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Rating Criteria

Level of
Criteria for deciding the Level
Judgement Mark %
Level-1 Not being Practiced at all. 0 0%
Level-2 Practiced but not thorough ( Partially Done) 5 20%
Level-3 Created Model Areas within the Zone 10 40%
Level-4 Horizontally Deployed within the Zone 15 60%
Level-5 Can be considered as a Role Model for other Zones 20 100%
5S Audit Check List
Co. Name:- Dawn Motors Pvt. Ltd Zone No. Zone Leader Dy. Leader Date of Audit
Criteria for deciding the Level Marks
4-Jul 5-Jul 6-Jul 7-Jul 8-Jul 9-Jul 10-Jul 11-Jul 12-Jul 13-Jul 14-Jul 15-Jul 16-Jul 17-Jul 18-Jul 19-Jul

Marks Allocation
1S Sorting Out
Nothing on Floor, Out Skirt of the factory , Roof ,Walls / Windows sill etc :No Cigarette
1 butts, scrap of paper,tools, parts, bins, chips, oil , etc are lying on the floor & scattered 20
around the factory premises.
Scrap Disposal System & Management : Scrap is disposed off at a regular interval (dust bins
2 overflowing) , Last Clearance Date , Next Due Date & person responsible is displayed & 20
No mix up of two different kinds products/ No mix up of OK (Wanted), Rejected
3 20
( Unwanted) Parts/ Mix up of scrap in scrap yard/
No storage of unused/ excess parts like raw material, bought out parts, finished goods
4 20
etc/there is no misuse of components as supports,hammer
Disposal of drums,grinding sludge,paint sludge, spent ( used )oil / coolant , used consumables
5 20
like welding rods,cutting tools,etc
No storage of old machines , equipment's ,old Standards ( not in use) , old Drawings/ parts
6 ( obsolete), old documents( obsolete), old furniture( not in use),old racks inside the factory 20
Cupboards, almiras,racks drawers are visible and clean/Containers/pallets are clean and free
7 20
from damages.
No documents are pasted on walls,machines / Consumables like packing material , welding
8 20
wire/Adhesive tapes having company logos are used misused
9 There should be no leakges of air, water, oil , gas, sand , granules in any form 20
Rack height, Inventory pile and other stacking to be below 6ft Height: Nothing on the top of
10 20
the rack, under the table , under the machine, below the staircase, similar places etc.
SCORE FOR 1S = Score / 200 * 100 (%)
S.N. 2S Systematic arrangement 0%
" There is a Place for every thing "Locations for storage of the parts, Documents, tools ,
1 20
equipment etc . are clearly defined & Identified.
"Every thing is in its place "No unidentified parts available. Every thing is available in its pre
2 20
decided location.
3 Parts do not touch each other in containers, trays, bins, trolleys etc. 20
4 Right component in right containers/pallets/ Bins/ Trolleys etc 20
5 Gangways are clearly marked/ no zig zag movement of man & material 20
6 Gangways are free of material, trolleys, bins 20
7 FIFO ( First In & First Out) System is in place. 20
Cleaning tools like Broom, Brush , Small Shovel , Tool for cleaning at Heights are kept
8 20
with proper identification
5S Audit Check List
Co. Name:- Dawn Motors Pvt. Ltd Zone No. Zone Leader Dy. Leader Date of Audit
Criteria for deciding the Level Marks
4-Jul 5-Jul 6-Jul 7-Jul 8-Jul 9-Jul 10-Jul 11-Jul 12-Jul 13-Jul 14-Jul 15-Jul 16-Jul 17-Jul 18-Jul 19-Jul

9 Shadow boards are in practice: Retrieval of tools, document is easy. 20

Fire Extinguisher available in pre fixed locations, Safety Equipment is available as per
10 20

Electrical Wires Color Codes, Pipes Identification-Color Codes/Identification of

11 Gas/Liquid/Chemical/Hazardous Materials/Pressure ,Temperature/Direction of Flow/Wire 20
and Wire Ropes/Visuals for all types of Gauges, Measurement Equipment/Recorders/

Equipment Identification-Numbered, Capacities/Cycle time/WIP Quantity/ Material handling

