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Microbiological Research 239 (2020) 126520

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Colonization by Tuber melanosporum and Tuber indicum affects the growth of T

Pinus armandii and phoD alkaline phosphatase encoding bacterial
community in the rhizosphere
Xiaoping Zhanga,b,1, Xiaolin Lib,1,**, Lei Yeb, Yue Huanga,b, Zongjing Kanga,b, Bo Zhangb,
Xiaoping Zhanga,*
Department of Microbiology, College of Resources, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu, China
Soil and Fertilizer Institute, Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chengdu, China


Keywords: The synthesis of truffle ectomycorrhizae and the ecology of truffle-colonized seedlings in the early symbiotic
Truffle stage are important for the successful truffle cultivation. In this study, two black truffle species, Tuber mela-
Ectomycorrhizae nosporum and Tuber indicum, were selected to colonize Pinus armandii seedlings. 2, 4, 6 and 8 months after
phoD genes inoculation, the growth performance of the host and the rhizosphere soil properties were detected. The dynamic
changes of two mating type genes in substrate were also monitored to assess the sexual distribution of truffles.
Mating type genes
Additionally, the variation of soil bacterial communities encoded by phoD alkaline phosphatase genes was in-
vestigated through next-generation sequencing. The results indicated that both T. melanosporum and T. indicum
colonization promoted the growth of P. armandii seedlings to some extent, including improving their biomass,
total root surface area, root superoxide dismutases and peroxidase activity. The organic matter and available
phosphorus in rhizosphere soil were also significantly enhanced by two truffles’ colonization. The phoD-har-
boring bacterial community structure was altered by both truffles, and T. melanosporum decreased their diversity
or richness on the 6th and 8th month after inoculation. Pseudomonas, Xanthomonas, and Sinorhizobium, a N2-fixer
with phoD genes, were found more abundant in truffle-colonized treatments. The mating type distribution of the
two truffles was uneven, with MAT1−1-1 gene occupying the majority. Overall, T. melanosporum and T. indicum
colonization affected the micro-ecology of truffle symbionts during the early symbiotic stage. These results could
give us a better understanding on the truffle-plant-soil-microbe interactions, which would be beneficial to the
subsequent truffle cultivation.

1. Introduction Murat, 2015; Li et al., 2019b). As a kind of ectomycorrhizal fungi

producing their fruiting bodies in the underground, truffles must co-
Tuber indicum and Tuber melanosporum are two black truffle species lonize the plant roots and live symbiotically with them to achieve the
belonging to Ascomycota, which have similar morphological char- whole life cycle (Mello et al., 2006; Benucci et al., 2012). The first
acteristics and close phylogenetical relationship (Murat et al., 2008). artificial synthesis of truffle ectomycorrhizae was performed at the end
Both T. indicum and T. melanosporum have high commercial values due of 1960s (Fontana, 1967; Fontana and Palenzona, 1969). The sub-
to their unique flavor for dishes and potential bioactive compounds for sequent planting of truffle-inoculated seedlings has always been one of
medicinal function (Patel et al., 2017; Li et al., 2019b). T. melanosporum the hot spots in truffle research in order to realize their better com-
is the most precious black truffle species mainly produced in some mercialization, and the truffle fruiting bodies have been successfully
native European countries like France, Italy, Spain, and some other obtained in some truffle plantations (Hu et al., 2005; Deng et al., 2014;
non-native regions like Australia, while T. indicum is the most common, Murat, 2015). So the efficient synthesis of ectomycorrhizae with plants
productive, and widely distributed species in China (Liu et al., 2011; is a fundamental and important step for the successful truffle artificial

Corresponding author at: Huimin Road, Chengdu, 611130, China.
Corresponding author at: Shizishan Road, Chengdu, 610066, China.
E-mail addresses: (X. Li), (X. Zhang).
Xiaoping Zhang and Xiaolin Li contributed equally to the work.
Received 13 February 2020; Received in revised form 18 May 2020; Accepted 23 May 2020
Available online 03 June 2020
0944-5013/ © 2020 Published by Elsevier GmbH.
X. Zhang, et al. Microbiological Research 239 (2020) 126520

