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Name: _________________________
Grade: 5 - Section: _____ Maximum Marks: 50
Date: Time: 2hrs 15 mins

This question paper contains 8 printed pages

General Instructions:
1. This question paper comprises of 4 sections.
Section A- Reading Comprehension 15 marks
Section B- Grammar 8 marks
Section C- Writing 7 marks
Section D- Literature 20 marks
2. All sections are compulsory.
3. Marks are indicated against each question.

Section A – Reading Comprehension

I. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

1. How do humans and other animals communicate with each other? Of course, humans communicate
verbally by talking and making other sounds like laughing. Most other mammals also communicate by
making sounds as well. Sophisticated intelligent mammals, especially dolphins and whales, possess
well-developed verbal skills and communicate with high pitched sounds that carry through the water.
Researchers are actively working on deciphering and interpreting these sounds in order to understand
dolphin and whale language.
2. Verbal communication is accompanied by non-verbal body language that also conveys meaning and
emotion. Body language includes facial expression, posture, position of the arms and many other cues
that help in understanding the meaning of verbal communication. In the absence of verbal
communication body language can be sufficient to convey meaning. Sometimes merely a stern look
from Mom or Dad lets you know that you are not behaving properly; no words are necessary!
3. Compare these two scenes. Your brother hides a rubber insect under the covers of your bed. Smiling,
you toss it at him and say, “I don’t like you!” In scene two, shaking with rage, you hurl it at him and
yell, “I don’t like you!” In these two scenes the verbal communication, the words spoken, is identical
but the body language is entirely different. It’s easy to see from these two cases how important non-
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verbal body language is and how verbal communication is interpreted by someone else. The best
actors not only speak well but also use subtle changes in facial expression and overall body language
when portraying a character to make the character real.
4. Some body language is a result of automatic body responses. For example, people automatically
react to an unexpected loud noise. Successful people are aware of their body language and its effect
on others. As a result, they learn to control their body language. Have you heard the term “poker
face?” Good poker players control their facial expression and other body language so their opponents
have no idea whether they have a winning hand or are just bluffing.
1) Verbal communication includes (1×1=1 mark)
a. Posture
b. Facial Expressions
c. Words
d. All of the above
2) Whales and dolphins communicate by using (1×1=1 mark )
a. Low pitched sounds
b. High pitched sounds
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of the above
3) What kind of communication is body language? (1×1=1 mark)
a. Non- verbal
b. Verbal
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of the above
4) Good actors are masters at (1×1=1 mark)
a. Verbal Communication
b. Non- verbal communication
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of the above
5) An example of an automatic body response is (1×1=1 mark)
a. Being startled by a loud noise
b. Yelling
c. Folding arms over the chest
d. All of the above

6) Find a word in the passage which is a synonym of ‘firm’ (paragraph 2) (1×1=1 mark)

7) Find a word in the passage which is an antonym of ‘truthful’ (paragraph 4) (1×1=1 mark)

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II. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

Sweet Dreams
A good night’s sleep is very important for your health. Your brain and your body use that time to do all kinds of
things that they cannot do as well when you’re awake. How much sleep do you need? Every person is a little
different, but many experts say that children need about ten hours of sleep per night. So, if you wake up at
seven o’clock to go to school, you should be going to bed by nine o’clock at night.
Sometimes it’s not easy to fall asleep quickly, though. You might have a lot of energy. Or you might be excited
about something. Maybe you’re worried about something. When that happens, it’s hard to get sleepy. Here are
some things you can do to make it easier for you to get the sleep you need:
• Keep your body in a routine by going to bed at the same time every night.
• Do something calming right before bedtime, such as taking a warm bath or reading.
• Limit sodas, iced tea, and other foods and drinks that contain caffeine.
• Turn off your television when it is time to sleep. Better yet, don’t have a television in your room. Studies show
that children who have a television in their room sleep less.
• Don’t watch scary television shows or movies close to bedtime because these can sometimes make it hard to
fall asleep.
• Exercise during the day—it will help you sleep better at night. But don't exercise just before going to bed.
• Don't do homework, read, play games, or talk on the phone in bed. Use your bed just for sleeping—you’ll train
your body to associate your bed with sleep. If you follow these handy tips, you will get yourself relaxed before
bedtime. Then, it will be easier for you to fall asleep and stay asleep.

1. What is true regarding the bulleted list in the text? (1x1=1 mark)
a. The first item is the most important.
b. Each item on the list is important and supports the main idea.
c. The items should be done in order.
d. Bulleted lists make no sense.
2. Which of these is a topic sentence stating the main idea? (1x1=1 mark)
a. You might have a lot of energy.
b. A good night’s sleep is very important for your health.
c. Try to go to bed at the same time every night
d. Use your bed just for sleeping.
3. What is the purpose for reading this text? (1x1=1 mark)
a. To find ways to sleep better
b. To learn good study habits
c. To learn how to cook
d. To find a good place to buy a bed
4. What is an accurate inference about caffeine? (1x1=1 mark)
a. It can make you sleepy.
b. It can keep you awake.
c. It is good for your health.
d. It is hard to find.