12 20
Display boards for Toilets, Canteen, dispensary, meeting Room , water coolers, different
13 20
shops/ departments/divisions, Hazardous Areas etc are available.
Visual for fans, tube lights, electrical cabinets, direction of rotation of motors and other
14 20
equipment ,Control Boxes/Safe and Unsafe Zones etc.
5S Zones are marked, Roles and Responsibilities are defined, Zone assessment takes
15 20
place/Notice Board is Updated and Maintained
SCORE FOR '2S' = Score / 300* 100 (%)

S.N. 3S Shine Equipment 0%

1 Daily Sweeping and Mopping of the floor is carried out with pre-fixed time intervals 20
2 All toilets are cleaned / Mopped twice a shift 20
3 There is no dust and dirt on products / components / packing materials 20
4 All tools and shadow boards are clean 20
5 All Shelves/ stands /filing cabinets/ tables are clean 20
6 All pallets / trolleys / bins are free from dust 20
7 All material handling equipments are clean 20
8 Windows / pillars / beams are clean 20
9 There is no dust near equipments / machines 20
10 There is no swarf / water / oil underneath the equipment / machines 20
11 There is no dust on top of equipments / machines , shelves 20
12 All lightening facilities are clean ( Tubelight , bulbs ) 20
13 All pipelines ( Pneumatic , water , gas ) / and electrical lines are clean 20
14 There are no oil / coolant stains on sides of equipments / Machines 20
15 There are no fingerprints available on walls or equipment / machine surfaces 20
16 There is no dust / dirt / oil stains on jigs / fixtures / dies 20
17 All pressure gauges / level indicators are clean and visible 20
18 There is no dust on measuring instruments 20
19 There is no dust on display board / documents / files 20
5S Audit Check List
Co. Name:- Dawn Motors Pvt. Ltd Zone No. Zone Leader Dy. Leader Date of Audit
Criteria for deciding the Level Marks
4-Jul 5-Jul 6-Jul 7-Jul 8-Jul 9-Jul 10-Jul 11-Jul 12-Jul 13-Jul 14-Jul 15-Jul 16-Jul 17-Jul 18-Jul 19-Jul

20 All dust bins are clean from outside and inside 20

21 All ventilation facilities ( Fans / exhaust fans / cooling hoods/ducts ) are clean 20
22 All exteriors walls of building are clean / 20
23 All warning lamps / andon lamps / and various indicators are clean 20
24 Coolant / oil storage areas are clean 20
All switches / limit switches / press buttons are clean from outside ( Only authorized person should
clean inside area )
SCORE FOR '3S' = Score / 500* 100 (%)

Rating Criteria
Criteria for deciding the Level
ent Mark %
Level-1 Not being Practiced at all. 0 0%
Level-2 Practiced but not thorough ( Partially Done) 5 25%
Level-3 Created Model Areas within the Zone 10 50%
Level-4 Horizontally Deployed within the Zone 15 75%
Level-5 Can be considered as a Role Model for other Zones 20 100%
5S Audit Check List
Zone Name : Auditor :
Audit Date Auditee :
Sr. Max
Checkpoint Actual Observation
No. Marks

1S Sorting Out
Nothing on Floor, Out Skirt of the factory , Roof ,Walls / Windows sill etc. No
1 Cigarette butts, scrap of paper,tools, parts, bins, chips, oil , etc are lying on the 20
floor & scattered around the factory premises.

No mix up of two different kinds products/ No mix up of OK (Wanted), Rejected

2 20
( Unwanted) Parts/ Mix up of scrap in scrap yard/

No storage of old machines , equipment's ,old Standards ( not in use) , old

3 Drawings/ parts ( obsolete), old documents( obsolete), old furniture( not in 20
use),old racks inside the factory premise.

Cupboards, almiras,racks drawers are visible and clean/Containers/pallets are

4 20
clean and free from damages.

5 There should be no leakges of air, water, oil , gas, sand , granules in any form 20


SCORE FOR 1S = Score / 100 * 100 (%)

2S Systematic arrangement
" There is a Place for every thing "Locations for storage of the parts, Documents,
1 20
tools , equipment etc . are clearly defined & Identified.

"Every thing is in its place "No unidentified parts available. Every thing is
2 20
available in its pre decided location.

3 Gangways are free of material, trolleys, bins 20

Sr. Max
Checkpoint Actual Observation
No. Marks

Cleaning tools like Broom, Brush , Small Shovel , Tool for cleaning are
4 20
placed properly.

