Hci Assignment2 Krd de Silva e2046378

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Government Hospitals are in the process of digitalizing their pharmacies. The following are
main functions to be covered by a computerized system.

1. Uploading/Entering the prescriptions by the doctors (available to the doctors)

2. Get the details of medicines issued to a patient, given the patient number (anyone, including
the patient himself)

3. Get a summary of medicines issued by the pharmacy for a given period. (Available to the
pharmacists and administrators)

Assume that you are given the responsibility of designing a web application to cater the
requirements listed. For each function,

1. List the type of inputs, with justifications

2. Design a prototype of a webpage (just the screen)

3. Identify the most important design principle to follow, and give justifications for your choice.

1. Uploading/Entering the prescriptions by the doctors (available to the doctors)

I. List the type of inputs, with justifications

Function 1: Uploading/Entering the Prescriptions by Doctors


• Doctor ID/Name: To identify the doctor entering the prescription.

• Patient ID/Name: To link the prescription to the correct patient.

• Prescription Details: Including medicine names, dosages, and instructions.

• Date and Time: To record when the prescription was made.

II. Design a prototype of a webpage (just the screen)
III. Identify the most important design principle to follow, and give justifications for your

• Doctor ID/Name ensures accountability and traceability of prescriptions.

• Patient ID/Name ensures the prescription is associated with the correct patient.

• Prescription Details are necessary for accurately dispensing medication.

• Date and Time are crucial for medical records and auditing purposes.

Prototype Design:

Key Design Principle:

• Usability: The design should be intuitive and easy to navigate, minimizing the time
doctors spend entering data to reduce errors and improve efficiency.

Justification: Doctors are often busy and under time constraints. A user-friendly interface will
ensure they can quickly and accurately enter prescriptions without unnecessary complexity.

2. Get the details of medicines issued to a patient, given the patient number (anyone,
including the patient himself)

I. List the type of inputs, with justifications


• Patient ID/Number: To retrieve the patient's medication history.

• Date Range (optional): To filter the results based on a specific period.

II. Design a prototype of a webpage (just the screen).

III. Identify the most important design principle to follow, and give justifications for your

• Patient ID/Number is necessary to fetch the correct patient data.

• Date Range helps in viewing medication history over a specific time frame, aiding in
better patient care and follow-up.

Prototype Design:

Key Design Principle:

• Accessibility: Ensure the interface is accessible to all users, including patients who may
not be tech-savvy.

Justification: Patients and other stakeholders should be able to easily access and understand the
information without requiring extensive technical knowledge.

3. Get a summary of medicines issued by the pharmacy for a given period. (Available
to the pharmacists and administrators)

I. List the type of inputs, with justifications


• Date Range: To specify the period for the summary.

• Pharmacy ID (if multiple locations): To specify which pharmacy's data to retrieve (if

II. Design a prototype of a webpage (just the screen)

III. Identify the most important design principle to follow, and give justifications for your

Justification for Inputs:

• Date Range is necessary to generate reports for specific periods, which is useful for
auditing and inventory management.

• Pharmacy ID helps in distinguishing data if there are multiple pharmacies within the
hospital network.

Prototype Design:

Key Design Principle:

• Data Visualization: Use charts and graphs to present data clearly and concisely.

Justification: Visual representations of data (like charts and graphs) can make complex
information more understandable and actionable, especially for pharmacists and administrators
who need to make quick decisions based on these summaries.



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