ACC Revised01 (3)

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Company Name= Norther Star Resources Ltd

Sector= Materials
MKT CAP=$17.35B

Assessment Information and Rubric

Subject Code ACC500
Subject Name Business Decision Making

Assessment Number and Title Assessment 3 – Group written report and

presentation Video
Assessment Type Financial statement analysis on selected
ASX listed company & preparation of master
Length / Duration Written part 2000 words + Video recording of
PowerPoint Presentation (10-15 slides, 8-10
Weighting % 30%
Total Marks 100
Submission Moodle Assignment submission box

Due Date Week 11 Sunday 23:59

Mode Individual submission all three files – Word,
Excel and PPT (including presentation video
Format Excel, word and PPT files

Part A: Written analytical Report (20%)

Section 1: Financial Statement Analysis and interpretations of selected ASX listed companies (70%
weight for this section)

Assessment Description and Instructions:

The purpose of this assessment is to provide students with an understanding of financial statement
analysis as well as using Microsoft Excel to aid in calculating financial statement ratios and aiding
financial analysis. In business, accountants, managers, and financial analysts are required to
understand how businesses or a particular business operates. Financial statement analysis by using
common size calculations and percentages aids in this understanding and it also enables comparison
to other businesses regardless of the absolute dollar size of these businesses.

Businesses today require that their employees can work in teams and collaborate to produce more
innovative solutions, compared to what an individual can produce. Each student will be required to
provide an individual report for the allocated ASX listed company analysis and calculations. This
assignment involves analysing the financial statements and other information relating to selected

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listed Australian public companies. The selected ASX listed companies will be allocated to each
individual student and uploaded on Moodle.

Each individual student is responsible for the calculations and analysis of the allocated company. The
assignment is divided into two parts. Each student is responsible for collecting data from the selected
ASX listed company data, analysis, drafting an answer and preparing presentation materials.


i). A brief statement of the selected company’s operations and the statement of the CEO about
the selected company’s annual performance and strategy. You are required to write in your
own interpretation not just cut and paste of the CEO’s statement(s) on company’s annual
performance and strategies.

ii). Calculate the following ratios for 2021 and 2022/2023 – (be sure you show the supporting
collected data)

Analysis category No Ratios Company Company

Code Code
2021 2022
Liquidity Ratio 1. Current Ratio
2. Quick Ratio
Efficiency 3. Return on Total Assets
4. Inventory Turnover Ratio
5. Inventory Turnover (number
of days)
Profitability 6 Gross Profit Ratio
7 Net Profit Ratio
Solvency 8. Debt to Equity
9. Debt ratio
Market Performance 10. Market Value($)
11. Return on Shareholder Equity
12. Earnings per share (EPS)

iii). Using the ratios calculated in (ii) above of this case study, compare the liquidity, efficiency,
profitability, solvency, and market performance of the company of your analysis.

Section 2: Master Budget (extract) (30% marks allocated for this section)

SYDGEE makes and sells upmarket carry bags for personal PC. Jon, controller, is responsible
for preparing SYDGEE’s master budget and has assembled the following data for 2023.

The direct labour rate includes wages, all employee-related benefits and the employer’s
share of payroll tax. Labour-saving machinery will be fully operational by March. Also, as of 1
March, the entity’s enterprise agreement calls for an increase in direct labour wages that is
included in the direct labour rate.

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SYDGEE expects to have 25 000 bags in inventory at 31 December 2022, and has a policy of
carrying 50 per cent of the following month’s projected sales in inventory.

January February March April
Estimated Sales 42,000 57,500 32,000 37,000
Sales price per unit $160 $160 $150 $150
Direct labour hours per unit 5.5 5.5 4.5 4.5
Direct labour hourly rate $20 $20 $20 $20
Direct materials cost per unit $16 $16 $16 $16

(a) Prepare the following budgets for SYDGEE for the first quarter of 2023. Be sure to show
supporting calculations:
(i) production budget in units
(ii) direct labour budget in hours
(iii) direct materials budget
(iv) sales budget.
(b) Calculate the total budgeted contribution margin for SYDGEE for the first quarter of
2023. Be sure to show supporting calculations.
(c) Discuss at least three behavioural considerations in the profit-planning and budgeting
[You are required to use Excel program to complete this project. You must use formulae in excel and
must print out the formulae that has been used in completing this part.]

