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Qualifications BTEC HND in Business

Unit number and title Unit 34: Digital Marketing

Date Received 1st

Submission date 25/06/2024 25/06/2024

Date Received 2nd

Re-submission date

Student names & codes Final scores Signatures

1. Dang Thi Thanh Thuy - BD00417

2. Nguyen Huynh My - BD00387

Group number: 3. Phan Thi Thu Huyen - BD00412

4. Le Nu Hoang Long - BD00394



Class MA06201 Assessor name Vo The Long

Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a
false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 M1 M2 D1

Student 1 Dang Thi Thanh Thuy

Description of activity undertaken

2.1. Overview of Vinamilk company

Digital Marketing

3.1.2 Ecomomic

3.2.4 Customers

5.2.2 Online PR


Assessment & grading criteria

How the activity meets the requirements of the criteria



Student 2 Nguyen Huynh My

Description of activity undertaken


3.1.3 Technological

3.2.2 Intermediaries

5.2.3 Online partnership including affiliate marketing

5.2.4 Interactive display advertising

2.5.7 Email Marketing

Assessment & grading criteria

How the activity meets the requirements of the criteria


Assessor Date:


Student Phan Thi Thu Huyen

Description of activity undertaken

2.3.1. Opportunities

3.1.4. Social

3.2.1. Suppliers


5.1.1. Website

5.1.2. Facebook

5.1.3. Youtube



Assessment & grading criteria

How the activity meets the requirements of the criteria




Student Le Nu Hoang Long

Description of activity undertaken

2. Challenges

3.1.1 Political & Legal forces

3.2.3. Competitors


5.2.1 Search engine marketing (SEO and PPC)


Assessment & grading criteria

How the activity meets the requirements of the criteria




Summative Feedback: Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor signature: Date:
Internal Verifier's Comments:

Signature & Date:

1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................11
2. GENERAL INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................11
2.1. Overview of Vinamilk company .....................................................................................................11
2.2. Digital Marketing ............................................................................................................................ 13
2.3. The opportunities and challenges that Digital marketing brings to Vinamilk ................................16
2.3.1 Opportunities ........................................................................................................................ 16
2.3.2. Challenges ............................................................................................................................ 18
3. EXTERNAL DIGITAL ENVIRONEMENT ................................................................................................ 19
3.1. Macro Environement .....................................................................................................................19
3.1.1 Political & Legal forces .......................................................................................................... 19
3.1.2 Ecomomic .............................................................................................................................. 23
3.1.3 Technologica ......................................................................................................................... 24
Challenges ................................................................................................................................. 26
3.1.4 Social ..................................................................................................................................... 27
3.2 Micro Environment ..........................................................................................................................29
3.2.1 Suppliers ............................................................................................................................... 29
3.2.2 Intermediaries ....................................................................................................................... 31
3.2.3. Competitors ..........................................................................................................................34
3.2.4 Customers ............................................................................................................................. 38
LANDSCAPE. ........................................................................................................................................41
VINAMILK ........................................................................................................................................... 42
5.1 Digital tool ....................................................................................................................................... 42
5.1.1 Website ................................................................................................................................ 42
5.1.2. Facebook .............................................................................................................................. 47
5.1.3. Youtube ................................................................................................................................ 53
5.2 Digital technique ..............................................................................................................................57
5.2.1 Search engine marketing (SEO and PPC) ...............................................................................58
5.2.2 Online PR .............................................................................................................................. 59
5.2.3 Online partnership including affiliate marketing .................................................................. 64
5.2.4 Interactive display advertising .............................................................................................. 66
5.2.5. Email Marketing ................................................................................................................... 69
THIS HAS FOR COMPANY VINAMILK .....................................................................................................73
7. CONCLUSION. ...................................................................................................................................75
REFERENCES .........................................................................................................................................77

In today's digital age, digital marketing has become an indispensable tool for businesses of all sizes and
sectors. Digital Marketing not only provides the ability to reach target customers efficiently and cost-
effectively, but also provides diverse tools and techniques for interacting, building and maintaining
relationships with customers. From the use of websites, social networks, email marketing, to online
advertising and search engine optimization (SEO), Digital Marketing has completely changed the way
businesses approach and communicate with customers. The rapid development of technology and the
Internet has created many new opportunities for Digital Marketing, requiring businesses to constantly
update and apply innovative strategies to stay competitive. With the ability to measure and analyze the
effectiveness of details, Digital Marketing not only helps businesses better understand customer
behavior and needs but also optimize marketing campaigns to achieve the best results. Digital Marketing
has become a key factor to help businesses build a strong brand, strengthen their presence in the market
and achieve sustainable development in the digital era.


2.1. Overview of Vinamilk company

Figure 1: Logo of Vinamilk company

History of establishment and development

1976: Established with 3 factories: Thong Nhat, Truong Tho, Dielac.

1992: Converted into a joint stock company.

2001/2003: listing on the Stock Exchange

2009: Top 10 most valuable brands in Vietnam.

2010: Top 50 strongest brands in Vietnam.

2015: Top 40 largest dairy enterprises in the world in terms of revenue.

2017: Top 10 most valuable global dairy brands.

2022: Export to 57 countries and territories on 5 continents.


The main business activities of this company include processing, manufacturing and trading fresh milk,
canned milk, powdered milk, nutritional powder, yogurt, condensed milk, soy milk, beverage and other
products. other dairy products.

Vinamilk is currently the leading enterprise of the dairy processing industry in Vietnam, with an
overwhelming market share in most product segments.

Most outstanding achievements:

The most trusted national brand in Vietnam for 25 consecutive years.

Top 100 global creators in 2020.

Top 10 most valuable brands in Vietnam in 2023.

Top 50 strongest brands in Vietnam in 2023.

Core values:

Quality: Build trust with excellent product and service quality.

Efficiency: Operate efficiently, optimize costs, generate profits for shareholders, and contribute to the
Creativity: Constantly innovating and creating in all fields of activity.

Responsibility: Operate responsibly with society, the environment and the community.

People: Develop human resources, build a professional working environment, create conditions for
employees to develop their capacity.

Vision: To become a leading provider of nutrition products and health solutions for Vietnamese people
and reach the international level.

Mission: Enhance people's lives by providing high quality nutrition products and perfect services,
contributing to building healthy and prosperous communities.

(Vinamilk, 2024)

 Vinamilk is a prestigious and long-standing dairy company with many outstanding achievements.
Vinamilk always strives to provide consumers with high quality products, perfect services and
contribute to improving human life.

2.2. Digital Marketing

Figure 2: Photo about Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is the use of digital channels and media to promote a product, service or brand to
consumers. It includes many strategies and channels such as social networks, SEO (search engine
optimization), online advertising, email Marketing, social media, content Marketing, video Marketing,
integrated Marketing communication,... The goal of Digital Marketing is to increase brand awareness,
attract and convert potential customers into real customers through electronic means.

(PACE, 2024) & (Fptskillking, 2023)

The main activities of Digital Marketing include:

 SEO (Search Engine Optimization): The process of optimizing websites to appear higher in organic
search results of search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yahoo Search, Coc Coc,...
 Content Marketing: Creating and distributing valuable content (articles, videos, podcasts, etc.) that
attracts, retains, and stimulates action from consumers.
 Social Media Marketing: Use social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) to
build brands, engage customers, and drive transactions.
 Email Marketing: Sending emails to a selected mailing list to promote products, services, or provide
valuable content, for the purpose of building relationships and driving sales.
 Paid Advertising: Paid advertising on advertising platforms such as search engine advertising (such as
Google Ads), social media advertising (Facebook Ads, Tiktok Ads...), display advertising (GDN) and
video advertising.
 Affiliate Marketing: A performance-based marketing technique where a business pays one or more
partners for each customer or visit they bring in through their marketing efforts.
 Influencer Marketing: Partnering with influencers on social media platforms to promote products or
services to their follower base.

There are 3 Types of Media in Digital Marketing:

 Paid Media: Paid media are media channels where the brand has to pay a sum of money to promote
its products or services. This includes tools and channels such as television advertising, advertising on
social networks such as Facebook and Instagram, advertising on search engines such as Google and
Coc Coc, sponsored advertising activities, and cooperation with social media celebrities (KOLs). These
are called media costs, as brands pay intermediaries to promote their content.
 Owned Media: Owned media are media channels that the brand owns and controls. This includes
tools and channels such as websites, groups and fanpages on social networks, mobile applications,
and other platforms that the brand has full control over.
 Earned Media: Earned media is the result of successfully using Paid and Owned media in a Digital
Marketing strategy. These are feedback, discussions, and voices from users about the brand. Often
thought of as viral media, Earned media can be positive reviews, sharing from customers on social
media, articles or blogs about your products or services, or support from partners in promoting
without paying a fee. These can be forms of feedback from the online community or from people
directly related to your products and services

(Vui.H, 2024)

Digital Marketing today is an indispensable pillar in all business activities. It is time for every business to
realize that implementing digital marketing strategies is not just an option but a necessary requirement
to survive and thrive in today's business environment.
Here are the benefits of Digital Marketing:

 Strong connection with customers: Digital Marketing provides tools to create closer relationships
with customers through social media, email marketing, and other online channels. This makes it easy
for the brand to interact and communicate directly with the target audience.
 Fast and unlimited reach: Digital marketing allows brands to reach customers quickly and without
geographical restrictions, using online channels such as websites, social networks, and online
advertising to reach a broad target audience.
 Measure clear results: With Digital Marketing, brands can measure campaign performance
accurately and clearly through web analytics tools, online statistics, and ad performance tracking
 Easy personalization: Digital marketing allows brands to customize and personalize advertising
messages based on online behavior and customer personal data, creating a more personalized and
effective marketing experience.
 Conversion and convenience: Through online channels such as websites and mobile applications,
Digital Marketing makes it convenient for customers to shop and make transactions easily, from
searching for information to making a purchase decision.
 Cost optimization: Compared to traditional forms of marketing, digital marketing is often lower in
cost and allows brands to optimize their marketing budgets by assigning resources to the most
efficient channels.

(Phong.N, 2024)

2.3. The opportunities and challenges that Digital marketing brings to Vinamilk

In the era of booming digital technology, Digital Marketing has become an indispensable tool for
businesses, especially in the fast-moving consumer goods industry like Vinamilk. Recognizing the huge
potential of Digital Marketing, Vinamilk has been actively applying innovative strategies to reach
customers, build brands and drive sales.

Below we will dive into the opportunities and challenges that Digital Marketing brings to Vinamilk,
thereby helping businesses propose appropriate strategies to optimize marketing activities in the digital

2.3.1 Opportunities

First of all, it should be affirmed that Digital Marketing gives Vinamilk many great opportunities:

 Firstly, Digital Marketing helps Vinamilk raise awareness and engagement with the brand as well as
reach a large number of potential customers through online channels such as social networks,
websites, mobile applications and search engines, digital platforms such as Facebook, YouTube and
Instagram bring a huge audience for VNM to connect with. Engaging content (like recipes, nutrition
tips, or user-generated content contests) can build brand awareness and loyalty, especially among
younger demographics. (YouTube success stories for FMCG brands can be a source of inspiration.) As
a result, Vinamilk can promote products, build brands and attract customers more effectively than
traditional marketing methods. (Fchat, 2024)
Figure 3: Online channels to promote products, build brands and attract customers of Vinamilk

 Second, Digital Marketing allows Vinamilk to interact directly with customers, collect feedback and
build long-term relationships. Through social media channels, Vinamilk can listen to customers'
opinions, answer questions and handle complaints quickly and effectively, and targeted advertising
will allow targeted advertising based on demographics, interests and online behaviors to ensure
Vinamilk reaches the right audience with the right message, maximizing the impact of campaigns. In
addition to a personalized customer experience by collecting and analyzing customer data, Vinamilk
personalizes its services and promotions including recommending specific products based on
purchase history or offering loyalty programs through its mobile app.

