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Synchrophasor Assisted Adaptive Reach Setting of Distance Relays in

Presence of UPFC

Article in IEEE Systems Journal · October 2011

DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2011.2158694 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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3 authors, including:

Seethalekshmi K. Sn Singh
Institute of Engineering & Technology - Lucknow Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur


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Synchrophasor Assisted Adaptive Reach Setting of

Distance Relays in Presence of UPFC
K. Seethalekshmi, Student Member, IEEE, S. N. Singh, Senior Member, IEEE, and
S. C. Srivastava, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—The operation of Flexible AC Transmission System out in the literature [2]–[8]. It deals with the change in the ap-
Controllers (FACTS) in the power transmission system pose a parent impedance measured by the relay in the presence of these
challenge to the distance relaying scheme. This paper suggests an controllers. The performance analysis in [3] utilizes a steady
adaptive scheme for estimating the trip boundaries of a distance
relay in presence of a Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC), state voltage source model of the UPFC with fixed compensa-
utilizing a Generalized Regression Neural Network (GRNN). tion levels for studying the effects of location of the UPFC and
Initially, the impact of the UPFC on the relay’s trip boundary fault resistance on the distance relay operation. A more exhaus-
is studied for its automatic power flow control mode as well as tive analysis has been carried out in [4], [5] considering a de-
bypass mode of operation. The GRNN has been trained off-line tailed model of the UPFC. However, [3]–[5] do not discuss the
with the data generated from a detailed performance analysis
of the power system for various faults considering the effects strategies for mitigating the underreach/overreach issues in the
of the UPFC, fault resistance, and system loading conditions on distance relays.
the trip boundaries. This work has also proposed a strategy that The challenge in the distance protection in the presence of
computes the control parameters of the UPFC on-line, namely, FACTS controllers such as UPFC, is due to the variation of
series voltage and reactive current injections, utilizing the syn- its control parameters namely, the series voltage and reactive
chronized phasor measurements from Phasor Measurement Units
(PMUs). Pre-fault system states, including the control parameters current injections. These protection issues can be addressed ei-
of the UPFC and the apparent impedance measured by the relay ther through the development of dedicated schemes for fault
unit have been utilized by the GRNN for predicting the trip location in transmission lines provided with UPFC [6], [7] or
boundaries of the relay. The proposed scheme has considered through the adaptive prediction of trip boundaries of the conven-
Single Line-to-Ground (SLG), Double Line-to-Ground (LLG) and tional distance relays. The development of dedicated schemes
Three Phase-to-Ground (LLLG) faults and the effectiveness of the
scheme has been tested on 39-bus New England system and also [6], [7] has attracted much more attention as compared to the
on a 17-bus system, a reduced equivalent of practical Northern adaptive trip boundary prediction. As a typical distance relay
Regional Power Grid (NRPG) system in India. consists of fault detection, classification, measurement and trip
Index Terms—Distance relay, generalized regression neural net- region comparison units, replacing the fixed Mho/quadrilateral
work (GRNN), synchrophasor, trip boundary, unified power flow trip region comparison unit with an adaptive trip characteris-
controller (UPFC). tics is an effective option for dealing with the protection is-
sues in the presence of an UPFC. One such scheme has been
proposed by the authors’ in [8] and was demonstrated only for
I. INTRODUCTION Single-Line-to-Ground (SLG) fault.
This paper proposes a scheme to predict the trip boundaries of
a conventional distance relay in the presence of UPFC through
T HE introduction of Flexible AC Transmission System
(FACTS) [1] controllers in the power system opens
up new challenges to the line protection as they change the
the knowledge of the control parameters of the UPFC. It com-
putes the series voltage and reactive current injection by the
UPFC on-line with the help of synchronized phasor measure-
impedance of the lines dynamically. Consequently, distance
ments [9] and these parameters are utilized in the adaptive trip
relays, in the associated transmission system, will have an
boundary prediction. Additionally, the scheme also considers
overreaching or underreaching effect depending on the control
the fact that depending on the magnitude of the fault current,
modes of the FACTS controllers. Hence, determining the
the UPFC may change its status to bypass operating mode [10],
boundaries of operation of a distance relay, adaptively in the
where series voltage injection is zero.
presence of FACTS controllers, is a challenging task.
The proposed scheme is based on Artificial Neural Network
An extensive analysis of the distance protection scheme, in
(ANN), which has found applications in adaptive reach settings
the presence of various FACTS controllers, has been carried
of the conventional distance relays [11], [12]. To adapt to the
changes in the system, external to the protected line, an adap-
Manuscript received February 28, 2011; revised May 29, 2011; accepted May
tive reach setting concept is presented using three Back Prop-
29, 2011. Date of publication July 05, 2011; date of current version August 24,
2011.This work was supported by the Department of Science and Technology, agation Neural Networks (BPNN) in [11] and by using three
New Delhi, India, under Project DST/EE/20100258. Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBFNN) in [12], uti-
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Insti-
lizing local signals. These ANN structures suffer from the draw-
tute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India (e-mail:;; back that they require large training time for learning the several
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSYST.2011.2158694 possible combinations of the operating scenarios of the system.

