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I. Fill in the blanks:

1. The _____________ became one of the largest civilizations in the world.

2. By 117 CE, Roman Empire covered more than _____________
3. In 117 CE, the Romans built buildings and _____________ offices.
4. _____________ built a network of roads, which connected the Empire.
5. _____________ was the common official language of the Roman Empire.
6. _____________ was the first and the most famous road that connected Rome with the south of Italy.
7. The Romans improve road construction by using _____________ to make their roads stronger.
8. _____________ in the Roman Empire traded with each other.
9. The Romans used _____________ and _____________ as a means of their transportation.
10. The oldest existing paved road was found in _____________.
11. Crete is an island in the _____________ between Greece and Egypt.
12. Historians and Archaeologists thought that the center even of the road was used for _____________.
13. Fast chariots delivered _____________ and _____________.

II. State whether the following statements are true or false:

1. The Roman military protected and watched over every part of the Empire. _____________
2. The Roman Empire began in 753 BC. _____________
3. The Romans constructed systematic roads about 3,000 years ago. _____________
4. The earliest long-distance roads connected the Arabian Gulf with ports on the South coast of Oman.
5. The Romans built their roads in straight lines even over mountains and wetlands. _____________
6. Different types of animal-drawn transport were used to carry people and goods. _____________
7. Chariots were both heavy and low. _____________
8. Europe, the Near East, the entire Mediterranean Coast, and Egypt were included in the Roman Empire
at its peak in 117 CE. _____________
III. Choose the correct answer:
1. An open vehicle usually pulled by animals is called ____________
a) pedestrian b) cart c) grid design
2. A mixture of small stones and sand used in buildings is known as _____________
a) concrete b) mud and clay c) mortar
3. A person who walks along a road is a _____________
a) cyclist b) motorist c) pedestrian
4. When cities are organized in straight lines and squares is called _____________
a) Rural Planning b) Urban Planning c) District Planning
5. A Civilization found around the Mediterranean Sea and with its center in modern-day Italy is ________
a) Mughal Empire b) Ottoman Empire c) Roman Empire

IV. Complete the following statements:

1. It has been said that “All roads lead to Rome” means that ______________________________________

2. The Romans built embankments on the sides that raised the road from the ground __________________

3. Roman roads made travel ______________________________________________________________

4. The fall of Rome and the Western Roman Empire, is considered to be ___________________________

V. Answer the following questions.

1. Why was the Roman Empire known as one of the largest civilizations in the world?
Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________

2. Mention the changes brought up by the Romans in their newly conquered areas.
Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. Why was transportation important and necessary in the Roman Empire?
Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________

4. How did the Romans construct the roads?

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________

5. Explain the importance of the improved road system.

Ans. ___________________________________________________________________________________

VI. Identify the following pictures.

______________________ __________________ ______________________

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