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Microbiological Research 239 (2020) 126569

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Productivity and quality of horticultural crops through co-inoculation of T

arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth promoting bacteria
Obianuju Chiamaka Emmanuela,b, Olubukola Oluranti Babalolaa,*
Food Security and Safety Niche Area, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, North-West University, 2735, Mmabatho, South Africa
Farming System Programme, National Horticultural Research Institute, P.M.B. 5432, Jericho Reservation Area, Ibadan, Nigeria


Keywords: Associations between plants and microorganisms exist in nature, and they can either be beneficial or detrimental
Antioxidants to host plants. Promoting beneficial plant-microbe interaction for increased crop yield and quality is one
Bio-fertilizer pathway to eco-friendly and sustainable crop production. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and plant growth
Crop yield promoting bacteria (PGPB) are microorganisms that are beneficial to horticultural crops. Arbuscular mycorrhizal
fungi establish symbioses with plant roots which help to improve nutrient uptake by the host plant and alter its
phytochemicals and nutrient uptake
physiology to withstand external abiotic factors and pathogens. Plant growth promoting bacteria promote plant
growth either directly by aiding resource acquisition and controlling the levels of plant hormones or indirectly
by reducing the inhibitory effects of phytopathogens. Co-inoculation of both organisms combines the benefits of
each for increased crop productivity. Even though the co-inoculation of PGPB and AMF have been shown to
enhance the yield and quality of crops, its benefits have fully not been exploited for horticultural crops. In this
review, the response of horticultural crops to co-inoculation with PGPB and AMF with particular interest to the
impact on the yield and crop quality was discussed. We explained some of the mechanisms responsible for the
synergy between AMF and PGPB in plant growth promotion. Finally, suggestions on areas that need to be
researched further to exploit and improve the effects of these organisms were highlighted.

1. Introduction management conditions (Ganeshamurthy et al., 2015). This has a lot of

cost and environmental implications. In a review, Alori et al. (2017)
Increased awareness in recent years of the health-promoting and reported that the constant use of fertilizers can lead to low agricultural
protecting attributes of phytochemicals and minerals in horticultural productivity, unfavourable returns on investment, food poisoning, soil
crops has led to increased attention to them as vital constituents of damage, biodiversity loss and severe environmental hazards.
regular diets. Horticultural crops include vegetables, fruits, spices and Consequently, efforts need to be put in place for more sustainable
nuts which are directly utilized as food by man, as well as flowers and horticultural practices for greater crop yield and quality. These prac-
ornamental plants, medicinal and aromatic plants (Singh and Prajapati, tices should maximize the use of methods that improve nutrient uptake
2018). Edible horticultural crops, when incorporated into the daily diet, and increase the nutrient pool in soil. To meet these objectives, the
have strongly been linked with reduced risk of cancer, heart disease, opportunities offered by microorganisms can be a beneficial alternative
infections and other chronic diseases (Prior and Cao, 2000). The shift (Rouphael et al., 2015). Microbial inoculants such as AMF and PGPB
towards healthier diets and population growth has led to an increased are used as biofertilizers/biostimulants to improve the availability and
demand for fruits and vegetables (Mason-D’Croz et al., 2019). To keep uptake of soil nutrients (Alori et al., 2017) although they are neither
pace, a more sustainable and environmentally friendly approach needs nutrients nor pesticides (du Jardin, 2015). Exploring their mechanisms
to be adopted. Duhamel and Vandenkoornhuyse (2013) stated that the can be a valuable tool for the realization of sustainable horticultural
dilemma facing contemporary horticulture is the necessity to cultivate production (Rouphael et al., 2015).
sufficient nutritious food for the growing global population without Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi establish symbioses with plant roots
aggravating the existing environmental challenges. These horticultural which help to improve nutrient uptake by the host plant and alter its
crops may absorb between 500 – 1000 kg of nitrogen (N), phosphorus physiology to withstand external abiotic factors and pathogens
(P) and potassium (K) per hectare annually or even more under good (Nadeem et al., 2017). They are known to prompt variations in plant

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (O.O. Babalola).
Received 11 May 2020; Received in revised form 23 July 2020; Accepted 25 July 2020
Available online 31 July 2020
0944-5013/ © 2020 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
O.C. Emmanuel and O.O. Babalola Microbiological Research 239 (2020) 126569