1932-8184/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE


For overcoming the above drawback, the proposed scheme uti-

lizes a single Generalized Regression Neural Network (GRNN)
[13]. Pre-fault system data along with the impedance measured
by the relay unit have been utilized by the GRNN for the es-
timation of the trip characteristics under various faults namely,
Single Line-to-Ground (SLG), Double Line-to-Ground (LLG)
and Three Phase-to-Ground (LLLG) faults.
The proposed scheme has been tested on 39-bus New Eng-
land system [14] and also on a reduced equivalent of Northern
Regional Power Grid (NRPG) system, India [15], [16]. Trip
boundaries generated by the GRNN for various types of faults
have been compared with the conventional Mho relay charac-
teristics and also the capability of the GRNN to approximate Fig. 1. Transmission line - with UPFC located near the relay end.
the function has been compared with that of BPNN. Test results
indicate that the proposed GRNN architecture is able to effec- For a SLG fault, voltage measured at the relay point will be as
tively track the relay trip boundary with the pre-fault operating follows:
conditions along with the pre-fault control settings of the UPFC.
where and denote the positive and zero sequence phase
currents and and stand for the positive and zero se-
A. Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC)
quence impedance of the transmission line. Series voltage
An UPFC uses a combination of a shunt controller and a source of the UPFC is represented by , ( ).
series controller interconnected through a common dc bus. Both Voltage source of shunt branch is denoted by ,( )
series and shunt controllers use a Voltage Source Converter and current injected by the shunt branch as respectively and
(VSC) [17]. One VSC, connected in shunt to the transmission “ ” represents fraction of the line length to the fault location
line through a shunt transformer, is operated as a Static Syn- from the relay point. Fault resistance and fault current are
chronous Compensator (STATCOM). It controls the ac voltage denoted by and , respectively.
at its terminals and also the dc bus voltage. Reactive current Apparent impedance in (1), is affected by the se-
injection is self-adjusted to maintain the voltage at the bus, ries voltage and the shunt current injections by the UPFC apart
where the shunt branch is connected. Another VSC, connected from the fault resistance and shunt capacitance of the line. A
to the system through a series transformer, is used to control the fixed level compensation, based on the initial series voltage in-
active and reactive power flow in the line. The series controller jection level and reactive current injection, is not feasible as
can operate either in automatic power flow control mode or these parameters are continuously changing in order to fulfill
manual voltage injection mode. the control objectives. Hence, this work proposes to compute
As installation of the UPFC requires a sub-station, in practice, the control parameters of the UPFC on-line for ensuring the
it may either be located at the sending end or the receiving end satisfactory operation of the conventional distance relay for the
of the line. In this study, the UPFC is located near to the sending faults in its primary and backup zones.
end of the line. 2) Bypass Mode of UPFC: In the bypass mode, (1) gets mod-
ified as series voltage injection by the UPFC, becomes zero.
B. Impedance Measured by the Relay in the Presence of UPFC Hence, the measured voltage, at the relay location, becomes
The effect of the UPFC on apparent impedance seen by the
relay mainly depends on its location with respect to the fault
point and its operating mode under the fault. The most common As this mode of operation causes apparent impedance to
operating mode of the UPFC is automatic power flow control change considerably, the proposed scheme has considered this
mode. In this mode of operation, series injection voltage is dy- mode also while deriving the adaptive relaying strategy. The
namically adjusted to maintain the power flow in the line to the distance relays in the studies are assumed to be self–polarized.
reference settings. UPFC also assumes a self protection mode
called bypass mode, in which power flow can not be allowed
through the series controller beyond a certain level. Shunt con- III. COMPUTATION OF CONTROL SETTINGS OF UPFC
troller may or may not be connected, if it is intended to provide The control settings of the UPFC, under a given operating
a voltage regulation feature [10]. condition, are generally obtained using state estimation proce-
1) Automatic Power Flow Control Mode of UPFC: Fig. 1 dures [18]. However, the state estimation procedures involve
shows an UPFC installed near a relay point in a line. In gen- nonlinear optimization techniques, which are time consuming.
eral, where the UPFC is included in the fault loop, the measured With the aid of Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) based Wide
voltage at the relay consists of the voltage drop in the line, series Area Monitoring Systems (WAMS) [19], it is possible to get
voltage injection in the line, line drop due to the shunt current the information exchange between the line terminals. So, UPFC
injection in the line and the voltage drop in the fault resistance. control settings namely, series voltage injection and reactive

