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Simulation Based Assignment

Academic Task Number: CA3 Maximum Marks: 30

Course code: CSE316 Course title: Operating Systems

Date of allotment: 25/09/2023 Date of Submission: 30/10/2023

Allocation of Problems as follows:

Roll No. Problem Class Link to Join and submit code online
l No.
1 1 13 25 37 49 61 1
2 2 14 26 38 50 62 2
3 3 15 27 39 51 63 3
4 4 16 28 40 52 64 4
5 5 17 29 41 53 65 5
6 6 18 30 42 54 66 6
7 7 19 31 43 55 67 7
8 8 20 32 44 56 68 8
9 9 21 33 45 57 69 9
10 10 22 34 46 58 70 10
11 11 23 35 47 59 74 11
12 12 24 36 48 60 72 12

Evaluation Rubrics

Criteria Marks Exemplary (100%) Satisfactory (80%) Needs Improvement

weightage (50%)
Functionality 7 The program works The program works mostly The program does not work
correctly and completely correctly and meets most correctly or does not meet
meets all the requirements of the requirements the requirements specified
specified in the assignment. specified in the in the assignment.
Efficiency 4 The program is highly The program is somewhat The program is not efficient
efficient and has minimal efficient and has moderate and has high resource
resource consumption. resource consumption. consumption.
Readability 4 The code is very readable, The code is mostly The code is not very
with clear and concise readable, with some readable, with unclear
comments, variable and comments, variable and comments, variable and
function names, and function names, and function names, and poor
formatting. formatting that could be formatting.
Modularity 1 The program is well- The program is somewhat The program is not well-
organized and divided into organized and divided into organized and lacks
modules or functions that some modules or modules or functions.
perform specific tasks. functions.
Testing 2 The program is thoroughly The program is tested with The program is not
tested with different test some test cases, but may adequately tested and may
cases to ensure that it not cover all scenarios or have significant issues or
functions as intended in have adequate testing. bugs.
various scenarios.
Timeliness 2 The program is The program is The program is
completed/uploaded within completed/uploaded completed/uploaded
the specified timeframe or slightly after the deadline, significantly after the
deadline. but within a reasonable deadline or is not
timeframe. completed.
Understanding 10 The student is having proper The student fully The student is unable to
understanding of the understands the code that provide clarity on the logic
uploaded code. was uploaded. or syntax of the uploaded

NOTE1: No Submission will be accepted after deadline.

NOTE2: Kindly take the backup of the code if somehow website will not work or crashed than
Student will not evaluated (if no code available).

NOTE3: You have to create the account in ( as a student and select the
university (Lovely professional University [select the 1st option in the dropdown]) and login into it.
Now open the link present in front of your roll number and solve the problem assigned to you.

NOTE4: Don’t click on submit if the assignment is not completed, One you click on submit after that
you will not able to submit the assignment again.

NOTE4: Don’t try to use different mail id to submit multiple responses, Multiple responses will not
be considered.

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