Civic Education Jss 1-3

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Answer all questions in section A and any three in Section B

1. __________ can be defined as the feeling of love and concern for one’s country. (a) The
constitution (b) National consciousness (c) Security
2. Citizen must be _________, __________ and __________ to their country (a) Faithful, loyal
and honest (b) greedy, selfish and rude (c) disrespectful, rude and disobey
3. The Nigeria national flag was designed by ___________ (a) Mrs. Funmilayo Abe (b) Taiwo
Akinkunmi (c) Akinwumi Taiwo
4. The Nigeria national flag was designed in what year? (a) 1960 (b) 1963 (c) 1959
5. It was unfolded for the first use on midnight of ___________ (a) 30th September 1960 (b) 1st
October 1960 (c) 31st October 1960
6. How many colour does the Nigeria flag has? (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 4
7. Coat of arms is a symbol which stands for _______ and ___________ (a) authourity and power
(b) dignity and unity (c) peace and unity
8. The red eagle represents _________ (a) pride of Nigeria (b) strength of Nigeria (c) good soil
9. The two horses represents _________ (a) dignity and pride of Nigeria (b) beauty of Nigeria
(c) I don’t know
10. What does the mark (Y) on the shield represent? (a) agriculture (b) beauty (c) River Niger and
11. In what year was the Pledge adopted? (a) 1970 (b) 1960 (c) 1973
12. What is the full meaning of NYSC? (a) National Youth Service Corps (b) Nigeria Youth
Service Member (c) National Young Service Corps
13. NYSC was established in what year? (a) 1980 (b) 1963 (c) 1973
14. _________ crimes are punishable under common laws of a country (a)common (b) rare (c)
15. _________ and _________ are examples of common crimes (a) loyalty and maturity (b)
murder and armed robbery (c) sleeping and eating
16. Transporting hard drugs from one country to another is known as ________ (a) drug
trafficking (b) drug abuse (c) drug retailing
17. _________ involves diverting public funds for private use (a) money transfer (b) open finance
(c) embezzlement
18. Common crimes a times are punishable by (a) imprisonment (b) applause (c) retirement
19. The Nigeria national anthem was composed by who? (a) Mr. Emmanuel Odiase (b) Taiwo
Akinkunmi (c) Mr. Williams
20. The unity lamps symbolizes the ___________ of Nigeria (a) light (b) unity (c) justice
21. Nigeria highest currency is _________ (a) 200 Naira note (b) 500 Naira note (c) 1000 Naira
22. “Cactus Spectabilis” on the coat of arms stands for ______ (a) peace (b) unity (c) beauty
23. ____________ is an example of National symbol (a) National flag (b) Road map (c) National
24. ________ and ________ are part of the way of promoting unity in Nigeria (a) Embezzlement
and Robbery (b) Tolerance and Hospitality (c) None of the above
25. Supporting the government programmes is one way to promote National unity (a) True (b)
26. ________ means being truthful (a) Honesty (b) Deceit (c) a and b
27. Whose name is written on Nigeria One hundred Naira notes (a) Muritala Mohammed (b)
Obafemi Awolowo (c) Abiola Mushood MKO
28. Whose name is written on Nigeria Five hundred naira note (a) ***
29. How many stanza does the Nigeria anthem has? (a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6
30. Children day is celebrated in Nigeria on _________ (a) 25th may (b) 28th may (c) 27th may

1. Define National consciousness
2. Mention 5 National symbols that you know
3. What are the five ways of promoting unity?
3b. Write the National pledge
4. Write the National Anthem
4b. What is common crime?
5. List 10 common crimes you know

