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€ 6, then it does not always imply that b =¢. Since 4-6 => a-(6-) =0, itis possible that a is perpendicular to vector b-<.. = Forascalar i, (08)-5 - 24-6) -4 (25) Components of a vector along the coordinate axes: «If &=a,i +a,} + ayh is a vector which makes angles «, fy with the coordinate axes, then ay a fab vad +a are the corresponding direction cosines of the vector. Vector product of two vectors (cross product): axb=-bxa ,aka=0, xb+ax6 «ase "\«| =k ena ie} Two non - zero vectors & and b are collinear if and only if a x @ Ifaeayi +a] +agk and b=b,i +b,] +b,k, then ek i jk axbela, a, ay} - (gb; —agb; |i + (asb, —ajb3)j + (a,b, — ab, )k [or bp | + Also, 2xb=|4| |b] sino a = |axd] = 2 (Area of triangle AOG) = Area of parallelogram OABC: © The area of the parallelogram, whose adjacent sides are represented by vectors OA 15] sine = 414116) sna) and fs [2 <6), and the area of the triangle OAB Is i xB). Here xB is said to be the vector area of the parallelogram with adjacent sides OA end OB. _ \axb' + The unit vector perpendicular to the plane of @ and bis ) and a vector of magnitude 2 4(a-5) b-9 BY sin*o = [aff lal Bf costo Scalar triple product; perpendicular to the plane of @ and Bis + + (axtf a-a)(b-6)-(a-5)° then (axb}é = [abe] = (x8) Zrepresents (and is equal to) the volume of the parallelopiped whose adjacent sides are represented by the vectors a, B and & The volume ofthe terahecron ABCD is equal t 2 AB AC ).AD = Three vectors 4.6 and Gare coplanar if [ab ¢] = 0. Moreover, [a +b, ¢, |= [acd] +[b cd bal . pa’ jaa ba = [abcjuvwi=fav by ew Jaw By ei = Four points with position vectors a,b,¢ and d are coplanar if [bq] + [doa] + [dab] = [ab] = [a 4B]-[b a 4|-5.«a%a)-6.0-0 Vector triple product: + The vector triple product of three vectors , 6 and Gis the vector: x(b«é)=(4e)b -(ab)e. This is called Lagrange's identity. © @xb)x(Exd)=[(@xb)-d) c—[laxb)-<} ie. if b-a]+ Director Cosines of a Vector: + Let a, B, y be the angles which the vector f(=OP) makes with the positive directions of the x-axis, the y-axis end z-axis respectively. The cosine of these angles ie. cosa, cos and cosy are called the direction cosines of the vector 7. The direction cosines are usually denoted by |, m,n respectively. From the right angled triangles OAP, OBP and OCP, we find that cosa = 7, eyez? = costa costp + costy= SE al 1 => The direction cosines (I, m,.n) in this order, thus constitute a Unit vector along the! vector ||. For any non-zero constant k, kl, km, kn are called the direction ratios of | Dividing a line segment in a given ratio (Section formula) wa + 2b, “ In the side wise figute the position vector of P x » ue ‘ = If Pis the mid-point of AB, then 2. = y, and hance the position vector of P is ae = The position vector of the poin: P wh'ch divides AB (externally) in the ratio 2 : is Product of two vectors: «The product of two numbers is ¢ number. But the product of two vectors is defined in two ways, namely, scalar product where the results @ scalar and voctor produc: wnere the result is a vector quantity. ‘Scalar product of two vectors (dot product): + Tho scalar product of two vectors aiand 5 is given by lal \b| cos0, where 0 (0 < 0 < x the angle [as 0=0. Two vectors and 5 make an acute angle it 5 >0, en obluse ange if ab <0 and are at right engle it ab-0. = a(b+é) = (+6) = (A+b).