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UG Degree Department UG Degree Department of UG Degree Department of BME
GRT Institute of GRT Institute of GRT Institute of Engineering and
Engineering and Engineering and Technology
Technology Technology
m m m

Abstract - The abnormal growth of Key Words: Liver cancer,

cells in the liver causes liver cancer Morphological operations,
which is also known as hepatic Computed Tomography, Early stage,
cancer, where, Hepatocellular Highlighting tumour region.
Carcinoma (HCC) is the most
common type of liver cancer which 1. INTRODUCTION
makes up 75% of cases. The The formulation of the term cancer
detection of this tumour is difficult was in 460 - 370 BC. It is credited
and mostly found at advanced stage to the Greek Physician Hippocrates
which causes life-threatening issues. who is known as “FATHER OF
Hence it is far essential to discover MEDICINE”. Billions of cells in
the tumour at an early stage. So the our body divides each day to
principle intention of this project is produce new cells. The newly
to detect liver cancer at earlier stage formed cells occupies the space of
using image processing technique. dead cells. Basically, cells get
Here the malignant liver tumours together to form tissues, tissues get
are detected from Computed together to form organs. Hence, in
Tomography (CT) images. The some abnormal cases, cells divide
image undergoes enhancement more than the body needed and form
using anisotropic diffusion filters as lumps or growths normally called
and segmented by morphological as tumors.In this project we
operations which is simple and easy proposed simple method of cancer
to work. This operation uses detection using image processing.
combination of two processes,
dilation and erosion. The scope of Digital image processing is the
this propounded technique is to technique of using computers to
highlight the tumour region present process the image with the
in the Computed Tomography. necessary algorithms. The software
used here is MATLAB. Computed
tomography image of liver cancer is
employed to detect the tumor 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
region. Detection of liver cancer
involves three main steps. It [1]Rong Zhu,,“Application of
includes preprocessing of image, Improved Anisotropic diffusion
processing of image and Filter on Image Processing”
highlighting tumor region. proposed that anisotropic diffusion
Preprocessing of image involves filter is the most commonly used
image enhancement using method in removing noises. This
anisotropic diffusion filter to paper describes the improved
remove noise and imperfections in algorithm of anisotropic diffusion
image. During thresholding, there filter to remove salt and pepper
may be some chance of noise noises of the images
creation. This step plays an [2]Ravi S,,“Morphological
important role in detection of Operations for Image Processing:
cancer, because a small deviation Understanding and its applications”
which may be caused due to described morphological operations
imperfections or noise will leaves a are easy to apply and it works on
major effect in detection process. the principle of set theory. The
After image enhancement, image is objective of using this type of
segmented for detection of tumor operation is to remove the
region in processing stage. For imperfections in the structures of
segmenting image, morphological the images
operations are used. It includes [3]Wassem Abdulrahman,
dilation and erosion which is the,“Diagnosis of Liver Tumors
basic process for completing the Using Image Processing” aimed to
whole detection operation. identify the specific regions of liver
area in the scanner images to
Morphological operations are
abdominal area. This uses a new
simple and very easy to work
method for extraction the region of
because it operates on basic set
theory and does not contain tumor in the CT.
complex mathematical equations. [4] Amit Verma,, “A Survey
The last step is to highlight the on Digital Image Processing
tumor region in the given image for Techniques for Tumor Detection”
easy and clear observation. For describes the image processing
understanding the whole process techniques for tumor detection. It
obviously, the sub plotted image of gives the best result for detecting
all processed image is shown which and classifying the tumor by
includes original image, filtered comparing with the existing
image, tumor region, bordered methods.
tumor image and highlighted tumor [5] Jinshan Tang,, “An
region in original given image. Adaptive Anisotropic Diffusion
Filter for Noise Reduction in MR filtering/smoothing. Image
Images” proposed The stepped smoothing is one of the most critical
forward anisotropic diffusion filter and widely used method in image
uses adaptive threshold selection. processing.