Fire Extinguisher available in pre fixed locations, Safety Equipment is available

5 20
as per layout.

Equipment Identification-Numbered, Capacities/Cycle time/WIP Quantity/

6 20
Material handling Equipment/trolleys/

Visual for fans, tube lights, electrical cabinets, direction of rotation of motors and
7 20
other equipment ,Control Boxes/Safe and Unsafe Zones etc.

5S Zones are marked, Roles and Responsibilities are defined, Zone assessment
8 20
takes place/Notice Board is Updated and Maintained


SCORE FOR 1S = Score / 120 * 100 (%)

3S Shine
Daily Sweeping and Mopping of the floor is carried out with pre-fixed time
1 20

2 All toilets are cleaned / Mopped twice a shift 20

3 There is no dust and dirt on products / components / packing materials 20

4 All tools and shadow boards are clean 20

5 All pallets / trolleys / bins are free from dust 20

6 All material handling equipments are clean 20

7 Windows / pillars / beams are clean 20

8 There is no dust near equipments / machines 20

9 There is no dust on top of equipments / machines , shelves 20

Sr. Max
Checkpoint Actual Observation
No. Marks

10 All lightening facilities are clean ( Tubelight , bulbs ) 20

11 There is no dust / dirt / oil stains on jigs / fixtures / dies 20

12 All pressure gauges / level indicators are clean and visible 20

13 There is no dust on measuring instruments 20

14 There is no dust on display board / documents / files 20

15 All dust bins are clean from outside and inside 20

16 All exteriors walls of building are clean / 20

17 Coolant / oil storage areas are clean 20


SCORE FOR '3S' = Score / 340* 100 (%)

% in 1S

% in 2S

% in 3S

% Overall

Rating Criteria
Level of Judgement Criteria for deciding the Level Mark %
Level-1 Not being Practiced at all. 0 0
Level-2 Practiced but not thorough ( Partially Done) 5 25
Level-3 Created Model Areas within the Zone 10 50
Level-4 Horizontally Deployed within the Zone 15 75
Level-5 Can be considered as a Role Model for other Zones 20 100

Auditor Sig. : Auditee Sign :

5S Audit Check List
Zone Name : Auditor :
Audit Date Auditee :
Sr. Max
Checkpoint Actual Observation
No. Marks
1S Sorting Out
Nothing on Floor, Roof ,Walls / Windows, scrap of paper, tools, parts, chips, oil ,
1 20

No mix up of two different kinds products/ No mix up of OK (Wanted), Rejected

2 20
( Unwanted).

No storage of old equipment's ,old documents ( not in use) , old Drawings/ parts,
3 20
old furniture ( not in use), old racks etc.

Cupboards, almiras, racks drawers are visible and clean / Containers, pallets &
4 20
crates are clean and free from damages.

5 There should be no leakges of air, water, Coolant oil , gas, etc. 20

2S Systematic arrangement
" There is a Place for every thing "Locations for storage of the parts, Documents,
1 20
tools , equipment etc . are clearly defined & Identified.

"Every thing is in its place "No unidentified parts available every thing is available
2 20
in its pre decided location.

3 Gangways are free of material, trolleys, bins 20

4 Machine, equipment, instrument identification available and visible. 20

5 Fans, tube lightes & other electrical equipment, wires are in safe condition. 20

3S Shine
1 Daily Sweeping of the floor is carried out with pre-fixed time intervals. 20

There is no dust and dirt on products, components, packing materials crates, bin
2 20
3 There is no dust on equipments machines etc. 20

4 There is no dust on measuring instruments 20

Sr. Max
Checkpoint Actual Observation
No. Marks
5 There is no overflow of garbage from dust bins. 20

4S Standardize
1 Is 5S Zone structure displayed in zone with with zone leader role & responsibility. 20

2 Is Standard operating procedure displayed on machine /near machine. 20

3 Is Items kept in crates / bins as per defined standard qty. 20

4 Is proper Identification available of old, hold, rework, reject material. 20

5 Measuring Instruments / equipments calibrated and in good condition. 20

5S Sustain
1 Lights are switched off after use. 20

2 Lunch & tea times are strictly adhered. 20

3 Personal Protective equipments are used. 20

4 Are the first 4S followed and maintained. 20

5 Is everybody aware about 5S. 20

% Overall (Result)