Equation (8) can be rewritten as


Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit of line - with UPFC. (12)

current injection can be directly computed [20] from the con- (14)
verged load flow results. Equivalent circuit of a transmission
line, having a UPFC, is shown in Fig. 2.
Power flow received at bus can be obtained from the basic
Then (11) can be rewritten as
power flow equations as


Reactive power flow in line - is

where and are the half-line charging suseptance and
impedance of the line - , respectively:

Equation (3) can be rewritten as (17)

where is the phase angle difference between

(4) buses and . Reactive current injection, , can be computed
using (17) utilizing the transmission line terminal quantities.
An ANN based adaptive scheme has been developed to deter-
where mine the ideal trip boundary settings of digital distance relays
that automatically takes care of variations in control parameters
of the UPFC, network conditions and fault resistance. The ar-
(6) chitecture of the ANN, selected in this work, is the Generalized
Regression Neural Network (GRNN). Generalized Regression
(7) Neural Network (GRNN)

Using (5), (6) and (7), series voltage injection of the UPFC can A. GRNN- An Overview
be calculated with the knowledge of the receiving end power GRNNs can model nonlinear functions and are shown to
flows, sending and receiving end voltage profiles and angular perform well in noisy environments, given enough data [13],
separations. In the above expressions, the power loss in the and its training is faster. Though GRNN is a feed forward net-
UPFC is neglected. work requiring supervised training, it is significantly different
Similarly, reactive current injection can also be calculated in architecture and algorithm to the BPNN. It involves one-pass
from the basic power flow equations [21]. neural network learning algorithm, which can be used for
estimating the continuous variables and does not require an it-
erative training procedure as in the BPNN. It approximates any
(8) arbitrary function between input and output vectors, drawing
Let the function estimate directly from the training data. Let “ ”
be a particular measured value of the random variable “ .” If
(9) a joint probability distribution between a set of variable “ ”
and a dependent variable “ ” exists, then the estimation of “ ,”
and given a particular realization of “ ,” is expressed as

(10) (18)

been determined experimentally, by measuring the closeness of

the predicted value to the target. For SLG, LLG, and LLLG
faults, a separate GRNN has been used. They have the same
structure and differ only in the smoothing factor.
As the GRNN does not require an iterative training, any new
training pattern corresponding to the changes in the system con-
figuration can be easily incorporated, which is vital to the prob-
lems dealing with the power system security.