The proposed technique became [10] N. Howard,,“A Novel
carried out to real MR images and Fully automated Liver and Tumor
the outcomes are fantastic. Segmentation System using
[6] Gabriel Ramos-Llordén, Morphological,“Anisotropic Diffusion Filter Operations” purposed to develop an
With Memory Based on Speckle automated Hepatocellular
Statistics for Ultrasound Images” Carcinoma detection system in
recommend an anisotropic diffusion Computed
clear out with a probabilistic-pushed Tomography images with high
memory mechanism to triumph over sensitivity and low specificity.
the over-filtering problem by using
following a tissue selective 3. PROPOSED
philosophy. METHODOLOGY
[7] Alireza Mazloumi Gavgani,
Liver cancer detection using image, “Noise reduction using
processing can be done with three
anisotropic diffusion filter in inverse
main phases. They are,
electrocardiology” used anisotropic
diffusion filter to cancel the noise • Preprocessing of image
at the frame floor potentials • Processing of image
measurements with the aim of • Highlighting the tumor in
enhancing the corresponding given image
answers of the inverse hassle of
electrocardiology. Computed tomography (CT) images
[8] Reitseng Lin,, are used for observation of liver
“Morphological operations on tumors. MATLAB is the software
images represented by quadtrees” used for processing the images
proposed set of rules to directly given.
carry out morphological operations
on photographs represented via 3.1 Work Flow of Process
quadtrees and produce the
snap shots, additionally represented
through quadtrees
[9] Ruchika Chandel,,
“Image Filtering Algorithms and
Techniques” described the diverse
image filtering algorithms and
techniques used for image
Fig -1: Work Flow 3.4 Anisotropic Diffusion Filter
Diffusion filters contain two
3.2 Software Description different filters called isotropic
MATLAB is the most popular diffusion filter and anisotropic
software used for Digital Image diffusion filter. Isotropic filters are
Processing. MATLAB (matrix linear and anisotropic filters are
laboratory) is multipurpose tool non-linear filters. Linear filters are
used for matrix manipulation, homogeneous in nature and is with
plotting of functions and data, constant conductivity. Hence to
implementation of algorithm and overcome this smoothening Perona
creating user interface. For and Malik proposed the non liner
detecting liver cancer using image method called anisotropic filters.
processing, MATLAB software is Anisotropic filters are also called as
used. It is a general usage perona-Malik equation. It is the
programming language. When it is powerful image enhancer.
used to process images by The main aim of this filter is to
generally writing function files, or reduce noise without removing
script files to perform the necessary significant parts of given image,
operations. It forms a formal record sharp edges and significant lines.
of the processing used and the final Image processing with anisotropic
results can be tested and replicated diffusion in MATLAB code contains
by others. It provides many some important parameters. The
important advantages for forensic anisotropic diffusion is represented
image processing. as,
3.3 Preprocessing of Image Diff_image=anisodiff(Im,
Preprocessing of an image is the NUM_ITER, KAPPA, LAMBDA,
first and foremost step in image DELTA, OPTION)
processing. The main aim of
preprocessing in image processing Here, Im is the input image,
is to improve the quality of image, Num_itr is used to represent number
suppressing unwanted distortions in of iterations, Kappa is the
image due to noise and enhance conduction coefficient, lambda is
image features for further the maximum value of 0.25 for
processing. Normally in performing stability, delta is integration
medical image processing, constant. There are two options first
preprocessing of an image plays a prefers smaller region over wide
crucial role so that the input image region whereas next prefers wide
does not have any impurities or region over smaller one. In this
imperfections, and it is done to be project the input image is computed
better for the upcoming process tomography image of liver as shown
such as segmentation, feature in the figure 2. This image is
extraction, etc preprocessed for further processing.
3.6 Thresholding
It is one of the image processing
method which converts the image
from gray scale to binary images
which is one of the segmentation
method by setting up threshold
value. It is most commonly used in
Fig -2: Input Image binary images but can be applied
After applying anisotropic diffusion for coloured images also. The pixel
filter the given image is filtered and values greater than the threshold is
the noise and imperfections are converted into white (binary value
removed for clear inference. It plays 1) and the pixels lesser than the
an important role in processing the threshold is converted into black
image in next stage for clear (binary value 0).The binary image
observation of liver tumor region. should contain certain necessary
The filtered image is shown in the information like position and shape
figure 3. of objects.
The steps to be followed for
thresholding are, Set the initial
threshold value, specifically the 8-
bit value of original image.
Separating the image into two parts,
Pixels less than threshold –
background Pixels greater than
Fig -3: Filtered Image threshold – foreground Identify the
average mean value of two images.
