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DAY 1 Sept. 1-5, 2020

I. Objectives:
1. Analyze simile and metaphor as figures of speech.
2. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate tenses of verbs.
3. Show tactfulness when communicating with others.
II. Subject Matter:
Simile and Metaphor
Tenses of Verb
III. References:
Essential English Book- gated 6, pp.25-28 Learner’s Manual
Curriculum Guide MELC
Teacher’s Manual
IV. Procedure:

Preparatory Activity
Read the poem and find out what are the things being compared.


 Simile
A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two things. Similes differ from
metaphors by highlighting the similarities between two things using words such as "like", "as",
or "than’’

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DAY 1 Sept. 1-5, 2020
 Examples: as red as rose in the garden, as orange as the sun, like a dog without a leash

 Metaphor
- is a figure of speech which makes an implicit, implied or hidden comparison between
two things.
- is a common figure of speech that makes a comparison by directly relating one thing
to another.

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DAY1 Sept. 1-5, 2020


Actvity # 1
Identify the figure of speech used in each sentence. Write simile or metaphor in your English
1. Watching the show was like watching grass grow.

2. The water well was as dry as a bone.

3. The falling snowflakes are dancers.

4. The calm lake was a mirror.

5. The children were flowers grown in concrete gardens.

6. Watching the show was like watching grass grow.

7. He is as funny as a barrel of monkeys.

8. Her long hair was a flowing golden river.

9. They fought like cats and dogs.

10. He is as strong as an ox.

Activity # 2
Read each paragraph carefully and underline the simile or metaphor sentence.
Write the answers in your English Notebook.
1. Every morning at my house, we eat breakfast at the crack of dawn. My mom likes to cook
big breakfasts. The scrambled eggs are a mountain on the platter. The pancakes are fluffy and
sweet. I soak them in strawberry syrup. With food like this, who wouldn’t want to get up early?

2. I have a dog named Tinkerbell. She weighs only 5 pounds, but she is as fierce as a lion.
When someone rings the doorbell, she barks loudly. If I roll a mini-tennis ball across the floor,
she chases it down and bites it. She has taught me that even the smallest person can be

3. One of the highlights of my summer is the farmer’s market. I don’t care about the
vegetables. What I care about are the snow cones and the kettle corn! After eating a cold treat,
my lips are as cold as ice. I give my mom a big kiss on the cheek, and she laughs and pushes
me away in fun.

4. Jake and Lily rode their dirt bikes up the side of a rocky hill. It was slow going, but the
effort was worth it. Now came the fun part: speeding down the hill! As they sped over rocks
and clumps of grass, their bikes bounced wildly. The kids’ laughter rang out like bells.

5. Kaylee was happy when her family adopted a kitten. She promised that she would give
the kitten food and water every day. Dad told Kaylee that there was one thing she needed to
do before anything else. She needed to name the kitten! Kaylee petted the kitten. Its fur was
soft as cotton. “I’ll name him Cottonball,” Kaylee said.

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DAY 1 Sept. 1-5, 2020

Activity # 3
Identify the following sentences into Simile and Metaphor. Write S if it is a Simile and M if it is
a Metaphor.

1. The baby was like an octopus, grabbing at all the cans on the grocery store shelves .

2. As the teacher entered the room she muttered under her breath, “This class is like a
three-ring circus!”

3. The giant’s steps were thunder as he ran toward Jack.

4. The pillow was a cloud when I put my head upon it after a long day.

5. I feel like a limp dishrag.

6. Those girls are like two peas in a pod.

7. The fluorescent light was the sun during the test.

8. No one invites Harold to parties because he’s a wet blanket.

9. The bar of soap was a slippery eel during the dog’s bath.

10. Ted was as nervous as a cat with a long tail in a room full of rocking chairs.
 In grammar, tense is a category that expresses time reference with reference to the
moment of speaking. Tenses are usually manifested by the use of specific forms of verbs,
particularly in their conjugation patterns. The main tenses found in many languages include the
past, present, and future.
 Verbs come in three tenses: past, present, and future. The past is used to describe
things that have already happened (e.g., earlier in the day, yesterday, last week, three years
ago).The future tense describes things that have yet to happen (e.g., later, tomorrow, next
week, next year, three years from now).,PRESENT,+FUTURE&rlz

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DAY 1 Sept. 1-5, 2020,PRESENT,+FUTURE&rlz

Activity # 4
Choose the correct verb in each sentence. Write the answers in the English

1. We (study, studies, studied) English in Pete’s class.

2. She (passed, will pass, passes) her project tomorrow afternoon.

3. Two new students (joins, joined, will join) our class next month.

4. They (will write, writes, wrote) a poem consisting two pages of short bondpaper.

5. He (gives, gave, will give) donations two weeks ago.

6. I (buy, bought. will buy) some fruits and vegetables on Saturday.

7. Tess (plays, played, will play) table tennis on Sunday.

8. Paula (cries, cried, will cry) a while ago.

9. We (eat, ate, will eat) spaghetti and pizza tonight.

10. John and Michael (brings, brought, will bring) one galloon of ice cream yesterday.

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DAY 1 Sept. 1-5, 2020
Activity # 5. Verbs ‘’ to be’’. Write the answers in the English Notebook.