secondary metabolism resulting in improved phytonutrients (Rouphael the enhancement of plant quality.
et al., 2015). Plant growth promoting bacteria promote plant growth
directly by facilitating nutrient uptake through fixing nitrogen, solu-
bilisation of phosphorus, production of hormones (cytokinins, gibber- 2. Benefits of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculants for
ellings, ethylene, auxin and indole acetic acid) and iron uptake (Glick, horticultural crop production
2012; Olanrewaju et al., 2017). They also promote plant growth in-
directly by reducing the inhibitory effects of several phytopathogens on The AMF are obligate symbionts of the phylum Glomeromycota
plant growth and development (Glick, 2012). The co-inoculation of (Schüßler and Walker, 2010). They form symbiotic associations with
both organisms combines their benefits for increased productivity as roots of vascular plants and are widely distributed in a variety of eco-
PGPB have been shown to stimulate the beneficial role of AMF and vice systems including stressed environments (Sadhana, 2014). This sym-
versa (Xie et al., 2018). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi interactions with biosis enhances nutrients like phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), sulfur (S),
bacteria have been reported to enhance plant growth through phos- potassium (K), calcium (Ca), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) in the soil
phate solubilization, nitrogen fixation, increased AMF spore germina- (Nadeem et al., 2014; Turrini et al., 2018) especially in nutrient-defi-
tion and colonization of plant roots (Selvakumar et al., 2016). The cient conditions, thereby having the potential to reduce external ferti-
potential of co-inoculation of these two organisms in promoting the lizer application (Zouari et al., 2014). The colonized plants reciprocate
growth of horticultural crops like tomato (Bona et al., 2018), straw- by supplying the AMF with plant sugars for its nutrition (Verbruggen
berry (Todeschini et al., 2018), lettuce (Kohler et al., 2010) and spinach et al., 2013). The AMF are estimated to colonize the roots of up to 80%
(Khalid et al., 2017) have also been reported. These studies prove that of terrestrial plant species (Tarkka et al., 2018) and are beneficial for
increased nutrient uptake in plants colonized by AMF and PGPB can many horticultural plants, such as citrus, apple, peach, strawberry,
lead to a significant reduction of the application rate of fertilizers and lettuce, pineapple, onions, melon and pepper (Thamsurakul et al.,
pesticides while at the same time giving equal or even greater crop 2000; Wu et al., 2013).
yields. However, these benefits have not fully been exploited for most Improved phosphorus nutrition is one of the paramount benefits of
horticultural crops. This could be due to inconsistent results obtained AMF to crop production (Hart and Forsythe, 2012). Tawaraya et al.
from the use of these organisms because of the complexities involved in (2012) reported that AMF increased P availability for welsh onion by
their interaction with host plants, inoculation methods and environ- solubilizing the insoluble fractions of inorganic P leading to increased P
mental conditions (Baum et al., 2015). uptake and concentration in the plant tissue. Similarly, Aliasgharzad
There is, therefore, the need to understand not only the mechanisms et al. (2009) reported improved P and K uptake of onions grown under
by which they function, but also how they can be exploited and scaled drought stress due to AMF inoculation. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
for extensive and sustainable horticultural crop production. This re- colonization of plant roots increases the ability of the roots to absorb
view, therefore, highlights the recent advances on the response of nutrients (Sadhana, 2014). They also grow a web of outer hyphae that
horticultural crops to co-inoculation of AMF and PGPB, particularly on significantly extends the soil surface area for nutrient uptake (Tawaraya
yield and quality. The quality of horticultural crops in this review refers et al., 2012). The rhizosphere zone that is directly influenced by AMF is
to all aspects of the horticultural crop that ensure consumers satisfac- referred to as mycorrhizosphere (Azcón-Aguilar and Barea, 2015).
tion (nutritional value, taste, appearance, shelf life etc.). The nutritional Some of the mechanisms used by AMF include improved plant nutrient
quality is closely related to the chemical composition of the plant which uptake, increased antioxidant system, modification of root architecture
comprises of high concentrations of essential minerals, carbohydrates, and enzyme production (Nadeem et al., 2014). Similarly, increased
bioactive compounds and secondary metabolites (Wiesler et al., 2003). plant tolerance to stress, out-competing the pathogen for food and
The quality of horticultural crops can be improved by conventional space (Schouteden et al., 2015) and activation of defence mechanisms
breeding, tissue culture, application of micronutrients as well as the due to phytochemical accumulation (Olowe et al., 2018) are some of
inoculation of PGPB and AMF. We also discuss the effectiveness of these the beneficial mechanisms of AMF.
microbes as a sole inoculant and look at the factors that enhance/limit Beyond improving the yield of horticultural crops, mycorrhizal in-
the performance of their combined application. We equally gave insight oculation has also been shown to improve their nutritional quality
on how these microbes boost the yield and production of plant sec- (Baum et al., 2015; Rouphael et al., 2017). It modifies primary and
ondary metabolites and how their co-inoculation can be beneficial for secondary metabolisms of the host plant, thus stimulating the produc-
tion of phytochemicals in the plant parts (Sbrana et al., 2014). These

Table 1
Plant secondary metabolites influenced by AMF.
Crop AMF species AMF enhanced plant secondary metabolites Reference

Sweet basil Glomus fasciculatum Essential oil, phenolics Rasouli-Sadaghiani et al. (2010)
Rhizophagus intraradices Anthocyanins and organic acids Scagel and Lee (2012)
Tomato Rhizophagus irregularis, Funneliformis mosseae and Carotenoids, lycopene, polyphenols Hart et al. (2015)
Rhizoglomus irregulare Giovannetti et al. (2012)
Lettuce Funneliformis mosseae, Rhizoglomus irregularis Glomus Phenolics, anthocyanins, Carotenoids, Ascorbate Avio et al. (2017)
fasciculatum Baslam et al. (2011)
Strawberry G. intraradices Flavonoid and phenol Castellanos‐Morales et al. (2010)
Garlic G. fasciculatum Enzyme alliinase Borde et al. (2009)
Pomegranates G. mosseae, Acaulospora laevis and G. manihotis Phenol, enzymes Catecholase and Cresolase Singh et al. (2012)
Onion Rhizophagus irregularis carbohydrates, protein and phenolics Lone et al. (2015)
Citrus G. versiforme vitamin C, flavonoids, and minerals Zeng et al. (2014)
Grapevine G. mosseae, G. Sugars, phenol Eftekhari et al. (2012)
fasciculatum, G. intraradices
Pepino G. etunicatum and G. versiforme vitamin C, total soluble solid content, and dry matter Javanmardi et al. (2014)
(Solanum muricatum) percentage
Apple Rhizophagus irregularis Total sugar, proline, and chlorophyll concentrations Huang et al. (2020)
Sour orange G. mosseae, G. intraradices and G. hoi Chlorophyll, proline and carbohydrate concentrations, Hadian-Deljou et al. (2020)
sugar, and abscisic acid
Trifoliate orange G. versiforme Phenolics compounds Li et al. (2015)