(3-b) fi.) andk are twee unit vectors along three mutually perpencicular lines, then ii =jj=kk = 1 andij =} ta -ai+agj rash and + bp) +byk, then AB = a,b, ab, +2;b,, =a? +a + a2 = b? +b? +b? = 2 iby +agby + agby a-b Blah eb rab ano =o eb + coe = ali VECTOR ‘+ Addition of vectors In the side wise figure the sum of the vectors. a and 6 is defined asOB = OA + AB=a+b. a8 Obviously, we can choose any point as origin. Hence, the sum of two vectors is independent of the choice of initial point (or origin). Since, OAB 0: K is a triangle, this is also called the triangle law of addition A Moreover, the magnitude of «GB is not equal to the sum of the magnitude of vectors a and b. If OB - a +6 -4,i,e O.and B coincide, hen 6 - ~a or AB is negative of OA = Vector addition is commutativei,é, +5 =b+a = VecloFadétion is associativei.e, (&-+b)+é =a+ (b+6) = The process of addition may be extended to several vectors. Thus , to add n vectors 8y,8,.d5,...4,, we choose O asthe origin and draw OA, =8, yA, =8,.A,4 AoAy = 8, 80 that +a ++, =2OA,4 + Anh, ~OAn Hence the sum is represented by OA, . This is called the polygon law of addition. if three vectors ,,4,,, are represented by three sides of a triangle, taken in order, O. Ifvector 4,.4,.,....a,, taken in order, are representedby then sides of 3 then &, +8, +, polygon, then a +, +..+ 4, =6 Scalar multiplication of vectors = (mn)a=m(na = (m+n)a=ma tna (ma) (im, n sealers). = m(a+b) =ma+mb Hence, one vector can be expressed as a scalar multiple of the other. Position vectors in rectangular Cartesian system: Vectors xi,yj,zk are called the components of vector 7 in the directions of the comerdinate axes, (x,y, 2)is sometimes called the position vector of P(x, yez) and we denote it as P() Then +P i, (ory [oF + ifAQx1, yi, 21) and Boxe, yz, 22) be any two points in space. Then vector AB can be written as (using (1)), Ak naz = Thepoints A, B, C whose position vectors are a, 6, 6, are collinear if AB + BC = AC or it [AB] + [BC] = [AC] aOR OB-OA = a +a,j rash where ar = x2—x1, a2= yy, Equation of the plane x is (F-a)-=0 or 7-f'=a-fi. From figure, AM = NL NOL a-A-p Hence distance of the point A from the given plane = |AM| =|4-A-pl. = Incase the equation of the plane is Ax + By + Cz=D nN D INI IN| the distance of (a) from the plane is IN D en or 7-N=D=> Ax +BY *C21—D) where d= xi ty rk. VA? +B? +C? Bisector Planes of Angle between two Planes: The equation of the planes bisecting the angles between two given planes arx +biy +cz +d) =0 and aox + bay + c2z +d2 = Ois axtby +ez+dh , agx +bgy +epz +g [ef +? +2) [eB +03 +8) IN] INI | INI = Angle between the planes ax + biy + cz + di =0 and ax + bry + cz + do=0 4 ayag + bybp + CoQ [of +2402) (a3 +b3 +03) \ ) If a;a2 tbibs +c;c2 = 0, then the planes are perpendicular to each other. ir 21-1 _ © then the planes are parallel to each other. az bg C2 Angle between a line and a plane Let the equation of the line be #=4 +5 and that of the plane #-A=p, fi is @ unit vector along the normal to the plane. Let us draw a plane through the given line which is perpendicular to the given plane. Let L be the line of intersection of this plane with the given plane. The angle between the given line and L defines the angle between the given line and the given plane. Let @ be the angle between the given line and the normal to the plane. Then cos $= b-A Ib] IF 0 is the angle between the given line and is cos the given plane. then 0 = x => sin = os = PA |b] If Nis a vector along the normal to the BN plane, then sin 0 = ~ Ib}-1NI If the equation of a plane is ax + by + cz +d =0, then direction ratios of the normal to this plane are a, b, c. If the equations of the straight line are *- a za, al+bm+cn then angle 6 between the plane and the straight line is given by sin 0 = = Plane and straight line will be parallel if al + bm + cn = 0 = Plane and straight line will be perpendicular if ; =. = The line will ie in the plane if al + bm + cn =0 and ax; + by: + oz; +d =0. Distance of a point from a plane Consider a point A with position vector 4 and a plane with equation 7-=p. Draw plane x through A and parallel to the given plane. 