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Read the following text and answer the question:

Mobile phones should not be allowed in school

Should children be allowed to carry mobile phones in school? Some parents and teachers believe

there are many problems caused by having mobile phones in school. For example, phones could

get stolen, children could get bullied and pictures and videos could be taken without the owner’s

permission. However, there are other people who believe pupils need this important form of

communication throughout the school day. After carefully thinking about both sides of this

debate, I strongly believe that mobile phones should not be allowed in school.

Firstly, mobile phones are expensive and easily damaged. At Elite, pupils’ school bags are

already heavy because so many books are carried around. Bags are often picked up and put

down. If a mobile phone is inside, what do you imagine would happen to your precious phone? It

could be broken or damaged in some way. Does this sound fair to you? Parents then have the

added cost of getting phones fixed which is unfair, a waste of money and a waste of time. Is this

really a good way for parents to spend their hard-earned money? I am certain you will agree that

it is not.

Secondly, mobile phones could definitely be stolen. I seriously urge you to understand how

much of a problem this could be. In Year 4, we have approximately 80 pupils. Imagine if there

were 80 mobile phones as well- could we keep all of them safe and away from damage? I am

certain you will agree that would be impossible. Pupils could lose them, forget where they put

them or indeed other pupils could use them to play pranks. Sadly, there might be individuals with

bad motives if they are jealous of another pupil’s mobile phone. What’s to stop them from

stealing it?
Thirdly and finally, pupils may not respect each other’s privacy and start taking photos and

videos without the individual’s permission. They could upload those photos and videos onto

social media. This can be extremely hurtful, cruel and embarrassing for those pupils involved. 47

Imagine how you would feel if this happened to you? I am certain you will agree this would be a

horrible situation.

To conclude, I passionately believe that school is not the right place to bring a mobile phone. I

have supported this point of view by giving the reasons above but in fact there are many more.

Going to school at Elite is a busy, vibrant, fun experience for pupils but it can also be quite

stressful too with quizzes and assessments. Pupils do not need the added problems caused when

mobile phones are brought to school. Consequently, I believe that expensive mobile phones are

better off at home where they are safe.

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