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Mnogo je razloga zašto je kinesko tržište zanimljivo piscima iz Amerike,
Comunidad Latina
Evrope i ostatka svijeta. Međutim, prevođenje knjige na kineski nije lak
zadatak. Ako niste u mogućnosti da uložite svoj novac, stvari postaju još
Istražite zajednice … teže. SBD 2.40

Prije nego što detaljno opišem korake koji će vam pomoći da BESPLATNO
prevedete i objavite knjigu na kineskom tržištu, želim ukazati na razloge
zbog kojih mislim da ima ogroman potencijal.

• Kinesko tržište je jedno od najbrže rastućih tržišta na svijetu

• Ogromna sala značajno povećava šanse da će vaša knjiga biti pročitana
• Promijenit će sve što ste mislili da znate o ponašanju i navikama kupaca

Kada sam pronašao sajt pod nazivom Fiberead, bio sam skeptičan. U tom
trenutku sam imao iskustvo sa Babelcube platformom (o kojoj sam ranije
pisao na svom blogu) i moja očekivanja nisu bila velika. Pošto sam imala
samo jednu kratku priču prevedenu na engleski, odlučila sam da nemam
šta da izgubim.

Fiberead je u potpunosti nadmašio moja očekivanja.

Za razliku od zapadnih kompanija ovog tipa koje se trude da što više

automatizuju proces prevođenja i objavljivanja knjige, Fiberdead pruža
iskustvo u kojem ćete se osjećati kao da imate svog agenta i tim koji
aktivno radi i komunicira s vama. U stvari, Fiberead će vam također pružiti
lektore kako biste dobili najbolji mogući prijevod, a također će poduzeti
određene marketinške aktivnosti kako bi promovirali vašu knjigu na
najbolji mogući način nakon prijevoda.

Saznajte više o procesu ovdje: https://

So, once you make an account and o er your rst book to potential
translators, the platform will try to connect you with your future project
team. These are not people to whom your book is assigned automatically.
These are professionals who are looking for books they want to translate,
so it's important that you try to describe it as good (and truthful) as you

Now it's time to start with this tutorial :-)


If you have not read my previous posts, Fiberead is one of the free services
that allow you to translate and publish your book in a foreign market with
no costs at all. The trick is that all the pro ts are shared between you, the
translator and the platform. As an author, you will be entitled to 30% of the
sales. Fiberead retains all rights to sell your books on the Chinese market.
Unfortunately, it is still unclear to me whether the rights on translations
are returned to the author at some point (as is the case with Babelcube),
and if I nd this out, I will update this text.

In any case, I recommend that you read the agreement in detail. You will
be able to access it right a er registration – just select the author
agreement option in the main menu.

Let's continue with concrete steps.


Registration is very simple. The site will o er you the option to do so with
your LinkedIn account, but when I registered this option was not
functional. This is not a problem, as you can always do it by using the
classic method of lling out data.

A er registration, you will have access to your User Panel, where you will
upload your rst book.


This step is very similar to other sites of this type. Fiberead will ask you to
enter all the relevant details about your book, as well as to link to the
current Amazon site where the book is available in English.


The magic starts here.

I was fortunate enough to get the project manager very quickly and I
followed the selection process for translators with great pleasure. When
the team was complete, I exchanged several messages with them and
found that they were really kind people. I am particularly pleased that my
translator asked questions during the whole process. This just proved to
me that he cares for a quality of nal translation. When the translation was
nally nished, I delivered an image I chose for the book's cover. The
manager hired a designer who adapted it for the new market, and then
another pleasant surprise followed.


The Fiberead platform allows you to monitor the sales of your book. I must
say that I did not expect great results, given my previous experience with
the English speaking market. However, for the rst six months my story
has been sold over 230 times. Since it's an extremely short story which
price is minimal, my earnings were not great. But if you publish a novel or
a series of books - it's clear that there are good chances for signi cant

Here are some of my images

Some sales channels were di erent than Amazon :-) :-) :-)

Basically, if you want to take your chances on the Chinese market -

Fiberead is a great place to start. I sincerely recommend this service.

Website: www.

A team of professionals will work with you
You will get access to a market that is hardly accessible if you are not the
native Chinese speaker

For now, it is possible to translate stories from English only, but this can
change in the future.

If you like this article, I would like to hear your opinion about it. In any
case, I will be very glad to answer every additional question you may have.
As always, I will be grateful for every upvote or resteem.