O.C. Emmanuel and O.O. Babalola Microbiological Research 239 (2020) 126569

secondary metabolites (phenolics, alkaloids, saponins, terpenes, lipids, (Ananthakrishnan et al., 2004) but require further and long term stu-
carbohydrates) are known to enhance both the taste and health-pro- dies to identify additional influences.
moting properties of crops (Schreiner et al., 2012) (Table 1). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi also indirectly contribute to the nu-
Tomato is one of the health-promoting horticultural crops that is tritional quality of crops by reducing the need for pesticide applications
widely consumed. It contains antioxidants like lycopene, β-carotene since they enhance plant tolerance to pathogens and diseases (Wang
ascorbic acid, vitamin E, etc., that neutralize dangerous free radicals in et al., 2011; Rouphael et al., 2015). Wang et al. (2011) further provided
the blood, reduce cholesterol and lower blood pressure (Bhowmik et al., evidence that AMF increased the yield of carrot and green onion and
2012). Tomato inoculated with AMF showed higher concentrations of decreased the concentration of organophosphorus pesticides in both
glucose, fructose, nitrate and malate (Copetta et al., 2011). Similarly, vegetables and soil. The health risks posed by residual effects of pes-
AMF inoculation increased tomato fruit P, Zn and lycopene content up ticides in horticultural crops are eliminated or at least reduced to the
to 60%, 28% and 18.5% respectively (Giovannetti et al., 2012). barest minimum. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation enhanced
Another beneficial effect of AMF is increased seedling survival and physical quality by extending the shelf life of onions (Makus, 2020) and
establishment (Delian et al., 2011) since most horticultural crops are produced firmer onion bulbs (Charron et al., 2001). The increased
raised in the nursery where AMF inoculation is carried out before firmness of the onions by AMF was probably induced by the formation
transplanting to the field. Increased uptake of nutrients facilitated by of calcium pectate which favours cells cementing action. Previously,
AMF supports the seedling survival and establishment. Quality seedling inoculant production was mainly for PGPB; however, in recent years
is a prerequisite for a healthy crop and good yield. Bettoni et al. (2014) there has been commercial mycorrhizae inoculant production
reported increased build-up of proteins, proline and soluble sugars on (Rouphael et al., 2015).
onion leaves in plants inoculated with AMF, which also enhanced the
onion seedlings’ tolerance of environmental stresses and increased 3. Plant growth promoting bacteria and horticultural crop
growth. Inoculation of cucumber with Glomus mosseae and G. etuni- production
catum stimulated seedling survival and growth with or without P2O5.
Inoculated cucumber plants had higher seedling survival rate, fruit Plant growth promoting bacteria are important to agricultural
yield, P and Zn shoot concentration (Ortas, 2010). Arbuscular mycor- production due to their ability to improve plant growth and increase
rhizal fungi were also reported by Gavito et al. (2008) and Kumari et al. plant protection from diseases and abiotic stress like drought and sali-
(2017) to help in fruit seedling development and establishment. Fur- nity (Glick, 2012; Numan et al., 2018). Plant growth promoting bac-
thermore, they enhanced the fruit yield and quality, uniformity of fruit teria can either be found on the root surface (rhizosphere), leaf/stem
crops, early and better flowering (Kumari et al., 2017). Early flowering surfaces (phyllosphere) or interior parts of the plant (endophytic)
and maturing ensure early harvest which commands a higher market (Glick, 2014). In the soil, most species are found close to plant roots and
price as reported in tomato production (Ortas et al., 2013). are collectively called plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). As
Apart from the advantages mentioned above, AMF are needed to a biostimulant, PGPB stimulate natural processes that increase plant
lengthen the surface area around the roots for horticultural crops like nutrient uptake and efficiency, abiotic stress tolerance and quality of
carrots that possess small root hairs (Dechassa et al., 2003). For in- crops (Calvo et al., 2014). Plant growth promoting bacteria have also
