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Latar Belakang: Suasana Pelatihan:

Organisasi dituntut untuk bisa cepat beradaptasi dengan segala

perubahan yang terjadi. Organisasi yang lincah bukanlah terjadi secara
kebetulan, melainkan harus dibentuk dengan matang melalui metode
yang sistematis.

Melalui tuntutan stakeholder yang semakin besar, akselerasi dari

teknologi digital, disrupsi, dan perang talenta, semakin menuntut semua
organisasi untuk bisa mempunyai kelincahan dalam transformasi
strategi mereka menjadi aksi nyata. Ini bisa dicapai jika organisasi
didesain sedemikian rupa supaya mampu bekerja dengan alur yang
lancar dan cepat.

Melalui workshop yang inovatif ini, Anda bisa mendengarkan sharing

dari para pemimpin senior bisnis tentang desain, dan praktik-praktik
terbaik membangun organisasi yang lincah, yang sudah terbukti dari
implementasi yang sudah dilakukan oleh organisasi-organisasi
berkelas dunia yang beroperasi di Asia maupun dunia.

Tujuan: Metode Pelatihan:

Membangun organisasi yang mudah beradaptasi Pelatihan

Menciptakan organisasi yang lincah dalam bertransformasi Diskusi dan quiz
Menata organisasi yang mampu bekerja dengan alur yang lancar Forum tanya-jawab dan sharing
dan cepat

Hal yang didapatkan peserta: Target Peserta:

Pre-reading Business Heads & C-level Executives

Materi PDF “Agile 4.0 Organization Development" HR / OD Specialists
Lembar kerja (Hand out) Managers / Directors

Investasi Offline Investasi Online

+ PPN 11% + PPN 11%

0813-8952-8410 One GML onegmlofficial

Workshop Outline:

Modul 1: Modul 3:
Agile Characteristic 1: Shared Purpose, Vision and Strategy Agile Characteristics 4: Network Organization Structure
Practices of mission and vision in agile corporations of Empowered Teams
SPEx2 framework in cascading strategy into Various types of "machine age" and "4.0 age”
execution-oriented actions organization structure
Aligning organization structure with the corporate
Agile Characteristics 2: Rapid Decision Making and strategy
Development Process
Aligning value chain & processes to organization
Value chain framework and Process Management structure
Xcellence (PMX) LEAN-Startup methodology
Job analysis to develop job profiles
Aligning compensation strategy that drives agile,
Modul 2: performance-based culture
Agile Characteristics 2: Rapid Decision Making, and
Development Process (cont'd) Modul 4:
Start-up way performance management: OKR vs BSC Agile Characteristics 5: Dynamic Talent Management
Death of performance appraisal, rise of Continuous that Ignites Passion
Performance Management Quantity: Allocating the right resources with
Agile Characteristics 3: Execution-biased Organization workload analysis & manpower Planning
Culture Quality: 4.0 leadership & talent management
Organization culture mapping best-practices for the millennials
Various 4.0 corporate value statements Summary: General Management VS Agile
Management Practices
Values internalization strategy for the millenials



Experiential and
World-Class Top Facilitators Practical Learning
Curriculum and Practitioners Method

1. Prof Dave Ulrich (Honorary Advisor) 6. Dr. Paul Walsh

Speaker, Author, Professor, Thought Partner on HR, Program Director of BSC and Lean Six Sigma practice
Leadership, and Organization at The RBL Group at Australian Graduate School of Management

2. Prof Budi Soetjipto 7. Husein Samy

Vice Rector of Universitas Pertamina Country Manager HR of PT. IBM Indonesia

3. Irvandi Ferizal 8. Suwardi Luis

Ketua Forum of Human Capital Perbankan Indonesia CEO at ONE GML
(FHCPI) & HR Director of MayBank Indonesia
9. Dr. Yunus Triyonggo
4. Swandajani Gunadi Chairman of GNIK Steering Committee
Human Capital & Marketing Director at Adira Finance
10. David Rogers
5. Maria T. Kurniawati Global Guru on Digital Transformation
HC Expert & ICF Certified Coach Faculty Director, Columbia Business School

Kegiatan CSR Bersama Alumni

1 CDHX Goes to
2 CDHX Bootcamps for 3
Campus Underprivileged Communities

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