C. Selection of the Input Features

Inputs for the GRNN are selected based on an eigen value
[21] based Principal Component Analysis (PCA) performed on
a set of inputs namely, complex voltages at the line terminals,
complex sending end current, UPFC control parameters and the
apparent impedance. From variances in the principal compo-
nents, it is seen that the first six principal components contribute
towards 99.6% of the variances in the data. Hence, from the
Fig. 3. Architecture of GRNN [13].
six principal component vectors, the features corresponding to
the largest coefficients have been selected. Such selected inputs
When the density function is not known, it can usually are complex voltages at line terminals ( in Fig. 1), com-
be estimated from the training set using Parzen’s nonparametric plex series injection voltage of the UPFC ( in Fig. 1), reac-
estimator [13]. tive current injection by the UPFC ( in Fig. 1) and the resis-
tance/reactance values corresponding to each boundary. These
B. Architecture of the GRNN
inputs, along with the UPFC mode of operation (Status 0-auto-
The architecture of the GRNN is shown in Fig. 3. It includes matic power flow control mode and Status 1- bypass mode) are
four layers: the input layer, the pattern layer, the summation used by the GRNN for generating the trip characteristics. Out-
layer and the output layer. The number of inputs is equal to the puts of the GRNN correspond to the resistance/reactance value
number of independent features. The function of the input layer for each boundary. It has 12 input neurons and four output neu-
is to pass forward the activity patterns presented to the network rons.
to all the neurons in the pattern layer. The neurons in the pattern 1) Adaptive Algorithm: The proposed adaptive scheme
layer perform a nonlinear transformation of the input patterns. In predicts the trip boundaries of the distance relay utilizing the
this scheme, radial basis function has been chosen in the pattern real time system data. The algorithm utilizes the latest prefault
layer and, hence, the layer units represent the centers of clus- data available at the relay location along with the apparent
ters of the training data. The output from all the neurons in the impedance measured by the relay and status of the UPFC. The
pattern layer, then, becomes input to all the neurons in the sum- apparent impedance is computed using Full Cycle Discrete
mation layer. For a single output network, as shown in Fig. 3, the Fourier Transform (FCDFT) based distance relay algorithm.
summation layer consists of a single denominator neuron and a The overall adaptive protection scheme is as follows.
single numerator neuron. For each additional output unit, a nu- a) Relay receives pre-fault local and remote PMU data
merator neuron is added. The summation unit performs a dot through communication links.
product between a weight vector and a vector composed of the b) UPFC control settings are computed as given in
signals from the pattern units. For the denominator summation Section III.
neuron, the weight vector is unity. For the numerator summation c) After the fault detection and classification by the corre-
neuron, the weight connecting it to each pattern layer neuron sponding blocks of the distance relay (usually carried out
is equal to the value of the dependent variable for the training within one cycle), the pre-fault system state data, along
case of that pattern layer neuron. The outputs from the denom- with the apparent impedance measured by the relay fault
inator and numerator summation neurons are sent to the output measurement unit (normalized for each boundary) and the
layer neurons, the function of which is to divide the output of UPFC status are given as inputs to the trained GRNN.
the associated numerator summation neuron by the output of d) GRNN predicts the trip boundary impedance values cor-
the denominator summation neuron. In this scheme, GRNN has responding to the inputs in (c).
4 neurons in the output layer and 5 neurons in the summation e) Trip signal is generated based on the comparison between
layer. boundary values and the measured impedance.
The primary advantage of the GRNN is the speed at which the Post fault measurement needed for the scheme to predict
network can be trained. There are no training parameters, such the trip boundaries is only the impedance measurement by the
as learning rate and momentum as in the case of the BPNN, but relay. Digital distance relays with FCDFT measures the fault
there is a smoothing factor that is applied after the network is impedance in one cycle. Hence, the scheme is able to generate
trained. The smoothing factor allows the GRNN to interpolate the trip decision one cycle after the fault initiation.
between patterns or spectra in the training set and it usually One may think of a differential protection scheme for a line
ranges between 0.01–1. In this scheme, smoothing factor has where the communication links are already established between

Fig. 4. New England system with UPFC in line 16–17.

