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software Engineering Questions and Answers - Building Blocks of UML This set of Software Engineering Multiple Choice Qu ns B Answers (MCQs) focuses on "Building Blocks of UML” 1 Which of the folowing s 2 building block of UMI ay Things b) Relationships ©) Diagrams 4) Allofthe mentiones View Answer| Answer: Explanation: Allare the building blocks of UML which are further sub-categorized 2, Classes and interfaces are a part of, a) Structural things ) Benavioraltrings ©) Grouping things 8) Annotational things View Answer Answer: 3 Exalanation: Structural things are mastly static parts of a model, renresenting elements that ae ether conceptual or physica 3.Whatis a colection of operations that specily a service ofa class or component? 2) Use Case byactor interface 4) Relationship View Answer Anserse Explanation: None, 4. Whatisa physical element that exists at runtime in UML? a) Anode by An interface )An actvty 4) None of the mentioned View Answer | Answer: Explanation: A node represents a computational resource View Answer Answer:¢ Explanation: An operation isthe implementation ofa service that can be requested from any object ofthe class to affect behavior. Sanfoundry Certification Contest of the Manth is Live. 100+ Subjects, Participate Now! 6. Which things are dynamic parts of UML models? 2) Structural tings b) Benaviorl things Grouping things 8) Annotational things View Answer | ‘Answer: Explanation: These are the verbs of a model, representing behavior overtime and space, 7. Which diagram in UML emphasizes the time-ordering of messages? ayactwiy Sequence «Collaboration a) Class View Answer| Answers Explanation: This dagram is a model describing how groups of objects collaborate in some behavior over te, sdverisement 1, Object dagram captures the behavior of single use cas. 3) True b) False View Answer| Answer: Explanation: Sequence Diagram s responsible for this, 9. tf yau are working on reabtime process control applications or systems that involve concurrent processing, you would use 2 a) Acuity giagram by Sequence dlagram ‘9 Statechart diagram 4 Object diagram View Answer | 10. Which diagram shows the configuration of run-time processing elements? 2) Deployment diagram 1b) Component diagram «Node diagram 4) ERaiagram View Answer Answer: Explanation: A Deployment diagram shows the configuration of run-time processing elements and the software components, processes, and objects. 17. Which things in UML ate the exolanatory parts of UML models? 2) Structural things Behavioral ings ©) Grouping things 4) Annotacional things, View Answer Answer d Explanation: include a note which is simply a symbol fr rendering constraints and comments attached to an element ora collection of elements. 2, Which of he following term is best defined by the statement“ structural relationship tat specifies that objects of one thing are connected to objects of another? 2) Assocation by Aggregation Realization {) Generalization View Anse Explanation: None, 13, What refers tothe value associated with a specie attribute ofan abject and to any actions or sie? 2) Object state interface 8) None of the mentioned View Anse Answer: Explanation: na state chat dlagram, effects occur when the atrbute’ value changes. Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series - Software Engineering. Here's the list of Best Books in Sofeware Engineering. To practice all areas of Software Engineering, here is complete set of 1000+ Muliple Choice Questions and Answers on Software Engineering Related Posts: + Practice Computer Science MCQS + Check Comauter ce Books + Practice Information Technology MCQS + Check Software Engineering Books + Apply for Computer Science Internship sdverterent Recommended Articles: 1. Building Construction Questions and Answers - Composite Masonry - Hollow Clay Blocks Masonry 2 Software Engineering Questions and Answers - Component Based Software Engineering '3. Software Engineering Questions and Answers ~ Function Oriented Software Design 4, Software Engineering Questions and Answers ~ Software Testing Techniques -1 5. Software Engineering Questions and Answers - Object Oriented Software Design - 2 6. Software Engineering Questions and Answers ~System Modelling -1 7. Software Design Question and Answers - Software Engineering Design Method 8. Software Engineering Questions and Answers ~ Software Process and Product -2 9, Software Engineering Questions and Answers - Software Configuration Management - 1 10, Software Engineering Questions and Answers ~ Computer Aided Software Engineering severisement ‘Additional Resources: + Cognitive Radio MCQ Questions Popular Page + Ruby CQ Questions + C+ Algorithm Library + Gil Engineering MICQ Questions + Protein Engineering MCQ Questions vent Handling in Java with Examples Subscribe: Software Engineering Newsletter subscribe Subscribe to our Newslesters(Subject-ise), Participate in the Sanfoundry Certification contest to get free Cerifcate of Ment Join our social networks. below and stay updated with latest contests, videos, internships and jobs! ‘Youtube | Telegram | Linkedin | Instagram | Facebook | Twiter | Pinterest Manish Bhojasia, a technology veteran with 20+ years @ Cisco & Wipro, is Founder and CTO at Sanfoundry. 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