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 ____________ refers to the process of designing the interface of software or

digital devices. – user interface design

 A fundamental principle in UI design that aims to minimize complexity and
cognitive load for users. - simplicity
 Refers to the arrangement of elements on a screen to prioritize their
importance and guide user’s attention. – visual hierarchy
 Focuses on presenting information and content in a clear and easily
understandable manner. – Clarity
 Involves designing interfaces that can seamlessly screen sizes, resolutions,
and orientations. –Scalability and Adaptability
 It involves the design of the entire process of acquiring and integrating the
product, including aspects of branding design usability and function. – user
experience design
 Examples of User Experience UX design Process. – User Research,
Analysis, Design, Prototype, User Testing
 Refers to the creation of the user interface and user experience of a website.
– front end development
 _________________________ aims to create web pages that can adapt to
different devices and screen sizes. –responsive web design
 Provide a structured foundation for building web application, offering reusable
components, predefined style, and responsive layout systems. – Front end
 A versatile programming language used for implementing interactivity,
dynamic content, and manipulating the behavior of web pages. – Javascript
 HTML Stands for? – Hypertext Markup Language
 They are responsible for setting up servers, handling security, and developing
APIs. – Back end Developers
 ___________ also refers to the server side of a web application where the
server and database located. – back end development
 What is the difference between a markup language and a programming
 ____________ defines how a developer should request services from an
operating system (OS) or other application, and expose data within different
contexts and across multiple channels. API or Application Programming
 API stands for - Application Programming Interface
 REST stand for - Representational State Transfer
 SOAP stands for -Simple Object Access Protocol
 It is a software architectural style that was created to guide the design and
development of the architecture for the World Wide Web. REST
 4 types of APIs -Private, Public, Partner, and Composite APIs
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 ____________ APIs are published publicly for anyone to use. There are no
restrictions on these APIs. - Public APIs
 CSS stand for - Cascading Style Sheets
 A ___________ is a pre-designed library that provides a set of standardized
styles and components to help developers to quickly build responsive and
consistent web layouts. - CSS frameworks
 A modern CSS framework based on Flexbox. -Bulma
 A lightweight and modular framework that offers a variety of components,
including navigation bars, modals, and sliders. - UIKIT
 It is used to wrap text around an image or other floated elements. -Floats
 Examples of elements of user interface design.
 Accordion
 Menu
 Breadcrumbs
 Button
 Cards
 Carousel
 Checkbox
 Forms
 Icon
 ___________ means working on server-side software, which focuses on
everything you can’t see on a website. – Back-end development
 It is a python-based open-source web framework that allows you to do web
development more efficiently without any hassle. – Django
 This open source framework follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC)
architecture pattern. – Laravel
 It is a free and open-source document-oriented database that is very much
popular among web developers. – MongoDB
 ______ is an open-source web server that is also being used for reverse
proxying, load balancing, caching, mail proxying, and more. – nginx
 Refers to the overall experience a person has when interacting with a product,
service, or System. – user experience design
 Designing the structure and hierarchy of information to ensure users can
easily find and access what they need. – information architecture
 Making incremental changes and refinements based on user feedback to
continuously enhance the user experience. – iterative design
 Mapping out the step by step journey users take to accomplish their goals
within the product. – user flows
 Analyzing user data and behavior to identify opportunities for optimization and
further improvement. – optimization
 ____________ defines how a developer should request services from an
operating system (OS) or other application, and expose data within different
contexts and across multiple channels. API or Application Programming
 API stands for - Application Programming Interface
 REST stand for - Representational State Transfer
 SOAP stands for -Simple Object Access Protocol
 It is embedded within the html document using <style> tag. This method is
useful when you want unique style for a single page. -Internal html
 4 types of APIs Private, Public, Partner, and Composite APIs
 ____________ is a form of CSS which is used to add styling to multiple HTML
pages at a time. -External css
 CSS stand for - Cascading Style Sheets
 A ___________ is a pre-designed library that provides a set of standardized
styles and components to help developers to quickly build responsive and
consistent web layouts. - CSS frameworks
 A modern CSS framework based on Flexbox. -Bulma
 The external CSS is always saved with the __________ extension, and
through this file, we can change the complete style of our HTML web page.
 __________ css is applied directly to individual html elements using style
attribute. -Inline css

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