 Third, Digital Marketing helps Vinamilk optimize marketing costs. Compared to traditional marketing
methods, digital marketing has lower costs and higher measurement efficiency. As a result, Vinamilk
can allocate marketing budget more rationally and effectively and the rise of e-commerce platforms
in Vietnam brings great opportunities for Vinamilk to expand beyond traditional stores. Partnering
with e-commerce companies like Shopper or Tiki can make Vinamilk's products more accessible to a
wider audience. In addition to data-driven marketing decisions, digital marketing provides a wealth
of data on customer behavior and campaign performance. Vinamilk can leverage analytics tools to
better understand what impresses audiences and optimize marketing strategies for better results.
Figure 4: The e-commerce that vinamilk can cooperate with to easily reach consumers

2.3.2. Challenges

Besides opportunities, Digital Marketing also brings Vinamilk certain challenges.

 Firstly, the Digital Marketing market is increasingly competitive with the participation of many
domestic and foreign enterprises because the digital landscape has many competitors competing for
the attention of consumers. Therefore, Vinamilk needs to create engaging content, high-quality,
unique content, and an effective marketing strategy to stand out from the crowd. In addition,
consumer behavior is evolving, consumer preferences and online platforms are constantly evolving.
Therefore, Vinamilk needs to be flexible and adapt its strategies to keep up with these changes.
(Vinamilk, 2024)

 Secondly, measuring the effectiveness of Digital Marketing can be difficult due to many influencing
factors, effectiveness can be difficult to accurately measure and the problem of fake reviews and
negative emotions by social media can be a breeding ground of fake reviews and negative emotions
about the brand. Vinamilk needs to develop a clear framework to track ROI (Return On Investment)
to assess the value of its digital marketing efforts. It is necessary to use data analysis tools and
monitor campaign performance carefully to optimize marketing effectiveness and strategies to
monitor online conversations and promptly address any negative feedback. (says, K. pahilwani and
Kakkar, S. 2023)
 Thirdly, Vinamilk needs to ensure the safety of customer information and data security when using
Digital Marketing, digital marketing depends heavily on customer data. The collection and use of
customer data should comply with applicable legal regulations to avoid violating customer privacy,
and Vinamilk needs to ensure that strong data security measures are in place to comply with
regulations and maintain consumer trust.


3.1. Macro Environement

The macro-environment consists of broad external factors that can significantly impact a business's
digital marketing efforts that are beyond the company's control and apply to every business operating in
the digital landscape. (Chanchal Aggarwal, 2024)

3.1.1 Political & Legal forces

Political and legal forces are an important aspect of the macro environment, which has a significant
impact on the operations and growth of businesses in the digital sector and has a significant impact on
the company's digital marketing activities. These forces have an influence on how companies operate,
the products and services they offer, and how they communicate with customers. (Team, T.B. 2018)

Political & Legal forces are one of the important factors affecting the digital marketing activities of
enterprises, including:

 Key Element:

Government Regulations:

 Regulations on the collection, use and storage of customer data: Vinamilk needs to comply with the
Law on Cybersquatting, the Law on the Protection of Personal Privacy, etc. to ensure information
security and privacy for consumers.
 Advertising regulations: Vinamilk needs to comply with the Law on Advertising to ensure honesty
and transparency in online advertising activities.
 Regulations on e-commerce: Vinamilk needs to comply with the Law on E-Commerce to ensure that
online business activities comply with the law and protect the interests of consumers

Data privacy law:

 The Personal Privacy Protection Law regulates how Vinamilk collects, uses and stores customer data.
Vinamilk needs to have a clear and transparent data privacy policy and collect customer data legally,
with the consent of customers.
 Vinamilk needs to implement appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect
customer data from unauthorized access, use or disclosure.

Intellectual Property Rights:

 Vinamilk needs to register and protect trademarks, logos, slogans, patents, etc. to avoid being copied,
 Vinamilk should respect the intellectual property rights of others and use legally licensed materials.

Redaction Restrictions:

 Vinamilk needs to comply with the regulations on content on the internet in Vietnam, avoid posting
information that violates the law, contrary to fine customs.
 Vinamilk needs to adjust the content and form of advertising in accordance with the culture and
regulations of countries when implementing Digital Marketing in foreign markets.

 Legal factors:

Advertisement law :

 Advertising content: Vinamilk needs to ensure that the advertising content is accurate, honest, and
not misleading to consumers. Avoid using unproven scientific information or overstating the product.
 Advertising position: Vinamilk needs to comply with regulations on advertising positions on different
media channels, for example, it is not allowed to advertise cigarettes on television or false functional
foods on social networks.
 Violation consequences: Violation of advertising law can lead to fines such as warnings,
administrative sanctions, even forced removal of advertising and compensation for damage to

Information security:

 Data collection and use: Obtain clear and complete consent from individuals before collecting,
storing, or using their personal data. Ensure the use of the data is consistent with the consent and
the purpose specified.

 Data security: Implement strong technical and organizational measures to protect personal data
from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, copying, or destruction.

 Rights of data subjects: Respect individuals' rights to their personal data, including the right to
access, correct, delete, or restrict processing.

 Consequences of non-compliance: Failure to comply with personal information protection laws

results in penalties such as warnings, administrative fines, and possible data breach notifications.

The influence of political & legal forces on the operation of digital marketing service providers brings
many opportunities and challenges:

 Opportunities:

Consumer Confidence

 Robust data privacy laws such as GDPR and the Consumer Protection Law can help build consumer
trust in Vinamilk, leading to increased sales and customer loyalty.

 Vinamilk can demonstrate its commitment to protecting customers' data and privacy through
transparent and clear policies, thereby strengthening customers' trust.

Protect intellectual property

 Strong intellectual property laws can protect Vinamilk brands, logos, slogans and business secrets
from being copied and counterfeited, helping VNM maintain its competitive advantage and
reputation in the market.

 Vinamilk can use legal measures to prevent intellectual property rights infringement and protect its
reputation and brand value.

Access to market

 Easing censorship restrictions in some countries opens up opportunities for Vinamilk to access new
markets and expand its potential customers.
 Vinamilk can adjust its marketing strategy to suit the culture and preferences of consumers in new
markets to attract customers and increase revenue.
 Challenges

Regulatory compliance:

 Compliance with government regulations and data privacy laws such as GDPR can be costly and time-
consuming for Vinamilk.
 Vinamilk needs to invest in resources and technology to ensure compliance with these regulations,
and regularly update changes in the law.

Federal consumer protection law:

 Vinamilk needs to apply strict security measures to protect consumer data from breaches and
unauthorized access.
 A data breach could damage Vinamilk reputation and result in hefty fines.

Intellectual Property:

 Enforcement of intellectual property rights can be difficult and costly, especially in countries with
weak legal systems.
 Vinamilk needs to have appropriate strategies to protect its intellectual property rights in these
markets, while cooperating with local authorities to address infringement issues.
Adjustment of marketing campaign:

 Vinamilk needs to adjust its marketing campaigns to fit the censorship restrictions in some countries.

The political and legal environment is becoming increasingly complex for digital marketers. However, it
opens up opportunities for the company to effectively navigate this environment, just as Vinamilk has
gained a competitive advantage by complying with regulations, protecting consumer data, enforcing
intellectual property rights, and adapting to censorship restrictions.

3.1.2 Ecomomic

Economic factors directly and strongly affect Vinamilk Digital Marketing strategy. From economic growth
and people's living standards, online consumption habits, to exchange rate fluctuations and inflation, all
require Vinamilk to have a flexible and effective digital marketing strategy. By understanding and
leveraging these factors, Vinamilk can not only maintain but also enhance its competitive position in the

The economic environment is one of the important factors affecting digital marketing activities of
enterprises, including:

 Economic growth and people's living standards: With economic growth and increasing living
standards, the demand for nutrition and health care products also increases. To exploit this trend,
Vinamilk has applied a number of digital marketing strategies such as:
 Inflation: Inflation can reduce the purchasing power of consumers. Vinamilk has implemented Digital
Marketing strategies to deal with this:

Vinamilk has made comprehensive use of Digital Marketing to adapt to economic factors and changes in
consumer behavior. Using targeted advertising, e-commerce, user experience optimization and loyalty
programs, Vinamilk has maintained its competitiveness and sustainable development in the market.
These strategies not only meet the current needs of consumers but also create new development
opportunities in the future.

(Fchat, 2024) & (Bjkaboy, 2013)

The influence of economic factors on the operation of the Digital Marketing service provider brings many
opportunities and challenges.

 Opportunities

Vinamilk faces significant opportunities from current economic factors. First, the increasing economic
growth and living standards of the Vietnamese people have created a wider market for nutrition and
health care products. With higher income, consumers tend to seek premium products, giving Vinamilk
the opportunity to promote targeted advertising and develop new products, emphasizing nutritional
value and health benefits. Moreover, the rise of online shopping prompted Vinamilk to boost its
operations on e-commerce platforms such as Tiki, Lazada, and Shopee. Regular promotions, discounts,
and product combos help attract customers and increase sales. Vinamilk can also leverage social
networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Zalo to enhance interaction with customers, enhance brand
recognition and drive sales through creative advertising campaigns, sales livestream and mini-games.

 Challenges

Vinamilk also faces many challenges from economic factors. Competition is increasingly fierce as the
market expands, requiring Vinamilk to continuously improve its products and Digital Marketing strategy
to maintain a competitive advantage. Exchange rate fluctuations can increase the cost of importing raw
materials, affecting the cost of products and the profitability of the company. To cope, Vinamilk needs to
manage its advertising budget effectively, using data analysis tools to optimize costs. Inflation is another
major challenge, as it reduces consumer purchasing power, especially for everyday consumer products
such as milk. Vinamilk must adjust its marketing strategy and prices to suit the economic situation, and
implement loyalty programs to retain customers and motivate them to buy more. Finally, the pressure to
improve the user experience on online platforms requires Vinamilk to continuously invest in technology
and human resources, ensure an easy and convenient online purchase process, and meet the increasing
expectations of customers.

3.1.3 Technologica
The technology environment in digital marketing includes everything related to the use or development
of technology. It interacts with the environment around a company, among other factors such as politics,
economics, population and society, legal and environmental.
The concept of “technology” usually relates to the techniques, tools, equipment, and knowledge
associated with them. Advances and changes in the technology sector can create opportunities or threats
for companies. This change often happens quickly and suddenly, making old technologies obsolete and
possibly no longer relevant, leading to disruption in business operations. (Toan, Q.L, 2023)
The importance of technology in digital marketing:
 Technological change has created new business models and made the old models irrelevant. A good
example is the replacement of e-commerce for the traditional business model.

 Technological change has driven communication channels, reduced costs and uptime, improved
performance, and become a critical management tool in business decision making. For example,
email allows instant messaging without a post office, and the Internet has opened up the concept of
online business.

Technology has had a strong impact on digital marketing, changing the way businesses approach and
interact with customers. Here are some specific impacts of technology on digital marketing:

 Increased personalization: Technology helps businesses collect and analyze customer data more
effectively, thereby helping businesses better understand customers and create more personalized
marketing messages.

 Increased accessibility: Technology helps businesses reach customers anywhere and anytime.
Businesses can use online digital marketing channels such as social networks, email,... to reach
customers around the world.

 Increased efficiency: Technology helps businesses measure and evaluate the effectiveness of digital
marketing campaigns more accurately. This helps businesses improve the effectiveness of digital
marketing campaigns and optimize costs.
(Greenstarct, 2024)

Modern technological factors have brought many opportunities as well as challenges for Vinamilk:

 Opportunities:

Market expansion

 E-commerce: Developing online sales channels helps Vinamilk reach more customers, especially in
the context of increasingly popular online shopping.
 Digital marketing: Use digital marketing strategies to increase brand awareness and reach target
customer groups through social media, email marketing, and online advertising.