cultivation. Pinus armandii, a kind of evergreen tree belonging to Pi- In this study, we inoculated T. melanosporum and T. indicum on P.
naceae, is widely distributed in the southwest and northwest of China, armandii seedlings and assessed the truffle colonization level and the
which has been confirmed to be able to form ectomycorrhizae with T. host plant quality every two months after inoculation until the eighth
indicum and T. melanosporum (Geng et al., 2009; Li et al., 2017). month. Additionally, the changes of soil properties, the phoD-harboring
However, rare reports focused on the physiological and molecular bacterial community in rhizosphere, and the distribution of truffle
mechanisms in response to the colonization of these two truffles and mating type genes in soil were also investigated, in order to enhance
made comparision between them (Bradshaw, 2005; Zhang et al., 2019). our understanding on how the host plants and soil microbes with phoD
There is no doubt that truffles have an important function in the genes in response to the colonization of these two truffles during dif-
ecological environment. On the one hand, as an ectomycorrhizal fungi, ferent periods in the early symbiotic stage, which can give us the insight
truffles can form the bridges with their mycelium in the underground, into the micro-ecology of truffle symbionts and the interaction between
which can move the nutrients in both directions between the plants and truffles, host plants and phoD-harboring bacterial community.
soil. Many studies have shown that the formation of ectomycorrhizae is
beneficial for plants to absorb the nutrients and water from soil and also 2. Materials and methods
contribute to the uptake of carbohydrates from plant roots to ectomy-
corrhizal fungi (Doidy et al., 2012; Hortal et al., 2017; Mello and 2.1. Cultivation of P. armandii ectomycorrhizal seedlings with T. indicum
Balestrini, 2018; Gorka et al., 2019). The growth and development, and and T. melanosporum
the nutrients utilization status of the host plants can be improved by the
ectomycorrhizae to a certain extent, also, in some situation, ectomy- The seeds of P. armandii were purchased from Yunnan Academy of
corrhizal presence can alter the physiological activity of plant roots and Forestry Sciences. The ascocarps of T. indicum and T. melanosporum
the stress resistance of the host (Turgeman et al., 2011; Jourand et al., respectively came from the Huidong County, China and Cahors, France.
2014; Guerrero-Galán et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2019). During the early The synthesis of ectomycorrhizal seedling included the P. armandii
symbiotic stage of truffles, the understanding of the host plant quality is seedlings cultivation and the truffle inoculation treatment in a green-
important, which can tell us the adaptation of different truffle species to house, which were performed as our previous methods (Zhang et al.,
different hosts and justify whether it is fine for the artificial synthesis of 2019). In brief, the surface-sterilized P. armandii seeds were sowed in
truffle ecomycorrhizae and the subsequent transplanting to plantations. the sterilized substrate (perlite: vermiculite: water = 1:1:1, v/v/v).
On the other hand, in the ecological environment, many soil mi- Two months later, each seedling was respectively transported to a pot
crobes are involved in the life cycle of truffles, including bacteria and and filled with 1 L sterilized cultivation substrate (vermiculite: organic
other fungi. These soil microbes may play the key role in the formation soil: water = 1:1:0.5, v/v/v), then the truffle inoculation treatment was
of truffle ectomycorrhizae, ascocarps and fragrance (Splivallo et al., followed up. The inoculum of T. melanosporum and T. indicum were
2015; Chen et al., 2019). However, the specific roles or mechanisms of obtained by pulverizing their surface-disinfected ascocarps (Li et al.,
these microbes are still unclear, because many authors have indicated 2018). Blend up their spore powder and inoculate 2 g of them closely to
that there are complicated interactions between soil microbes, truffles, the roots for each P. armandii seedling in the cultivation substrate. The
truffle ectomycorrhizae and host plants, also with the changes of the seedlings inoculated with T. melanosporum and T. indicum were assigned
soil properties (Li et al., 2018; Mello and Balestrini, 2018). In the rhi- as “mel. arm” and “ind. arm”, respectively. Meanwhile, the seedlings
zosphere soil associated with truffles, soil phosphorus (P) cycling plays without truffle inoculation treatment were assigned as “Control”. To-
an important role, because the ectomycorrhizae can contribute to the tally, 180 P. armandii seedlings were cultivated, of which 120 were
decomposition and release of P in soil for plants absorption (Köhler inoculated with T. indicum or T. melanosporum, and 60 were not in-
et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2018). And in turn, soil P can also influence the oculated with truffles. Consequently, sixty seedlings were prepared for
development of ectomycorrhizal fungi (Xue et al., 2008). So the in- each treatment. All the seedlings were put in a greenhouse and the
vestigation on soil microbes related to P cycling seems necessary in substrate was watered about every 3 days. The seedlings belonging to
truffle ecology. phoA, phoD and phoX are three kinds of genes encoding different treatment were placed in different zones in the same green-
alkaline phosphatase in bacteria, which can catalyze the hydrolysis of house.
phosphomonoesters and phosphodiesters, the dominate fraction of soil
organic P (Ragot et al., 2015). phoD alkaline phosphatase are pre- 2.2. Sampling strategy for analysis
dominantly membrane bound and are activated by Ca2+, which are
widespread in terrestrial ecosystems (Luo et al., 2009; Kageyama et al., After truffle inoculation, the seedlings and rhizophere soils were
2011; Ragot et al., 2015). So the bacterial community harboring phoD sampled every two months until the eighth month. The samples col-
genes were selected to assess in this study, which have not been re- lected on the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th month after inoculation were re-
ported in the truffle-associated environment. spectively denoted as M2, M4, M6 and M8. When collecting the seed-
Since the genome sequencing project, T. melanosporum has been ling samples, their root system were observed under a microscope to
found as a heterothallic fungus, and T. indicum is also verified to be determine whether the ectomycorrhizae formed based on their mor-
heterothallic in the subsequent researches (Martin et al., 2010; Rubini phology and structure, in other words, whether the seedlings were
et al., 2011b; Belfiori et al., 2013), which means that each strain of successfully colonized by Tuber. Truffle colonization rates in mel. arm
Tuber only has single mating type gene. It has also been found that the treatment and ind. arm treatment were calculated by counting the
strains with MAT1−1-1 or MAT1−2-1 compete to colonize the root of number of root segments with the presence of ectomycorrhizae and
the host plants, and this competition results in the uneven sexual dis- randomly choosing thirty root segments in all in each seedling, which
tribution in the ectomycorrhizae (Rubini et al., 2011a), which can be a was performed as previous method (Andres-Alpuente et al., 2014).
major factor that determine the production and yield of truffles. Few After that, the seedling samples were used for measuring the plant
studies addressed the distribution of Tuber mating types in soils com- growth, the root samples were used for the physiological assessment,
pared with the investigations on that in ectomycorrhizae (Rubini et al., and the soil samples in the rhizosphere were utilized for the determi-
2011a; Muratet al., 2013). Currently, the biological implications or the nation of soil properties, soil bacterial communities harbouring phoD
mechanistic determinants of the nonrandom sexual distribution of genes, and truffle mating type genes in soil. In this experiment, nine P.
truffles in ectomycorrhizae or in soils are still uncertain. Therefore, the armandii seedlings were analyzed in each treatment on each sampling
more investigations on truffle mating type genes are of great sig- time. Root and rhizosphere soil samples from three P. armandii seed-
nificance to know the development of truffles and will contribute to lings were mixed as one biological sample, respectively. Thus, three
their practical cultivation. biological replicates of root and rhizosphere soil samples were obtained

X. Zhang, et al. Microbiological Research 239 (2020) 126520

from nine seedlings in each treatment on each sampling time, which 2.6. Sequencing data analysis
finally underwent corresponding analysis.
The original paired-end sequencing data saved in FASTQ format
2.3. Measurement of plant growth, plant physiology and soil properties were screened by sliding the window and the FLASH software (v1.2.7)
was used to pair and connect the sequences according to the over-
The growth performance of P. armandii seedlings was obtained by lapping bases. The QIIME software (v1.8.0) and USEARCH (v5.2.236)
measuring their stem circumference, plant height, root length, total were utilized to eliminate the chimera sequences and the high quality
root surface area, biomass and root-shoot ratio. A ruler or vernier ca- sequences of each sample were received (Caporaso et al., 2010).
liper was used to determine the indices of stem circumference, plant Through QIIME and UCLUST, the obtained sequences with ≥97 % si-
height and root length. The total root surface area was assayed by milarity were merged as an operational taxonomic unit (OTU) (Edgar,
WINRHIZO root analysis scanner (Pornaro et al., 2017). The biomass 2010). The taxonomy information of each OTU were obtained using
was obtained by assessing the dry weight of each seedling (Zhang et al., RDP (Ribosomal Database Project) function gene database (Release
2019b). The dried seedlings were then cut into two sections according 11.1) (Cole et al., 2009). The rarefaction curves and the alpha diversity
to the aboveground and underground parts, and the root-shoot ratio of were calculated by QIIME, and the beta diversity which displayed the
the seedling could be got (underground dry weight / aboveground dry differences between groups was conducted with non-metric multi-
weight). dimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis through QIIME and R software.
The investigated physiological indices of P. armandii seedlings in-
cluded the root activity, root superoxide dismutases (SOD) activity and 2.7. Quantitative real-time PCR assay of truffle mating type genes
root peroxidase (POD) activity. Root activity was determined by TTC
(2, 3, 5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride) method and expressed as the The mating type genes of T. melanosporum and T. indicum in rhizo-
TTC reduction intensity (μg) of per gram of fresh roots within per hour sphere soil of P. armandii seedlings on four sampling times were abso-
(Zhang et al., 2019b). The measurement of SOD activity in root used the lutely quantified by real-time PCR. With total DNA as the template, the
nitro-blue tetrazolium (NBT) method, based on the theory that the NBT specific primers P19 and P20, and, P1 and P2 were used to respectively
photochemical reduction could be inhibited by SOD (Shafi et al., 2015). amplify the MAT1−1-1 gene and MAT1−2-1 gene of T. melanosporum
The POD activity in root was determined by guaiacol method, which (Rubini et al., 2011b) (Table S1). Meanwhile, the MAT1−1-1 and
utilized the catalysis of POD during the oxidation of guaiacol under MAT1−2-1 genes of T. indicum were amplified by primers i3 and i4,
H2O2 existence (Rácz et al., 2018). and, i5 and i6, respectively (Belfiori et al., 2013) (Table S1). Each
The determination of soil properties, including pH, organic matter sample had three technical replicates for amplification. The PCR reac-
(OM), total and available nitrogen (TN and AN), total and available tion system and reaction programs were shown in Table S2. The con-
phosphorus (TP and AP), was carried out as previous description by Li struction of standard curves was performed using serial 10-fold dilu-
et al. (2016). tions as previous method (Luo et al., 2017), and the copy numbers of
mating type genes were then calculated.