stance, heirloom carrot varieties inoculated with AMF in organic field been identified as a potential bioorganic component of nano-bio-
conditions grew heavier and longer carrots due to enhanced nutrient fertilizers which can increase plant growth and inhibit the growth of
uptake from the surface area (Keller-Pearson et al., 2020). Citrus plants parasitic fungi (Gouda et al., 2018).
are also known to be highly dependent on AMF because they have few
root hairs (Wu et al., 2013). Verbruggen et al. (2013) pointed out that 3.1. Mechanism of action of plant growth promoting bacteria
inoculation with AMF is a viable option to increase AMF root coloni-
zation where it is not achieved with native AMF species. It may also be Mechanisms of action through which PGPB facilitate plant growth
more beneficial to develop indigenous mycorrhizal strains for improved can either be direct or indirect. Direct mechanisms refer to the traits
crop production than using exotic inoculants since some native strains that result in the direct promotion of plant growth. This could be by
are sometimes as effective as exotic isolates (Pellegrino et al., 2011). providing beneficial compounds to host plants and facilitating nutrient
This can also forestall the antagonistic relationship between the in- uptake from the soil. Indirect mechanisms refer to those traits that in-
digenous strain and the introduced exotic strains. Ananthakrishnan hibit the functioning of one or more plant pathogenic organisms.
et al. (2004) selected three species of AMF associated with cashew for Different PGPB possess either or both traits and can differ in activities
inoculation. Out of these species, only one significantly increased under different environmental and soil conditions (Olanrewaju et al.,
cashew growth indicators under greenhouse condition. This, therefore, 2017). The various mechanisms utilized by PGPB for plant growth
implies the need to screen and select suitable AMF for each crop for promotion are illustrated in Fig. 1. These mechanisms may act in-
optimal crop production where exotic strains are required. This agrees dependently or together to be beneficial to the plant (Zaidi et al., 2015).
with the report of Heneghan et al. (2008) that the use of AMF requires Through these mechanisms, PGPB offer some benefits to horti-
an understanding of the complex ecological processes involving rhizo- cultural crops and assist in the uptake of both micronutrients and
sphere organisms, plant growth and site‐specific environmental condi- macronutrients (Ramakrishna et al., 2019). Potassium is a key nutrient
tions. that enhances the quality of horticultural crops. Some groups of PGPB
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation may not always be asso- known as Potassium-solubilizing bacteria (KSB) can increase soil nu-
ciated with positive outcomes. Ibiremo et al. (2012) reported that the trient availability and plant growth by discharging K from insoluble
inoculation of cashew with introduced AMF species may not be needed minerals into the soil (Meena et al., 2013). These bacteria release or-
since the native AMF species readily colonize the root cashew in the ganic such as oxalic acid, gluconic acid, tartaric acids, citric acid, 2-
investigated soil. The AMF inoculation did not have a significant effect ketogluconic acid, succinic acid and malic acid, (Meena et al., 2014),
on biomass yield and uptake of N, P, K, Ca and Mg in cashew seedlings. that either dissolve rock K or chelate silicon ions releasing K into soil
In fact, they were reported to have even suppressed N and P uptake in solution thereby making it available to plants (Parmar and Sindhu,
one of the studied soil (Ibiremo et al., 2012). The success of mycorrhizal 2013). It was shown that inoculating tomato with KSB increased the
inoculation is determined by the quality of the inoculums with high available potassium in soils, leading to increased biomass accumulation
numbers of infective AMF propagules and also significant nutrient and nutrient uptake.
supply to the host plant (Baum et al., 2015). Thus far, the existing re- Phosphate solubilization is an indirect mechanism for plant growth
sults on the use of AMF for perennial fruit trees are promising promotion by bacterial species. Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB)