3D-Geometry Straight line in three dimensions Cartesian Form: XOX Yr Va 2524 bby by = Equations:of the straight line, through the point P(x, y1, 21), with direction x cosine |, m,n are Equation of a straight line through two given points Cartesian Form: x z-4 2-1 Ya-Va 22 Where, fine passing through the points (x, yr, zi), and (Xe, Yaya). Collinearity of three points Let A, B, C be three given points with position vectors a, 6 and é respectively. Kg (sft }p10 saan, where w= Kt 3 kg Angle between two lines Cartesian Form: didi tbody +bydy bb? +b3 +b Jd? + dB +d Shortest distance between two lines If the lines L1 and Lz are respectively XOX _Y=Va 2-24 aug XK _ Yo hom ™ bm the condition for intersecting lines becomes 4-%2 Va-Yo 21-29 \ m= |=0. "2 m2 n2 cos @= 1X2 V4 “Vo ZaZa = The lines L; and La are’ skews} ly m on, |#0 Ik m2 ng the shortest distance between Li and Lz is K2-X1 Ya-Ya 22-24 4 m™ ™ | m: n (yma —mly) + (engng —nymg)? + ( —lar4)* Equation of a plane when normal to the plane and the distance of the plane from the origin are given Cartesian Form: Let P (x, y, z) be any point on the plane, so that F =xi+yj +zk The equation of the plane will be kt my+nz=p or Ax+ By+Cz= p¥A?+B*+C? =D = Ifthe plane Ax + By + Cz =D intersects the coordinates axes at the points (a, 0, 0), (0, b, 0), (0, 0, ¢), then A=2, B -2 and the equation of the plane a c simplifies to Behe =1, which is called the intercept form of the equation of abe the plane. Equation of a plane passing through a given point and perpendicular to a given direction Cartesii With F=xityj+zk, a=xi+yi+zk, 1 (x= x1) + m (y- yi) +n (2-21) =0. Here |, m,n are the direction cosines. In terms of the direction ratios a, b, c of the normal, this equation becomes a(x— x1) +b (y—yi) +0 (2-21) =0 = Let A (xs, ys, 21), B (%, yz, 22), C (Xs, ys, 23) be three points on a plane. Equation of the plane through A (x1, yi, 21) is (x —x1) + b (y—y1) +e (2-21) =0 This passes through the points B and C so that a (x2 x1) +b (y2— yt) #6 (Z2~ 21) = 0, a (x3 — x1) +b (ys — ys) # (Z3— 21) =O. Eliminating a, b, c from these equations, we obtain the equation of the plane containing X-X_VoVy 2-24 A,B, Cas |x x yo-Yy 22-z4|=0 3X1 ¥s-Vi Z3 21 Equation of a plane passing through a point and parallel to two given lines Cartesian form: Form: i +mj +nj, we get the Cartesian form as 2-2 and is parallel to the line bg 22 rr plane. Moreover, the plane will be parallel to both the lines. Hence the equation KX Y-¥y 2-2 ofthe planeis | b; by ~~ by |=0 4 c2 cy Two lines are coplanar if a plane can be drawn to contain both the lines. Plane passing through the intersection of two given planes In Cartesian system, the equation of a plane passing through the intersection of the planes ax + bry + cx = dy and anx + bey + c2z = do is axx + biy + cz —dh +A (axx + bry + G22 — dz) =0. = Two planes intersect in a line. Hence the equations ax + biy + oz = + bay + coz = dz together represent a line. then all the points of the first line will be lying in this Is and aox Equation of the plane through a given lin (i) if the equations of a Tine are given in general form as aixtbiytez+di=0=azx+bay+czz+da, the equation of plane passing through this line is (arx + by + cz + dh) + A(aox + bay + caz + de) = 0. (i) If equations of the line are given in symmetrical form as xs = v™ = a : then equation of the plane is a(x — x1) + b(y — ys) + (2 - Z1) = 0, where a, b, c are given by al + bm + cn = 0. Angle between two planes Let Ti; =p; and 7-fig =p be two planes. The angle between the planes is same as the angle between their normals. Hence angle 0 between the planes is given by cos @ = fy fig In case, vectors N, and No along the normals (or direction ratios of the normal) are given, then cos 0 = —NiNe INy1-1No 1 = The planes are perpendicular if 0 = 5 => Ny-N =0 = The planes are parallel if iy = fig

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