2.4. Soil DNA extraction 2.8. Statistical analysis

The total microbial DNA in the rhizosphere soil was extracted with a The means and standard deviations of the data including the growth
FastDNA® SPIN Kit for Soil (Bio-Rad Co, USA) in accordance with the indices, physiological indices, soil properties, phoD gene diversities
instructions. After the detection of DNA quality and concentration (ACE, Chao1, Simpson and Shannon indices) and copy numbers of
through 1% agarose gel electrophoresis and ultraviolet spectro- mating type genes were calculated. The statistical analysis of these data
photometry, the DNA samples were stored at −20 °C. All the DNA was performed by SPSS v22.0 (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA) with one-way
samples had three replicates. analysis of variance (ANOVA) using F test statistic, followed by least
significant difference (LSD) test when the ANOVA results were sig-
2.5. PCR amplification of phoD genes and Illumina MiSeq sequencing nificant at P < 0.05. P-values for multiple testing were then corrected
by Benjamini and Hochberg procedure, with a false discovery rate
ALPS-F730 (5′-CAGTGGGACGACCACGAGGT-3′) and ALPS-1101 ( (FDR) of 5% denoted as statistical significance. The differential taxa in
5′-GAGGCCGATCGGCATGTCG-3′) primers were used to amplify the different treatments were obtained by STAMP software using ANOVA
phoD genes, including three technical replicates of each sample during statistical test followed by Tukey-Kramer post-hoc test, with sig-
amplification (Luo et al., 2017). The reaction system consisted of 1 μL nificance at P < 0.05 (Parks et al., 2014). Permutational multivariate
forward and 1 μL reverse primers (10 μmol L−1), 2 μL dNTPs (2.5 analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) was performed by QIIME and 999
mmol%L−1), 5 μL GC buffer, 5 μL reaction buffer, 2 μL DNA template replacement tests were also performed to identify the statistical sig-
and 0.25 μL Q5 DNA polymerase, diluted to 25 μL with ddH2O. The nificance of the differences in taxonomic composition between groups.
reaction programs contained 25–30 cycles, conducted according to The redundancy analysis (RDA) of environmental variables and the
previous method (Zhang et al., 2019). The PCR products were mixed bacterial communities harbouring phoD genes were conducted in R
and then detected, after that they were recovered by gel recovery kit statistical software package (version 2.15.0) using vegan packages, in
(Axygen, USA) and quantified using the Quant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA order to reveal the relationships between the two. The correlation be-
Assay Kit on Microplate reader (BioTek, FLx800). The samples were tween soil properties and truffle mating type gene abundances were
mixed in a corresponding proportion according to the fluorescence carried out by Pearson correlation analysis using SPSS v22.0.
quantitative results.
The sequencing library preparation was generated by TruSeq Nano 3. Results
DNA LT Library Prep Kit (Illumina, USA) and their quality was in-
spected on Agilent Bioanalyzer. Illumina MiSeq sequencing platform 3.1. Ectomycorrhizal development and truffle colonization rate
was used to perform the next-generation sequencing according to the
standard process, which was conducted by Personal Biotechnology, Co., Two months after inoculation, there was no presence of ectomy-
Ltd. (Shanghai, China). The raw sequencing data were deposited in corrhizae in either mel. arm or ind. arm treatment. Four months after
NCBI SRA database with the accession number SRP242476/ inoculation, the ectomycorrhizae of T. melanosporum and T. indicum
PRJNA601834. were successfully observed, with the milky or yellowish color. As time

X. Zhang, et al. Microbiological Research 239 (2020) 126520

Fig. 1. Ectomycorrhizae of P. armandii seedlings with T. melanosporum (a, b) and T. indicum (e, f); Roots of P. armandii seedlings that were not colonized by truffles (i,
j); Transversal sections of T. melanosporum ectomycorrhizae (c), T. indicum ectomycorrhizae (g) and ordinary root tips (k); Longitudinal sections of T. melanosporum
ectomycorrhizae (d), T. indicum ectomycorrhizae (h) and ordinary root tips (l).