O.C. Emmanuel and O.O. Babalola Microbiological Research 239 (2020) 126569

Fig. 1. Mechanism of action of plant growth promoting bacteria.

convert P that is insoluble to plant-available forms (Olanrewaju et al., and development of plants, hence improving photosynthesis can be a
2017). Phosphate solubilization is achieved through the secretion of motivating factor for PGPB inoculation (Bailly and Weisskopf, 2012).
organic acids that leads to acidification of microbial cells and their Berger et al. (2017) investigated how the PGPB Kosakonia radi-
immediate environment leading to release of phosphate ions. Bacillus cincitans affect tomato fruits and found that they increased the amino
subtilis showed significant prospects in phosphate solubilization, ACC acid, sugar, and volatile organic composition of ripened fruits. They
deaminase and acid phosphate activity (Latif Khan et al., 2016). It also also accelerated ripening and contributed to a more pleasant-tasting
showed higher Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) production which led to in- fruit without compromising the quality. Regulation of ethylene levels
creased shoot and root biomass of tomato. The carotenoid and chlor- by K. radicincitans could be responsible for the accelerated ripening. The
ophyll contents of plants inoculated with B. subtilis were also more than pleasant taste is associated with the interaction between sugar, acids
that of the control plants as reported by Latif Khan et al. (2016). and volatile compounds of the tomato as affected by the PGPB. This is a
The co-inoculation of B. pumilus and B. subtilis by Pandey et al. promising result as good quality tomato fruits command a higher
(2018) significantly increased various proximate constituents and es- market price. PGPB has also been used during the post-harvest storage
sential amino-acids of Amaranth grains. The percentage increase over of tomato fruits to ensure wholesomeness and extended shelf life.
the control was crude protein (22.13%), dry matter (32.25%), fat Masmoudi et al. (2019) isolated 6 strains of halotolerant bacteria from
(30.77%), dry matter (32.25 %), fat (30.77%), and carbohydrate saline habitats belonging to the Bacillus genus with PGP properties. The
(49.08%). The increase recorded for essential amino acids were me- halotolerant bacterial species exhibited biocontrol activities against
thionine (47.68%), lysine (59.41%) and tryptophan (38.05%). In- grey mold disease of tomato fruits caused by Botrytis cinerea more than
creased protein and carbohydrate levels of Amaranthus hypochon- 2 commercial biofungicide tested. The inoculation of broccoli with
driacus may be related to the fact that the Bacillus isolates facilitated Bacillus cereus, Brevibacillus reuszeri and Rhizobium rubi led to an in-
resource acquisition by plants. Enhanced N uptake aids protein synth- crease in chlorophyll, N, K, Ca, S, P, magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe),
esis while increased carbohydrate content is because solubilized nu- manganese (Mn), Zn and Cu contents (Yildirim et al., 2011). The
trients are accumulated in the plants. chlorophyll content correlated with total N concentration of broccoli.
Furthermore, Heidari and Golpayegani (2012) inoculated basil This could be attributed to the promotion of N uptake by PGPB. The
(Ocimum basilicum) with 3 PGPB (Pseudomonades sp., Bacillus lentus and crop yield also increased by 17.0%, 20.2% and 24.3% while the
Azospirillum brasilens) species singly and in combination under water chlorophyll content increased by 14.7%, 14.0% and 13.7% in treat-
stress. The antioxidant enzymes monitored are ascorbate peroxidase, ments inoculated with B. cereus, R. rubi and B. reuszeri, respectively.
guaiacol peroxidase and catalase. The results revealed that inoculation They further showed that there could be a 50% reduction in the
with all the bacteria species increased the antioxidant activity of basil quantity of chemical fertilizer used when PGPB were used together with
and photosynthetic pigments; however, the highest value (up to 50% manure.
increase) was obtained from the combination of the three bacterial Unlike annual horticultural crops, fruit trees and grapes are per-
species. Similarly, de Andrade et al. (2019) reported increased biomass ennial crops with massive root systems. This makes inoculation with
of strawberry following co-inoculation with 3 bacterial strains (Azos- PGPB difficult, especially in mature plants. The root inoculation with
pirillum brasilense, Burkholderia cepacia and Enterobacter cloacae). The PGPB is normally done at the seedling stage before or at transplanting.
authors attributed the positive result to the IAA produced by the bac- However, most of these perennial fruit crops are propagated vegeta-
terial strains. These results support the submission of Souza et al. tively, hence the use of foliar application of PGPB. Studies have shown
(2015) that inoculation with a consortium of bacteria is a promising that bacteria genera like Agrobacterium, Pseudomonas, Bacillus,
alternative to using single organisms due to the combined mechanisms Alcaligenes and Streptomyces might induce root formation in stem cut-
of each strain. On fruit quality, Pešaković et al. (2013) reported sweeter tings for vegetative propagation (Köse et al., 2003; Pırlak and Köse,
strawberry fruit in PGPB inoculated plants. The increase in sweetness 2009). Production of auxin, ethylene, and cytokinin by PGPB induce
index is attributed to the higher total sugar concentration which is fa- and promote root hair elongation (Zhang et al., 2016b).
cilitated by the modulation of photosynthesis and sugar (sucrose) Plant growth promoting bacteria produce growth factors that inhibit
concentration of the fruit by PGPB through the control of the abscisic competitors and antagonists. In soil, they accomplish this through an-
acid level of the plant (Bona et al., 2015). Abscisic acid signalling path tagonism, competition, and antibiotics production. They also induce
is connected to sugar sensing levels in the plant. Sugars synthesized disease resistance and promote plant growth by improving nutrient
through photosynthesis serve as signalling compounds in the growth uptake by altering plant hormone levels (Anith et al., 2004). These