Part B: Presentation (10%)

It is expected that the major part (about 80% of the presentation time) of your presentation on this
part should be based on the process of data collection and analysis from the selected company’s
financial statement.
The individual presentation is in the form of a PowerPoint presentation of 15-20 PowerPoint slides.
This is a mix of visual representation of contents, data, and images to build an argument on corporate
governance and characteristics on your sensitivity analyses.
The 15-20 minutes presentations will be recorded by the respective student individually using
PowerPoint record function. The recording will then be uploaded to YouTube or One Drive with the
link submitted via Moodle. Instructions on how to do this will be made available.
Marks and feedback with comments will be provided. Marking Rubric is as follows:

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Criteria to
CR (65 –
be FL (0-49%) PS (50-64%) DI (75 – 84%) HD (>85%)
Please note that descriptions are typical in the middle of the grade range
Demonstrated no or Demonstrated Demonstrat Demonstrated highly Demonstrated a
Part A (S1-i) - little knowledge of satisfactory ed developed sophisticated
Statement the financial ratio knowledge thorough understanding and understanding
on selected calculations, of the financial ratio understandi knowledge of the and knowledge of the
company incorrectly calculations with ng and financial ratios with financial ratio
operations calculates most some knowledge by answering all ratios calculations by
and strategy ratios. errors and omissions. of the with very few errors. calculating all ratios
(5%) financial correctly
ratios with with no errors.
few of
errors in
Part A (S1- ii) Poorly identified Good identification Good Very good identification Excellent work on
- 12 Ratio required figures to of required content identificatio and coherent analyses identifying required
calculations - calculate ratios on disclosures and n of of the required content content disclosures and
two years the selected ASX provided a good required disclosures and provided an excellent
(35%) listed company. illustration for the content provided analytical comparison for the
Providing false selected ASX listed disclosures comparison on related selected company’s
information without company but and ratios of the selected performance and
downloading actual disjointed provided ASX company. As well, strategies. And the
financial report. arguments. analytical properly acknowledge reflection. Excellent
comparison extracted source referencing style.
on related materials from the
ratios for annual report.
the selected
As well,
e extracted
from the
Part A - (S2) - Very poor knowledge Good knowledge of Very good Excellent understanding Excellent understanding
Preparation in preparing Master preparation of knowledge and computation of and computation of
of Master Budget or not Master budget with of required question on required question on
Budget attempted at all minor mistakes preparation Master Budget Master Budget and
(extract) of Master behavioural issues
(20%) budget with explain.
no mistakes
Part A - (S1- Inaccurate or Compared two years Compared Very good comparison Excellent comparison
iii) Inappropriate analysis but with less two years with the support data with the support data
comparative clarity in relation to analysis but analysed analysed
analysis (5%) liquidity, profitability with less
and solvency. clarity in
relation to

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Part B - PPT The format chosen The format chosen The format Submission is Submission is highly
design (10%) for the submission is for the submission is chosen for professionally professionally
inappropriate and/or appropriate, but the presented and presented and
lacks thought and further attention to submission submitted in the submitted in the
consideration. detail would improve is appropriate format. appropriate format.
Information its transmission of appropriate Presentation of Presentation of
presented is not information. , but minor information is information is
original, often Presentation of changes structured logically and structured logically and
confused and not information can be would related to the subject tightly related to the
connected to the followed but may enhance it. matter. subject matter.
subject matter. lack logical structure. Presentatio
The information is n of
loosely connected to information
the subject matter is generally
logically and
relates to
matter but
may be
at times.
Part B - Presentation is poor. Presentation is good. Very good Very good Excellent
Presentation Presence, Presence, presentatio presentation with presentation with
Video - communication/lang communication/lang n with body presence, presence,
effective uage skills, uage skills, language communication/lang communication/lang
communicati organisation and organisation and and eye uage skills, uage skills,
on and mastery of the topics mastery of the topics contact. organisation and organisation and
mastery are poor - mostly are good. And And mastery of the mastery of the
(25%) reading from notes. identifies and identifies topics. And identifies topics. And identifies
And did not Identify addresses some and clearly and addresses a and addresses all of
and address key topic issues and relevant addresses majority of key key issues and
issues and any lacked concepts. Delivery most topic issues and relevant relevant concepts for
preparation, did not and presentation but issues and concepts for the the topic. Presented
clearly, articulately, not always clearly, relevant topic. Presented clearly, articulately
or logically in relation articulately, or concepts. clearly, articulately and logically in
to the subject logically in relation to Speaker and logically in relation to the topic
their particular topic. generally relation to the topic in a highly
though a number of presented in a professional professional manner.
areas lack clarity clearly, manner.
and logically
in relation
to the

== End of Assessment 3 briefs===

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