Improved customer experience

 Big Data and analytics: Using big data to analyze customer behavior, thereby personalizing the
shopping experience and developing products tailored to the needs of consumers.
 Mobile applications and AR/VR technology: Develop mobile applications and use augmented reality
(AR/VR) technology to provide product information, promotions, and direct customer interaction.
 Challenges

High Initial Investment: The cost of technology investment with the implementation of modern
technology systems requires a large initial investment capital, including the cost of equipment
procurement, system deployment and staff training.

Data Security and Cyber Security

 Cybersecurity risks: The collection and processing of big data poses information security challenges,
especially customer information and critical business data.
 Security risk management: Vinamilk needs to invest in cybersecurity solutions and regularly update
to deal with increasingly complex cybersecurity threats.

Adapting to New Technology

 Adaptability: Employees and systems need time to get used to and adapt to new technology. This
requires investment in human resource training and development.
 Change management: The adoption of new technology may encounter resistance from employees
and partners, therefore an effective change management strategy is required.

3.1.4 Social

Social factors including social, cultural, demographic and lifestyle trends, values and attitudes, education,
living standards, income and environment, and digital media influence consumer behavior and
expectations in the digital environment. Businesses must keep up with these evolving trends and adapt
their digital marketing strategies to resonate with their target audience.

The increasing use of the internet, social media engagement, and e-commerce adoption are
revolutionizing marketing as we know it. Here's how cultural and social factors affect marketing:

Changing landscapes:

 From broadcast to chat: Traditional marketing relies on one-way communication through television
advertising, billboards, and print media. Now, social media fosters two-way conversations, allowing
brands to interact directly with customers, understand their needs, and build relationships.

 From mass marketing to targeted audiences: With access to user data and online behavior,
marketers can create hyper-targeted campaigns that resonate deeply with specific audience
segments, leading to more effective marketing efforts.

 The rise of diverse consumers: Consumers have access to abundant online information sources. They
compare prices, read reviews and research brands before making a purchasing decision. Marketers
need to focus on transparency, authenticity, and building trust.

The rise of digital marketing:

 Content is King: Engaging and informative content (videos, articles, social media posts) is critical to
grabbing attention in the online world.
 Social media takes center stage: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok are powerful tools
for branding, community engagement, and influencer marketing.

 E-commerce boom: Marketers need to integrate online stores and markets seamlessly into their
strategy to reach customers who prefer a convenient online shopping experience.

Impact on marketing activities:

 Increased focus on data analytics: Marketers leverage data to understand customer behavior,
personalize campaigns, and measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

 The need for continuous innovation: Keeping up with the rapidly evolving digital landscape requires
constant adaptation and experimentation with new marketing techniques and channels.

 Importance of customer experience: Creating a seamless and positive customer experience across all
touchpoints (website, social media, e-commerce platforms) is critical to brand loyalty.

 Opportunities:

Raising awareness and engagement with the brand:

 Social Media Marketing: helps Vinamilk increase brand presence on popular platforms such as
Facebook, Instagram and Zalo. Use engaging content like recipe videos, product demos, influencer
collaborations, and engagement polls to drive user interest and brand conversations signal.

 Targeted advertising: Vinamilk leverages social media advertising platforms to reach specific
demographics and interests with personalized messaging, driving brand awareness and product

Building customer relationships

 Build community: Vinamilk foster a loyal online community by creating engaging social media groups
where customers can interact, share recipes, and give feedback.
 Social listening: Vinamilk actively follow social media conversations to understand customer
sentiment, preferences, and emerging trends. Timely address customer concerns and engage in
positive interactions to build trust and brand loyalty.

Drive sales through e-commerce:

 Multi-channel marketing: Vinamilk integrating online and offline marketing efforts. Leverage social
media and online advertising to drive traffic to Vinamilk e-commerce platform in partnership with
long-established e-commerce markets such as Shopee and Tiki.

 Targeted promotions and discounts: Vinamilk offer exclusive online offers and promotions to
encourage online purchases. Partner with social media influencers to promote limited-edition
products or packages.

 Seamless user experience: Vinamilk ensure a user-friendly e-commerce platform with clear product
information, secure payment gateways, and efficient delivery options.

 Challenges

 Mobile-first approach: Vinamilk ensures all marketing efforts and online platforms are optimized for
mobile, taking into account the dominance of smartphones in Vietnam.
 Content Marketing: Vinamilk creates informative and engaging articles, articles and videos that meet
customer needs, while providing them with information about Vinamilk products and their benefits.
they. Leverage local food bloggers and medical experts to create authority-boosting content.
 Localized marketing: Vinamilk adapts marketing strategies and content to suit regional preferences
and cultural nuances in Vietnam. Consider regional differences in language, dietary habits, and social
media usage.

3.2 Micro Environment

Micro environment is also known as specific business environment or industry environment.

Microenvironments include: customers, suppliers, current and potential competitors, substitutes.

3.2.1 Suppliers
Digital Marketing service providers play an important role in supporting businesses to carry out effective
online marketing activities.

These providers offer a wide range of services, such as:

 Full service: Provide a full range of Digital Marketing services including SEO, SEM, Social Media
Marketing, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, etc.
 Specialized services: Specialization in a specific field of Digital Marketing such as SEO, SEM, Social
Media Marketing, etc.
 Consulting services: Providing strategic consulting and Digital Marketing solutions for businesses.

Vendor Type

 Digital Marketing Company: Icloud Media, Pinpoint, AVAT Media, The 18 Creative-Digital Solutions,
Hello Bacsi, Everyday Communications, MYB Media, GCO Group
 Contributors:,,
 Digital Marketing Platforms: Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, LinkedIn Ads, etc.

 Competition: The market for providing Digital Marketing services is increasingly competitive with the
participation of many domestic and foreign enterprises.
 Technological change: Digital Marketing technology is constantly evolving, requiring suppliers to
update and apply the latest technologies.
 Customer needs: Customer needs are increasingly diverse and complex, requiring suppliers to
provide high quality services and meet customer needs effectively.
 Legal regulations: The legal regulations related to Digital Marketing activities are increasingly strict,
requiring suppliers to comply with these regulations.

The influence of environmental factors on Digital Marketing activities brings Vinamilk many opportunities
and challenges.

 Opportunities:
 Approaching many suppliers, Vinamilk has a choice of many different Digital Marketing service
providers to find the solution that best suits its needs and budget.
 With a competitive price agreement, Vinamilk can negotiate prices with many suppliers to get the
best price.
 With access to the latest technology, Vinamilk can access the latest Digital Marketing technologies
through service providers.
 Vinamilk can improve the quality of Digital Marketing services through cooperation with reputable
 Challenges
 Vinamilk needs to carefully consider when choosing Digital Marketing service providers to ensure the
efficiency and quality of services.
 Managing multiple Digital Marketing service providers can be time-consuming and labor-intensive.
 Vinamilk needs to ensure that the Digital Marketing service provider complies with the relevant legal
 Vinamilk needs to monitor and evaluate the service performance of the supplier to be able to adjust
the strategy accordingly.

3.2.2 Intermediaries

Marketing intermediary or marketing intermediary is an economic term used to refer to individuals and
organizations that participate in connecting activities between consumers and manufacturers through
the distribution of products and services. For example, agents, distributors, sales websites or marketing
organizations... (Careerlink, 2023)
The most popular marketing intermediaries today:
Online sales fraud:

 E-commerce floor: Lazada, Shopee, Tiki, Sendo, LotteMart,...

 Social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Zalo,...

 E-commerce website: the enterprise's own sales website.

Agent middleman:

 Search ads: Google Ads, Bing Ads,...

 Display ads: Google AdSense, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads,...
 Video ads: Youtube Ads,...
 Affiliate advertising: Affiliate Marketing,...

Content marketing intermediary:

 Blog: Blogspot, WordPress,...

 Social network: Facebook, Instagram, Zalo,...
 Youtube channel: Youtube,...
 Email Marketing: MailChimp, GetResponse,...

Data Analysis Center:

 Google Analytics: Analyze website traffic.

 Facebook Pixel: Track customer behavior on Facebook.
 Google Tag Manager: Manage the tracking tags on the website.

Intermediary for customer list management:

 MailChimp: Manage email list and send Marketing emails.

 Hubspot: Lead list management (CRM).
 Zalo Business: Manage Zalo fanpage and send Zalo Marketing messages.

Selecting appropriate Digital Marketing intermediaries:

 Define Digital Marketing goals: Increase brand awareness, drive sales, collect leads,...
 Target customers: Age, gender, interests, behaviors,...
 Budget: Investment cost for Digital Marketing activities.
 Skills and resources: Ability to carry out Digital Marketing activities on their own or need to

(Admin droppii, 2023)

Enterprises wishing to expand their production and operation scale focus on cooperating with middle
marketing for huge benefits. Intermediaries in Digital Marketing services play an important role in
supporting businesses:
 Reduce costs: Even large, financially strong multinational corporations in the world cannot build
their own distribution network because this will cost a lot of business. Through cooperation with
marketing intermediaries, businesses can save a lot of resources and costs to maximize the focus on
important stages in the production line, contributing to improving the quality and value of
 Better access to customers: Thanks to a large distribution network across the country's provinces
from marketing intermediaries, businesses can easily reach more customers without human
resources or other costs. Customers can buy products and services of the business at any marketing
intermediary, thereby maximizing sales growth.
 Accelerating reinvestment: Through marketing intermediaries, businesses will have many more units
sharing risks in terms of production and distribution. As a result, it is possible to mobilize more
capital to turn around business capital and maintain production activities to reinvest for the next
operating cycles.
 Create trust with customers: A wide distribution network will help expand the size and stature of
the business and build credibility in the heart of customers. As always, customers will have more
trust in big businesses.
 Promote products more effectively: To generate sales and profits, marketing intermediaries will
have to implement a lot of different marketing activities to reach customers. Thereby, the products,
services and brands of the business are also effectively promoted.
 Bridge between supply and demand in the market: Marketing intermediaries are professional and
experienced "sales and consulting staff" who are responsible for advising and solving the difficulties
of customers, promoting purchase decisions when customers are hesitant.
 Minimize risk for manufacturers: The form of cooperation with marketing intermediaries will help
businesses easily expand the market without worrying about risky situations because once a market
is not effective, businesses can immediately withdraw from that market without worrying about
facilities or human resources.

Influence of intermediaries on Vinamilk many opportunities and challenges:

 Opportunities:
 Reach a large market: Digital Marketing intermediaries such as Google, Facebook, Lazada, Shopee,...
help Vinamilk reach millions of potential customers nationwide and internationally.
 Marketing cost optimization: The use of tools and services of Digital Marketing intermediaries helps
Vinamilk optimize marketing costs, measure campaign effectiveness easily and accurately.
 Collect customer data: Digital Marketing intermediaries provide Vinamilk with a huge amount of
data about customer behavior and preferences, helping businesses better understand their target
customers and come up with a more effective marketing strategy.
 Increase customer interaction: Online communication channels such as social networks, websites,
emails,... help Vinamilk interact directly with customers, answer questions, collect feedback and
build long-term relationships with customers.
 Enhancing brand reputation: Effective Digital Marketing activities help Vinamilk build a professional,
prestigious and classy brand image in the eyes of customers.

 Challenges

 Fierce competition: The digital marketing industry is increasingly fiercely competitive, requiring
Vinamilk to constantly create and innovate to attract customers.
 Risk management: The use of the services of Digital Marketing intermediaries has potential risks of
information security, copyright infringement,... Vinamilk needs to have effective risk management
measures to protect its brand and information.
 Measuring effectiveness: Measuring the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns accurately and
objectively is a big challenge for Vinamilk.
 Shortage of human resources: The implementation of effective digital marketing activities requires
highly specialized and experienced staff. Vinamilk needs to invest in training and developing human
resources to meet this demand.
 Algorithm changes: The algorithms of Digital Marketing platforms such as Google, Facebook, etc. are
constantly changing, requiring Vinamilk to regularly update and adjust marketing strategies

3.2.3. Competitors
Competitors are an important part of the business environment, especially in the field of Digital
Marketing. The analysis and evaluation of Competitors help businesses better understand the market,
determine their own position and build an effective competitive strategy.