O.C. Emmanuel and O.O. Babalola Microbiological Research 239 (2020) 126569

plant growth promotion (Todeschini et al., 2018). Alongside these ef-

fects of PGPB on AMF, AMF also are involved in structuring the com-
position of bacterial communities due to their carbon-rich exudates in
the rhizosphere, which are a nutrient source to PGPB (Priyadharsini
et al., 2016). Zhang et al. (2016a) stated that when AMF releases the
carbon obtained from a plant, the bacteria (mostly PSB), reciprocate by
mineralizing organic P into the rhizosphere, which is utilized by the
AMF. Working on Medicago sativa, Zhang et al. (2014) reported that
Pseudomonas alcaligenes, a PSB associated with Rhizophagus irregularis
hyphae, was instrumental in phytate P mineralization, while R. irregu-
laris applied priming effects on the mineralization and turnover of
phytate in the soil. R. irregularis cannot utilize phytate directly due to its
inability to secrete phytases (Tisserant et al., 2013). It rather depends
on the PGPB. Additionally, sole inoculation of P. alcaligenes (Zhang
et al., 2014) increased the concentration of microbial P but not when
co-inoculated with R. irregularis. This may be facilitated by the AMF
hyphal exudates such as sugars and carboxylates that can be used by
bacteria as a source of carbon resulting in the alteration of the bacterial
Fig. 2. Schematic drawing representing the interactions of Arbuscular mycor-
composition in the rhizosphere (Zhang et al., 2016a). These sugars and
rhizal fungi and plant growth promoting bacteria in the rhizosphere. carboxylates are released at different concentrations into the soil,
however, each bacterial isolate has a preference for some sugars more
than others (Zhang et al., 2019). Zhang et al. (2018) further demon-
microorganisms modify the plant microbiome and also alter the entire
strated that fructose released by R. irregularis was not just a carbon
activities of microbes found in the rhizosphere and within plant tissues
nutrient source for the bacteria; it also prompted the expression of
(del Carmen Orozco-Mosqueda et al., 2018), which together favour the
phosphatase genes of the R. aquatilis, thereby encouraging synergic
germination of AMF propagules. The success of PGPB inoculants,
interaction between the two microorganisms.
however, depends on their ability to colonize plant root, plant root
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi also improve efficient phosphatase
exudates and the capacity of the soil sustain organisms (Souza et al.,
secretion to the rhizosphere via regulation of protein secretory systems
in the bacteria. Similarly, the presence of the bacteria improves the
process of phosphate transfer in the hyphae of the AMF. Further re-
4. Interactions between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant search is required to determine if other compounds apart from sugar,
growth promoting bacteria such as carboxylates and amino acids found in AMF hyphal exudates
help in the release of inorganic P by PGPB. Zhang et al. (2019) also
Interactions between AMF and PGPB in the rhizosphere can result in showed that R. irregularis encourages the expression of gene-encoding
synergistic effects which enhance plant growth and quality as shown by citrate synthase, an enzyme important in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA)
Khalid et al. (2017) and Bona et al. (2017) (Fig. 2). Though the parti- cycle, hence the level of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) production in
cular mechanism by which AMF and PGBP interact and stimulate the Rahnella aquatilis. This was beneficial to R. aquatilis as its activity de-
beneficial effects of each other is still largely unknown, recent studies pends on ATP produced during the TCA cycle and the increase in ATP
have tried to explain some possible mechanisms. Artursson et al. (2006) encourages the activity of the bacteria.
rightly pointed out that both organisms promote plant growth through In some cases, AMF have also been reported to work synergistically
enhanced plant nutrition and inhibition of fungal plant pathogens. with symbiotic and asymbiotic N fixing bacteria. With symbiotic N
Some PGPB are sometimes called “mycorrhiza helper bacteria” fixers, there is improved nodulation and AMF root colonization, with
(MHB) due to their ability to stimulate the growth of AMF hyphae significant benefit to plant growth (Xavier and Germida, 2002). Ar-
thereby facilitating root penetration (Xie et al., 2018). Selvakumar et al. buscular mycorrhizal fungi enhance P availability which is crucial for
(2016) observed that Gram-positive bacteria are linked to AMF (Fun- nodulation and also supply photosynthates (Desai et al., 2016). Ar-
neliformis caledonium, Racocetra alborosea and F. mosseae) spores more buscular mycorrhizal fungi interactions with free-living bacteria have
than Gram-negative bacteria, hence the name spore associated bacteria been documented. Khalid et al. (2017) reported that the synergy be-
(SAB). For example, Mohandas et al. (2013) isolated actinomycetes tween AMF (Glomus fasciculatum, G. mosseae) and PGPB (Azotobacter
(Gram-positive) with plant growth promoting (PGP) potentials from G. chroococcum, Bacillus mucilaginous and B. megaterium) increased root
mossae cohabiting the guava rhizosphere. Battini et al. (2017) however colonization of spinach by AMF.
isolated a mixture of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial strains The presence of these beneficial bacteria stimulated the germination
from R. irregularis spores amongst which Actinobacteria, Bacillaceae of the fungal spores thereby giving it a better chance to colonize plant
and Sinorhizobium meliloti strains that exhibited some PGP activities like roots. This could be explained by the ability of the bacteria to decom-
P mineralization from phytate and P solubilization. Ortaş et al. (2017) pose insoluble biopolymers like chitin and chitosan, the two major
also identified some Gram-negative bacterial genera that have been components of AMF spore walls, thus enhancing germination (Turrini
noted for their interaction with AMF for instance Proteobacteria et al., 2018). To further understand this tripartite relationship that
(Agrobacterium, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Bradyrhizobium, Burkholderia, exists between AMF, PGPB and plants, there is a need to understand the
Enterobacter, Pseudomonas and Rhizobium). It can be deduced that AMF extent to which mycorrhizae associated with bacteria participate in
hyphae associates with both Gram-positive and Gram-negative PGPB plant nutrition and nutrient flows.
that are compatible.
Antagonistic interactions have been reported where the positive 5. Co-inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant
effect on one is suppressed by the other (Johansson et al., 2004; growth promoting bacteria for horticultural crops
Svenningsen et al., 2018). Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi sometimes
alter the PGPB community in the rhizosphere through competition for Many studies have identified co-inoculation of AMF and other
food (Miransari, 2011). In certain circumstances, the PGPB may not act beneficial microorganisms like fungi (e.g. Trichoderma sp.) and bacteria
as a MHB, however, they will not inhibit the role played by AMF in as a promising tool and a viable method for sustainable crop production