went on, the ectomycorrhizae increased, showing the morphology of root-shoot ratio of the seedlings gradually increased in the first 6
monopodium, binary branches, coral-like or cluster-like, gradually months, but decreased on the M8. The T. melanosporum-colonized
deepening the color to yellowish brown or dark brown (Fig. 1a, b, e, f), seedlings had significantly higher root-shoot ratio than Control under
which exhibited the obvious differences from the ordinary roots in four sampling time (P = 0.003, 0.002, 0.013, 0.033 on M2, M4, M6,
Control treatment (Fig. 1i, j). The structure of the Hartig net could be M8). However, T. indicum colonization only significantly increased the
clearly seen from the ectomycorrhizal slices in mel. arm and ind. arm root-shoot ratio of P. armandii on the 2nd month (P = 0.003) and 8th
treatment (Fig. 1c, d, g, h), while the common roots didn’t have this month (P = 0.036) after inoculation. Although the root-shoot ratio in
structure (Fig. 1k, l). mel. arm treatment were higher than that of ind. arm treatment, the
On the 4th and 6th months after inoculation, there were no sig- differences didn’t reach the significant level.
nificant differences in colonization rate between the two truffles (Table The physiological indices of P. armandii seedlings, including root
S3). However, on the 8th month after inoculation, the colonization rate activity, root SOD and POD activity, were varied with time, and showed
of T. indicum on P. armandii seedlings was 61.98 % ± 10 %, which was a higher level in truffle inoculation treatments (Fig. 2). Detailedly, the
significantly higher than that of T. melanosporum (47.94 % ± 8%) root activity reached the maximum on the 4th month after inoculation,
(Independent t test, P = 0.046). with significantly higher values in mel. arm (P = 0.008) and ind. arm
treatment (P = 0.006). The SOD activity in root showed no obvious
differences between the three treatments in the first 4 months, however,
3.2. Effect of T. melanosporum and T. indicum colonization on the growth
it was significantly increased by T. indicum and T. melanosporum colo-
and physiology of P. armandii
nization on the 6th month (P = 0.000) and 8th month (P = 0.045)
after inoculation. The root POD activity of the seedlings gradually in-
The quality of P. armandii seedlings were assessed by the growth
creased with time, which exhibited the significant differences between
indices (Table 1), which were altered by T. melanosporum and T. indicum
Control treatment and two truffle inoculation treatments on the 4th
colonization. The stem circumferences of seedlings were significantly
month (P = 0.009) and 6th month (P = 0.005) after inoculation, with
bigger in Control treatment on the second month (P = 0.048), however,
the minimum value in Control. No significant differences were observed
from the 4th month after inoculation, the stem circumferences of
in root activity, root SOD and POD activity between T. melanosporum-
truffle-colonized seedlings increased sharply, reaching the same level as
colonized seedlings and T. indium-colonized seedlings under four sam-
the Control. The plant height showed no significant differences between
pling time.
three treatments under four sampling time. The main root length and
total root surface area increased with time. On the 6th and 8th month
after inoculation, the root length were significantly longer in Control 3.3. Changes of soil properties in the rhizosphere
treatment (P = 0.005 on M6; P = 0.024 on M8), while the total root
surface area were significantly increased by the colonization of both Some soil properties in the rhizosphere of P. armandii seedlings were
two truffles (P = 0.046 on M6; P = 0.04 on M8). There were no ob- affected by T. melanosporum and T. indium colonization (Table 2). The
vious differences in these two indices between mel. arm and ind. arm soil pH nearly didn’t show significant differences between the three
treatments. treatments under the four sampling time. The soil OM contents were
The biomass of the seedlings also increased with time (Table 1). significantly more in the truffle-colonized treatments compared with
Comparing with the Control, T. melanosporum and T. indicum coloni- the Control on the four observed months (P = 0.03, 0.041, 0.042, 0.032
zation significantly increased the biomass of P. armandii on the 4th on M2, M4, M6, M8). Only on the 6th month after inoculation, there
month (P = 0.023) and 6th month (P = 0.039) after inoculation. The were significant differences in OM between mel. arm and ind. arm

X. Zhang, et al. Microbiological Research 239 (2020) 126520

Table 1
The growth of P. armandii seedlings with or without T. melanosporum and T. indicum colonization under different sampling time.
Sampling time Treatments Stem circumferences (mm) Plant height (cm) Main root length (cm) Total root surface area (cm2) Biomass (g) Root-shoot

M2 Control2 0.97 ± 0.23a 13.63 ± 0.77a 5.77 ± 0.96a 10.52 ± 3.40a 0.95 ± 0.15a 0.13 ± 0.05a
ind.arm2 0.50 ± 0.12b 14.04 ± 1.51a 7.64 ± 2.80a 10.18 ± 4.42a 0.99 ± 0.11a 0.27 ± 0.04b
mel.arm2 0.51 ± 0.24b 13.10 ± 1.16a 7.38 ± 1.36a 12.21 ± 3.42a 1.21 ± 0.10a 0.29 ± 0.01b
M4 Control4 1.18 ± 0.41a 14.38 ± 0.60a 12.14 ± 2.56a 15.54 ± 1.08a 1.34 ± 0.05a 0.27 ± 0.02a
ind.arm4 0.60 ± 0.17a 14.23 ± 0.36a 10.95 ± 1.94a 20.16 ± 2.76a 1.50 ± 0.06b 0.32 ± 0.02ab
mel.arm4 0.80 ± 0.19a 13.38 ± 0.94a 11.37 ± 0.35a 20.11 ± 5.22a 1.48 ± 0.03b 0.39 ± 0.06b
M6 Control6 1.97 ± 0.07a 15.02 ± 1.34a 21.87 ± 1.01a 18.05 ± 5.13a 1.52 ± 0.04a 0.35 ± 0.01a
ind.arm6 2.02 ± 0.19a 14.89 ± 0.61a 12.96 ± 3.08b 28.40 ± 1.43b 1.67 ± 0.02b 0.40 ± 0.07ab
mel.arm6 2.00 ± 0.10a 14.37 ± 0.70a 14.10 ± 1.37b 26.78 ± 3.63b 1.68 ± 0.10b 0.47 ± 0.07b
M8 Control8 2.13 ± 0.16a 15.01 ± 1.41a 25.80 ± 2.32a 27.42 ± 4.65a 2.22 ± 0.04a 0.27 ± 0.04a
ind.arm8 2.18 ± 0.44a 14.70 ± 0.79a 16.32 ± 2.30b 40.88 ± 4.61b 2.29 ± 0.46a 0.35 ± 0.03b
mel.arm8 2.08 ± 0.16a 16.30 ± 1.01a 19.76 ± 4.06ab 41.25 ± 8.76b 1.81 ± 0.10a 0.37 ± 0.03b

Each value is the mean of nine replicates ( ± SD). ANOVA was performed using F test statistic, followed by LSD post-hoc test. Values followed by different lowercase
letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05) between samples in the same sampling time. M2, M4, M6, and M8 represent P. armandii seedlings harvested on the
2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th month after truffle inoculation, respectively. Control treatment, P. armandii seedlings without T. melanosporum and T. indicum colonization.
ind.arm treatment, P. armandii seedlings with T. indicum colonization. mel.arm treatment, P. armandii seedlings with T. melanosporum colonization.

treatment (P = 0.008), with significantly higher value in soil samples of by Control treatment (Fig. 3c, d).
T. indium-colonized seedlings. Comparing with the Control, T. indium In the first four month after inoculation, the richness and diversity
colonization also significantly increased the soil TN under the 2nd of bacterial community harbouring phoD genes showed no significant
month (P = 0.009), 6th month (P = 0.003) and 8th month (P = 0.015) differences in three different treatments, according to the ACE, Chao1,
after inoculation, while T. melanosporum colonization significantly in- Simpson and Shannon indices (Table 3). However, on the 6th month
creased TN only on the 6th month after inoculation (P = 0.000). Soil after inoculation, Shannon and Simpson indices indicated that the soil
AN contents were significantly improved by T. indium colonization on phoD-harbouring bacterial diversity was significantly decreased by T.
the 8th month after inoculation (P = 0.042), and they were not affected melanosporum colonization (P = 0.028; P = 0.033). And on the 8th
by T. melanosporum colonization on the four observed months. Soil TP month after inoculation, the ACE and Chao1 values were also sig-
showed obvious changes between different treatments from the 6th nificantly lower in mel. arm treatment (P = 0.045; P = 0.048), which
month after inoculation, with significantly lower values in mel. arm indicated that T. melanosporum inoculation significantly decreased the
treatment (P = 0.002 on M6; P = 0.001 on M8). Both T. melanosporum richness of soil bacteria with phoD genes. Comparing with the Control
and T. indium inoculation significantly improved the AP contents in the treatment, T. indium colonization didn’t affect the alpha diversity in-
rhizosphere soil under the four sampling months (P = 0.000, 0.009, dices of phoD-harbouring bacterial community.
0.002, 0.002 on M2, M4, M6, M8), however, the differences of AP be-
tween mel. arm and ind. arm treatments didn’t reach the significant 3.5. Taxonomic composition and differences of phoD-harbouring bacterial
level. community