Vinamilk, Vietnam's leading dairy producer, faces a dynamic competitive landscape with domestic and
international competitors vying for market share.

Here are Vinamilk main competitors:

Competitors Overview Products Digital marketing

TH True Milk TH True Milk is a TH True Milk offers a TH True Milk leverages a
formidable competitor, wide range of dairy strong digital presence,
known for its premium products, including using a variety of
products, emphasis on fresh milk, yogurt, channels such as social
fresh milk, and strong cheese, and ice cream. media, influencer
brand positioning. They are particularly marketing, and content
famous for their fresh marketing to engage
milk sourced directly consumers and promote
from their own farm. their brands. It also
leverages e-commerce
platforms to expand its

Dutch Lady Dutch Lady is a multi- Dutch Lady offers a wide Dutch Lady is actively
national dairy company range of dairy products, involved in digital
with a long-standing including liquid milk, marketing, using social
reputation and a powdered milk, yogurt, media, search engine
significant presence in and infant formula. They marketing, and video
Vietnam. They are are especially popular in advertising to reach a
known for their high the powdered milk wide audience. They
quality and affordable segment. also partner with
products. influencers to promote
their products.

Nestlé Nestlé is a global giant Nestlé's dairy portfolio Nestlé employs a

in the food and includes liquid milk, complex digital
beverage industry, with powdered milk, yogurt, marketing strategy,
a strong presence in and cheese. They are using social media,
Vietnam. They offer a especially known for influencer marketing,
wide range of products, their Milo powder drink, and content marketing
including milk, a popular breakfast dish to engage consumers
confectionery, and baby in Vietnam. and promote their
food. brands. They also
leverage data analytics
to optimize their

Figure 5: Competitors to Vinamilk

(Content, K, 2024)
Competitor factors that affect Vinamilk's Digital Marketing activities such as:

 Advertising competition: Competitors spend heavily on advertising on media channels. Vinamilk

needs an effective advertising strategy to reach potential customers.
 Competing on customer experience: Competitors focus on improving customer experience through
customer service and promotions. Vinamilk needs to improve customer experience to maintain its
market leadership.

The influence of competitors on the operation of Digital Marketing service providers brings Vinamilk
many opportunities and challenges.

 Opportunities:
 Opportunities to learn: Vinamilk has learned from successful marketing strategies of competitors to
improve its own performance.
 Opportunity to make a difference: Vinamilk sets itself apart from the competition by focusing on the
unique strengths and values of the brand.
 Market expansion opportunities: Vinamilk expands the market by targeting new customer
segments that competitors have not yet exploited.
 Opportunities to increase innovation: Fierce competition drives Vinamilk to innovate products,
services and marketing strategies.
 Challenges
 Loss of market share: If Vinamilk does not meet the competitive strategies of competitors,
businesses may lose market share and customers.
 Decrease in profits: Fierce competition can lead to a decrease in profits due to soaring marketing
 Innovation pressure: Vinamilk needs to continuously innovate to maintain its competitive advantage
and meet market demand.
 Brand reputation risk: Vinamilk needs to be careful in communication and advertising to avoid
affecting the brand reputation.

Competition is an important factor affecting Vinamilk's Digital Marketing activities. Competitive factors
such as price, products, advertising, and customer experience can bring both opportunities and
challenges to the business. To succeed in a fiercely competitive environment, Vinamilk needs to closely
monitor its competitors' activities, have an effective marketing strategy, focus on innovation and improve
the customer experience.

3.2.4 Customers

Vinamilk has a deep understanding of its diverse customer segments, including various demographic
groups and lifestyles. Here is an analysis of Vinamilk's customer segments:

Figure 6: Custormer persona of Vinamilk

 Customer analytics

Vinamilk serves many customers of different ages:

 Children (0-12 years old): This is a group of customers who use powdered milk, yogurt, and fresh
milk products for children. This product usually focuses on nutrition, strengthening resistance and
height development.
 Adolescents (13-18 years): This group uses energy-fortified dairy products, calcium, and other
nutrients to support holistic development.
 Adults (19-40 years old): This group consumes fresh milk products, yogurt, and high-end nutritional
products, especially products that help maintain health and nutritional balance.
 Elderly (over 40): This group mainly consumes calcium-fortified dairy products, diabetic products,
and cardiovascular health products.

 Low Segments

 Low income: This group prioritizes affordable but quality products such as fresh milk and popular
 Middle income: This group tends to choose more diverse products, from fresh milk and yogurt to
specific products such as nut milk and unsweetened milk.
 High income: This group is interested in premium products, imported milk, and organic products,
ensuring quality and international standards.

 Customer Segments

 Healthy lifestyle: This customer group favors organic products, unsweetened milk, and natural
 Active lifestyle: This group prioritizes energy supplements, sports milk, and high nutrition products.
 Traditional lifestyle: This group mainly uses fresh milk products, condensed milk and traditional milk

 Customer Segments

Segmentation by geography can help Vinamilk optimize marketing campaigns based on regional
 Urban area: This is a group of middle- and high-income customers who are interested in high-end,
convenient products and tend to use online shopping channels. This group includes large cities such
as Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City, Hue and Da Nang.
 Rural areas: This group is often middle- or low-income, interested in affordable, easy-to-preserve
products. This group needs marketing campaigns through traditional media and local promotions.

 Target customers for upcoming marketing activities:

Vinamilk focuses on the following segments for upcoming marketing campaigns:

 Children and parents: Vinamilk can promote powdered milk and yogurt products for children, with
advertising programs that emphasize nutrition and height development. The use of appropriate
communication channels to reach parents and provide useful information about the health benefits
of the product will help to attract attention and create trust.
 Adults and adolescents: For adults and adolescents, Vinamilk can promote premium energy and
nutrition supplemented dairy products. Marketing campaigns should focus on social media channels
and mobile applications to reach this group, as they frequently use the internet and social platforms
to search for information and shop.
 Elderly: Vinamilk should promote calcium-fortified dairy products and diabetic products,
emphasizing the health benefits that these products bring. Traditional communication channels such
as television, print, along with digital marketing, can be used to reach the elderly, ensuring
information is communicated in a clear and understandable way.
 Urban areas: In urban areas, Vinamilk can promote organic milk products, unsweetened milk and
other high-end products. Advertising should be enhanced on social networking platforms such as
Facebook, Instagram and online shopping applications such as Lazada, Shopee. In addition,
organizing nutrition events and seminars at major shopping centers and supermarkets will help
increase awareness and create connections with customers.
 Rural areas: In rural areas, Vinamilk can focus on affordable, easy-to-storage products such as
condensed milk and universal fresh milk. Advertisements should be made via local radio, television
and outdoor billboards to ensure wide reach. In addition, organizing nutrition counseling programs,
community events and sponsorship activities at schools and local health centers will help Vinamilk
build close relationships with the community and promote product consumption.
By focusing on different customer segments and adjusting marketing strategies accordingly, Vinamilk can
effectively optimize upcoming marketing campaigns, meet the diverse needs of consumers and expand
market share nationwide.

Below is Vinamilk customer journey chart:

Figure 7: Customer journey graph of Vinamilk


Opportunities: Environmental factors bring many opportunities for Vinamilk in Digital Marketing
activities.The advancement of technology and digital platforms helps Vinamilk reach the right customers
effectively, save costs and improve the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. In addition, changes in
lifestyle and consumer demand open opportunities for Vinamilk to develop and promote new products in
line with market trends. Compliance with legal regulations and meeting quality standards help Vinamilk
build and strengthen customer trust, thereby strengthening the trust and reputation of the brand.

Challenges: Although there are many opportunities, Vinamilk also faces many challenges in the Digital
Marketing environment. Evolving technology means that competitors can easily use the same marketing
tools, creating a fiercely competitive environment. Adjusting marketing strategies to each customer
segment and complying with legal regulations can increase costs and management complexity. Ensuring
customer data security and privacy is also a major challenge, especially in the context of increasingly
stringent data security regulations. Vinamilk needs to focus on the security and privacy of its customers
to maintain the trust and reputation of the brand.


In today's digital landscape, a successful marketing strategy of Vinamilk requires a multifaceted approach,
leveraging the power of various digital tools and techniques. By integrating these elements into a
cohesive plan, Vinamilk can achieve a strong online presence, connect with its target audience at a
deeper level, and ultimately drive business growth. This section of the report will delve into important
digital tools and techniques that Vinamilk can use to create an integrated marketing approach.

5.1 Digital tool

5.1.1 Website

A website is a set of a page containing information including images, videos, text... on a domain, stored
on a web server. A website that can be accessed remotely through the internet is a huge treasure of
knowledge on the Internet, likened to a lively digital document with a wealth of information and
attractive content. Each website possesses a unique address (URL) as the key that opens the door to a
rich world of information. (Nhan Hoa Software Co., Ltd., 2024)

Websites are classified into many types based on the purpose of use, functions and objects of access,
such as: Corporate website, Online sales website, News website, Educational website, Entertainment
website, Social networking website,...
Vinamilk Website : plays a central role in Vinamilk's multi-channel marketing strategy, is the face of the
brand and the platform to connect with potential customers.

 Official website: is the "face" of Vinamilk online, providing

comprehensive information about the company's products, services, activities and mission.

Figure 8: Vinamilk website homepage

Vinamilk uses its website as a multi-purpose tool for many important purposes in its multi-channel
marketing strategy:

 Introducing brands and products: Website is the official face of Vinamilk on the Internet, which fully
introduces information about the brand, history, mission, vision, core values,... In addition, the
website also introduces details about Vinamilk's products, including nutritional information,
ingredients, uses, benefits,... to help customers easily learn and choose appropriate products.
 Enhancing interaction with customers: Website is a direct connection channel between Vinamilk
and customers, creating a strong relationship and attracting customer trust. Vinamilk uses the
website to provide online customer care services such as answering questions, nutrition advice,
handling complaints,... At the same time, Vinamilk also organizes promotions, minigames, customer
surveys,... on the website to enhance interaction and attract customer participation.
 Promote sales: Website is an effective online sales channel, helping Vinamilk expand its market and
reach potential customers around the world. Vinamilk integrates a convenient online payment
system, diverse forms of transportation and fast delivery to provide the best shopping experience for
 Branding and image promotion: Website is a powerful communication platform to help Vinamilk
promote its brand image and products. Vinamilk regularly updates high quality news, articles, images,
videos about the company's activities, CSR programs, awards won,... to build prestige and affirm the
leading brand position in the dairy industry.
 Market research and customer data collection: Website is an effective market research tool to help
Vinamilk collect data on customer behavior, preferences and needs. Vinamilk uses web analytics
tools to track visits, time of visit, conversion rate,... from which it is possible to adjust the marketing
strategy to suit the tastes and needs of customers.

As a leading dairy company in Vietnam, Vinamilk makes the most of the website as a versatile marketing
tool. To evaluate the effectiveness of website tools, Vinamilk needs to monitor important performance
indicators (KPIs). According to Vinamilk report, the website attracts an average of 10 million visits per
month. This is an impressive figure, showing that Vinamilk website has attracted a large number of
interested users. However, the average time spent on the Vinamilk website can range from 1-3 minutes,
depending on the purpose of access and the website content with the Vinamilk website bounce rate can
range from 40-60%, equivalent to the average of the dairy industry. The average number of pages viewed
per visit on the Vinamilk website can range from 2-4 pages, depending on the website structure and
content. Vinamilk website traffic mainly comes from natural search on Google (50-70%) and direct access
(20-30%). Other sources of access may include social media, email marketing, etc. The majority of users
access Vinamilk website from Vietnam (80-90%), with a small part from neighboring countries such as
Thailand, Cambodia, Laos,... Vinamilk website has the potential to attract large traffic and attract
potential customers. However, the website needs to be improved to increase the average time per
session, reduce bounce rate and increase the average number of pages viewed per visit.

