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เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
ชุดที่ 5

Part I: Conversation
Direction: Choose the best answer.

John: Would you like to go to dinner or to a movie?

Karen: Either one. _______ I really would like to go out tonight.
1. a. I’m sorry. b. It’s up to you.
c. I’m not free. d. Absolutely not.

Billy: Lucy, as a new staff, you’ll have to sing with me tonight in our welcome party.
Lucy: Oh, no! Billy.
Billy: Why don’t you like singing with me?
Lucy: It’s not that. ________ The problem is that I only know one song … the national
2. a. Don’t get me wrong! b. Whatever you say!
c. I can’t help it! d. It’s out of the world!

Robert: I’m going to look at new cars at the car show tomorrow.
Linda: I wish I could get one, but buying a new car is ________ for me right now.
3. a. a piece of cake b. out of the question
c. out of the world d. out of control

Ron: I think we should get something to eat. Are you hungry?

Dan: Hungry? ________. I can eat a horse right now.
4. a. Not quite b. It’s a piece of cake
c. I’m full d. I’m starving
เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
Dave: Do you know how to use chopsticks?
Harry: Definitely! ________. I used to work in China for five years, you know.
5. a. It’s a piece of cake. b. I have no idea.
c. I can’t help it. d. It’s sort of plastic.

Situation: Robert had a cavity filled this morning. While he felt a little better today, the
cavity really gave him a headache.
Cindy: Hi, Robert, what happened to your face? _______6_______
Robert: I had to go get a cavity filled today.
Cindy: Did it hurt?
Robert: I don't even wanna talk about it. _______7_______
Cindy: How long were you in the chair?
Robert: ____8____but the worst part was getting numbed. They had to give me three shots!
Cindy: Well, I guess you've learned a good lesson, huh! You have to take good care of your
Robert: No kidding! Not only can I not stand the pain, but man! _______9_______ The bill is
going to be humongous!
Cindy: _______10_______
Robert: I do, but it still doesn't cover everything.
6. a. It looks swollen. b. You look so excited.
c. Are you seriously ill? d. Are you happy?
7. a. So far so good. b. It took a long time.
c. I’ll never forget it! d. It killed me!
8. a. Not so good. b. It was over in a flash.
c. Just a few seconds. d. It took quite a while.
9. a. He set me on fire. b. Dentists are expensive!
c. I really don’t know. d. I beg your pardon.
10. a. Why didn’t you use a credit card? b. Don't you have dental insurance?
c. Did you call the insurance company? d. It costs a lot for the dental treatment.
เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
Part II: Grammar and Structure
Direction: Choose the best answer.

11. The boy ______ mother is coming smiles happily.

a. who b. whom
c. whose d. which
12. The director, together with the actors ________ a rest.
a. is taken b. take
c. is taking d. have been taking
13. ________ first-time drivers over 18 and under 21 years old need to take an Illinois adult
drivers education course to earn an Illinois drivers license.
a. Every b. Each
c. All d. Any
14. There are seven boxes deliver to you. Four are with me now and ________ are in the
a. another b. other
c. each other d. the others
15. One of my friends ________ to Canada at this moment.
a. fly b. is flying
c. are flying d. will be flying
16. The seminar participants asked me if I could give them ________ more copies of
a. few b. little
c. a few d. a little
17. When people are seriously injured, they need someone who has the legal expertise and
experience to investigate the accident and deal ________ the insurance companies involved.
a. of b. with
c. for d. by
18. Having checked the woman thoroughly, the doctor let her ________ back home.
a. go b. goes
c. went d. gone
เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
19. While my brother was driving to his office, he ________ a poor dog running across the
a. run over b. runs over
c. ran over d. was running over
20. ________ the heavy rain, the players are still playing the game.
a. Since b. Although
c. Because d. Despite

Part III: Vocabulary

Direction: Choose the best answer.

21. The president of the USA and the president of South Africa have confirmed attend a
________ held in Tokyo this weekend.
a. summit b. treaty
c. representative d. demonstration
22. Our earth is our home, so if we want to protect our home we should protect our
environment from ________ effects of human activities.
a. distinct b. harmful
c. trivial d. affluent
23. The reporter said that a mass of whales that ________ on a southern New Zealand
beach have died.
a. bumped into b. plunged into
c. refrained from d. washed ashore
24. Acne is one of the most common problems of all skin ________.
a. treatments b. diseases
c. diagnoses d. symptoms
25. If you want to use your mobile phone while traveling abroad, you should check with
your mobile phone service provider that you will be able to use your phone in your
a. landlord b. metropolitan area
c. frontier d. destination
เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
Part IV: Reading Comprehension
Direction: Choose the best answer.

(26 – 28)
Opera refers to a dramatic art form, originating in Europe, in which the emotional
content is conveyed to the audience as much through music, both vocal and instrumental, as
it is through the lyrics. By contrast, in musical theater an actor's dramatic performance is
primary, and the music plays a lesser role. The drama in opera is presented using the primary
elements of theater such as scenery, costumes, and acting. However, the words of the opera,
or libretto, are sung rather than spoken. The singers are accompanied by a musical ensemble
ranging from a small instrumental ensemble to a full symphonic orchestra.

26. It is pointed out in the passage the opera __________.

a. has developed under the influence of musical theater
b. is a drama performed by singers and music instruments
c. is not a high-budget production
d. is often performed in Europe
27. We can conclude from the passage that __________.
a. People are captivated more by opera than musical theater
b. Drama in opera is more important than the music
c. Orchestras in operas can vary in number of music instruments
d. Musical theater relies above all on music
28. It is stated in the passage that __________.
a. Acting and costumes are secondary to music in musical theater
b. Many people find musical theater more captivating than opera
c. Music played in musical theater is not as important as in the opera
d. An opera requires a huge orchestra as well as a large choir
เอกสารประกอบคอร์สติว 3อ Season4
วิชาภาษาอังกฤษ ภาค ก (Kru Baitaan)
29. These labels tell you how to use the medicine.

Which is FALSE?
a. Label A: Mixing alcohol and medicine can be very dangerous.
b. Label B: This means you can swallow it or put it inside your body.
c. Label C: This helps the medicine work right and avoid side effects.
d. Label D: May make you sleepy or dizzy. Do not drive or use dangerous machines.
30. Which sign tells you that there are cameras recording what people do in this place?

a. b.

c. d.

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