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We aim to be a socially responsible and profitable organization through building longterm

relationship with all interested parties. We always endeavor to keep the highest level of quality in our
actions, behavior and advice. In support of the statement, we are committed to

● Continually improve the quality of our services in order to exceed the demands of our customers.
● To take all the necessary measures to secure our business continuity at all time.
● Implementing the principle of Corporate Social Responsibility.
● Comply with all relevant national/international laws, regulations and directives for health and
safety at work and environmental protection.
● Meet the requirement of the standard of ISO
● Provide training regarding the above management issue to our employees.
● Improve on operation by introducing new technology and new technology about operating
● Provide a responsible communication channel per innovative ideas and construction criticism.



One of its most confusing features is the clash between profit versus employees,
customers, the environment, the public and other stakeholders. Corporations actually create
enormous social benefits, but the sharp focus on money places business in a self serving posture
inherently opposed to the Democratic Ideals Community and public welfare. The concept of
social responsibility has been cultivated to address this issue and some prominent firms have
thrived under this philosophy. But the focus on responsibility has generally caused it to be seen as
philanthropy, a luxury that diminishes the ability to compete. The consensus of research studies
shows a weak relationship between responsibility and profitability.

The proposed business will benefit the Philippine Economy by paying their tax obligation
as provided by law. Tax will help the government generate funds for the environment of public
service and government projects. Every business establishment will be of great help for the growth
and development of Philippine Economy. These only possible if every firm will be responsible
enough to perform their duties and obligation to their customers, community and cause of the


The business will provide job opportunities to our industry Mos especially to the people
who graduated high school or college and their course is related to the business they are able to
qualify to the position they want. When business (employment) employed many applicants, the
applicants who employed in the business are able to support their daily needs including the needs
of their family. LA Korpino Restaurant will help to lessen the numbers of unemployed people in
our community and continue to help more people under unemployment. Innovation can lead to
firm closures and job destruction if products or services become obsolete or are displaced by more
competitive offerings. At the same time, innovation is also often associated with setting up new
enterprises to provide the market with new offerings and create new jobs. The business will help
less fortunate people to sustain their needs (with medicines) because of the low price of these
services but will still maintain the quality like those branded services.


La Korpino Restaurant cannot affect our environment because the business provided
enough waste disposal area to maintain the cleanliness of our environment. If our environment is
full of dirt, it can cause diseases to our neighbor, fellow men and maybe our customers is one of
the following affected because they think that the business cannot clean the surroundings properly.
For good health and safe tier of customers we should be responsible enough to take care of the
environment not just only for customers but also for all of us. Innovation is increasingly perceived
as crucial for tackling environmental challenges like limiting climate change and global greenhouse
gas emissions and maintaining biodiversity. It can contribute to addressing environmental challenges
through the introduction of new technologies and non-technological innovations.


The proposed business will provide help to the community and our countrymen. We
recognize that the nature of the business, especially the corporate focus on quality affordable, give
us a unique opportunity to make a very positive contribution to the health of the communities we

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