the line terminals. The advantage of the proposed scheme, com- study. Constraint imposed on the operation of the UPFC in auto-
pared to the differential protection scheme, is that this scheme matic power flow control is on the variation in the magnitude of
can very well be extended to the protection of the adjacent line its series injected voltage. The limits on series injection voltage
sections, which are falling in the zone 2 and the zone 3 limits are taken as 0–10% of the voltage value at the sending end and
of the relay. So, with the PMUs installed at both the ends of the the phase angle variation between 0–360 . In the bypass mode
line, the pre-fault information, which is utilized to obtain con- of operation of the UPFC, both the series and the shunt con-
trol settings of UPFC, can be used for identifying all the three trollers are bypassed; hence, the series injection voltage and the
trip zones of a conventional distance relay. reactive current injection by the UPFC are zero.
2) WAMS Architecture and Communication Requirements:
Modern distance relays such as SEL-421 of Schweitzer Engi- A. 39-Bus New England System
neering and D60 of General Electric are having PMU capability Placement of the UPFC in a network enhances the transmis-
to provide time stamped voltage and current phasors. Pre-fault sion capability of the interconnected system. From a system
system data, required by the proposed scheme, can be made point of view, though it is necessary to consider both the static
available at a frame rate of 60 frames per second in 60 Hz system as well as dynamic aspects for deriving a placement strategy for
and 50 frames per second in 50 Hz system [22] from the dis- a FACTS controller [19], this work has considered static Avail-
tance relays (or PMUs) installed in the line itself. This scheme able Transfer Capacity (ATC) enhancement as a criterion [24] to
can work with a “flat architecture” [15] based WAMS, in which decide the optimal placement of the UPFC. The UPFC is placed
relevant system data is transferred through the communication in line 16–17 as shown in Fig. 4, with shunt branch at bus 16. Ini-
system that ties the line terminals together. The communication tial reactive current injection of the UPFC is maintained at zero
delay in the present PMU based scheme does not pose a problem for all the cases as the system is having sufficient reactive power
in the scheme, as it deals with only pre-fault quantities at the support. However, the dynamic simulations have considered the
relay location. reactive current injection or absorption modes of the UPFC in
response to the faults. In the present study, a SLG fault, a LLG
fault and a LLLG fault, with fault resistance , have been sim-
ulated on the line connecting buses 16 and 17. Distance relays
The effect of the dynamical changes in the UPFC settings are assumed to be located at stations 16 and 17.
on the distance protection scheme has been studied on two test UPFC is assumed to be initially operating in the automatic
systems, namely 39-bus New England system and a 17-bus re- power flow control mode. For all the cases studied, reference
duced equivalent of Northern Region Power Grid (NRPG) net- power flow setting of the UPFC is MVA from bus 16
work. Test systems are modeled in SIMULINK [23]. Loads are to 17, which has been decided after analyzing the system for
modeled as constant impedance type for the transient studies. various loading scenarios and contingency cases such as outage
Dynamic model of the UPFC [23], has been considered in this of the line and generation units. However, this is only a sample

Fig. 5. Variation in the UPFC control parameters during SLG fault. (a): Vari-
ation in series voltage injection during fault. (b): Variation in reactive current
injection during fault.