3.4. Alpha diversity of phoD-harbouring bacterial community A total of 5 phyla, 6 classes, 18 orders, 22 families and 32 genera
were identified in the 36 rhizosphere soil samples. At the phylum level,
There were 1,272,571 high quality sequences obtained in all from Proteobacteria were dominant across all the samples, averagely ac-
the 36 rhizosphere soil samples collected on the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th counting for 71.86 %, followed by Actinobacteria (21.62 %) and
month after truffle inoculation, which were clustered into 2330 OTUs Gemmatimonadetes (6.30 %) (Fig. S2). The mel. arm and ind. arm
overall. The rarefaction curves of these OTUs in each sample are dis- treatments contained more Proteobacteria under the four sampling
played in Fig. S1. The shared and unique OTUs number in the three time. Contrary to Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria were significantly
treatments under all the sampling time can be clearly seen from the more abundant in Control treatment compared with truffle-colonized
Venn diagrams (Fig. 3). The shared OTUs of mel. arm, ind. arm and treatments on the 4th month after inoculation (P = 0.044). The
Control treatments gradually increased with the time going. On the 2nd abundance of Gemmatimonadetes showed no significant differences
and 4th month after inoculation, there were more unique OTUs in between the three treatments under all the sampling time.
Control treatment (Fig. 3a, b), while on the 6th and 8th month after At the class level, Alphaproteobacteria (34.85 %),
inoculation, ind. arm treatments contained more unique OTUs, followed Gammaproteobacteria (23.27 %) and Betaproteobacteria (13.72 %)

Fig. 2. Physiology of P. armandii seedlings colonized or uncolonized by T. melanosporum or T. indicum. (a) root activity; (b) root SOD activity; (c) root POD activity.
M2, M4, M6, and M8 represent P. armandii seedlings harvested on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th month after truffle inoculation, respectively. Control treatment, P.
armandii seedlings without T. melanosporum and T. indicum colonization. ind.arm treatment, P. armandii seedlings with T. indicum colonization. mel.arm treatment, P.
armandii seedlings with T. melanosporum colonization.

X. Zhang, et al. Microbiological Research 239 (2020) 126520

Table 2
The soil properties in the rhizosphere of P. armandii seedlings with or without T. melanosporum and T. indicum colonization under different sampling time.
Sampling time Treatments pH OM (g/kg) TN (g/kg) AN (mg/kg) TP (mg/kg) AP (mg/kg)

M2 Control2 8.78 ± 0.03a 28.89 ± 1.20a 0.86 ± 0.01a 38.50 ± 7.00a 1.83 ± 0.06a 4.00 ± 0.60a
mel.arm2 8.76 ± 0.04a 31.83 ± 1.45b 0.85 ± 0.00a 38.48 ± 0.98a 1.77 ± 0.07a 6.64 ± 0.28b
ind.arm2 8.64 ± 0.06b 32.08 ± 0.60b 0.95 ± 0.04b 40.83 ± 2.02a 1.75 ± 0.17a 6.32 ± 0.23b
M4 Control4 8.83 ± 0.04a 31.15 ± 1.19a 0.85 ± 0.02a 37.33 ± 5.35a 1.71 ± 0.10a 4.59 ± 0.67a
mel.arm4 8.87 ± 0.07a 32.76 ± 0.53b 0.89 ± 0.06a 36.17 ± 4.04a 1.77 ± 0.21a 8.34 ± 0.61b
ind.arm4 8.81 ± 0.08a 31.84 ± 1.18ab 0.99 ± 0.07a 37.33 ± 4.04a 1.75 ± 0.21a 8.81 ± 1.71b
M6 Control6 8.86 ± 0.08a 29.11 ± 0.73a 0.75 ± 0.06a 35.00 ± 3.50a 1.71 ± 0.14ab 4.24 ± 1.04a
mel.arm6 8.87 ± 0.08a 30.45 ± 0.47b 0.91 ± 0.02b 36.17 ± 2.02a 1.56 ± 0.02a 8.65 ± 0.89b
ind.arm6 8.85 ± 0.12a 32.48 ± 0.68c 0.99 ± 0.02c 44.33 ± 5.35a 1.82 ± 0.03b 8.63 ± 0.66b
M8 Control8 8.96 ± 0.03a 28.61 ± 0.55a 0.81 ± 0.09a 39.67 ± 2.02a 1.84 ± 0.03a 3.95 ± 0.57a
mel.arm8 8.86 ± 0.09a 30.32 ± 1.17b 0.91 ± 0.02ab 39.33 ± 1.89a 1.69 ± 0.02b 9.77 ± 1.58b
ind.arm8 8.83 ± 0.09a 30.17 ± 0.12b 1.01 ± 0.03b 44.33 ± 2.02b 1.81 ± 0.02a 9.03 ± 0.74b

OM, organic matter; TN, total nitrogen; TP, total phosphorus; AN, available nitrogen; AP, available phosphorus. Each value is the mean of three replicates ( ± SD).
ANOVA was performed using F test statistic, followed by LSD post-hoc test. Values followed by different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05)
between samples in the same sampling time. M2, M4, M6, and M8 represent rhizosphere soil samples of P. armandii seedlings harvested on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th
month after truffle inoculation, respectively. Control treatment, rhizosphere soil without T. melanosporum and T. indicum pattern. ind.arm treatment, rhizosphere soil
with T. indicum pattern. mel.arm treatment, rhizosphere soil samples with T. melanosporum pattern.

Fig. 3. Venn diagrams of shared and unique phoD-harbouring bacterial OTUs in different treatments under different sampling time. M2, M4, M6, and M8 represent
rhizosphere soil samples of P. armandii seedlings harvested on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th month after truffle inoculation, respectively. Control treatment, rhizosphere
soil without T. melanosporum and T. indicum pattern. ind.arm treatment, rhizosphere soil with T. indicum pattern. mel.arm treatment, rhizosphere soil samples with T.
melanosporum pattern.