3.5 Processing Calculate the new threshold by
Processing of image is performing finding the average of two mean
certain operations on the image to values.
obtain certain information from the G(x,y)=f(x)=1,if f(x,y)>T;
image. It is a type of signal
processing where the input is an G(x,y)=f(x)=0,if f(x,y)≤T
image and output is a feature 3.7 Bounding Box
extracted from the image. Digital
image processing helps in Bounding box are imaginary boxes
manipulation of image using digital that are created around an object. It
computers with help of certain is also one of the method of
algorithms. It avoids building of identifying the target on the image.
noise and distortion of image during In digital image processing
processing. bounding box is nothing but the
rectangular border that covers or
encloses the digital images. The element producing output image of
coordinate in the upper left corner the same size.The morphological
is x and the coordinate in the lower operation has two common
right corner is y.Here we extract the processes which is, Dilation and
tumor region present in the liver by Erosion.
covering it with a rectangular box
which is nothing but bounding the 3.8.1 Dilation
tumor region. A specified pixel The dilation adds pixels to the edges
range of the original liver of the object in the image. The
computed tomography (CT) image number of pixels added in an image
will be selected in the form of box depends on the dimensions of that
which represents the tumor region image. The assess of the output
of the image. image is maximum in case of
dilation and in binary image the
As shown in figure 4, the original pixel is to made 1 with respect to the
image is being preprocessed for neighbouring pixels. The dilation
further image enhancement and expands the object and fills the
filtered for reducing the noise holes.
signals present in the image and a
rectangular box (bounding box) is 3.8.2 Erosion
made in the specified region. This The erosion removes pixels to the
region is the tumour region whose edges of the object in the image.
threshold value is greater than the The number of pixels subtracted in
normal threshold value. an image depends on the dimensions
of that image. The assess of the
output image is minimum in case of
erosion and in binary image the
pixel is to made 0 with respect to the
neighbouring pixels. The erosion
contracts the object and removes
small objects in the image. The
eroded image is shown in the figure
Fig -4: Bounding box in given 5.
3.8 Morphological Operations
Morphological operation is a non-
linear operation which is related to
shapes or morphological features of
an image. This operation depends on
the ordering of the pixels in the
(A) (B)
image and not their numerical value.
The operation deals with structuring
Fig -5: (A) Input image (B) Eroded Fig -6: Highlighting tumor region
image in the given image
3.9 Highlighting Tumor Region In Finally for clear observation all the
Given Image processes image in step by step is
The last step is to present a clear sub plotted and shown clearly. The
indication of tumor region from the figure 7 shows the complete
original image for our easy processed images of whole process.
interpretation. By showing the
tumor region alone is not sufficient
for identification for normal
humans. Hence this phase gives the
obvious detection of tumor with its
border in the given input image.
When tumor is shown in any other
image, it will not be that effective.
One can find easy to observe in
given input image and so this
method is implemented. Fig -7: Complete images of whole
The final phase not only indicates
the tumor normally it also border 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
the tumor region in different color
for spontaneous observation. Liver cancer detection using image
Because the image is already given processing is implemented and the
in the grey scale, so it is useless to tumor region is found medical
show the tumor region in black or images used for analysis and the
white. The other option is to complete observation is shown in
represent it in red or green or blue. the table 1.
Here the tumor region will be Table -1: Test results
indicated in red color as shown in
the figure 6.
This method liver cancer detection
using image processing is analyzed
D E PROCES with different kinds of sample for
WITH OBTAINED S complete analysis. When image of
SPECIFIC liver cancer with single mass is
FEATURE given as input it outlines the tumor
region with red color after
Liver 96% Outlines processing. When images of
image with the
healthy liver is given the indication
tumor in a tumor
single region will be of no specific region
mass clearly indication. Some deviations and
Healthy 97% None of inaccuracy takes place when very
liver the small tumors around the single
region is mass of tumor are present.
specifie According to the proposed
d algorithm, it identify only the
single mass of tumor in the liver.
Many suspecting regions are
discussed with medical persons for
getting better accuracy.

The proposed research presents a

liver cancer detection using image
processing using morphological
operations such as dilation and
erosion for abdominal computed
tomography scans. The obtained
results ensure that this liver cancer
detection can be effectively used to
help medical persons in diagnosing
hepato cellular carcinoma. It has
been shown that morphological
operations require less
computational power and
mathematical equations and
calculations when compared to
other image segmentation
algorithms. A limitation of this
research is that the performance
was designed for only single mass [4] Jinshan Tang , Qingling Sun
of tumors. In future, we will collect , Jun Liu , Yongyan Cao.
clinical and computed tomography "An Adaptive Anisotropic
image data to ensure accuracy of Diffusion Filter for Noise
evaluation and perfect validation Reduction in MR
for multiple tumors in the liver. We Images" 2007.
also intended to process with
magnetic resonance imaging tract/document/43 03737.
images and apply classification [5] Y. Masuda, A. H. Foruzan, T.
algorithms for classifying the Tateyama, Y. W. Chen,
tumors. "Automatic liver tumor
detection using EM/MPM
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