setting for the study purpose and it can be decided by the utility
depending on the actual system requirements. Base case loading
of the system corresponds to a flow of MVA in the Fig. 6. Trip boundaries with the UPFC in 39-bus system. (a): Boundaries with
line, from bus 16 to bus 17 and the power flow is called as Pre UPFC in automatic power flow control mode. (b): Trip boundaries of the relay
with UPFC in bypass mode.
Controlled Power Flow (PCPF).
1) UPFC Transient Response in Power Flow Control Mode:
As stated in Section II, the series voltage injection undergoes from the relay location, with the fault resistance from 0.01 to
changes during fault conditions. Fig. 5(a) shows the change in 100 ohm. Fig. 6(a) shows the four trip boundaries indicated as
the series voltage injection, when a SLG fault takes place in “boundary a,” “b,” “c,” and “d.” Boundaries “a” and “c” corre-
the line 16–17 at 50% distance from the bus 16 with a fault spond to the fault distance of 95% and 2%, respectively, from
resistance of 10 ohm. The UPFC control is applied at for the relaying location, when the fault resistance is varied from
maintaining the power flow at the reference setting, followed by minimum to maximum value. Boundaries “b” and “d” corre-
a SLG fault applied at after attaining the required power spond to the maximum and minimum fault resistances, respec-
flow. In Fig. 5(a) series voltage injection has been increased to tively, where the distance at which fault occurs vary from 2%
0.06 p.u. at and following the SLG fault at to 95% of the line length. Plotted boundaries correspond to the
reduced to 0.055 p.u. impedance measured using FCDFT by taking the voltage and
Similar analysis has been done for the reactive current injec- current signals from the relay location.
tion from the UPFC. Fig. 5(b) shows the variation in the reactive In the bypass mode, both the series and the shunt controllers
current injection ( ) by the UPFC following the SLG fault. Fol- of the UPFC are bypassed within 1 cycle of the fault initiation
lowing the fault, increases to 1.0 p.u, due to which the mea- and steady state apparent impedance is measured for the SLG
sured value of the apparent impedance increases. However, the fault at various distances and fault resistances. Fig. 6(b) shows
influence of on the distance relay operation is dependent on the corresponding trip boundaries in various power flow condi-
the control mode of the UPFC. tions.
2) Apparent Impedance Boundaries for the 39-Bus System: For SLG, LLG and LLLG faults, variation in the trip bound-
Apparent impedance, measured at the relay point, is depen- aries of the distance relay located at bus 16, with the UPFC in
dent on the operating states of the system. This is illustrated in automatic power flow control mode, are shown in Fig. 7 along
Fig. 6(a) where trip boundaries of the relay under various power with the stepped zone trip characteristics of a conventional mho
flow conditions are shown with UPFC operating in automatic and quadrilateral relays. Settings of the mho and quadrilateral
power flow control mode. relays have been selected based on the standard practice of 85%
Towards realizing these trip boundaries of the relay at bus 16, of line impedance for zone 1, 120% for zone 2 and zone 3 set-
SLG fault is simulated at distances, ranging from 2% to 95% ting to cover the longest adjacent line section. From Fig. 7, it is



4) Test Results for 39-Bus System: Testing data for the

GRNN consisted of those patterns, which were not considered
Fig. 7. Comparison of the boundaries with conventional characteristics. (a): for the training. The pre-fault system data for the testing cases
Comparison with conventional mho characteristics. (b): Comparison with are given in Table II. The trip boundaries, identified through
quadrilateral characteristics.
the GRNN for SLG, LLG and LLLG faults, are presented in
Fig. 8(a)–(c), respectively, for UPFC in automatic power flow
evident that the conventional fixed settings followed in the re- control mode (status-0) as well as in bypass mode (status-1).
lays are not capable to cope up with the dynamic changes in the The generated boundaries are in close approximation with the
impedance due to presence of the UPFC. ideal trip boundaries generated through the simulation as can be
3) Training Data for GRNN for 39-Bus System: The ref- seen in Fig. 8.
erence power setting of the UPFC in the line 16–17 is taken As the BPNN has earlier been utilized for pattern recogni-
as MVA at the sending end and the training patterns tion [12] in relays, the boundaries generated by the GRNN are
were generated for the PCPF values ranging from 10 to 80 MW compared with that by the BPNN for the SLG, LLG and LLLG
with the reactive power ranging from to 0 MVAR through faults in Fig. 9(a)–(c), respectively. The results reveal that the
the simulation of various faults. Training cases considered are selected architecture of the GRNN tracks the boundaries more
shown in Table I. Corresponding to each case, UPFC control closely as compared to the BPNN in all the test cases. However,
parameters are evaluated. Through the data obtained from the the major advantage of the GRNN compared to the BPNN is
time domain simulations, the trip boundaries are generated for due to GRNN’s one pass training. Training time is a vital factor
different faults in line 16–17 with the UPFC operating in the au- in protection applications as new learning is to be incorporated
tomatic power flow control mode and also in the bypass mode. very frequently to ensure the reliability of the scheme. Hence,
Inputs to the GRNN are 12 in number namely, the complex GRNN is more advantageous in this application as compared to
bus voltages at buses 16 and 17 , complex series the BPNN.
voltage injected by the UPFC , reactive current injection
by UPFC ( ) status of the UPFC (0/1) along with resistance ( ) B. Reduced Equivalent of NRPG System
at different points along boundary ’a’ and ’c’ and reactance ( ) Adaptive scheme for generating relay boundaries has also
at different points along boundary “b” and “d.” Output of the been tested on a 17-bus reduced equivalent [18] of practical
GRNN is the corresponding reactance values for the boundaries NRPG system in India. In the NRPG system, a TCSC exists
“a” and “c” and resistance values for the boundaries “b” and “d.” in line 239–233 with variable compensation of 8%–20% of the
The above input-output pairs are utilized in training the separate line reactance. This series compensation helps in the increased
GRNN for each type of fault. power transfer through the line 239–233 from the existing level

