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* MIND NO: MIND2405310001KAL

PT .Huawei T ech Investment

Delivery Note
Address:GEDUNG WISMA MULIA 2,37Floor, S.3701,
JL.JEND. GAT OT SUBROT O NO.40, Jakarta,Indonesia
* Purpose of Delivery: T o Customer WH T o Site Other
* Product line: Wireless Netwrok Core Network Microwave Other
* T ransportation responsibility: SCM Self-pick up by project team

* Project Name: Indonesia IOH Non-Wireless Consolidation Project * Contract No: 0003602200350K *Required Pick Up Date: 21-Feb-24 *Required Arrival T ime: 22-Feb-24

13KRW0081,13BKS0394,12JKT 0483,12JKT 0480,11T GN0532,11CLG0027/CIPT AMARGA_ML,MI_K

Jl.MT .Haryono Damai,Rt.30,Kel.Damai Kec.Balikpapan Kota,Kota Balikpapan,Kalimantan
* Site ID/ Site Name: AIST AT IONBEKASI_BM,MI_KIP1_IB,RAYABEKASIRAWAT ERAT E_HS,EMINENPAGEDANGAN_ * Pick-up Address : * PIC: m_dhl_admin_ronal_ob *T el: +62 857-9744-2107
T imur 76114
* Reason of pick : Broken material T ailing material Loan Contract Material Other

Remark for pick reason: Return dismantle mateiral from site to site

Forwarder : T ransportation PO:

11CLG0099,11CLG0099,11CRS0054,11CRS0048,11CLG0087,11CLG0062/SUNYAKAMBANG_T B,SU
Jl. T ebet Raya No.5, RT .10/RW.1, T ebet Bar., Kec. T ebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus
* Deliver T o : NYAKAMBANG_T B,PECAK_CILEGON_GH,WANAKART A_PL,T EGALBUNDER_ST ,KOT ABUMICI * Deliver address : *PIC: Sarwono *T el:0895411842248
Ibukota Jakarta 12810
Huawei Project/Logistics Contact Info :
Remark2 :
Site Serial Number Original task ID Destination T ask ID * Part No. * DESCRIPT ION * QT Y * UOM Goods condition Measurement(CBM) * AT F No.

BT20B0235315 TSK-MVC-20240321002428 TSK-MVC-20240321003886 02312UMCPDC260S12-CL Power Module ATN910D-A 02312UMCPDC260S12-CL 1 Good

BT20B0235321 TSK-MVC-20240321002428 TSK-MVC-20240321003886 02312UMCPDC260S12-CL Power Module ATN910D-A 02312UMCPDC260S12-CL 1 Good

BT20C0204392 TSK-MVC-20240321002428 TSK-MVC-20240321003886 02312UMCPDC260S12-CL Power Module ATN910D-A 02312UMCPDC260S12-CL 1 Good

BT20C0204418 TSK-MVC-20240321002428 TSK-MVC-20240321003886 02312UMCPDC260S12-CL Power Module ATN910D-A 02312UMCPDC260S12-CL 1 Good

BT2110026506 TSK-MVC-20240321002428 TSK-MVC-20240321003886 02312UMCPDC260S12-CL Power Module ATN910D-A 02312UMCPDC260S12-CL 1 Good

BT2110026553 TSK-MVC-20240321002428 TSK-MVC-20240321003886 02312UMCPDC260S12-CL Power Module ATN910D-A 02312UMCPDC260S12-CL 1 Good

BT2110108434 TSK-MVC-20240321002428 TSK-MVC-20240321003886 02312UMCPDC260S12-CL Power Module ATN910D-A 02312UMCPDC260S12-CL 1 Good

BT2110108444 TSK-MVC-20240321002428 TSK-MVC-20240321003886 02312UMCPDC260S12-CL Power Module ATN910D-A 02312UMCPDC260S12-CL 1 Good

BT2110108447 TSK-MVC-20240321002428 TSK-MVC-20240321003886 02312UMCPDC260S12-CL Power Module ATN910D-A 02312UMCPDC260S12-CL 1 Good

SUB Total Volume :

Re ce ive d by:(che ck and sign the RN by Huawe i Ware house
Approved by: Checked by: (Check the good condition by LSP warehouse
PIC, without the Huawe i PIC signature , This RN can't be
(Disetujui oleh) PIC)
Applicant by: claim to Huawe i )
Information ( Informasi) (Diperiksa oleh : Pemeriksaan Kondisi Barang oleh Orang
(Pemohon) (Dite rima O le h : Dipe riksa dan ditandatangani ole h Pe tugas
Project Manager: SCM: yang bertanggung jawab dari Pihak Gudang LSP )
Huawe i yang be rtanggung jawab te rhadap ope rational
(Manajer Proyek) (Departemen Supply Chain)
Gudang, Kalau t

* Signature(tandatangan):

* ID No( Nomor Identitas): Via Indira Kurnia 00621802 B Setyo Agung Nugroho 00253431 R Fajar Iryanto 00259263
* Date(Tanggal): 31-May-24 31-May-24 31-May-24
Remark:the blank w ith a mark * should be filled by project team or SCM

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