

Part I: Conversation
Direction: Choose the best answer.

Yuri: Today is quite hot, isn’t it?

Pete: Yes, it is. ____________ It must be so refreshing!
Yuri: That’s a good idea.
1. a. I really don’t like hot weather. b. Let’s go swimming, shall we?
c. I think so, too. d. It is too hot to go swimming.

Sam: Can I have one more menu, please?

Waiter: Sure thing. ____________
2. a. Don’t mention it. b. Here you are.
c. Enjoy your meal, please. d. It serves you right.

Joe: ____________
Sandy: Someone stole my laptop from my office.
3. a. What should you do next? b. What happened?
c. It’s not a big deal! d. Who stole your new laptop?

Jeff: Do you want to share a taxi to the concert tonight?

Sarah: ____________ We can save on expenses on that way.
4. a. I doubt it! b. I see!
c. Of course! d. By no means!

Joey: The court must always be fair and reliable in order not to destroy the people’s trust.
Dan: ____________ The court must be fair to both sides of the conflict.
5. a. I can’t help thinking the same. b. I totally disagree with you.
c. You can count on me. d. Over my dead body.
เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
6. Situation: Tammy has a headache. So she goes to see the pharmacist.
Pharmacist: You can take a dose of paracetamol every 4-6 hours if needed. And Please
______(6)_____ as much as possible.
Tammy: Thanks for your suggestion.
Pharmacist: ______(7)_____ Get well soon.
6. a. take a rest b. take after
c. take a risk d. take over
7. a. Good luck. b. My pleasure
c. Nice to meet you. d. See you tomorrow.

Situation: At the classroom

Naomi: I think the room is too hot. ______(8)_____ if I opened the windows.
Susan: ______(9)_____ It’s raining outside. I’m afraid that the book shelf near the windows
will get wet.
Naomi: Oh! I see. ________________ instead of opening the windows.
8. a. Would you mind b. Would you like
c. Do you want d. Would it mind
9. a. Not at all. b. Of course not.
c. Please don’t. d. By all means.
10. a. I’ll turn off the light b. I’ll turn on the air-conditioner
c. I’ll turn on the light d. I’ll open the windows

Part II: Grammar and Structure

Direction: Choose the best answer.

11. Nathan ______ study enough.

a. isn’t b. hasn’t
c. don’t d. doesn’t
12. Everybody ________ by the terrible news yesterday.
a. shocked b. shocking
c. was shocked d. was shocking
เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
13. All five of them can drive, but it seems that Dan drives ________.
a. careful b. more than carefully
c. the most careful d. the most carefully
14. Color-blind people often find it difficult ________ between blue and green.
a. distinguishes b. to distinguish
c. distinguished d. distinguishing
15. We are extremely excited to be a part of Rotary Club and looking forward to ________ as
many students as possible.
a. support b. supporting
c. supported d. be supported
16. While the director __________ his welcome speech, the lights of the hall went out.
a. gives b. giving
c. was giving d. had given
17. _________ he is disabled, Peter, the richest man in the town, has devoted his time to
help other people.
a. Although b. Since
c. Despite d. Because of
18. The movie, including all the previews, ________ about two hours to watch.
a. take b. are taking
c. takes d. have took
19. Every Monday, Sally ________ her kids to Karate practice.
a. drive b. drives
c. driving d. has driven
20. Don’t blame _________ for the mistakes.
a. you b. your
c. yours d. yourself
เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
Part III: Vocabulary
Direction: Choose the best answer.

21. If something tastes __________ it has harsh, unpleasant taste vinegar or some acids..
a. sour b. bitter
c. salty d. sweet
22. It was very __________ today and Mathew could hardly see the road in front of him.
a. windy b. foggy
c. humid d. sunny
23. The __________ rises during the day and falls during the night.
a. waste b. season
c. temperature d. environment
24. Emily can’t __________ a holiday this year. She spends all her money on a new house.
a. order b. afford
c. put off d. remind
25. People _________ the forests so that they have more land to grow crops.
a. cut down b. give up
c. take over d. break down

Part IV: Reading Comprehension

Direction: Choose the best answer.

(26 – 28)
เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
26. According to the chart, which is TRUE?
a. The objects will be heaviest on Saturn.
b. A sofa on Pluto weighs 210 pounds less than on Earth.
c. A baseball bat has the same weight on Venus and Mars.
d. A watermelon on Mars weighs 9 pounds more than on Neptune.
27. On which two planets does a watermelon weigh exactly the same amount?
a. Jupiter and Pluto b. Mercury and Mars
c. Venus and Uranus d. Saturn and Neptune
28. On which planet do things weigh the closest to what they weigh on Earth?
a. Pluto b. Jupiter
c. Saturn d. Uranus

(29 – 30)

29. According to the chart, which is NOT true?

a. Italian is more spoken than Greek.
b. Hindi is increasingly spoken at home.
c. Greek is 0.7 % less spoken than in 2016.
d. Sinhalese and Vietnamese are 0.4 % increasingly spoken.
30. What is this information mainly about?
a. Top Australian Languages
b. Local languages in Australia
c. Top 10 spoken Languages in Australia
d. Local Australian languages in top ten years

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