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software Engineering Questions and Answers - Architectural Patterns This set of Software Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on "Architectural Patterns 1. Which ofthese following sensor i useful as part ofa burglar alarm system for commercial bullings? 23) Movernent setector 1) Door sensor ) Window sensor 4) Allofthe mentiones View Answer| Answer: Explanation: A burglar alarm system for commercial buildings include movement detectors in individual rooms, door sensors that detect corridor {400"5 opening, ane window sensors on groundefloor windows that can detect when a window has been opened. 2. Which ofthe followings nat reaksime architectural patterns that are commonly used? 2) Asynehronous communication b) Observe and React ©) Environmental Contral 4) Process Pipeline View Answer Explanation: These patterns can be combined and you wil ften see more than one of them in a single system. 3. Amonitring system examines is environment through 2} operating system ») communication c)set of sensors 4) none of the mentioned RIBS EAR ESSIERAAT seh Explanation: some exceptional event or sensor states detected by the system, the monitoring system takes some action. Often, this Involves raising an alarm to draw an operator’ ate 2} Environmental Control b) Process Pipeline «Distributed system 4) None of the mentioned FRSA RSSDERANE seb Explanation: A software radio accepts incoming packets of dial data representing the radlo transmission ané transforms these into a sound signal that people can stent. 5.An example ofa system that may use a process pipeline isa high-speed 2) data distributing systern by data acquisition system 6 data collector system 4) none ofthe mentioned Answers Explanation: Data acquisition systems collect data from sensors or subsequent processing and analysis, Subscrite Now Software Engineering Newsletter| Important Subjects Newsletters 6. Monitoring systems are an important class ef embedded real-time systems. 3) True 1) False View Answer Explanation: A monitoring system examines its environment through a set of sensors and, usually, dsplays the state ofthe environment in some way. 7. Which ofthe followings an example ofa controller fora car braking system? 3) Observe and React ) Process Pipeline ©) Environmental Contral 4) None of the mentioned View Answer SERBS HEAT RESSDIRRAAT sen answer d Explanation: An ant-skid braking system in a car monitors the cars wheels and brake system 8. eTLstands for 2) Data Extraction Transformation & Loading b) Data Execution Transformation & Loading «Extraction Transformation & Leading 4) Execution Transformation & Leading Answer: a Explanation: None, 9. Control systems may make use ofthe Environmental Control patter, whichis a general control pattern that includes processes 3) sensor actuator 9 pipeline 4) both sensor and actuator View Anse Answer: Explanation: Such patterns ae qui amon in Enviconmental Control Systems severisement PARSRAPRSSVERANT Answer: a Explanation: The Process Pipeline pattern makes ths rapid processing possible by breaking down the required data processing into a sequence of separate transformations wth each transformation caried out by an independent process. Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series Software Engineering. Here's thelist of Best Books in Software Engineering. To practice all areas of Software Engineering, hove fs complete set of 1900+ Mulliple Choice Questions and Answers on Sofware Engineering Ifyou find a mistake in question / option / answer, kindly take a screenshot and email to «Prev. Software Engineering Questions and Answers Architectural __» Next- Software Engineering Questions and Answers ~ Application Design rehicectures Related Posts: + Practice Computer Science MCQs + Practice BCAMCQS + Apply for Computer Science Internship + Check Computer Science Books + Check Software Engineering Books Recommended Articles: 1, PLC Program for Burglar Alarm Security Systern 2, Software Architecture Questions and Answers ~ Architectural Patterns, Reference Models 23, Software Design Questions and Answers - Patterns in Software Design 4, Software Design Questions and Answers - The Generator Category, Factory Patterns and Singleton Patterns 9, Software Architecture Questions and Answers ~ Architectural Business Cycle 10, Software Engineering Questions and Answers - Software Reuse sdvertsement ‘Adéitional Resources: + Softare Engineering MCQ Questions + Software Architecture and Design MCQ Questions + PLC Programming Examples mentation Transducers MCQ Questions + Cot Programs on Events Popular Pages: + uidzation Engineering MCQ Questions ‘+ Mechatronics McQ Questions + Automobile Engineering MCQ Questions + Engineering Geology MCQ Questions + Basic Chi Engineering MCQ Questions Subscribe: Software Engineering Newsletter mal Subscribe to our Newsletters (Subject-wise), Participate in the Sanfoundry Certification contest to get free Cerificate of Merit Join our social nesworks. below and stay updated with atest contests, videos, internships and obs! 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