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ADVANCED PLUS UNIT 8 3 An interview with an online bank beginning

operations in a month and now looking to hire
customer representatives intrigued Kay in that the
8.1 Understanding complex sentences entire process would be done via the internet.
4 By including Ralph and his daughters in the
1 Decide which relative pronoun has been omitted. invitations to their wedding next year, Mark and
1 Was the novel she said greatly influenced the Bridget will exceed the number of guests they’d
way she thinks of government George Orwell’s planned to have.
Nineteen Eighty-Four? 5 Reports submitted for lab sessions and not
a) which b) who c) whose carefully scrutinised for errors in punctuation and
2 The European films he referred to presented grammar risk receiving a lower mark.
a violent and morally complex vision of the
American Old West. They were known as spaghetti
westerns. 8.2 Prepositional phrases
a) to which b) that c) whom
3 I saw the neighbour you helped move in outside
1 Write the correct preposition aer each adjective.
the post office earlier this morning. 1 We are definitely certain it.
a) whose b) who c) to whom 2 Are you eligible a scholarship?
4 The film my grandmother would love to watch is 3 She was horrified my suggestion.
on at the Groves Cinema later this evening. 4 Remember to be mindful your Granny.
a) which b) who c) whom 5 I’m really concerned you.
5 The professor Nick swears gives the most difficult 6 Are you conscious gossip about him?
assignments is retiring this year. 7 They were guilty committing the crime.
a) to whom b) whose c) who 8 I was keen going to the party until it
started raining.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct words
or phrases in the box. 2 Put the words in the correct order to make
caught driving covered 1 arrive/time./for/important/It’s/us/on/to
heard playing invited 2 like that./in/was/speaking/justification/me/no/
offered seen shopping There/to
3 on/to/go barefoot./for/common/the island/
1 What’s the title of that new best-selling
novel at a discounted price?
4 little/into/that university./I/accepted/of/have/
2 Most of the people to Tom and Steph’s
wedding chose not to come because of the
distance. 5 grandmother/thought/alone/The/of/my/makes/
3 Anyone over the speed limit will be
heavily fined. 6 hint/The/a/has/it./of/nutmeg/in/sauce
4 The person you’re looking for is wearing a white
dress in yellow flowers.
3 Choose the correct preposition to complete the
5 The soft music in the background was
1 We could benefit (from/to/with) some
Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1.
additional help around the house.
6 The disguised woman in the village
2 Despite extra tutoring, she still struggles
supermarket was actually an A-list celebrity.
(with/on/about) maths and science.
3 Underline the key noun in each sentence that acts 3 Everyone knows I pride myself (in/on/
as the subject. from) the quality of my work.
1 Students skipping classes in favour of spending 4 My bad mark resulted (from/with/in)
time with friends who themselves are not in a poor attitude to study and far too much
attendance cannot expect lecturers to overlook socialising.
missed assignments. 5 Do you plan (on/with/in) coming out
2 Quietly reading a romance novel on her e-reader with us tonight?
while listening to some soft jazz music in the
background, Grace still didn’t hear the
telephone ring.

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Speakout Grammar Extra Advanced Plus Unit 8.indd 20 16/06/18 7:20 PM


8.3 Giving opinions Consolidation

1 Decide if the speaker is asking for an opinion (A) or 1 Correct one error in each of the short texts 1–9.
giving (G) an opinion. 1 I’d be surprised if that story is true. The version I
1 ‘It goes without saying that literacy levels have that heard didn’t involve Helen at all.
2 ‘It seems to me that politicians are always 2 I’m not accustomed for being spoken to in
involved in some kind of scandal.’ that manner, so I immediately got up and left
3 ‘Why should it be any different with men?’ the restaurant. I’m really against any form of
4 ‘What’s your take on recent events?’ aggressive communication.
5 ‘Do you disagree with what was said?’
6 ‘Not everyone would agree with me, but I think 3 Stand in a queue and having to wait a long time
she’s a fantastic writer.’ to board a flight makes me so impatient. I think
7 ‘To the best of my knowledge, we’ve seen everyone could benefit from an improved system.
standards of living improve globally.’
8 ‘I’d like to hear your views on the election.’ 4 There was no hint in remorse on his part. He didn’t
9 ‘Would it be wrong of me to say that you’re not even say ‘I’m sorry.’ The thought of someone
keen on jazz?’ stealing from our vegetable garden baffles me.
10 ‘This may be controversial, but I enjoy watching
reality TV programmes.’ 5 Well, supposing so, but look at the facts. The purse
the caretaker saw was left on my desk. However,
2 Read questions 1–3 and choose the best I specifically recall locking the purse in my desk
answers a)–f). drawer, and that lock is now broken.
a) In that respect I’m with you.
b) No one would disagree with that. 6 It’s impossible for us to get there on time.
c) I can imagine that’s true. We would have to break the speed limit and
d) That doesn’t surprise me in the least. anyone catching speeding these days has to pay
e) I’d be surprised if that’s the case. a hefty fine.
f) I’ve come to the same conclusion.
g) We’re of the same mind on that question. 7 The film director whose Adam says he most
admires is Quentin Tarantino. He believes that
h) Can you really imagine that?
he’s the only director who’s capable of effectively
1 Which sentences show agreement with an combining drama, action, violence and comedy.
2 Which sentences show disbelief in an 8 Amanda has a talent for sewing. For example, the
opinion? cotton shirts she buying last week at the charity
3 Which sentences show belief in an shop were skilfully stitched together to create a
opinion? beautiful dress.

3 Unscramble the letters and complete the sentences 9 Bill refused to accompany his girlfriend on a
with the phrases. weekend trip to Spain. On the back of it, it seemed
1 sa a tamret fo cfta , humans use more insensitive, but actually Bill was saving the money
than the commonly cited five senses. to buy her an engagement ring.
2 no eht caef fo ti , her story seems true,
but actually that isn’t what happened.
3 duoesppsly os , but let’s look at the facts.
4 rtcoanry ot ppuoalr lfbeei , Einstein never
failed mathematics classes in school.
5 ti si bvoousi hatt someone broke in at
night, when the building was empty.
6 hrete si on udtbo atth the driver failed to
stop, thereby causing this terrible accident.

© Pearson Education Limited 2018

Speakout Grammar Extra Advanced Plus Unit 8.indd 21 16/06/18 7:20 PM

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