X. Zhang, et al. Microbiological Research 239 (2020) 126520

Table 3
The richness and diversity indices of phoD-harbouring bacterial community in the rhizosphere soil of P. armandii seedlings with or without T. melanosporum and T.
indicum colonization under different sampling time.
Sampling time Treatments Simpson Shannon Chao1 ACE

M2 Control2 0.96 ± 0.00a 6.39 ± 0.20a 583.42 ± 28.84a 589.88 ± 24.41a

mel.arm2 0.97 ± 0.01a 6.19 ± 0.14a 594.97 ± 75.47a 597.96 ± 68.27a
ind.arm2 0.92 ± 0.10a 5.71 ± 1.47a 580.22 ± 206.54a 599.31 ± 215.70a
M4 Control4 0.96 ± 0.00a 6.61 ± 0.18a 721.01 ± 24.55a 725.89 ± 19.15a
mel.arm4 0.89 ± 0.04a 5.41 ± 2.14a 530.79 ± 355.05a 534.02 ± 357.39a
ind.arm4 0.96 ± 0.02a 6.33 ± 0.34a 616.11 ± 61.43a 624.28 ± 41.15a
M6 Control6 0.96 ± 0.00ab 6.41 ± 0.24a 702.13 ± 87.62a 693.22 ± 82.21a
mel.arm6 0.94 ± 0.02b 5.92 ± 0.31b 643.4 ± 57.45a 666.67 ± 58.62a
ind.arm6 0.97 ± 0.01a 6.45 ± 0.13a 686.18 ± 79.43a 703.84 ± 65.37a
M8 Control8 0.97 ± 0.00a 6.78 ± 0.23a 731.38 ± 84.46ab 735.36 ± 83.90ab
mel.arm8 0.97 ± 0.01a 6.55 ± 0.23a 671.68 ± 28.14a 689.26 ± 46.44a
ind.arm8 0.97 ± 0.01a 6.61 ± 0.24a 775.93 ± 2.44b 803.95 ± 5.37b

Each value is the mean of three replicates ( ± SD). ANOVA was performed using F test statistic, followed by LSD post-hoc test. Values followed by different lowercase
letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05) between samples in the same sampling time. M2, M4, M6, and M8 represent rhizosphere soil samples of P. armandii
seedlings harvested on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th month after truffle inoculation, respectively. Control treatment, rhizosphere soil without T. melanosporum and T.
indicum pattern. ind.arm treatment, rhizosphere soil with T. indicum pattern. mel.arm treatment, rhizosphere soil samples with T. melanosporum pattern.

were the most abundant taxa in all the samples (Fig. S3). On the 4th Sinorhizobium (4.01 %), Pleomorphomonas (3.71 %), and Xanthomonas
month after inoculation, the abundances of Alphaproteobacteria were (3.58 %) (Fig. 4). On the 4th month after inoculation, the abundances of
significantly increased by T. indicum colonization compared with mel. Bradyrhizobium were significantly lower in mel. arm treatments com-
arm treatment (P = 0.027). Gammaproteobacteria were more abundant pared with the ind. arm treatment (P = 0.012). Pseudomonas were
due to the colonization of T. melanosporum in the first 6 months. The significantly richer in ind. arm treatment on the 8th month after in-
differences of Betaproteobacteria between three different treatments oculation (P = 0.042). Saccharopolyspora varied greatly over time, with
under all the sampling time didn’t reach the significant level. highest abundance on the 2th month after inoculation. T. melanosporum
At the genus level, the ten most abundant bacteria with phoD genes and T. indicum colonization significantly decreased Saccharopolyspora
across all the samples were Bradyrhizobium (22.50 %), Pseudomonas abundance on the 4th month after inoculation (P = 0.003). Sinorhizo-
(17.01 %), Streptomyces (11.67 %), Saccharopolyspora (9.01 %), bium were richer in truffle-colonized treatments under 2nd, 4th and 8th
Cupriavidus (7.13 %), Collimonas (6.56 %), Gemmatimonas (6.30 %), month after inoculation, and were significantly increased by T. indicum

Fig. 4. Taxonomic composition of phoD-harbouring bacterial communities at the genus level. M2, M4, M6, and M8 represent rhizosphere soil samples of P. armandii
seedlings harvested on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th month after truffle inoculation, respectively. Control treatment, rhizosphere soil without T. melanosporum and T.
indicum pattern. ind.arm treatment, rhizosphere soil with T. indicum pattern. mel.arm treatment, rhizosphere soil samples with T. melanosporum pattern.

X. Zhang, et al. Microbiological Research 239 (2020) 126520

Fig. 5. Heatmap (a) and comparison analysis (b) of the significantly differential genera among the three different treatments. Control treatment, rhizosphere soil
without T. melanosporum and T. indicum pattern. ind.arm treatment, rhizosphere soil with T. indicum pattern. mel.arm treatment, rhizosphere soil samples with T.
melanosporum pattern.

colonization on the 6th month after inoculation (P = 0.012). Xantho- 3.6. phoD-harbouring bacterial community structure and their correlation
monas were more abundant in mel. arm treatment under four sampling with soil properties
time, which were significantly increased by T. melanosporum coloniza-
tion on the 6th month after inoculation compared with the other two The structural differences in bacterial community harbouring phoD
treatments (P = 0.015). The abundances of Streptomyces, Cupriavidus, genes among the samples were estimated by NMDS analysis (Fig. S4),
Collimonas, Gemmatimonas and Pleomorphomonas didn’t show the sig- which indicated that T. indicum and T. melanosporum colonization al-
nificant differences between the three treatments under all sampling tered the structure of phoD-harbouring bacterial community (PERMA-
time. NOVA, P = 0.001). More specifically, on the 2nd month after in-
Overall, taking the samples in different time together, Pseudomonas, oculation, the phoD-harbouring bacterial community structure in ind.
Sinorhizobium, Xanthomonas, Lysobacter and Chromobacterium were the arm treatment differed significantly from that in the other two treat-
significantly differential genera among the mel. arm treatment, ind. arm ments (PERMANOVA, P = 0.009) (Fig. 6a). On the 4th month after
treatment and Control treatment (Fig. 5a). Pseudomonas and Sinorhi- inoculation, mel. arm and ind. arm treatments contained significantly
zobium were more abundant in truffle-colonized treatments compared different structure of phoD-harbouring bacterial community with the
with Control, especially in ind. arm treatment (P = 0.010; P = 0.026) Control (PERMANOVA, P = 0.002) (Fig. 6b). On the 6th and 8th month
(Fig. 5b). Xanthomonas were richer in mel. arm treatment compared after inoculation, the phoD-harbouring bacterial community structures
with the other two treatments (P = 0.028) while Lysobacter were sig- in three different treatments were significantly separate from each
nificantly more abundant in Control treatment (P = 0.011) (Fig. 5b). other (PERMANOVA, P = 0.008 and P = 0.004) (Fig. 6c, d).

X. Zhang, et al. Microbiological Research 239 (2020) 126520

Fig. 6. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis of phoD-harbouring bacterial communities in rhizosphere soil of P. armandii seedlings. M2, M4, M6,
and M8 represent rhizosphere soil samples of P. armandii seedlings harvested on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th month after truffle inoculation, respectively. Control
treatment, rhizosphere soil without T. melanosporum and T. indicum pattern. ind.arm treatment, rhizosphere soil with T. indicum pattern. mel.arm treatment, rhi-
zosphere soil samples with T. melanosporum pattern.