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5.What would the author’s advice be for readers? (1x1= 1 mark)
a. Sleep less
b. Stop getting exercise
c. Buy a television
d. Get plenty of sleep
6.Why might having a television in your room keep you awake? (1×1 =1 mark)
a. You would forget to turn it on.
b. You would not like having a television.
c. You would turn it off to sleep.
d. You would watch it instead of sleeping.
7. Why should the readers not watch scary television shows closer to bedtime? (1x1= 1mark)
a. Readers will get scared
b. Readers will get anxious
c. Readers will find it difficult to fall asleep
d. None of the above
8. Which is the best summary of this text? (1×1 =1 mark)
a. People can get a good night's sleep by following some helpful tips.
b. Sleep is not important.
c. Children don't know how to go to sleep.
d. Many people have sleep issues.

Section B – Grammar
1. Identify the Abstract Noun from the following sentence. (0.5 mark)
Honesty is the best policy.
a. honesty
b. is
c. the
d. best

2. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence meaningfully. (0.5 mark)
The natural ____________ of Switzerland attracts my heart.
a. beautiful
b. beauty
c. ugly
d. beast

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3. What CORRECTION in the sentence given below will make it meaningful? (0.5 mark)
Both the pens are good but these is better than that.
a. replace 'PENS' with 'PEN'
b. replace 'THESE' with 'THOSE'
c. replace 'THESE' with 'THIS'
d. replace 'THAN' with 'THEN'
4. Choose the most suitable answer to complete the sentence. (0.5 mark)
Mohan __________________lunch when his friends arrived.
a. is eating
b. eats
c. was eating
d. eating
5. Which word is not an Abstract Noun? (0.5 mark)
a. reality
b. leader
c. strength
d. knowledge
6. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. (1x1=1 mark)
I borrowed _____ pen from______ someone in _____ queue.
a. the/the/no article
b. the/ no article/ a
c. a/a/a
d. a/no article/the

7. Choose the correct sentence for the picture. (0.5 mark)

a. My Dad was reading the morning newspaper now.

b. My Dad is reading the morning newspaper now.
c. My Dad read the morning newspaper now.
d. My Dad will read the morning newspaper now.

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8. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. (1x1=1 mark)
Bablu lives at _____Chandni Chowk near ____ Red Fort in _____ India.
a. an/the/the
b. an/no article/the
c. an/no article/no article
d. no article/the/no article

9. Choose the correct pronoun to complete the question. (0.5 mark)

I know all of you have done ________ best.
a. her c. your
b. his d. yours

10. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. (0.5 mark)
They bet they could swim_______ the lake in less than five minutes.
a. through
b. along
c. across
d. over
11. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. (1x1=1 mark)
I______ on this report for eight hours last night. I _____ it at three o’clock in the morning!
a. worked; finished
b. was working, finished
c. finished; will work
d. was working; was finishing
12. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence (1×1 =1 mark)
I hate driving ________ a tunnel, as it frightens me.
a. along
b. across
c. through
d. over

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Section C – Writing
1. Choose any one of the following topics and write in about 60-80 words. (3 X 1= 3

A. If you could create your own burger what would it be like? Describe it in a paragraph using your
five senses.

B. You are Anita/Rohan. Describe your dream family vacation in a diary entry.

2. Choose any one of the following and write in about 80- 100 words. (4 X 1= 4 marks)
A. Write an informal letter to your best friend inviting him/her to attend your birthday party next
weekend. Mention about some games which you have planned for your friends.
B. Write an informal letter to Uncle Harry telling him about an unforgettable experience you had
during your winter vacation.

Section D – Literature
1. Frame sentences with any four words/phrases mentioned below: (1X4=4marks)
a. in the dark c. vacation e. affectionately
b. peak d. scooped f. constantly laughed
2. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow:
A. “Don’t worry my dear. He’ll soon change his mind.” (1X4=4marks)
i) Who said these words to whom?
ii) Who is ‘he’ addressed in the above line?
iii) Why did the speaker feel that ‘he’ would soon change his mind?
iv) How did ‘he’ prove that the speaker was wrong?

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B. “Yuk! It tastes awful!” (1X4=4marks)
i) Who said the above line and to whom?
ii) What tasted awful?
iii) How did it taste delicious later?
iv) Write an antonym of the word ‘awful’.

3. Answer any five of the following questions given below briefly. (1X5= 5marks)
i) ‘July 16, 1960, was a day I shall remember all my life.’ Why did the author say so?

ii) What infection is the poetess talking about in the last line? Why is it not good for children?

iii) What are the words used to describe the dance in the poem ‘Clothesline’? Is it a happy dance? Justify.

iv) Who were the chief guests at the Loku festival and why?

v) What did the owls feed on?

vi) What is a plaque? Quote the words written on the plaque at Abdul’s new school?

4. Answer the questions given below in 30 to 40 words each: (2x1.5=3 marks)

i) How did Bertram and Raoul become very good friends? Explain in details.
ii) ‘The peak began to feel like home.’ Describe in details to justify.

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