VNM's website is the strategic foundation for their multi-channel marketing approach. It transcends
physical limitations, delivering superior accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and a myriad of functions to
attract customers and drive business growth.
 Scope of guidance

Unlike traditional marketing that is limited by geographical boundaries, VNM's website reaches a global
audience. Anyone with an Internet connection can access product information, brand stories, and the
ability to make purchases, greatly expand their market reach, and be available 24/7 to customers no
longer limited by store hours or advertising schedules. The website is accessible 24/7, helping them
browse products, learn about VNM's products or even make purchases at their convenience. Besides,
targeted visibility through SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy, VNM ensures their website
appears on top of search engine results pages (SERP) for relevant keywords. This targeted approach
allows them to connect with prospects who are actively seeking information about dairy products,
maximizing their chances of converting them into buyers.

 Costs

Building and maintaining a website is a relatively low-cost investment compared to traditional marketing
channels such as television or print advertising. Below is an analysis of the costs associated with the
website. The cost of website development depends on the complexity of the website and the chosen
developer. It can range from a few thousand dollars for a basic website to tens of thousands of dollars for
a highly customized platform with advanced features. Ongoing website maintenance costs include
domain name renewal, website hosting fees, and potential maintenance work to ensure smooth and
secure operation. While the website itself is cost-effective, promoting it through online advertising (SEO,
social media marketing) may incur additional costs. In essence, VNM's website is a cost-saving tool with
superior accessibility, brand awareness, customer engagement, sales generation, and market research.
By making effective use of website tools and continuously optimizing content and user experience, VNM
can strengthen its leading position in Vietnam's dairy industry.

Advantages and disadvantages of using website for Vinamilk company:

Advantages Disadvantages

 The website helps Vinamilk reach potential  It takes time to build a brand in attracting
customers around the world, crossing traffic and building a brand on the website
geographical boundaries. Customers can takes time and effort. Vinamilk needs to invest
access the website anytime, anywhere, as long in high-quality content, effective SEO
as they have an Internet-connected device. strategies and online marketing activities to
 The cost is low compared to traditional attract website visitors.
marketing channels such as television  High competition, many websites compete on
advertising, newspaper advertising, etc. The the Internet, requiring Vinamilk to have an
cost of building and maintaining a website is effective website marketing strategy to attract
relatively low. the attention of customers.
 Vinamilk easily manages and updates website  Regular content updates and continual
content through a content management improvement are needed to attract visitors
system (CMS). and retain customers. Vinamilk needs highly
 The website creates a direct interaction specialized staff to manage and update the
channel with customers to collect feedback, website regularly.
answer questions and build trust.  Security risks, Website can be attacked by
 Diverse Website adaptations integrate many hackers, leading to leakage of customer data
different marketing tools and techniques such or affecting brand reputation.
as SEO, content marketing, email marketing,...
 Measuring the effectiveness of marketing
to optimize marketing efficiency.
activities on the website can be difficult.
 Provide detailed product and service
Vinamilk needs to use web analytics tools and
information. Website is a place where Vinamilk
key performance indicators (KPIs) to track the
provides full information about products,
effectiveness of its marketing activities and
services, news, promotions,... to help
adjust its strategy accordingly.
customers easily learn and choose appropriate
 Strengthening online sales capabilities helps
Vinamilk expand online sales channels, reach
potential customers and increase sales.
 Branding and image promotion is a powerful
communication platform that helps Vinamilk
promote its brand image and products to
potential customers.
 Website helps Vinamilk collect data on
customers' behaviors, interests and needs
through web analysis tools, from which it can
adjust Marketing strategies accordingly.

A website is a multi-purpose marketing tool that is more than just an online brochure. It acts as a
versatile tool that supports various marketing goals. The website serves as the official online brand
ambassador of VNM. It introduces the brand story, history, mission and values along with a
comprehensive product portfolio. Detailed information about each product, including nutritional content,
ingredients, and benefits, helps customers make informed purchasing decisions and fosters two-way
communication with customers. VNM can provide online customer support services through chatbots or
live chat features, answer product questions in a timely manner and solve customer questions effectively.
In addition, features such as surveys and feedback forms allow VNM to gather valuable insights about its
customers to improve its products and services. In summary, VNM's website is a cost-effective tool with
exceptional global reach, allowing them to connect with their customers 24/7. It serves as a platform for
branding, customer interaction, sales generation, and market research. Using effective website tools and
constantly optimizing content and user experience, VNM can leverage this digital asset to achieve
marketing objectives and maintain its leading position in the Vietnamese dairy industry. (Vinamilk, 2024)

5.1.2. Facebook

Facebook is an online social networking platform founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and his classmates
at Harvard University, which is not only a social network, but also a bridge that blurs geographical
boundaries, giving users the opportunity to connect and interact with each other more easily than ever.
It is a “flat world” where people can freely share their thoughts and feelings, update their lives, and
connect with friends, family, colleagues, and even strangers from around the world.

Facebook offers many features to help users connect and interact with each other, such as sharing
content, images, videos, articles, thoughts,... Find and connect with friends, family and people with
similar interests and join groups, chat, ease of use, mobility,...

Official Vinamilk Fanpage:

On Facebook, vinamilk's Fanpage has 626,267 likes and 637,313 followers. This is a channel for the brand
to reach more customers. Vinamilk regularly posts posts to advertise products, promotions, contests... on
the fanpage.

Figure 9: Vinamilk's facebook homepage

In product promotion posts, Vinamilk always emphasizes the benefits that customers can own when
using this brand's products. Besides, attractive, unique and eye-catching images are also a USP (Unique
Selling Proposition) of Vinamilk.
Figure 10: Facebook product promotion posts of vinamilk

(Amis, 2024)

Vinamilk has been making effective use of Facebook tools to reach customers, build brands and drive
sales. Here are some of Vinamilk's prominent Facebook strategies:

 Fanpage: Build a community with official fanpage owners with more than 15 million likes, attracting
a large number of users interested in health and nutrition. Fanpage is used to share information
about products, promotions, wellness tips, etc., and create an interactive playground with customers
through minigames, quizzes, etc. In parallel, diversified content is invested in the production of
diverse and rich content, suitable for all types of customers, from creative promotional videos, eye-
catching images to informatif articles. Livestream sales, nutrition knowledge sharing, exchange with
experts,... are effective ways for Vinamilk to reach customers directly and attract interest.
 Facebook Advertising: Vinamilk uses Facebook advertising tools to effectively reach potential
customers, based on factors such as age, gender, interests, behavior, etc.
 Diverse types of advertising: Vinamilk uses many different types of Facebook ads, including image
ads, video ads, carousel ads, etc., to convey the message creatively and attractively and do not forget
to regularly monitor the effectiveness of Facebook advertising campaigns to optimize the budget and
achieve the highest efficiency.
 Partner with KOLs: Reach potential customers by partnering with reputable KOLs (influencers) in the
field of health, nutrition, motherhood, etc., to effectively promote products and reach potential
customers. The cooperation with KOLs helps Vinamilk increase the credibility of the brand and
products, and at the same time attract the attention of consumers. KOLs often create content that
attracts and is close to users, helping Vinamilk convey the message more effectively.
 Facebook Messenger: Take care of customers by using Facebook Messenger to answer questions,
provide product advice and customer support quickly and effectively, always collect customer
feedback through Facebook Messenger to improve the quality of products and services. In addition,
building a direct interaction relationship with customers through Facebook Messenger helps
Vinamilk build good relationships and build trust with the brand.

Vinamilk is one of the most pioneering and successful businesses in using social networks, especially
Facebook, to connect with customers and promote business. Vinamilk outstanding Facebook activity
index, first of all about likes and followers. This is an extremely impressive figure, showing the attraction
and attention of the community to the Vinamilk brand. The number of followers has steadily increased
over the years, demonstrating the increasing trust and engagement of customers with Vinamilk. Second,
it has to do with engagement rates. Vinamilk maintains a high engagement rate on its fanpage, with an
average of over 200,000 likes, comments, and shares per post. The high engagement rate shows that
Vinamilk's content attracts and engages users, encouraging them to interact and share information. Each
Vinamilk post can reach millions of Facebook users, including followers and non-followers. In parallel,
vinamilk regularly runs Facebook advertising campaigns targeting potential customers. Effective
advertising campaigns help Vinamilk attract website visitors, increase sales and promote brand
recognition. In addition to the above indicators, according to some reports, Vinamilk achieves an average
of 300,000 - 500,000 website clicks from Facebook posts per month. The conversion rate from website
clicks to desired actions (such as purchases, subscriptions) can range from 2% - 5%, depending on the
specific campaign and the advertised product. The average conversion rate for Vinamilk's Facebook ad
campaigns can range from 1% - 3%. Videos posted on Vinamilk fanpage can achieve an average of 1
million views per video. The percentage of viewers who complete the video can range from 30% - 60%,
depending on the content and length of the video. Overall, Vinamilk has achieved significant success in
using Facebook to connect with customers, build its brand and promote its business. Vinamilk's
impressive Facebook performance indicators are a testament to the effectiveness of the social media
strategies it is applying.

 Reach:

Vinamilk is one of the most pioneering and successful businesses in using Facebook to connect with
customers, build brands and promote business. The scope of Vinamilk Facebook use includes many
diverse activities, ranging from building fanpages, running ads to cooperating with KOLs and optimizing
operational efficiency. Vinamilk official fanpage has more than 15 million followers, making it one of the
most followed fanpages in Vietnam. According to Facebook, each post on the Vinamilk fanpage can reach
an average of millions of users, including followers and non-followers. For example, Vinamilk "Live
Healthy Every Day" campaign on Facebook has achieved more than 100 million reach, attracting the
participation of hundreds of thousands of users. Facebook helps Vinamilk interact directly with
customers through comments, messages, surveys, etc. As a result, Vinamilk can collect customer
feedback, answer questions and build good relationships with them, and Vinamilk creates and manages
Facebook communities to connect people who love brands and products. These communities are a place
for customers to share experiences, discuss products and build brand loyalty. Thanks to the effective use
of Facebook, Vinamilk has achieved many successes in connecting with customers, building brands and
promoting business. Vinamilk diverse and innovative Facebook strategies are testament to its
professionalism and sound investment in digital marketing.