The relationship between phoD-harbouring bacterial community genes were dominated in all the samples of ind. arm treatment, rather
and soil properties could be observed in redundancy analysis (RDA) than the MAT1−2-1 genes, which exhibited the uneven distribution.
(Fig. S5). Soil pH, OM and AP contents showed significantly correlation The ratio of T. indicum mating type genes (MAT1−1-1/ MAT1−2-1)
with the composition of phoD-harbouring bacterial community were significantly increased on the 4th month after inoculation (P =
(P < 0.05). 0.038), which indicated that the distribution of T. indicum mating type
genes altered with the time.
The mating type genes of both truffles showed no significant cor-
3.7. Distribution of truffle mating type genes in the rhizosphere soil and their relation with the detected soil properties (Table S4). However, the
relationship with soil properties distribution of T. indicum mating type genes (MAT1−1-1/ MAT1−2-1)
exhibited the significantly positive correlation with soil pH (P = 0.002)
The absolute quantification results of mating type genes of T. mel- and AP (P = 0.004).
anosporum and T. indicum were presented with their copy numbers
(Table 4). However, the MAT1−2-1 genes of T. melanosporum were not
detected in all the rhizosphere soil samples under the four sampling 4. Discussion
time. The amplification efficiencies for T. melanosporum MAT1−1-1
genes, T. indicum MAT1−1-1 genes, and T. indicum MAT1−2-1 genes The mutualistic symbiosis of fungi and host plants through the ec-
were 70.8 %, 84.2 % and 90.2 %, respectively. And the corresponding tomycorrhizae is an important and long-term stage during the life cycle
R2 values of the regression curves were 0.998, 0.992 and 0.996. The of truffles, which also play an important role in the ecological en-
abundances of T. melanosporum MAT1−1-1 genes were significantly vironment (Mello and Balestrini, 2018). In the early symbiotic stage,
increased on the 4th month after inoculation (P = 0.03), and main- the quality of truffle-colonized seedlings, including the truffle coloni-
tained this level until the 8th month. The MAT1−1-1 genes of T. in- zation level and the growth and physiology of host plants, is the im-
dicum in the rhizosphere soil showed no significant differences between portant factor that determines the production of truffle fruiting bodies
different sampling time. The MAT1−2-1 genes of T. indicum were sig- in the plantations (Andres-Alpuente et al., 2014), which is crucial for
nificantly less on the 4th and 6th month after inoculation comparing the successful truffle cultivation. Meanwhile, the truffle-associated
with the other two months (P = 0.041). For T. indicum, the MAT1−1-1 microbes are the third partner involved in the growth and development

X. Zhang, et al. Microbiological Research 239 (2020) 126520

Table 4
Real-time absolute quantification of T. melanosporum and T. indicum mating type genes in the rhizosphere soil of P. armandii seedlings under different time after
Treatments Sampling time MAT1−1-1 Absolute RT-PCR (copies μL−1) MAT1−2-1 Absolute RT-PCR (copies μL−1) MAT1−1-1/MAT1−2-1

ind.arm M2 6436.76 ± 1120.36a 4265.13 ± 482.62a 1.52 ± 0.29a

M4 9454.15 ± 1027.25a 1873.70 ± 150.42b 5.06 ± 0.51b
M6 8459.89 ± 514.43a 1816.42 ± 138.53b 4.86 ± 0.39b
M8 22300.14 ± 2203.87a 4498.64 ± 2110.97a 4.79 ± 3.41ab
mel.arm M2 333.36 ± 151.79a Not detected /
M4 1175.77 ± 312.34b
M6 996.75 ± 300.70b
M8 978.16 ± 289.66b

Each value is the mean of three replicates ( ± SD). ANOVA was performed using F test statistic, followed by LSD post-hoc test. Values followed by different lowercase
letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05) between samples in the same treatment. M2, M4, M6, and M8 represent rhizosphere soil samples of P. armandii
seedlings harvested on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th month after truffle inoculation, respectively. ind.arm treatment, rhizosphere soil with T. indicum pattern. mel.arm
treatment, rhizosphere soil samples with T. melanosporum pattern.