Fig. 8. Trip boundaries predicted by the GRNN in 39-bus system. (a): for SLG
fault – Cases C and D. (b): for LLG fault – Cases C and B. (c): for LLLG fault
– Cases A and B.

of 400–420 MW to approximately 500–550 MW. These prac-

tical operating conditions have been considered for selecting the
location of the UPFC and also to decide the reference power set-
ting of the UPFC. An UPFC is assumed to be located in the line
239–233, replacing the TCSC, with shunt branch of the UPFC
connected at bus 239. Reference power settings of the UPFC
Fig. 9. Comparison of trip boundaries predicted by GRNN and BPNN. (a):
have been taken as MVA. The base case power flow Comparison of boundaries- for SLG fault (Case A). (b) Comparison of bound-
in the line is MVA. aries- for LLG fault (Case C). (c ) Comparison of boundaries- for LLLG fault
(Case C).
1) Apparent Impedance Boundaries for the NRPG System:
Apparent impedance boundaries have been generated for the
distance relay located at bus 239, through the simulation of dif- under-reach. Similarly, reactive power absorption mode of the
ferent types of faults at various distances of the protected line shunt controller causes the relay to see a lower value of the
for both the operating modes of the UPFC. In this system, vari- impedance and, hence, relay over-reaches. This effect has been
ation in the trip boundaries has also been considered with the demonstrated in Fig. 10, wherein trip boundaries are shown for
shunt branch of the UPFC operating in the reactive power gen- three cases with the PCPF value equal to MVA.
eration and absorption modes. When the UPFC operates with Training patterns are generated by considering the possible
its shunt branch in the reactive power generation mode, the in- operating scenarios of the system. Variation of the PCPF is con-
jected reactive current ’ ’ is positive that causes the relay to sidered from 343.7 MW to 601 MW in line 239–233. Corre-

In this paper, a new scheme based on Generalized Regres-
sion Neural Network (GRNN) has been proposed to predict the
trip boundaries of a distance relay in an adaptive manner, in the
presence of UPFC. Data sets have been generated for training
the GRNN through an extensive analysis of the system for var-
ious types of faults viz. Single-Line-to-Ground (SLG), Double-
Line-to-Ground (LLG) and Three- Phase-to-Ground (LLLG)
faults, with the UPFC in automatic power flow control mode
as well as in the bypass mode of operation. GRNN has been
trained with the pre-fault system states, control parameters of
the UPFC, impedance measured by the relay unit and operating
status of the UPFC as inputs. Control settings of the UPFC have
been calculated with the aid of synchro phasor measurements,
Fig. 10. Variation in trip boundaries with changes in “ ” injection of the assumed to be available from the Phasor Measurement Units
UPFC (NRPG system). (PMUs) placed at the ends of the line. The test results show
that, with a single GRNN for each type of fault, the trip region
can be accurately recognized for automatic power flow control
as well as the bypass modes of operation of the UPFC. Trip
boundaries for the relay in the presence of UPFC are compared
with that of the conventional mho and quadrilateral character-
istics which clearly indicate the need of replacing the conven-
tional settings with adaptive settings. Also, the performance of
GRNN has been found superior to that with a Back Propagation
Neural Network (BPNN) for generating the trip boundary. By
replacing the fixed type relay settings with the proposed adap-
tive settings, the capability of the conventional distance relay
can be enhanced to cope up with the dynamic variation in the
line impedance in the presence of the UPFC.

The authors wish to thank Department of Science and Tech-
Fig. 11. Trip boundaries generated by GRNN for NRPG system for SLG fault.
nology, New Delhi, India for providing support to carry out this
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