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How to do biblical exegesis

1. Prepare a week before-or the latest, the Monday before

2. Identify the readings, get the texts. Do a prayerful reading of the text- do a lection divina on the
3. Get your bible and look at the context of the pericope. What comes immediately before your
text? What comes after ? what is the whole book all about?
a. Periccope- example- a chage in the character
- Change in the place
- These are markers or maybe a theme
- Look at the pericope
4. What is the cultural context of the episodes/passage
- Look at the context, what comes after that
- This is abut prayer
- If you now the context-that is more powerful
- Why is he there?
- Where do you find this reading? This is part of the context….in the book of OT
- What is that book all about- even one or two sentences
- Israel they plant like that
- Wedding at Cana- their wedding is not the same our wedding now
- How was the wedding all about during the time of Jesus
- Secure a bible with cultural background
- Culture is very important- because we are very far from the text
5. Identify and give the background of signifant persons, places or events.
- read about the person- then look at that person- Herod for example- which
herod are you referring to
- places- Capernaum- look at that map- near the sea or mouuntain
- Do not be victims of commentaries
- Look immediately at the bible
- For the context- you may check the internet
- Pentecost for example- is petecst only on the part of the apostles? No-
pentecpst also is afeast day or ceebrations of their harvest
- Be careul also the text which is in the bracket- those are important- parallel or
added texts
6. Look for the key words/phrases within the text
7. Other considerations: textual problems, parallel texts, terms used by the writer, genre, etc..
- Spirit for example- in Luke- look for concordance- where else did he used this
- Genre- what we have is Lament.poetry…etc
8. Close reading of the text, ask exegetical questions
- Go verse by verse or pharse by phrase- then examiin what is the meaning of
this verse
- Explaining each phrase or words
- It will reveal to you a lot of meaning
- The footnotes will help you
- Exegetical question- question that ask a meaning with in the text
- Jesus is speaking a parable- What is a parable?- parables are…
- The aim of parable- is to make the audience think
- Exegetiacal questions- when I read the text,, what should I clarify here
9. What is the message of the passage


1. Introduction – a short summary of the reading (2 mins)

a. One sentence per reading
- Elijah experience the lord not in the sea but in the wind….
2. First reading 5 mins
a. Read the text
b. Observations on the text
c. Message of the text
3. Second reading 5 mins
a. Read the text
b. Observations on the text- not give everything
c. The message of the text
4. Gospel 5 mins.
a. Read the text
b. Observations on the text
c. Message of the text
5. Tie up all readings
- The first reading is related in the gospel
- This coming Sunday- the relation is Fear
- The second reading is usually dependent- do not force the issue
6. Personal reflection 5 mins

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