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Book of Jonah

Chapter 1
Standard translation Back Translation into English
Mabud or kalam Amittai or fua Yunus or 1
The word of the Lord came on Jonah, the
uore nazil óoil, “Rowana loi ḍoóñr Ninivi
son of Amittai, 2 “Get up and go to the great
cóor ot zaa, ar híyan or hélaf boyan gorgoi, city of Nineveh, and proclaim against it,
kiyólla-hoilé ítarar hóra añár dorbarot because their evilness has reached my
foñiccé.” presence.” 3 But Jonah got up to ee to
Montor Yunus Mabud or háziri ttu Tarcíc Tarshish from the presence of the Lord. He
cóor ot dái zai bolla rowana loóil. Íba nise
went down to Joppa and found a ship going
Joppa cóor ot giíl, ar héṛe íba ye Tarcíc ot
to Tarshish. He boarded the ship with them
zaar de ekkán zaáñs loot faáil. Íba ye zaáñs
by paying to ee to Tarshish from the
or bára dii zaáñs ot uiṭṭílgoi, ítarar fúañti
presence of the Lord. 4 But the Lord caused a
Tarcíc ot Malik or háziri ttu dái zai bolla.
great wind on the sea, and the storm was so
Montor Mabude doijjat ekgwá ḍoóñr
violent that the ship was in danger of
batác báabáil, ar doijjat eén ekgwá ḍoóñr
breaking up.5 Then the sailors became
tuwán oóil, zeén niki zaáñs sán bañi zaibar
afraid, and everyone began calling their
októ óigilgoi. 5 Tói séraingga ókkol ḍorai
god. They threw the cargo to the sea to
giílgoi, ar fottíkiyé zar-zar debotar hañsé te-
te guzórat doijjíl. Zaáñs or bór hom lighten the ship's weight. But Jonah had

goríbolla ítara sáisaman ókkol doijjat félai gone down into the lowest parts of the ship,
diíl. had lain down, and was fast asleep. 6
Montor Yunus híyar age zaáñs or tolar captain went to him and said, “How can you
ṭalat lami úñitoiforí taikkíl, ar mur gum ot sleep?, “Arise, call out to your god! Perhaps
fóijjil. 6 Héñtte zaáñs or kepṭeine Yunus or the god will give a thought to us, that we
hañse zai hoór de, “Tuñí gum zai kíya may not perish.” 7 And they said to one
táikko? Uṛó ar tuáñr Alla re mató, óitofare another, “Come, let us cast lots, that we may
tuáñr Alla ye añárar híkka díyan dibo ar know on whose account this evil has come
añára dónco no óiyum.” upon us.” So they cast lots, and the lot fell
Tarfore ítara ekzon ore ekzone hoór de, on Jonah. 8 Then they said to him, “Tell us
“Aiyó añára loṭári mari saái, e mosibot tán on whose account this evil has come upon
har zoriya aiccé deh.” Ítara loṭári maijjé rar us. What is your occupation? And where do
loṭári Yunus name foijjíl. 8 Tói ítara íba re
you come from? What is your country? And
hoór de, “Añára re hoó, añárar uore e
of what people are you?”
mosibot tán har zoriya aiccé deh? Tuñí kii
ham goró? Tuáñr hontú aiccó deh? Tuñí And he said to them, “I am a Hebrew, and I
hon zat or manúc?” fear the Lord , the God of heaven, who
Íba ye zuwab diíl de, “Añí óilam de made the sea and the dry land.” 10
Then the
Hibrani, ar añí bíyostor Mabud Allar men were exceedingly afraid and said to
ebaadot gorí deh, ziba ye doijja edde fúana him, “What is this that you have done!” For
zobin banaiyé.” the men knew that he was eeing from the
Híyane ítara bicí ḍooraigiílgoi ar íba re presence of the Lord , because he had told
hoóil de, “Tuñí yián kii goijjó?” Íba Mabud
them. 11 Then they said to him, “What shall
or hañsor ttu dái zaar goide híyan ítara zani
we do to you, that the sea may quiet down
faijjíl, kiyólla-hoilé íba ye nize híyan ítara
for us?” For the sea was growing more and
re zanáil.
more tempestuous.12 He said to them, “Pick
Doijja zettót zetó éto hótara óizargoi,
me up and throw me into the sea; then the
ítara íba re hoór de, “Doijja hánta ófan
sea will quiet down for you; for I know it is
añára tuáñre kii goittám?”
because of me that this great storm has
Íba ye ítara re hoór de, “Añáre tuli loi
come upon you.”
doijjat félai doo, tói doijja hánta óizaiboi,
kíyolla-hoilé añí zani tuáñrar uore ettór
Nevertheless the men rowed hard to bring

tuwán ibá añár zoriya aiccé deh.” the ship back to land, but they could not, for
Toóu manúc cúne zaáñs sán kulot the sea grew more and more stormy against
loizaibolla zanforan dii dar baáil, montor nó them.14 Then they cried out to the Lord ,
fare, kiyólla-hoilé doijja aṛó hótara ói uṛát “Please, O Lord , we pray, do not let us
accíl. 14
Tói ítara Mabud or hañsé guzori perish on account of this man's life. Do not
hoór de, “Yáh Mabud, e manúc cwar zan make us guilty of innocent blood; for you, O
olla bouli añára re mari no felayo. Ekzon Lord , have done as it pleased you.” 15 So
behosur manúc ór ore marifelair de híyan or they picked Jonah up and threw him into
zimma añára re no ṭoóraiyo, kiyólla-hoilé the sea; and the sea ceased from its
óh Mabud, Tuñí toh Tuáñr moncá mozin raging.16 Then the men feared the Lord even
éna goijjó.” 15
Baade ítara Yunus ore tuli loi more, and they o ered a sacri ce to the
doijjat félai diíl, ar doijja ebbe éhon hánta Lord and made vows.
óigilgói. 16
Hé hálot tán dekí ítara Mabud 17
And the Lord appointed a great sh to
ore bicí ḍorail. Ítara Mabud ore hañsé
swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the
kurbani diíl ar manoc ókkol goijjíl.
belly of the sh three days and three nights.
Mabude ekgwá ḍoóñr mas tík gorí
raikkíl, Yunus ore gilifelai bolla. Íba tin din,
tin rait hé mas swar feṭ ot accíl.

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