O.C. Emmanuel and O.O. Babalola Microbiological Research 239 (2020) 126569

(Baum et al., 2015). The cooperation of plant roots, bacteria and my- specie of crop and competition with native strains. To get the maximum
corrhizae in the rhizosphere for plant growth promotion, nutrient up- benefits of AMF and PGPB associations, these factors must be con-
take and plant protection, is referred to as tripartite association (Ortaş sidered. Intensive agricultural production has also been found to be
et al., 2017; Kothe and Turnau, 2018). negatively associated with microbial growth. Native forest soils host
The Co-inoculation of AMF and PGPB was reported to have in- more AMF species than cultivated soils (Chiomento et al., 2019). The
creased the growth and yield of alfalfa more than the sole inoculation of decreased species and population of AMF in cultivated soil could be due
each organism and provided the plants with better nutrition and im- to the high input of inorganic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides
proved nutrient uptake (Zhu et al., 2016). Rouphael et al. (2015).
Todeschini et al. (2018) differentiated the role played by AMF and Tillage and frequent fallow periods decrease the abundance of vi-
PGPB in promoting the yield and fruit quality of strawberry. The AMF able AMF propagules (Schnoor et al., 2011) due to the disruption of the
enhanced the vegetative growth parameters while the PGPB increased mycelial network and reduction of host plant during the fallow period.
the fruit yield and quality. Bona et al. (2017) assessed the effects of two Another factor is the ability of the introduced organisms to compete
Pseudomonas strains and AMF on tomato fruits in the field which re- with the indigenous population of both bacteria and mycorrhizae for
ceived less fertilizer and got positive results. Both organisms worked survival (Lesueur et al., 2016). For maximum effectiveness, location-
synergistically to improve fruit production, fruit sugar and vitamin specific microbial strains need to be identified for the specific climate
concentration in comparison to the control treatment. Arbuscular my- (Fischer et al., 2007). Drigo et al. (2008) identified that the diversity
corrhizal fungi improved the concentration of citric acid, while PGPB and activities of PGPB are substantially impacted by climate change.
positively regulated sugar production and the sweet taste of the toma- Tabassum et al. (2017) also noted that an increase in temperature might
toes. According to Bona et al. (2017), PGPB could control photo- lead to changes in the physiology of the plant and root exudates. This
synthesis and sugar concentration, regulating the plant abscisic acid. In may lead to variations in composition, profusion, viability, and activ-
an earlier work by Bona et al. (2015) on another tomato variety, the ities of the microbial communities associated with plants since roots
inoculation with AMF and PGPB significantly increased fruit size (both exudates play a major role in the recruitment of rhizosphere organisms.
length and diameter) and weight, making it more marketable with high Abiotic stresses may also lead to the impairment of the beneficial effects
economic returns. This could be due to the influence of AMF and PGPB of these microorganisms. Conditions like salinity, drought and soil
on plant nutrient balance and hormone production, as pointed out by pollution are all responsible for the inability of the microorganisms to
Torelli et al. (2000) and Boldt et al. (2011). The inoculation of straw- exhibit their desirable traits (Tabassum et al., 2017).
berry plants with a group of AMF (Rhizophagus intraradices, Glomus
aggregatum, G. viscosum, Claroideoglomus etunicatum, and C. claroideum) 5.2. Challenges of Co-inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant
and Pseudomonas sp, under reduced fertilization, resulted in early growth promoting bacteria
flowering and fruiting, increased yield, and nutritional content. The
fruits of inoculated plants were also heavier and longer. Pseudomonas The major constraint for the use of biofertilizers is that their effects
sp. could have produced auxins and gibberellins which favour flowering in the field and laboratory conditions often vary. This could be due to
and fruiting (de Jong et al., 2010). the fact that plant-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere are active,
The levels of total phenolic compounds, flavonoids and phenolic complex and sometimes difficult to manage (Aeron et al., 2011). The
acid contents of spinach were increased significantly more by co-in- effect of PGPB on plant growth either directly or indirectly differs from
oculation of AMF and PGPB than the sole inoculation of either (Khalid species to species up to strain level (Aeron et al., 2011). Arbuscular
et al., 2017) (Table 2). Thilagar et al. (2016) assessed the option of mycorrhizal fungi have also been reported to differ even at the strain
reducing chemical fertilizer application on chilli using Funneliformis level (Li et al., 2007). It is, therefore, necessary to identify efficient
mosseae and Bacillus sonorensis in a farmer's field. The results indicated strains for real conditions which are well adapted to a particular en-
that the recommended NPK fertilizer application rate could be reduced vironment. It is also important to comprehend the interaction between
by half through inoculation with a consortium of microbes without any PGPB and associated plants and how the beneficial attributes of PGPB
detrimental effect on the growth, nutrition, and yield of chilli. The re- are altered by various biotic and abiotic soil factors. Efforts are also
sult further showed that the activities of soil enzymes and soil organic needed to identify PGPB strains with multiple growth promoting
carbon were also improved in the inoculated plot with half of the fer- properties that will be specific for horticultural crops. It is also neces-
tilizer treatment. Abd-Alla et al. (2014) reported that in alkaline soil, sary to understand the ability of PGPB species to persist in the soil and
the dual inoculation of Rhizobium leguminosarum and AMF consortia plant tissue to determine the application rate and frequency for optimal
(Acaulospora laevis, G. mosseae, G. geosporum and Scutellospora armeniac) growth and yield of crops.
improved the nodulation and N fixation of faba bean. Alkaline soils Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, on the other hand, are sensitive to
inhibit nodulation and consequently plant growth and yield. Increased physical, chemical and biological changes due to human activities
nodulation could be due to the ability of AMF to enhance uptake of Fe which impede their establishment (Verzeaux et al., 2017). Liu et al.
and P involved in the biosynthesis of nitrogenase and leghaemoglobin. (2016) identified that AMF are controlled by soil P status, and root
The synergetic/antagonistic impact of microbial inoculants is colonization, therefore, has an inverse relationship with soil available P
usually due to the characteristics and compatibility of the microbial and plant P nutrition. Bonneau et al. (2013) rightly pointed out that
strains involved along with the interactions that occur between the high concentrations of N and P can limit mycorrhizal colonization.
PGPB, AMF and plant species. Some functions of PGPB like mobilization Microbial inoculation should be complemented with agronomic prac-
of nutrients from soil minerals, N fixation and plant protection against tices that are favourable to their establishment to maximize the bene-
root pathogens also enhance the synergic relationship between the two fits. Cover cropping and reduced tillage are reported to increase root
organisms. For example, the co-inoculation of G. mosseae and Bacillus colonization of annual crops by AMF (Lehman et al., 2019).
sp. on tomato provided greater control of root-knot nematode leading The Inoculation of plants with AMF can be carried out in the
to the better plant growth promotion than single inoculations (Liu et al., greenhouse under controlled environment or in the field (Igiehon and
2012). Babalola, 2017). However, the large scale inoculation of AMF in the
field is cumbersome (Alori et al., 2017) and pure AMF strains are not
5.1. Factors that affect the performance of co-inoculation of arbuscular easily achieved because they are obligate symbionts and cannot be
mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth promoting bacteria grown or cultured in the laboratory (Igiehon and Babalola, 2017).
Some plants are colonized by the AMF only when co-inoculated
The efficiency of inoculation depends on soil nutrient content, type/ with PGPB, while some are colonized with sole AMF application but

