Civic Education Ss 1-2

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1. ___________ refers to a strong bond between two or more people (a) interpersonal
relationship (b) close relationship (c) I don’t know
2. All the following are types of interpersonal relationship except ____________ (a)
peer relationship (b) relationship between man and God (c) relationship between man
and animals
3. _________ means people must learn to tolerate one another (a) conflict (b)
Tolerance (c) Humidity
4. __________ is a key to a successful relationship (a) Conflict (b) Disagreement (c)
5. _________ is the term used to describe conflict that occurs between competing
groups within a state (a) Interpersonal relationship (b) Inter-communal conflict (c)
6. An individual who finds it difficult to control intake of drugs is known as drug
___________ (a) baron (b) seller (c) addict
7. Your interpersonal relationships may occur with __________ (a) friends (b) family
(c) a and b
8. ________ can be defined as a rural practice by group of people whose membership,
admission, policy, information and formalities as well as their mode of operations are
kept secret with their activities (a) culture (b) cultism (c) interpersonal relationship
9. Cultism has ___________ main objectives (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4
10. _________ is one of the objectives of cultism (a) to abolish convention (b) to
register cultism (c) to be poor
11. All the following are solution to cultism except _____________ (a) The fear of
God (b) Guidance and counseling (c) Toasting
12. Activities of cultists include _________ (a) initiation (b) Toasting (c) A and B
13. ___________ is defined as the use of chemical substances that lead to an
increased or risk of problems and inability to control the use of the substances (a)
Drug abuse (b) Drug users (c) Stimulants
14. Examples of drug that can be abused are the following except ___________ (a)
Alcohol (b) Cocaine (c) Water
15. The outcome of good values bring about the following except (a) Harmony (b)
Co-operation (c) Conflict
16. The movement of vehicles and people on the road is known as ________ (a)
migration (b) traffic (c) transportation
17. Cultism in tertiary institutions in Nigeria was originally introduced to _________
(a) promote inter-communal marriages (b) fight colonialism and oppression (c)
perpetuate the use of local gin and alcohol
18. Selflessness is referred to as the ___________ (a) act of placing oneself before
others (b) act of placing ones family above others (c) willingness to give one’s time,
resources, efforts etc for others
19. The agency that enforces law on the highways in Nigeria is called (a) Road safety
(b) Federal Road Safety Corps (c) Federal Road Safety Command
20. Responsible parenthood helps to nurture (a) patriotic citizens (b) bad citizens (c)
corrupt citizens
Answer any three (3)
1. Define Interpersonal relationship
1b. State the types of Interpersonal relationships
2. What is drug abuse?
2b. Highlight some signs and symptoms of people who abuse drugs
3. Mention drugs that can be abused
3b. Explain 5 ways of preventing drug abuse
3c. What is the full meaning of NDLEA
4. What is Cultism?
4b. Mention some effects of cultism
4c. What is the full meaning of NAFDAC
5. What is Inter-communal conflicts?
5b. State causes of Inter-communal conflicts
1. In Nigeria, public servant are expected to be ______________ (a) non-partisan (b)
political (c) ambitious
2. ________ is the illegal trade of humans of exploitation or commercial gain (a)
Human trafficking (b) Human resources (c) Human development
3. ___________ and __________ are causes of human trafficking (a) Demand for
cheap labour, poverty (b) Riches and demand for property (c) I don’t know
4. __________ is a virus that enters the body and begins to destroy the cells (a) AIDS
(b) HIV (c) STD
5. AIDS is a diseases caused by __________ (a) HIV (b) HPP (c) Malaria
6. HIV is passed from person to person through _____________ (a) Sweat (b) Nose
(c) bodily fluids
7. HIV infections has how many stages? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4
8. ___________ is giving young people the opportunity to develop the ability they
need to become people who can influence their communities and earn a living (a)
youth benefits (b) Youth empowerment (c) Youth social club
9. HIV can not be transmitted through ___________ (a) sharing sharp objects (b)
sharing towel (c) sex
10. The stigmatization of HIV/AIDS can be expressed in the following ways except
(a) avoidance or rejection of victims (b) Isolation of victims (c) showing love to
11. An individual who finds it difficult to control intake of drugs is known as drug
__________ (a) baron (b) addict (c) seller
12. The act of being upright in behaviour and obeying constituted authority make
someone become ______________ (a) good citizen (b) employed (c) pastor
13. Respect for constituted authority is referred to as ___________ (a) loyalty (b)
patriotism (c) nationalism
14. Which of the following is not a constituted authority? (a) visitor (b) governing
council(c) principal
15. Fundamental human rights can be classified into the following except (a)
Economic (b) Power (c) Political
16. Those rights which allow citizens to participate in governance and public affairs
are called __________ (a) economic rights (b) political rights (c) social rights
17. Civic education is important for all the following except (a) Know your rights (b)
highlights the structure of government (c) encouraging anarchy
18. Which of the following statement is not correct? (a) Parents should earn their
respect (b) responsible parenting means teaching your children to be responsible (c)
children should not be involved in decision making
19. What is the full meaning of NAPTIP?
20. NAPTIP is an initiative of (a) Federal government of Nigeria (b) United States
Agency for international development (c) Women trafficking and child labour
eradication foundation

Answer three questions
1. Define human trafficking
1b. Mention 5 causes of human trafficking
1c. State 3 trafficking techniques
2. List 5 ways to prevent human trafficking
2b. explain 5 functions of NAPTIP
3. Define HIV
3b. What are the causes of HIV/AIDS
3c. Mention 3 stages of HIV infections
4. Mention 10 ways HIV infection can not be transmitted
4b. List 10 signs and symptoms of AIDS
5. What do you understand by youth empowerment?
5b. What are the benefits of youth empowerment

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