Good luck!

#howto #money #tutorial #blog

7 years ago in #writing by hidden84 (62) Reply 22

$ 14.42 22 votes

Sort: Trending

ebargains (68) 7 years ago [-]

That is a really neat service! Thanks for writing this review about your own experience on the platform. I would certainly give it a try if I was an author. Resteemed.

$ 1.02 1 vote Reply

hidden84 (62) 7 years ago [-]

Wohoooo :-)

Thank you!

$ 0.00 Reply

arthur.grafo (69) 7 years ago [-]

Damn good job!

Thanks, have resteemed and will try it.

$ 0.00 2 votes Reply

hidden84 (62) 7 years ago [-]

Thank you @arthur.grafo

It took some time to write this, so I am very happy you like it! And thanks for resteem!

$ 0.00 Reply

atifiqbal (25) 7 years ago [-]

well that nice job good luck

$ 0.00 Reply

hidden84 (62) 7 years ago [-]

Thank you!

$ 0.00 Reply

superbot (37) 7 years ago [-]

This post was resteemed & upvoted by @superbot - the Best Resteem bot on Planet !
Good Luck!

Follow for 10 minutes ,

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So don't waste any time ! Get More Followers and gain more Visibility With Superbot

$ 0.00 Reply

stealthgoat (-2) (1) 7 years ago [-]

@hidden84 payed 1.0 SBD to @minnowbooster to buy a stealth upvote.

transaction-id 18cafabb56b94396e2e7238a6cf174cb8ae1a4fd


$ 0.00 Reply

ionutciobanu (61) 7 years ago [-]

nice pic. follow me

$ 0.00 Reply

resteemitnow (36) 7 years ago [-]

This Post is resteemed by @resteemitnow


Want to Boost your Posts?

Introduction Post Read here

Just send 0.060 SBD NOW

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saadijaz (44) 7 years ago [-]

This Post is also resteemed by @saadijaz


How to use service

Introduction Post How to use

$ 0.00 Reply

roundbeargames (70) 7 years ago [-]

i like it. you can reach millions of more potential customers if you can get by the language barrier. but
the problem with the chinese market (and most parts of asia) is that people will find ways to
download it for free no matter what. in case with books it's similar in most parts of the world actually.
so maybe the traditional idea of simply selling a book may not be so lucrative unless you're one of the
big names. a more creative method of delivering value may be needed here. what that new idea is i
dunno... 😄

$ 0.00 Reply

hidden84 (62) 7 years ago [-]

Well, you are right - these things could be a problem. But I always try to look on this matter
from the di erent angle. Frankly, I am unknown author. And I always wanted to grow my
base of readers before earning the money. I write on Serbian language and chances that
someone will o er me contract and opportunity to enter the foreign market are almost
none. So I don't have anything to lose. If someone finds the way to download it for free, he
will read it at the end - so I am winning in this scenario too :-)

$ 0.00 1 vote Reply

roundbeargames (70) 7 years ago [-]

i actually agree to you. increasing awareness itself has value. you're winning
when you're exposed to more audiences even if they get it for free. it's something
i think about too haha. good luck with your work :)

$ 0.00 Reply

hidden84 (62) 7 years ago [-]

Good luck to you too! I started to watch your vlogs. and I think they are
great. I followed!

$ 0.00 Reply

roundbeargames (70) 7 years ago [-]

thank you! i'm grateful.

$ 0.00 Reply

joecxt (53) 7 years ago [-]

Let me go take a peek at them vlogs

$ 0.00 Reply

joecxt (53) 7 years ago [-]

This is amazing @hidden84 I'd look to try it out.. thanks for sharing this !originalworks .
Upvoted and resteems

$ 0.00 Reply

originalworks (69) 7 years ago [-]

The @OriginalWorks bot has determined this post by @hidden84 to be original material
and upvoted(1.5%) it!

Da biste pozvali @OriginalWorks , jednostavno odgovorite na bilo koju objavu sa

@originalworks ili !originalworks u svojoj poruci!

0 .00 $ Odgovori

hidden84 ( 62 ) prije 7 godina [-]

Hvala ti puno :-)

0 .00 $ Odgovori

joecxt ( 53 ) prije 7 godina [-]

Imaš i novog pratioca.. živjeli

0 .00 $ Odgovori

hidden84 ( 62 ) prije 7 godina [-]

Hvala... pratio sam :-)

0 .00 $ Odgovori


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