O.C. Emmanuel and O.O. Babalola

Table 2
Benefits of co-inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant growth promoting bacteria on Horticultural Crops.
Crop AMF PGPB Effects on plants Reference

Tomato R. intraradices, R. aggregatum, Eptoglomus viscosum, Pseudomonas sp, P. fluorescens Enhanced flowering and fruiting increased levels of sugars and vitamins in the tomato Bona et al. (2017)
Claroideoglomus etunicatum, C. claroideum fruits. Bona et al. (2018)
Increased fruit β-carotene concentration, reduction of chemical fertilizer, improved
fruit quality
Glomus intraradices Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Improved nutrient acquisition and healthy plant growth Yusran et al. (2009)
Pseudomonas sp
Strawberry G. aggregatum, G. mosseae, G. intraradices Pseudomonas sp, P. fluorescens Increased concentration of anthocyanins in strawberry fruits and reduced fertilizer Lingua et al. (2013)
F. mosseae, Septoglomus Pseudomonas sp Increased concentration of Todeschini et al.
viscosum, and R. irregularis sugar and anthocyanidin, controlled pH, malic acid, volatile compounds, and elements (2018)

R. intraradices, G.aggregatum, G. viscosum, Claroideoglomus Pseudomonas sp Increased flowering, fruiting and bigger fruit size, and increased concentrations of Bona et al. (2015)
etunicatum, and C. Sugars, ascorbic and folic acid
Sunflower Haematophilum, R. irregularis Chryseobacterium humi, Ochrobacterium Higher biomass production, increased uptake of K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, N and P, reduced Pereira et al. (2016)
haematophilum Na + contents in tissues and enhanced plant antioxidative response.
Trifoliate orange R. intraradices, P. mucilaginosus Improved plant growth, root morphology. Increased leaf chlorophyll, root activity, Wang et al. (2017)
anti-oxidative enzymes levels. Mitigating the stress of low P levels.
Basil G. intraradices Dietzia natronolimnaea Increased biomass and yield, increased quantity and quality of essential oil, Bharti et al. (2016)
amelioration of salinity stress, increased shoot and root N, P, K and Ca content.
Lettuce G. mosseae P. mendocina Enhanced plant biomass under saline stress. Kohler et al. (2010)
Spinach G. fasciculatum, G. mosseae, Azotobacter chroococcum, B. mucilaginous, Chlorophyll, flavonoid, phenolic acids and total phenolic compounds Khalid et al. (2017)
B. megaterium
Rose Geranium G. aggregatum, G. fasciculatum, G. intraradices and G. Bacillus subtilis Increased biomass production. Alam et al. (2011)
Red pepper Acaulospora longula, G. clarum and G. intraradiaces. Methylobacterium oryzae Increased uptake of N, P, K, Ca, Zn, Cu and Fe and chlorophyll content Kim et al. (2010)
Microbiological Research 239 (2020) 126569
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Declaration of Competing Interest 1256–1263.
Bona, E., Lingua, G., Manassero, P., Cantamessa, S., Marsano, F., Todeschini, V., Copetta,
A., D’Agostino, G., Massa, N., Avidano, L., 2015. AM fungi and PGP pseudomonads
None. increase flowering, fruit production, and vitamin content in strawberry grown at low
nitrogen and phosphorus levels. Mycorrhiza 25 (3), 181–193.
Bona, E., Cantamessa, S., Massa, N., Manassero, P., Marsano, F., Copetta, A., Lingua, G.,
Acknowledgments D’Agostino, G., Gamalero, E., Berta, G., 2017. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant
growth-promoting pseudomonads improve yield, quality and nutritional value of
tomato: a field study. Mycorrhiza 27 (1), 1–11.
OCE received a postdoctoral fellowship from the North-West Bona, E., Todeschini, V., Cantamessa, S., Cesaro, P., Copetta, A., Lingua, G., Gamalero, E.,
University. OOB is grateful to the National Research Foundation, South Berta, G., Massa, N., 2018. Combined bacterial and mycorrhizal inocula improve

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