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4im u l i a pAoLam Sucly selung

LAN atcos

LAN Leca Aa letusk a dalo communitalio

nutwaxk hut oally LonncK nLkwak olmies
Auch as usskatakions SLAMeAAhAuteseli t
Ahu tho AesauscRs within qámallas
Suh as iuilding d_campus

Phygicak wikuleAs Conneckions ase e up bekueta

LwOAkatahions shs Thsusauca £thanLE
Ond w-f Qs the stinpastant Achnalesyes

Keguisanuns otu_LAN AHuOk

aAkstaHonexsO na duices lahtopaonhutis
malilethants, eti
Nehugkk_ devires AuAAuitek moclum
Ahading yaukc hrinlers_aliikolsivgsetz
C a l t l : Phunct calts uives acOnauctn
in case wirtolLAN)_
thah cdoviLe
neang Conndion Wi- Fil in_case wie les

twio ns set up LAN Nekuask

Lalloweel set up
allouwin, Akps_Shauld
a LA nutwask
Page No..

dni4 AckuiLes ldentijs th hakwasksehuiie3 suh

s huinttis alikk elaives-lata, ek
that illeshaneelCnona
lduty_elenices lalentiy dauiues Buch s compuHAmaile
ahonaslaplops eta with uniquL oldsess
dhut_wi le Connictid_ t he nwazlk

3: Plan tomnechans esign the nckulatk y lauynq ALE Calla

Pmaling_wivelk_Lonnections lireed LAN Set up ising
HhLAH calus ushile_rlss_AAL is set updsing
LWih hat_Lonnel nukwak_aleuies_lwithouk mdluing
y phiysicalConnichion
A wivec LAN netws i
mA ACUALhan oNela 1AA notoalk
lut _i diuult t hlacai
4 Selech haluwasking Awite Selet swikch as
Aautis ith naugl
hait i cehnictallLwAAlutatom wiHin tht
wslL he Lhoire_e utwasluny aleuie
basesd he Aeguire meats thhu

5 Contigua hasli
Conlua wV- hasli aceaxcling
T th inLoimcho fpsavicLea
S ISf IntAnk Scauie hovides_Aluoconliqu
LAN poxs of calle AcOLLLeAS SuLh dha
Page No.

Hasn as lncouq adelsemes awallable JAs

l hc ooskstahians lthin hahasuara
Loll hauks alk s DHCP_(Dynarni
rloskLonliqus.alionSesuea) aehues_hat cuomuhcaull
allotalis delsssCs t all 1hakuiaes Lonnertl
he hehe0Als
6 alhu_connuckionsiConnuek ull the oliesusin
Auires congcne a LAAnchuiu
StanalascdHhanutE caltes AAL ed ti connket
uaskstaHans and sesv essLhile ChiuntE CAoAavES
Calle Ued t_connELk hi suikh Calle
LonnLctinqh stanalasd hast
tho sLuih Loith kaukrs LHN hast Lax
Lwivels LAN. LonnsEll he deuies TnWi h_
_Lwith SSID Seavice set Ldsinhhita)hsaucded y the
haus Swihl oniyuLne he LA nouasik

Test Hu hehwaslk: Tes eata e the uashstaion

_Lonnelid to Hhe ncwLLLA_and lnsue
woiukaliun- Aouue aeres Th nithw0Lle SPhviLe

Appliaians LAA!
3-Inhnut shauing
Title...npeaimunt..03 Page No.

h i t a Lodtesimulasing ARLL RARL

seAues SocleEE
2.Lisen las uu Lonnechion anod when connchon_auALes

Sencd Sesves's date anad time the client
4 Keacl clien 1P_aalclsess snt y hi leuk
sDisblcy h clu'entiLoletails
ALNA 2 - 5 u n i l thL Sesue ileminattil
Close all_ireams
Llose Hhe sexves Soclit L
9 Sap

2: Clen to tha
Cuati a client SodcoF n conneck i
S.eHVOLS halt Mumbe -
IP acldsess uing suilt in nction
2 Riieve w n
3 addses to t h e SeHve1
Snd i l
h dali L time Sent by th sehves
4 sfly
Cose he p u E ancl ufuut Sheam
6 CCose h e e l n t

ARP Sesves
mpøHE Soctuet

u2.168. L1 lE44.4 1 ,
5 E 5L, 4B 0
192 168-21
142.16b1:3 4R. 3s. 0.32
Title.... Page No...

