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User Manual
An Android Mobile
Table of Contents

Application Overview.....………................................………………….............................1

System Summary ..........................................................................….........................….....1

Hardware and Software Requirements ....................................……………….....…......1

Intallation Instruction .............…................................…………………..........................2

User Interface Overview ............................................………………...............................2

Using CROP D’TECH..........................................................……………........…..............3

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) .......................................……………..…….….......7

Contacting Support………………………………………..................................….…......7
Welcome to the user manual for CROP D’TECH This document will provide you with all the
information you need to get started with and use the software effectively.

Application Overview
CROP D’TECH is an application that allows user to capture their crops and identify the disease
causing for a plant to die or lessen its production. It also offers suggestions to cure certain
disease of a crop.

System Summary
System Summary section explains about the hardware and software requirements for

accessing CROP D’TECH application.

Hardware and Software Requirements

a. Requires a smart phone with Android operating system (OS)

b. The minimum Android version should be 4.0.3 and up to access all the features in the


c. To download and use the functionalities of CROP D’TECH mobile app, you require an

Internet connection in your mobile.

Installation Instructions
CROP D’TECH application can be downloaded through the web browser:

( link here )

To install CROP D’TECH, please follow these steps:

1. Open any of the browser (google chrome, mozilla, firefox etc. ) on your android phone and
enter the URL ( link ) to open the CROP D’TECH web application.

2. On click on the link/ after searching, the website will be opened and you will be asked to
download the application. Click on the "INSTALL" button to install the application.

3. After the installation you’re ready to use the app.

User Interface Overview

The CROP D’TECH user interface is designed to be intuitive and easy to use. Here's a brief
overview of the different parts of the interface:

The following features can be accessed by the t user;

I. Library (List of Diseases, Medication, and Preventive Measures)

II. Camera (Capture and Upload Image of the Infected Crop)

III. Translation

IV. Text to Speech

V. Settings

VI. History
To use CROP D’TECH, please follow these steps:

Process 1 START

Press START to access the home page of the application.

Process 2 MENU

In the menu bar the user can access the following;

Home - can go back to the main page of the application

Settings - customized the looks and feel of the application

About - the description of the application

Developers - names and contacts of the developers

Process 3 Navigating

The user can navigate various diseases, medication and preventive measures in the home page.
Also user can access various functions such as camera, history, image upload and menu bar

Process 4 Capturing/ Uploading Image

Allow CROP D’TECH to access camera and photos to utilize its functionality. User can
capture/upload image of the infected crop to identify the disease causing it to die or lessen its
Process 5 Identifying Symptoms

The user has an ability to input some symptoms of the crop to identify the disease meticulously.
Process 6 Translation

The user has an option either the text would be in English or in Tagalog.

Process 7 Text to Speech

Text to Speech is added as a feature to accommodate non reader farmers of Candaba. It ease the
process of obtaining knowledge about crop diseases by listening.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Here are some frequently asked questions about CROP D’TECH:

Question 1: What crops can CROP D’TECH detects.

The crops that CROP D’TECH can detect re crop that are usually plant in Candaba, Pampanga
such as; rice, corn, watermelon, melon, etc.

Question 2: Is CROP D’TECH an offline application?

CROP D’TECH is an offline application for the reason that it was used outdoor / farm fields

Question 3: How CROP D’TECH works?

CROP D’TECH scan, detect and process the image taken/uploaded to identify its disease.

Contacting Support
If you need further assistance with CROP D’TECH, please get in touch with our support team at

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