Copy and Answer the activities under ‘’ Language Workshop’’, page 27 Letter A and
B in your Essential English Book. Write the answers in the English Notebook.

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DAY 2 Sept. 1-5, 2020
I. Objectives:
1. Analyze irony and hyperbole in text read.
2. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate progressive tense of
3. Show tactfulness when communicating with others.
II. Subject Matter:
Irony/ Hyperbole
Progressive Tenses of Verbs
III. References:
Essential English Book- Grade 6 , pp. 26-29 MELC
Curriculum Guide Basics and Beyond- Grade 6,p.154

Teacher’s Manual
IV. Procedure:
Preparatory Activity
A. Read the sentences given and analyze its meaning.
1. A traffic cop gets his license suspended because of unpaid parking tickets.
2. A fire station burns down.
3. The police station gets robbed.
4. A pilot has a fear of heights.
5. The cobbler's children have no shoes.

B. Read and Analyze the sentences given.

1. He's running faster than the wind.

2. This bag weighs a ton.

3.It took me years to finish my homework.

4. I've told you to clean your room a million times!

5. My geography teacher is older than the hills.

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DAY 2 Sept. 1-5, 2020
Activity # 1
Identify the figure of speech used each sentence Write Simile or Hyperbole. Write the
answers in the English Notebook.
1. Your dad is the smartest guy in the world.

2. I’d move mountains for her.

3. I went home and made the biggest sandwich of all time.

4. Jack was thirsty enough to drink a river dry.

5. Jasmine never forgets anything.

6. "Good job," to a waiter who has dropped his tray.’’

7. His argument was as clear as mud.

8. The student was given ‘excellent’ on getting zero in the exam.

9. The roasted chicken was as tender as a leather boot.

10. The desert was as cool as a bed of burning coals.

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DAY 2 Sept. 1-5, 2020
Activity # 2
Read the passage and underline the hyperbole. Copy and answer in the English

1. Paul was plowing with two yokes of steers and Pete Mufraw stopped at
the brush-fence to watch the plow cut its way right through rocks and stumps.
When they reached the end of the furrow Paul picked up the plow and the
oxen with one arm and turned them around. Pete took one look and then
wandered off down the trail muttering, "Hoax a' hall! She's lifts hoax a' hall."


 The continuous or progressive tense of the verbs are the past progressive, present
progressive, and future progressive.
 The Past Progressive is formed by using was or were with the -ing form of the verb.
Example: She was walking to school when my friend saw her.
We were going up the classroom when my classmate tripped.

 The Present progressive is formed by using is or are with the -ing form of the verb.
Example: The officers of the class are attending a leadership training session.
They are now boarding the school bus.
 The Future Progressive is formed by using will or shall with be and the -ing form of the
Example: Next month, we will be using different apps for our performance tasks.
The school president shall be seeing us again at the end of this term.

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DAY 2 Sept. 1-5, 2020
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DAY 2 Sept. 1-5, 2020
Activity # 3. Write the answers in the English lecture Notebook.
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DAY 2 Sept. 1-5, 2020
Activity # 4 Underline the predicate verb in the progressive tense and identify by writing PR
for present, PS for past, and FT for Future tense. Copy and answer in the English
Example: PS Juan is enjoying the city lights.
________1. Paul was riding a horse when Father arrived.
________2. The cousins will be seeing each other.
________3. Plants are growing everywhere in the field.
________4. The farmers were milking several cows just a while ago.
________5. We are eating these different kinds of vegetables to keep healthy.
________6. Grandmother will be preparing sumptuous food until Sunday.
________7. We shall be buying a birthday present for Grandma when we pass by the mall.
________8. Aunt Ana and Mother were talking about Grandma’s birthday celebration.
________9. W3 cannot go near the hens laying eggs because we shall be disturbing them.
________10. I am talking Grandma’s dog for a long walk.

Activity # 5. Answer the questions in a complete sentence. Use the progressive form of verb
correctly. Write the sentences in the English Notebook.
Example: What were you watching when I came in?
I was watching my favorite cartoon movie.
1. What will turtles be doing in a grassy area near the lake?
2. Where shall you be placing your right hand when the Philippines Anthem is played?
3. Why are people riding in a ferry boat?
4. Where shall I be paying when I ride a bus?
5. Who were celebrating the end of Ramadan last year?

Activity # 6. Provide a predicate using the present progressive tense of the verb within
parenthesis. Copy and answer in the English Notebook.
Example: (eat) Rachel is eating her breakfast now.

(nibble) 1. Cows ________________________________________.

(build) 2. Young and old people _________________________________.

(turn) 3. A little windmill _______________________________________.

(grow ) 4. Little roses __________________________________________.

(play) 5. A band ____________________________________________.

Memorize the poem, ‘’Trees’’ by Joyce Kilmer on page 15 in your Essential
English Book.

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