192L6-y.1 A. 40. 1f ÉF,

192 168.32:'C3.CS.EE.C2,
144 yA11 92-168 L
5E 51 48.01 1921662:1
4R.25- co.32 192 -168.:3
Af LD IfF l9216 4:1
C3-(S.EE:c2 42-6 3.2
S Sodutso.clket(sodlueh-AE-INET,SOckeh.socK-SIREAM1)
clienksocuet adeda Lus =S-alclhEO
hain( Connickioaem "adulaesk, "Has &iutiiheed)
ip =_cluentcaztLeAsAcsl02u
1P ip. olecode [" utt -82
muc allisgot LipNo entay or quen adduss)
clientsodet.kent lmac entacle
S Soclt: Soclst Lochet AE_INET,
socleE -Sok-sTREM
S.LOnnet loclhogt12 3M
Dinub "ARP KARP_")
ifa== ARP")
a dd inpuk (" Enth IP: ")
olit ae *RARP"):
odolL input ("EntsMA,")_
SSencd_ladd encuele)
ma SYecy(t024
mac_matlicnels(_ut4 -82
laz: *ARP) aintE (mAc add
else paiatE Lfs4,adelú , ismac).
ARP RARP huotoc


Cnts 1P 92 68.13
MAC 12 l60.t.3 48. 35-CO 92


Enteh mAC 48.3 CD 3 2

P 4 B .3S CD 32 192.168. 13
Page No..
Title..peniman.o.. *

ngkoadkSimulakoy 2 simulaon o
Aim Study
algpxithm ing NS.
Congeation tono

Nekuouk SimulaloY (NS2)

Ns unchonulihes
KDuin Tanpo1takan1/le SoMsCLS,uaunq

elisunli'nt CoaS

Winaless sensa-MAC
Ac hoc pmalile 1P
IraungViSucizatonaned Y i a u s _ l i l l a

NS(Atehwasl Slmulaors

commescil simulakors aue GUL_elsiven

Nlagt el the
SimulakoysaHe CLI_laiven h e
hile g o m nwask
nchwakmaclel onigusaion
ducnilts he stali e h
aLukers Swittheslinks)_anl
Hhe evenks
nghualk Lhocles
Ldaku heunsnusAIONs_Pacuet_eMOYek
impavtanE ulfuuk simulation
leslxute ilesla weny Deullt
fhat occuMLd in the simulaklon_and
evey siotulakars can
ustd Jor andlysis Alewale
prov't otht tools do atilita visua
ends cand pofenia hraubl spots

Simulation ongestHon Lonhol alaonthnm

ing Most netwo simulatYS we_uiseke
simulatiun10 h 0 sE oondinq 'evenks
Title.. Page No..

Skoxrec ond dhoSe venk CU pYoceM eol_

oroeh ith Some evenk hiygeain uk wank-
Suth ds thoQune Hhi Aival _paiciE
E o acl hizqesin fhe_euenE _thL" asival o
hat paclkk ak a- clouunzeam hu

imulakion assashs is_a Veuy coriple ask

or euunmple Cangeshian high then Hrathn
Hhe aveaue Leupancu ischallenqinq 6ecauAe
hilasia nea éhima th tthnael
d 4 j a ulau n_atuask dh timeL
SaquivedL Or dn atrusale 0vAUVLA Can be2
eni enauls V laqe Apializd thniguS Suul
s onal yaiases Ane lmpastance Samhln"
NL en oleuw elopesd spud stoulation

pan Losp echniquL &dosed
in MS-2PAngsam leop:Mechnique axe utilizeel
0nqeAHOn_ _Lonral

un loop
Hdc nouwled qementbauius
Reharianisston_ ipelicy
iscancling piliy
Winlouw ali
Ad mission aliy
Page No.
(Cosed Loop
Back ieaua
mpliit alb aclk
hoke oclkot