 Expenses:

The cost of Facebook advertising of Vinamilk is high compared to the general ground of Vietnamese
businesses. According to the financial report, in the first half of 2023, Vinamilk spent VND 430 billion on
advertising costs, market research. This amount accounts for 7% of Vinamilk total selling costs in the
same period, equivalent to VND 1.2 million for each liter of milk sold. Compared to other businesses in
the FMCG (fast-packed consumer goods) industry in Vietnam, Vinamilk Facebook advertising costs are
significantly higher. For example, Nestlé Vietnam only spends about 3-4% of revenue on advertising,
equivalent to about 500,000 VND per liter of milk. High advertising costs for Facebook bring efficiency to
Vinamilk. Vinamilk fanpage has more than 7 million likes and 6.8 million followers. Vinamilk articles and
promotional videos often attract hundreds of thousands of interactions. Thanks to Facebook advertising,
Vinamilk reaches potential customers, increases brand recognition and promotes revenue. Vinamilk
Facebook advertising costs are high, however this is reasonable because Vinamilk is a strong brand with
many competitors. Advertising on Facebook helps Vinamilk effectively reach potential customers and
maintain its leading position in the Vietnamese dairy market. (Doanhnhanvn, 2023)

Advantages and disadvantages of the Facebook tool in Vinamilk:

Advantages Disadvantages

 Facebook allows Vinamilk to reach millions of  Time-consuming management, in order to use

potential users, overcoming geographical Facebook effectively, Vinamilk needs to invest
barriers. This helps Vinamilk increase brand time and resources to build quality content,
recognition, promote products widely and manage fanpage, interact with customers.
attract more customers.  Social media misinformation has the potential
 Strengthen interactions for Vinamilk to build to spread misinformation about brands.
relationships with customers. By posting Vinamilk needs to have a crisis handling
engaging content and interacting with users strategy and information control method on
through comments and answering questions, Facebook.
Vinamilk can encourage customers to learn  Depending on the algorithm, Facebook's
about brands and products and thereby build algorithm is constantly changing, affecting
trust and loyalty. Vinamilk post visibility. To reach more users,
 A powerful tool for Vinamilk to position its Vinamilk needs to flexibly adjust its content
brand. Through communication campaigns, and run Facebook ads.
Vinamilk can share core values, brand stories,  Negative comments customers use Facebook
social responsibility to build a positive and to give negative reviews and feedback about
reliable image in the eyes of customers. Vinamilk products and services, affecting brand
 Drive sales, which is an effective advertising reputation.
platform at a reasonable cost. Vinamilk can run  Social media addiction, fan page management,
Facebook advertising campaigns targeting and interaction with users on Facebook can be
specific customers, attract users to visit the time consuming. Vinamilk needs to balance
website, make purchases and increase sales. marketing activities on Facebook with other
 Customer analysis helps Vinamilk better business activities.
understand customers, including preferences,
behaviors, attitudes. From there, Vinamilk can
adjust its marketing strategy and develop
products more suitable to market needs.

Facebook is a huge social networking platform with billions of users worldwide, giving businesses
tremendous opportunities to reach customers, promote brands and drive sales. Facebook owns a huge
number of users with a diverse audience of all ages, genders, geographical areas. Businesses can easily
reach potential customers through posts, ads, and community groups.Facebook provides detailed ad
targeting tools based on many factors such as demographics, interests, behaviors, etc. As a result,
businesses can reach the right potential customers, improving the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
Facebook is an effective marketing tool with many benefits for businesses. However, to use Facebook
effectively, businesses need a smart marketing strategy, creative content, and compliance with
community guidelines. Businesses also need to monitor Facebook's changes regularly and adjust their
strategy accordingly to achieve their marketing goals.

5.1.3. Youtube

YouTube is an online video sharing platform that allows users to upload, watch and share videos for free.
YouTube was founded in 2005 and quickly became one of the most popular websites in the world.
YouTube is an online video sharing platform where users can upload, view, comment, rate, and share
videos. YouTube offers a wide variety of content, including videos about music, movies, news, education,
entertainment, sports, and more. (Huong.P.T.X, 2023)

Youtube has some key features such as being completely free for users. You can create an account,
upload, view, and share videos without paying any fees. Diverse and easy to use and convenient,...

YouTube offers many benefits to users is a great source of entertainment with countless funny videos,
music, movies, etc. many educational videos to help you learn a lot of new knowledge. Stay informed and
help you connect with friends and people who share your interests. YouTube is a great video sharing
platform with many useful features and benefits for users. It has become an integral part of people's lives.

Figure 11: Vinamilk youtube homepage

Vinamilk understands the magic of YouTube. They didn't just create a channel; they built a community
through strategic use of YouTube's technical tools. Vinamilk used the following youtube tool:
 Content is King (and Queen) Vinamilk not only pushes products. Tell'em story. You'll find a variety of
video formats: informative product demos, touching testimonials, and even behind-the-scenes
images of their activity create a holistic experience that resonates with viewers.

 Customers-focused advertising, VNM doesn't waste a penny. They precisely target their audience
using in-stream ads that appear within relevant videos. Discovery ads ensure their brand appears
when viewers search. Short, punchy bumper ads leave a lasting impression, while masthead ads, for
a limited time, take over the entire YouTube homepage for maximum brand visibility.

 Vinamilk partners with well-known YouTubers in Vietnam, leveraging their reach and reputation.
These influencers create sponsored content to showcase Vinamilk products in a natural and engaging
way. The company also uses influencer marketing platforms to streamline the process and find the
perfect partners.

 Vinamilk promotes a two-way street with its audience. They respond to comments and messages,
showing they care about customer feedback. Contests and giveaways with attractive prizes will
encourage viewers to participate. They even invite viewers to create their own Vinamilk-themed
content, which adds to the connection.

 Optimized for success, Vinamilk does not leave its channel to chance. An engaging channel trailer
showcases the brand and its products. They use keywords strategically to ensure their videos appear
in search results. Channels banners and visually appealing profile photos will reinforce their brand

 Vinamilk YouTube strategy approach has paid off. Their strong presence has significantly increased
brand awareness and recognition. The positive engagement of the audience has nurtured a loyal
customer base. Ultimately, these efforts will lead to increased revenue and revenue growth.
Figure 12: Vinamilk Youtube homepage reaches 2.07M subscribers

The success of the YouTube tool can be seen through its performance metrics. First, views and reach with
total views indicate the overall reach of the video and the interest of the audience. Vinamilk has a total of
10 million views on their channel showing a significant audience and the single viewer with this metric
shows the number of individual viewers who have watched the video and has 5 million viewers for a
specific video, which indicates good reach to their target audience. Vinamilk has 20 million impressions
for a popular video, which proves significant visibility. In parallel, an average viewing time of 3 minutes
shows that viewers find the content attractive, especially when considering the length of the video, and a
retention rate of 60% shows that viewers find the content valuable and informative. On the other hand,
Vinamilk has 100,000 likes on a popular video and many comments (5,000 comments) and shares (3,000
shares) that actively represent audience engagement and potential discussions around the video.
Vinamilk has more than 2 million subscribers, signifying a loyal audience.

 Scope:

YouTube reach gives Vinamilk the potential to reach a huge audience. Reaching a global audience,
YouTube boasts more than 2 billion monthly active users, giving Vinamilk access to a broad global
audience, not limited to Vietnam, and targeted reach for YouTube's advertising tools that allow Vinamilk
to target specific demographics, interests, and locations. They can reach viewers who are most likely to
be interested in their products, thereby maximizing the effectiveness of the campaign. At the same time,
Vinamilk also has natural outreach with engaging video content that can achieve natural reach through
views, shares and recommendations. High-quality videos with attractive titles, descriptions, and
keywords can naturally engage viewers and expand the reach of VNM beyond the subscriber base.

 Expenses:

The cost of using Vinamilk YouTube cannot be clearly classified as high or low, but it is based on factors
according to the needs of the company and the cost of using Vinamilk YouTube is classified into two main
areas. The first issue that creates this can change the trusted option to video complexity. Costs include
equipment (cameras, lighting, etc.), editing software, hiring a cameraman or editor, and potential actors
or dubbing artists. Vinamilk also leverages user-generated content or collaborates with influencers to
reduce production costs and, second, YouTube advertising with options depending on ad type
preferences (in-stream, discovery, etc.), goal preferences, and campaign budget. YouTube works on the
bidding system. Costs will operate based on ad-space competition.

Here are a few expenses of YouTube tool for Vinamilk:

 Professional Advertising Video Production: 50 - 200 million VND (VND)

 In-stream YouTube ads: 10,000 - 50,000 VND per view

 YouTube Influencer Collaboration: 10 - 100 million VND/video

 In general, YouTube costs for Vinamilk range from low to high based on factors according to the
company's needs.

The use of YouTube marketing strategy has many advantages but also comes with disadvantages such as:

Advantages Disadvantages

 Increasing brand awareness and recognition  The cost of creating high-quality video content
with YouTube's wide reach allows Vinamilk to requires investment in equipment, editing
introduce its products and brand story to a software, and the ability to hire creative
large audience, significantly increasing brand
awareness and recognition. professionals.

 Targeted marketing with YouTube's advertising  Competing for attention with the huge amount
tools allows Vinamilk to target specific of content uploaded to YouTube on a daily
demographic groups and interests, ensuring basis creates a competitive landscape.
their message reaches the most relevant Vinamilk needs to constantly innovate and
viewers. create attractive content to stand out.

 Stronger customer engagement with video  Negative comments and reviews although
content drives a more engaging experience YouTube allows interaction, it also opens up
than static ads. Vinamilk leverages comments, opportunities for potential negatives.
feedback, and contests to build stronger
 Guaranteed return on investment (ROI)
connections with its audience.
because it is difficult to directly quantify the
 Improving brand storytelling, youTube allows effectiveness of marketing campaigns on
Vinamilk to create compelling stories that YouTube. Vinamilk needs to track various
showcase the benefits of the product and metrics and analyze them comprehensively to
connect with viewers on an emotional level. demonstrate ROI from their YouTube efforts.

 Cost effective marketing although the cost of  Committing to time with maintaining a
video production exists, YouTube provides a successful YouTube channel requires
relatively cost-effective way to reach a large continuous content creation, audience
audience compared to traditional advertising engagement, and performance analysis.

 Measurable results with YouTube analytics

provide valuable data on video performance,
allowing Vinamilk to track key metrics and
optimize their content strategy for better

5.2 Digital technique

5.2.1 Search engine marketing (SEO and PPC)

SEO is Search Engine Optimization, or in other words, the art of bringing your website to the highest
position on search results pages such as Google, Bing, Yahoo,... When potential customers search for
related products and services, your website will easily appear, attract attention and increase the chances
of converting into customers.

PPC is an online advertising model where businesses only pay when users click on their ads. As a result,
you can save money and optimize your marketing budget. With PPC, your website will be prioritized to
appear high on the search results page, attracting the attention of a large number of Internet users. As a
result, website traffic will increase significantly, helping you reach more potential customers.

(Letweb, 2024)

Vinamilk Company used those technical tools as follows:

 Optimize website content with keywords (Fresh milk, yogurt, cheese, soft drinks, nutritional food,
health,...) related to Vinamilk's products and services.
 Build backlinks from other reputable websites to Vinamilk's website.
 Optimize your website for mobile devices.
 Run Google Ads ad campaigns that target keywords related to Vinamilk's products and services.
 Run Facebook Ads campaigns targeting Vinamilk's potential customers.

Pros and cons

Advantages Disadvantages

SEO  Sustainability over time: SEO is like a marathon runner, Non-immediate results: SEO
steadily building your online presence over time. requires time to see results,
which are not always
 Lower costs: No cost per click, SEO saves money.
 Increase accessibility: Appear high in search results when immediate.
users search for keywords related to dairy products

PPC  Immediate efficiency: PPC delivers fast results when you Depends on budget: PPC
need to accelerate. requires cost per click.

 Budget control: You can set a daily budget for your PPC Unsustainable over time:
campaign. When payouts stop, PPC
performance stops, too.

5.2.2 Online PR

Public relations (PR) is an important management tool aimed at establishing and maintaining
communication channels, as well as understanding, acceptance and cooperation between an
organization and related public groups. PR involves managing events and issues, helping management
stay informed to respond promptly to public opinion, and identifying and emphasizing the responsibilities
of leadership in serving the interests of public groups. In the context of digitalization, Online PR (or Digital
PR) is the implementation of PR activities through the Internet, using online channels such as websites,
blogs, forums, social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.), videocast/podcasts, and other online
communication tools. (Tuan.N.T, 2022)

Vinamilk Online PR:

 Collaboration with the Press:

Vinamilk has used the press intelligently to promote information and build its brand image. By appearing
on prestigious newspapers such as VnExpress, Tuoi Tre, and Thanh Nien, Vinamilk not only launches new
products but also recounts success stories, social activities, and initiatives on environmental protection.
Articles about Vinamilk's new products are often presented in the form of detailed news or reviews,
providing clear information about product features, benefits and usage. Thanks to the presence on
reliable newspapers, information about Vinamilk's products is well received and trusted by consumers.
Figure 12: Vinamilk appears on VnExpress newspaper about the campaign: Vinamilk's children's health
Figure 13: Vinamilk appears in Tuoi Tre newspaper on the completion of the collection "Vi ngon thuong

Vinamilk also uses the press to share about its achievements and important milestones in its
development. These stories help reinforce Vinamilk image as a strong and trusted brand, while inspiring
readers. This creates an emotional connection between the brand and the customer, contributing to
building customer loyalty to Vinamilk. In addition, Vinamilk social activities and environmental protection
initiatives are also widely reported in the press, helping to build the image of a socially responsible
company, strengthening the reputation and love from the public.