1. Nigeria has ________ number of local government area (a) 771 (b) 774 (c) 773
2. _________ is the highest court in Nigeria (a) Customary court (b) High court (c) Supreme court
3. Civic education deals mostly on (a) religion (b) sport (c) Values and ethics
4. ________ is not a symbol of National Identity (a) Card Igbeayo (b) Nigeria International
Passport (c) Nigeria currency
5. __________ is the total way of life (a) culture (b) Ethnics (c) Attributes
6. Qualities of an individual with right attitude to work include the followings except
____________ (a) truthfulness (b) discipline (c) dishonesty
7. The term democracy comes from the Greek word “Demokratia” which means (a) democracy of
people (b) rule of the people (c) supreme power
8. There are __________ arms of Government (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 3
9. _________ is a form of government in which people elect representatives of their choice who in
turn govern on behalf of the poor, providing masses the freedom of expression and choice (a)
election (b) democracy (c) constitution
10. Offences punishable under the law include the following except __________ (a) murder (b)
arson (c) contentment
11. Consumer rights include the following except __________ (a) right to steal (b) right to safety
(c) right to consumer education
12. These are forms of electoral malpractices except ____________ (a) Financial inducement (b)
multiple voting (c) one man, one vote
13. One of the ways of protecting human rights is _____________ (a) corruption (b) judicial
reforms (c) beating
14. Types of election include the following except ________________ (a) Bye-election (b)
Primary election (c) secondary election
15. An attribute of contentment is __________ (a) humiliation (b) satisfaction (c) envy and
16. __________ is the manipulation of votes and unlawful alteration of election processes (a)
electoral malpractices (b) election (c) democracy
17. INEC means (a) Independent Electoral Commission (b) Independent National Electoral
Commission (c) Independent National Election Commission
18. ___________ is one of the consequences of electoral malpractices (a) loving voters (b) scaring
voters (c) a and b
19. __________ is one of the causes of electoral malpractices (a) Honesty (b) Care (c) Greed
20. Government is chosen by the people through ___________ (a) Election (b) bribery (c)

Answer three questions
1. What is the meaning of Democracy?
1b. Identify five features of democracy
2. What is Election?
2b. Mention three types of election
2c. State three responsibilities of voters
3. Define electoral malpractice?
3b. State two causes of electoral malpractices
3c. Mention 3 consequences of electoral malpractices
4. List 5 groups that assist in protecting rights of citizen
1. One of the factors that promotes good value system is ____________ (a) tolerance (b) pride (c)
2. One of the consequences of dishonesty is _________ promotion (b) shame (c) rewards
3. __________ refers to safety of lives and property in the country (a) democracy (b) national
security (c) common crimes
4. Children that are exposed to early marriage may _________ (a) become good parent (b) have
sound education (c) become unemployed
5. The following are examples of common crime in Nigeria except _________ (a) rape (b) drug
trafficking (c) civic servant
6. Voter’s registration is done ____________ (a) before election (b) after election (c) during
7. Corruption can lead to the following except ___________ (a) fast development (b) laziness (c)
8. A crime that is punishable by death in Nigeria is ___________ (a) murder (b) stealing (c)
9. The highest court in Nigeria is ____________ (a) customary (b) supreme (c) magistrate
10. The minimum voting age in Nigeria is ______ (a) 20 (b) 22 (c) 18
11. __________ is concerned about relationship between man and environment (a) security studies
(b) social studies (c) civic education
12. A crime is a/an _________ activity (a) lawful (b) illegal (c) legal
13. The crime of forcing someone to have sex using violence is called _________ (a) assault (b)
larceny (c) rape
14. All the following are hard drugs except ____________ (a) Panadol (b) Indian hemp (c) Cocaine
15. The main victims of human trafficking are _____________ (a) men (b) women and children (c)
men and women
16. The act of giving part of what we have to other people is ______________ (a) affection (b)
caring (c) unity
17. In Nigeria, election day is fixed and announced by __________ (a) INEC (b) The President (c)
The Legislative
18. Nigeria gained her independence in __________ (a) 1959 (b) 1963 (c) 1960
19. Nigeria has _________ states (a) 35 (b) 36 (c) 38
20. _________ is not a political party in Nigeria (a) MBCT (b) APC (c) PDP

Answer three questions only!
1. define crime
1b. Mention any four common crimes in the society
1c. Mention five ways to prevent common crimes
2. Define voting
2b. Identify 5 importance of voting
3. Explain the meaning of negative behaviour
3b. Mention three types of negative behaviour
3c. Identify two effects of negative behaviour
4. Highlight the 5 process of voting
4b. Mention 5 sanctions against negative behaviour
5. What is national security?
5b. Mention 5 crimes that may cause misunderstanding or affect national security

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