of truffles, which also contribute to truffle formation (Benucci and physiological functions in anti-oxidation, anti-stress, respiration and
Bonito, 2016; Chen et al., 2019). So in this study, we collected the photosynthesis (Bela et al., 2015; Luis et al., 2018). In our previous
seedling samples and rhizosphere soil samples associated with T. mel- studies, T. indicum inoculation improved the SOD activity of Quercus
anosporum and T. indicum under four periods in the early symbiotic acutissima roots on the 6th month after inoculation but had no obvious
stage to assess, and found that the micro-ecology of these two truffles effects on the host plant POD activity (Zhang et al., 2019b). In terms of
was significantly changed compared with control group. the comparision between these two truffle species, the effects of T.
Four month after inoculation, the ectomycorrhizae of T. melanos- melanosporum on the growth and physiology of P. armandii seedlings
porum and T. indicum were successfully detected, with the presence of were similar as that of T. indicum.
Hartig net, a mycelium network occupying the space between root Soil properties are closely related to the truffle growth and their
cortical and epidermal cells (Daba et al., 2019). Although the coloni- production, also in turn, truffle colonization can have a feedback on the
zation rates of these two truffle species on P. armandii were not very soil properties (Ponce et al., 2014; Li et al., 2018). In our study, both T.
high compared with our previous study (Zhang et al., 2019), T. indicum indicum and T. melanosporum colonization significantly improve the
colonization level was significantly higher than T. melanosporum’s, organic matter and available P in the rhizosphere soil of P. armandii
which indicated that the ectomycorrhizal development of T. indicum seedlings on four sampling periods, especially available P, averagely
was better and T. indicum was more suitable than T. melanosporum to increased by 97 % in truffle-colonized treatments. T. indicum also en-
select P. armandii as the host plant. Actually, P. armandii is not the hanced the soil total and available N to some extent, however, the effect
natural host range of T. melanosporum, however, from the results of this of T. melanosporum on the improvement of soil N was not obvious as
experiment, the domestication of T. melanosporum with P. armandii can that of T. indicum. Some previous studies showed that the colonization
be performed in some native areas in China in the future. of T. panzhihuanense and T. borchii on Corylus avellana seedlings could
The truffle-host plant interactions were reflected in the substance significantly increase the soil available P (Li et al., 2019a; Yang et al.,
transportation through the ectomycorrhizae, as well as the metabolic 2019), which were similar as our results. However, the organic matter
signals produced by truffles and hosts (Daba et al., 2019). Many studies was not altered obviously by T. borchii and T. panzhihuanense. Li et al.
showed that the mycorrhizal symbiosis can improve the nutrients (2018) reported that the organic matter, total and available N in the
transportation between host plants and mycorrhizal fungi, which brings rhizosphere of Quercus aliena could be enhanced by T. indicum mycor-
developmental and physiological benefits for the hosts (Liese et al., rhization. These changes of soil properties may contribute to truffle
2017; Álvarez-Lafuente et al., 2018). Turgeman et al. (2011) reported ectomycorrhizal synthesis.
that the inoculation of desert truffle Terfezi boudieri improved the bio- In the environment associated with Tuber, some soil microbes are
mass accumulation and shoot-root ratios of Helianthemum sessiliflorum, likely involved in the molecular mechanisms that control the formation
and it also increased the drought resistance of the host. Domínguez of truffle ascocarps (Siebyła and Hilszczańska, 2017; Chen et al., 2019).
Núñez et al. (2008) proved that the mycorrhization of Pinus halepensis Many studies have explored the truffle-associated microbes, including
seedlings with T. melanosporum improved the plant height, ground the microbes in the brûlé areas, truffle ascocarps, truffle ectomycor-
diameter, biomass and nutrient absorption of the seedlings. In this rhizae and rhizosphere soil, and some bacteria or fungi have been found
study, although the changes of various plant growth indices showed to have the relationship with truffles (Mello et al., 2013; Vahdatzadeh
different trends with time after inoculation, on the whole, T. indicum et al., 2015; Deveau et al., 2016; Chen et al., 2019). However, rare
and T. melanosporum colonization could promote the growth of the P. reports have focused on a combination of the microbial community and
armandii to a certain extent, like improving the biomass, root-shoot bacterial functional genes during the growth of truffles (Barbieri et al.,
ratios and total root surface area of the host. However, the plant height 2010; Chen et al., 2019), which may be beneficial to explore the spe-
and stem circumferences were not affected by truffle colonization. cific roles of these truffle-associated microbes. In this study, due to the
Some studies reported that the morphology of host plant roots could be significant changes of the soil available P after T. indicum and T. mel-
regulated by the colonization of ectomycorrhizal fungi like truffles, anosporum colonization and the importance of P cycling in the ecto-
including the root shortening, the increase of lateral roots and bran- mycorrhizal soil, phoD-harbouring bacterial community were detected.
ches, which were resulted by the metabolic signals released by fungi phoD alkaline phosphatase was responsible for hydrolyzing a range of
(Felten et al., 2009; Splivallo et al., 2009). This maybe could explain organic phosphoesters, which could contribute to the release of avail-
why the total root surface area of P. armandii increased while the main able P (Ragot et al., 2015). However, the results found that the richness
root length of them decreased in this study. As for the physiological or diversity of phoD-harbouring bacterial communities was decreased
changes in this paper, the root activity, root SOD and POD activity of P. by T. melanosporum colonization on the 6th and 8th month after in-
armandii showed the enhancement in different time after T. melanos- oculation. This may indicate that T. melanosporum may improve the
porum and T. indicum colonization. SOD and POD are free radical sca- available P through other ways rather than phoD-harbouring bacteria,
vengers widely existing in the organisms, which play the important e.g., through acid phosphatase (Fraser et al., 2017). Some reports also

X. Zhang, et al. Microbiological Research 239 (2020) 126520

showed that truffles could produce some metabolites that inhibited the genes. So in truffle plantations, the management of soil pH and avail-
growth of some other organism, which lead the microbial diversity able P needs to be emphasized. Furthermore, the distribution and dy-
decreased in truffle brûlé or in the rhizosphere soil of truffle-colonized namic changes of mating type genes in truffle ectomycorrhizae and soils
seedlings (Streiblova et al., 2012; Mello et al., 2013; Zhang et al., after establishment in the field require further investigation.
2019b). phoD alkaline phosphatase was distributed across twenty bac- In conclusion, after the dynamic monitoring, both T. melanosporum
terial phyla and was mainly found in Actinobacteria, Cyanobacteria, and T. indicum colonization could promote the growth of P. armandii
Planctomycetes and Proteobacteria according to other researches seedlings to some extent, and T. indicum was more suitable for P. ar-
(Ragot et al., 2016; Luo et al., 2017). In this paper, Proteobacteria was mandii than T. melanosporum according to the colonization rate. The
the most dominant taxa across all the samples, followed by Actino- colonization of these two truffles also had a feedback on the soil, with
bacteria. Proteobacteria was increased while Actinobacteria was de- the changes of soil properties and soil phoD-harbouring bacterial com-
creased with the colonization of truffles. At the genus level, a symbiotic munities in the rhizosphere. The structure of phoD-harbouring bacteria
and free-living N2-fixer, Bradyrhizobium, was most abundant in all the and the distribution of T. indicum mating type genes were found cor-
samples, which was also discovered in some truffle ascocarps, like T. related with some soil properties. During the early stage of symbiosis,
magnatum and T. indicum (Barbieri et al., 2010; Chen et al., 2019). Si- these truffle-plant-soil-microbe interactions results could give us a
norhizobium, also a N2-fixer with phoD genes, was more abundant in better understanding on truffle growth, which would be beneficial to
truffle-colonized treatments, indicating that this taxa may play an im- the subsequent cultivation of truffles.
portant role in coupling N and P cycle in the truffle-associated en-
vironment. Pseudomonas was richer with the colonization of T. indicm in Funding
this study. Previous reports showed that some species belonging to
Pseudomonas were beneficial to truffle ectomycorrhizal synthesis, like P. This work was supported by the National Naltural Science
fluorescens, known as the “mycorrhizal helper bacteria” (Dominguez Foundation of China (No. 31900079).
et al., 2012). Although some taxa with phoD genes exhibited no obvious
differences between different groups in this study, the structure of Declaration of Competing Interest
phoD-harbouring bacterial communities were significantly altered by T.
melanosporum and T. indicum colonization under the four periods in the The authors declare that they have no potential conflict of interest.
early symbiotic stage, which suggested that the bacteria with phoD
genes played an important role in truffle growth. Some researches have Appendix A. Supplementary data
reported that soil pH and OM could drive the structure of phoD-har-
bouring bacterial communities in cropping systems or in orchard soil Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the
(Cui et al., 2015; Ragot et al., 2016). In our study, the composition of online version, at doi:
phoD-harbouring bacterial communities was found correlated with soil
pH, AP and OM. And OM and AP contents were affected by truffle References
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porum, suggesting that MAT1−1-1 genes seemed to be more adapted to New evidence for nitrogen fixation within the Italian white truffle Tuber magnatum.
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this condition than MAT1−2-1 genes. In truffle orchards, MAT1−1-1 Bela, K., Horváth, E., Gallé, Á., Szabados, L., Tari, I., Csiszár, J., 2015. Plant glutathione
was found more abundant than MAT1−2-1 in T. melanosporum ecto- peroxidases: emerging role of the antioxidant enzymes in plant development and
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