 Connect with Bloggers and KOLs:

Vinamilk understands the power of bloggers and Kols to influence the purchasing decisions of modern
consumers, so it has developed effective cooperation strategies with influencers in areas such as food,
health and family. Bloggers and Kols often create articles, video reviews and share personal experiences
about Vinamilk's products. Content from these people is often personal, authentic, and relatable, making
it easier for consumers to trust and associate. Through bloggers and Kols , Vinamilk not only reaches a
large number of followers but also creates a personal connection with customers through real-life stories
and experiences.

Posts and videos by bloggers and Kol often receive a lot of views, likes and comments from users, which
enhances brand recognition and creates opportunities for Vinamilk to interact directly with customers.
This not only helps Vinamilk collect feedback from customers quickly but also helps the company better
understand the needs and desires of consumers, thereby improving and developing more suitable
Figure 14: Vinamilk uses KOLs to advertise to receive many views

Vinamilk Online PR strategy, through collaboration with third parties such as newspapers, bloggers and
social media platforms, has been remarkably effective in enhancing its image and enhancing its brand
presence. These efforts not only help Vinamilk reach a large number of potential customers but also
build trust and loyalty from consumers. In an increasingly competitive market, taking advantage of online
channels intelligently and effectively will continue to be an important factor to help Vinamilk maintain its
leading position.

 Reach

Vinamilk Online PR strategy has been successful in expanding its reach through various online channels.
By collaborating with reputable newspapers such as VnExpress, Tuoi Tre and Youth, Vinamilk can reach a
large audience, from ordinary consumers to professionals. In addition, connecting with bloggers and
KOLs in the fields of food, health and family helps Vinamilk reach deeper into specific consumer
communities, improve brand recognition and create closeness with target customers. Vinamilk presence
on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube also helps Vinamilk reach a large
number of online users, thereby optimizing the reach of its PR strategy.

 Impact

Advantages Disadvantages

 Thanks to its presence on prestigious  In cooperation with third parties,

newspapers and cooperation with Vinamilk may have difficulty controlling
bloggers and KOLs, Vinamilk has content and transmission messages. This
significantly improved its brand can lead to reputational risks if the
recognition. Product review articles and content is unsatisfactory or controversial.
videos create trust and an emotional
 The success of the Online PR strategy
connection with customers.
largely depends on the prestige and
 Social media platforms help Vinamilk support from media partners and KOLs.
interact directly with customers, collect This can create dependency and risk if
feedback quickly and better understand these partners change strategy or
consumer needs. experience reputational problems.

 The coverage of social activities and

environmental protection initiatives helps
Vinamilk build the image of a socially
responsible company, strengthening the
reputation and trust from the public.

 Expenses and Interpretation:

The cost of Vinamilk's Online PR strategy includes many different items, from cooperation fees with
reputable newspapers to the cost of hiring bloggers and KOLs, as well as the cost of promoting on social
media platforms. Partnering with major newspapers and famous KOLs requires a significant budget, but it
is highly effective in reaching and impressing consumers. The cost of promotion on social media
platforms can be more flexible, depending on the scope and complexity of advertising campaigns.
Despite the high costs, these investments are necessary to achieve the goal of widespread outreach and
building trust with customers. Vinamilk needs to carefully consider budget allocation to ensure that each
investment delivers maximum value. It is important to evaluate the effectiveness of PR campaigns
regularly, thereby adjusting the strategy and optimizing costs for subsequent PR activities.

5.2.3 Online partnership including affiliate marketing

Online collaboration is the use of technologies and platforms to collaborate and work together
effectively without being in the same location. In other words, it is a combination of communication,
data sharing and project management to complete common work through the internet. (Sikido, 2024)

As one of the pioneers in the dairy industry in Vietnam, Vinamilk has been actively applying online
collaborative technical tools to improve operational efficiency and strengthen connections with

 Here's how Vinamilk uses these tools:

 Marketing and sales: Vinamilk uses social media channels such as Facebook, Youtube and Zalo to
promote products, interact with customers and collect feedback. Vinamilk also implements online
sales programs on e-commerce websites such as Shopee, Lazada and Tiki.

Cooperation between enterprises and e-commerce brokers:

 Businesses open official booths on e-commerce platforms, this is the most popular form of
cooperation, helping businesses manage their own booths, products and prices on e-commerce
 Enterprises participate in promotions of e-commerce brokers, e-commerce brokers regularly
organize promotions such as flash sales, discount vouchers,... to attract customers. Businesses can
participate in these programs to increase sales.
 The business cooperates with e-commerce service providers and there are many e-commerce service
providers providing services such as booth management, advertising, marketing,... Businesses can
partner with these service providers to save time and effort.

Key performance indicators of online collaboration tools often include:

 Visits: This is the number of times a user accessed the online collaboration tool over a certain period
of time. This is a basic indicator to assess the level of interest and use of the platform by users.

 Number of registrations: The number of new users registering for an account on the online
collaborative platform. This indicator shows the growth of the user community and the
attractiveness of the platform to new users.

 User satisfaction: Measures user satisfaction with the experience of using an online collaboration
platform, often through surveys or user feedback.

 Number of activities: Include user activities such as commenting, liking, sharing, reviewing
products/services, participating in comments, etc. This is an indicator that measures user
engagement and engagement on the platform.

 Number of completed transactions: The number of sales transactions or other important actions
that users perform on the online collaborative platform. This is an important indicator to measure
the platform's business performance.

 Conversion Rate: The percentage of users who take a target action after visiting the platform, for
example completing a purchase. This is an indicator of the effectiveness of the campaign and the
attractiveness of the platform to users.

 Reach

The scope of Vinamilk's online cooperation refers to the accessibility to the target audience and the
scope that the company can achieve through digital channels and online cooperation. This can include
outreach to potential customers. Vinamilk uses digital platforms such as websites, social networks,
mobile applications to reach and attract potential customers through high quality advertising campaigns
and marketing content. Expanding the online cooperation market helps Vinamilk expand its market scope,
not only domestically but also in international markets. This is done through cooperation with partners,
distributors, e-commerce platforms to bring their products to consumers around the world.

 Impact

Advantages of Vinamilk's online cooperation:

 Enhancing brand recognition: Vinamilk uses online cooperation to enhance brand recognition and
enhance trust from customers. The frequent display on digital platforms helps Vinamilk maintain a
positive and professional brand image.

 Strengthening marketing and sales: Online cooperation campaigns help Vinamilk reach customers
directly, through social networking platforms, online advertising and electronic sales channels. This
helps the company strengthen sales and achieve business goals.

 Optimize marketing costs: Compared to traditional forms of marketing, online collaboration can
bring lower costs and higher efficiency, due to the ability to measure and adjust strategy quickly.

Disadvantages of Vinamilk's online cooperation:

 Information reliability: Vinamilk faces the challenge of securing information and ensuring the
accuracy of information shared on digital platforms.

 Difficulties in customer relationship management: The management of customer relationships

through online channels can be complex and requires high professionalism.

Expenses and Explanation:

Content and creative costs include content production, which is the cost of hiring article writers or PR
agencies to produce content about Vinamilk. These articles may be published on websites, blogs, or
social media platforms. Writing and editing costs include costs for professional writers, editors or PR
agencies. Content distribution costs include posting and promotion costs, which are the costs of posting
and promoting articles on reputable websites, specialized forums, or social media channels. SEO and
optimization costs are the costs of optimizing content to achieve better search performance on search
engines. Besides, the cost of using e-commerce platforms includes participation fees and commissions.
Vinamilk can pay the fees to participate in e-commerce platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, and Tiki. This
fee can be charged on a commission or service fee model, based on sales or the number of products
placed on the platform. Advertising and marketing costs on e-commerce platforms that provide
advertising services such as advertising products, accounts, or promotions. Vinamilk can pay to enhance
the position of products on these platforms. Logistics and order processing costs, which are shipping,
warehousing and order processing costs, are also an important cost factor when using e-commerce
platforms. Vinamilk needs to calculate and pay for these services to ensure a smooth and effective sales
process. To expand reach and increase marketing effectiveness, Vinamilk uses online collaboration tools
to expand its reach to potential customers through high-quality articles and PR content, thereby
increasing sales. Enhance marketing and brand promotion effectiveness. Optimize costs and invest
effectively by investing in high-quality PR articles and content and optimizing costs of using e-commerce
platforms, Vinamilk can increase revenue and reduce revenue. Minimize ineffective marketing costs.
Evaluate and analyze effectiveness Vinamilk uses this tool to measure and analyze the effectiveness of PR
campaigns and activities on e-commerce platforms, thereby adjusting and improving marketing and sales
strategies. . Vinamilk's online collaboration tool not only helps the company optimize costs but is also an
important tool to effectively build and manage brands in the modern digital business environment.

5.2.4 Interactive display advertising

Interactive advertising is primarily internet advertising activities that target individual consumers. Often
consumers will respond by clicking on the ad or not paying attention to it. (Vietnambiz, 2019)

Vinamilk, as one of the leading dairy producers in Vietnam, has been successfully applying interactive
advertising tools to effectively reach and attract customers. Here are some outstanding examples of how
Vinamilk uses these tools:

Social marketing:

 Campaign creation: Vinamilk regularly organizes interactive advertising campaigns on popular social
media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
 Creative content: Campaigns often use creative content, catch trends, attract attention and
encourage users to engage.
 Livestream: Vinamilk organizes sales livestreams, exchanges with nutritionists, or introduces new
products to attract a large number of viewers and increase interaction.
 Cooperation with KOLs: Vinamilk cooperates with prestigious KOLs (influencers) in the field of
nutrition and health to promote products and reach new potential customers.

Online Advertising:
 Display ads: Vinamilk uses display advertising platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads to display
product ads to the right target audience.
 Video advertising: Vinamilk invests in creative promotional videos, conveying meaningful messages
about family love, children's development, etc. to attract viewers and create brand impression.
 Remarketing ads: Vinamilk uses remarketing ads to reach users who have visited their website or
interacted with their ads before, in order to increase conversion rates.

Mobile app:

 Vinamilk 360: Vinamilk develops the Vinamilk 360 mobile app to provide customers with product
information, promotions, customer service, and other interactive features.
 Mobile games: Vinamilk develops educational and entertaining mobile games for children,
integrating nutrition messages in a gentle and attractive way.

Interactive activities:

 Events: Vinamilk regularly organizes events for children and families, with entertainment, education,
and gift giving activities to attract participation and create a good impression of the brand.
 Experience booth: Vinamilk opens experience booths at shopping centers and supermarkets so that
customers can directly try products and participate in interactive activities.

 Impact

Advantages of interactive display ads:

 Enhanced interaction allows users to interact directly with ads by liking, commenting, sharing,
helping to increase the ability to spread the message and attract attention.

 Measure effectiveness: Interactive actions such as clicking, saving or commenting can be measured
clearly, helping to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

Disadvantages of interactive display ads:

 Higher costs: Compared to traditional forms of advertising such as simple banner displays, interactive
display ads may require higher costs due to interactive features.
 Complexity: Managing and optimizing display advertising campaigns can be more complex because
of the need to track and evaluate many factors such as CTR, conversion rate, and engagement.