Applitatians Dalapah
4 onmolpath
HTTP) FTP &TP Vileo RTsP Aucdio

TcP 1 Te 2 :UDP nstaneS

Conq es Hon

Axdailerkus_ Or Conqestionunkral

#Use of nthnalk Simulaor

Thsouhut- Tu's is hu_Mainheyormance measue
thaudcliistic 0nd mosE Dilelu utodIE s usualuy
MuAd in i k ÞeuSeLoncd

lauy- ime elapsedetle a pacteet lxavals

E is he
4AomOn 0inE I
anohe suUnce tv detination)

Lngh 4uCLunyYskmin_ckuaiks Cau Le

3 uu
o l s c a i b e dCS paclek
LAALV9far SLAuLeLwaiting
IS ot hmdae
for seaudce
Title.Ckpeximunt....0s. Page No.

Aim wuit a haaqAam himplamont olala Liak laues

Aanming muthoc Auda aS hauctD COun
Chasak sluthin

incluale Zioshream
indud <ing
inducl <biKt2
ina hamiihad stc

Shinq- chai-tount-Jsaminq Shing clala _

in Len= data lkagth
Skainghsam= T shing (Lin+ + odlakoq_
uHin ame

Shming has sting-jamin- phing dala

Shinglag Oillo "

Shik séLd data

inE _Lount D
Jax chas C daka)

COunt * t _
j Ccount's5)
SHddaka t s lo";
cunt 0-

else Ccount-0; 1
SuAd-odata + c

int Lens shy|ad-claka leng401

Title. Page No...

Shiny samL tochingun+ HuLJed-olala
t i a n 4sami

shing bit
sing saming (shing daba
Shin syd4aglaa e
i n LeoLun 0
or thas Colata)

Aunt s 5)
ShuLeddata ts"o

else wunt0;
uhun laShjeolcdlal +las

iE main S
Sring dalbs 1ol0ILJ10OLO LO |U1o0I)
Cou "originaloleta"sdata encll
oLE S "Chaiac-E ounE JAamilg
'K chA-Lounts nung
(daa Kendl
CA "
haatth sHuing 4anaingKsthwiL sultin9-aamine
Cdaa Endl
Aiginal dat lolo|iltyoolo lo 1111 0o tl1

Chadakh coun paning24#lo10 0010/01|10011

Chalucki skykinq soming 2 6: loloi1116ooto Lo to0I1)

$h aning o )oi010)11T1O1 oolo10111) 001

Title.Ekp.eximunt. 06. Page No...

Fim Wue_o_hio12am. hIihe ann ehamjul 3ullnet

anb with weiglh inditatngdelay Blw
hocles dalay
incdud slio.hz
smuue naclo

unsignecd dist C2:

unsigna d rom I201
iat main U
in dmat [2%1[201
inE n, +KCaUnt=0-
printEC\n EnHs ha numbes of naeles"T
SCan " %d"Ln 1_
print "\n_GaeA thecott mahic n "

jao,jso jtt)
Scane"hd" 2 donat [:JL);
dma IJL]= o
Lielist j] donat TiILjl;

COunt 0

Lljoisn ; ji+)
fos k:0 k <nktt)_
Cil uat I P dmut
Lil[k]+YECK]. alktC:1).
Title.. - PageNo.


hilLcaunk l01

print £nAn Shat Valu Lo ouks 7hol is \n"i+1)

6 j 0 , knJ+t
P_pun E C"IE\n_noola ol via Tocl Distant 7ol jt

print n An "

Enkh h numbth Of nocles 3
EnH th cost mal
0 2 4
2 0 1

Star Voulu
via 1Dictanc 0
Ancl2 via 2 Dstance
hacle3 Via 2 Distanc 3
Aed 1 Distane 2
Mede.2vit 2
Wecds 3 v 3 Oisha nc
Sata auu o Touktl is
hocdo Via
2 Distanco 3
Mal 2 Vio islalce
hool 3 3 isance

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