Performance indicators of Vinamilk's interactive advertising tool may include:

 Interactions: This is the total number of interactions from users with advertising content on
platforms, including likes, comments, shares, and clicks on ads.

 Social network interactions: Includes indicators such as likes, comments, and shares on advertising
posts on social networking platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn.

 Engagement rate: This is the percentage of users who engaged with the ad compared to the total
number of users who saw the ad. This ratio shows the attractiveness of the advertisement to the

 Ad clicks: This is the percentage of users who click on the ad compared to the total number of ad
impressions. A high CTR shows that the ad is effective in attracting user attention and driving action.

 Website interactions: This is the number of times users interact with Vinamilk website after clicking
on the ad, including average time on site, number of page views, and bounce rate.

 Conversion rate: This is the percentage of users who performed the action suggested by the ad (eg
buy a product, sign up for a service) compared to the total number of users who clicked on the ad. A
high conversion rate shows that your ad is effective in converting leads into customers.

5.2.5. Email Marketing

Email marketing is an online marketing method that uses email to send a communication or advertising
message to a group of customers or potential customers that is used to create a direct and continuous
relationship between companies and their customers, with the aim of building trust, increasing sales and
loyal customers.

Email marketing can be used to share information about new products, discounts and promotions, keep
up with company or industry news, introduce new content, and provide useful information to customers.
(Careerviet, 2024)
Some specific examples of how Vinamilk uses this tool:

Email list

Vinamilk classifies customer email lists based on many criteria such as:

+ Demographic information: Age, gender, location, etc.

+ Purchase behavior: Purchase history, favorite products, purchase frequency, etc.

+ Hobbies: Offers, promotions, interest content, etc.

The classification of the list helps Vinamilk send appropriate and targeted emails to each customer group,
increasing email open rate, click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate.

Email Message:

 Vinamilk uses attractive, concise and attention-grabbing email subject lines.

 The email content is clearly presented, easy to read, using high-quality images and videos.

 Vinamilk provides valuable content to recipients, including product information, promotions,

nutrition tips, etc.

 Vinamilk uses a clear call to action (CTA) to encourage recipients to take the desired action, such as
visiting a website, making a purchase, or subscribing to a newsletter.

Optimize email frequency:

 Vinamilk determines the appropriate frequency of sending emails to each customer group to avoid
boredom or information overload.

 Vinamilk uses email marketing automation tools to send emails at the right time and optimize
campaign efficiency.

Results monitoring and analysis:

 Vinamilk tracks key performance indicators (KPIs) of email marketing campaigns such as email open
rate, CTR, conversion rate.
 Vinamilk analyzes the collected data to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign and adjust the
content and frequency of sending emails accordingly in subsequent campaigns.

 Use professional tools.

 Vinamilk uses reputable email marketing platforms such as MailChimp, ActiveCampaign.

 These tools provide many useful features such as email list sorting, email automation, campaign
performance tracking.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the email marketing campaign, Vinamilk needs to monitor and analyze
some of the following key performance indicators (KPIs):

+ Email open rate: The rate of recipients opening sent emails reaches 20-30%. The way to improve is to
use attractive email subject lines, personalize email content, and send emails at the right time.

+ Click-through rate: The rate of recipients clicking on links in emails is at a good level of 2-5%. The way
to improve is to use clear, engaging calls to action (CTA), link to valuable content, and align with the
recipient's interests.

+ Conversion rate: The rate of recipients performing the desired action after clicking on the link in the
email, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter, reaches 1-2%. The way to improve is to
provide valuable content and drive action, optimize your website for better conversions, and track
recipient behavior to adjust your campaigns.

+ Bounce rate: The rate of emails not delivered to the recipient's inbox due to email address errors, full
mailboxes, or being blocked by spam filters is well below 5%. The way to improve is to make sure your
email list is accurate and up to date, uses appropriate language, and avoids words that could be marked
as spam.

+ Complaint rate: The rate of recipients marking emails as spam or requesting to be removed from the
email list is below 0.5%. The way to improve is to provide content that is valuable and relevant to the
recipient's interests, allows recipients to easily unsubscribe, and complies with email marketing
+ Relationship Lifetime Value: The average revenue a customer brings to the business during their time
as a customer. The way to improve is to nurture long-term relationships with customers by providing
good customer service, providing valuable content, and attractive promotions.


The scope of Vinamilk email marketing refers to the reach and number of people receiving emails from
the company. Vinamilk can use existing customer email lists from CRM (Customer Relationship
Management) systems to send emails to customers who have registered to receive information from the
company. Companies can collect emails from online activities such as e-commerce websites, events, or
from online advertising campaigns to expand email lists and reach new users.


- Advantage:

Direct access and personalization: Email marketing allows Vinamilk to reach customers directly through
personal mailboxes. Companies can personalize email content based on customers' previous purchasing
behavior, increasing engagement and creating closer connections.

Low cost: Compared to traditional forms of advertising, email marketing has significantly lower costs.
Vinamilk only needs to invest in email marketing tools and email processing costs, without having to pay
large advertising fees.

Predict and measure effectiveness: Email marketing tools allow Vinamilk to measure in detail the
effectiveness of each campaign, including email open rate, link click rate, and conversion rate. This helps
the company adjust its marketing strategy to optimize results.

- Disadvantage:

Spam risk: Emails from Vinamilk can be viewed as spam by users if not designed and sent carefully. This
can lead to low email open rates and high spam reporting rates.

Potential customer loss: If emails are not optimized or do not bring value to the recipient, it can lead to
users unsubscribing or turning to spam reporting mechanisms.

Costs and Explanations

Costs mainly focus on using email marketing platforms such as Mailchimp, SendGrid, or CRM platforms
that integrate email sending functionality. Cost of creating email content, designing email templates, and
managing email lists. Cost of analyzing and evaluating the effectiveness of email campaigns. Vinamilk
uses email marketing as an important tool in its marketing strategy to reach and interact directly with
customers. By personalizing content and optimizing campaigns, companies can increase engagement and
build strong relationships with customers. At the same time, email marketing also helps Vinamilk save
marketing costs and provide highly effective measurement capabilities, thereby adjusting and improving
marketing strategies more effectively.


Vinamilk has used a range of digital marketing tools and techniques to improve efficiency and bring many
benefits to the company.

First, developing and maintaining an official website, along with managing detailed and regularly updated
information content, helps Vinamilk attract millions of visits from potential customers every month. This
not only helps to increase brand awareness but also facilitates customers to learn and buy the company's
products. Next, Vinamilk leveraged SEO and PPC to improve visibility on search engines. By optimizing
keywords and investing in online advertising, Vinamilk can achieve a higher position in search results,
while attracting a large number of potential customers from those looking for quality dairy products.
Social networks such as Facebook have become an important platform for Vinamilk to interact directly
with customers. The company regularly shares information about products, promotional campaigns and
other brand activities. This not only helps Vinamilk strengthen relationships with customers but also
creates friendliness and trust for the brand. In parallel, online PR and online collaboration activities,
including affiliate marketing, have expanded Vinamilk's reach. Thanks to strategic partners and affiliate
marketing programs, Vinamilk can reach customers that were previously difficult to reach. This helps the
company strengthen sales and optimize marketing costs. Finally, email marketing has played an
important role in maintaining and developing relationships with customers. Vinamilk uses email to send
personalized messages and special offers to current and potential customers. This helps Vinamilk retain
existing customers, while attracting new customers through effective marketing strategies.
In summary, the use of digital marketing tools and techniques has helped Vinamilk improve efficiency
and bring many tangible benefits, from increasing brand awareness to optimizing marketing costs and
maintaining sustainable customer relationships. This shows that Vinamilk's integrated marketing
approach is contributing positively to the company's success and sustainable development in today's

Reasonable technical tools for Vinamilk:

 Website: Absolutely necessary. It serves as a central hub of brand information, product details, and
potential e-commerce functions. It is the cornerstone of digital presence, influencing search engine
rankings and brand awareness.
 Social networks (Facebook & Youtube): Highly effective. Facebook allows for broad outreach,
community building, and targeted advertising. Youtube is ideal for product videos, brand stories, and
educational content. Highly effective. The platforms all offer great outreach, engagement, and
advertising options. Vinamilk's presence on these platforms highlights their effectiveness.
 Email Marketing: Can be a valuable tool for targeted promotions, loyalty programs, and personalized
content based on customer preferences. Email list segmentation enables targeted communications
and promotions, driving sales and customer engagement. However, Vinamilk needs to ensure
permission-based email marketing activities to avoid spam.

Vinamilk has shown a strong presence on the digital platform and uses a variety of marketing tools and
currently the report does not find the technical tools unreasonable, so Vinamilk must make efforts to
further enhance its online marketing efforts to achieve high results.

 An integrated marketing approach with the right digital tools is highly effective for Vinamilk. The
focus on core tools such as the website, long-established social media platforms (Facebook, Youtube)
and email marketing capabilities, allows Vinamilk to reach a wide audience, build brand awareness
and loyalty, and ultimately drive sales. It is important to continuously analyze data and adjust
strategies to optimize performance and maximize return on investment.

In the face of the continuous development of society and the increasing demand of the market, here are
some options I propose to use more optimally to bring efficiency to Vinamilk. First, Vinamilk needs to
leverage the power of Influencer Marketing. Cooperate with prestigious and influential KOLs (Key
Opinion Leaders) in areas such as nutrition, health, child care... to promote products and organize unique
and creative Influencer Marketing campaigns that attract the attention of consumers. For example,
Vinamilk can cooperate with hot moms and hot dads to share experiences in raising children and using
Vinamilk dairy products. Next, it is necessary to create more creative and engaging content, create short
and attractive videos on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok... with content
around topics such as nutrition, health, family... attracting the attention of viewers and developing
creative and educational content chains such as "Overcoming challenges with children", "Nutrition for
children of all ages"... organizing contests, online minigames to increase interaction with customers. In
addition, it is also necessary to optimize the customer experience on the website and mobile application,
vinamilk will provide full product information, promotions, customer care services on the website and
mobile application. Create a friendly, easy-to-use website and mobile application interface that supports
online payments. Develop chatbot features to support customers in answering questions and consulting
products. Personalize the customer experience and more to market products via Livestream. Vinamilk
needs to analyze customer data to make product recommendations and promotions tailored to the
individual needs of each customer, using AI technologies to personalize website content, mobile
applications and advertising campaigns. Organize sales livestreams on social networking platforms such
as Facebook, Shopee, Lazada... to introduce products, advise customers and close orders directly. Partner
with popular streamers to attract a large audience. Finally, it is necessary to use data analysis tools to
monitor the effectiveness of Digital Marketing campaigns. Analyze customer behavior to optimize
marketing campaigns. By applying innovative and effective digital marketing strategies, Vinamilk will
reach a wide range of potential customers, increase brand recognition, promote sales and strengthen the
leading brand position in the Vietnamese dairy industry and Vinamilk needs to regularly update the latest
marketing trends to stay at the forefront of reaching customers. Ensure transparency and credibility in
Digital Marketing activities. Respect and protect the privacy of customers and with creativity, innovation
and continuous efforts, Vinamilk can completely conquer the dairy market in the digital era and become
the most favorite dairy brand in Vietnam.


Digital marketing has become an indispensable tool for businesses of all sizes and Vinamilk is no
exception to it contributing to operational efficiency, increased brand recognition and sales. The report
shows that Vinamilk has applied a variety of effective digital marketing tools and techniques, including
websites, social networks, email marketing, online advertising, etc. At the same time, Digital Marketing
is a constantly evolving field, requiring Vinamilk to actively update the latest trends and apply innovative
strategies to optimize operational efficiency, increase competitive advantage and achieve success in this
potential market. The above conclusion is based on research and analysis of Vinamilk Digital Marketing
activities in the past time.

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