Rating Criteria
Level of Judgement Criteria for deciding the Level Mark %
Level-0 VERY POOR 0 0
Level-1 POOR 5 25
Level-2 GOOD 10 50
Level-3 VERY GOOD 15 75
Level-4 EXCELLENT 20 100

Auditor Sign. : Auditee Sign : Facilitator Sign. :

5S Audit Check List
Zone Name : Auditor :
Audit Date Auditee :
Sr. Max
Checkpoint Marks
Actual Observation
1S Sorting Out
There should not be any unnecessary items on the floor / wall like
tools, used paper, components, metal chips etc.
1 20
फर्श/दीवार पर कोई भी अनावश्यक वस्तु नहीं होनी चाहिए जैसे उपकरण, प्रयुक्त कागज, घटक, धातु
के चिप्स आदि।

There should be no mix up of two different kinds products.

2 20
दो अलग-अलग प्रकार के उत्पादों का मिश्रण नहीं होना चाहिए।

There should be no storage in zone of old drawings, old

3 documents, equipment's, furniture, rejected items etc. 20
पुरानी ड्राइंग पुराने दस्तावेज़, उपकरण, फर्नीचर, रिजेक्टेड वस्तुओं आदि भंडारण क्षेत्र में ना हो

Table chairs fans lights bulbs etc should not be broken

4 20
टेबल कु र्सी पंखे लाइट बल्ब आदि टू टे हुए नहीं होने चाहिए

There should be no leakages of air, water, Coolant oil , gas, etc.

5 20
हवा, पानी, तेल, गैस आदि का कोई रिसाव नहीं होना चाहिए।

2S Systematic arrangement
The zone has a designated place for everything, such as tools,
jigs, fixtures, rework, rejected materials, etc.
1 20
जोन में हर चीज के लिए जगह निर्धारित हो जैसे टू ल, जिग, फिक्सचर, रिवर्क , रिजेक्ट मटेरियल

Shown in the yellow line zone.

2 20
पीली रेखा क्षेत्र में दिखाया गया है।

Gangways are free of material, trolleys, bins

3 20
गैंगवे सामग्री, ट्रॉली, डिब्बे से मुक्त हो

Machine, equipment, instrument identification available and

4 visible. 20
मशीन, उपकरण,इंस्ट्रू मेंट की पहचान उपलब्ध हो और पढ़ा जा सके ।

Fans, tube lights & other electrical equipment, wires are in safe
5 condition. 20
पंखे, ट्यूबलाइट और अन्य बिजली उपकरण, तार सुरक्षित स्थिति में हो।

3S Shine
Daily Sweeping of the floor is carried out with pre-fixed time
1 intervals. 20
सुनिश्चित करे की फर्श की सफाई समय से की जाती है।

There is no dust and dirt on products, components, packing

2 materials crates, bin etc. 20
सुनिश्चित करें की उत्पादों, पैकिं ग सामग्री, क्रे ट्स, बिन आदि पर कोई धूल और गंदगी ना हो

There is no dust on equipment's machines etc.

3 20
सुनिश्चित करें की उपकरणों, मशीनों आदि पर धूल ना हो

There is no dust on measuring instruments

4 20
सुनिश्चित करें की माप उपकरणों पर कोई धूल ना हो
Sr. Max
Checkpoint Marks
Actual Observation

There is no overflow of garbage from dust bins.

5 20
सुनिश्चित करें की कू ड़ेदानों से कचरा बाहर नहीं होना चाहिए

4S Standardize
Is 5S Zone structure displayed in zone with with zone leader role
& responsibility.
1 20
क्या 5S ज़ोन संरचना को ज़ोन लीडर की भूमिका और जिम्मेदारी के साथ ज़ोन में प्रदर्शित किया
गया है।

Is Standard operating procedure displayed on machine /near

2 machine 20
स्टैण्डर्ड ऑपरेटिंग प्रोसीजर मशीनो पर या आसपास डिस्प्ले हो।

Is Items kept in crates / bins as per defined standard qty.

3 20
क्या मटेरियल को निर्धारित स्टैण्डर्ड मात्रा के अनुसार क्रे ट्स / डिब्बों में रखा जाता है।

The crate / bin of the material shall be fitted with an identification

4 tag. 20
मटेरियल के क्रै ट / बिन पर आइडेंटिफिके शन टैग लगा हो।

Measuring Instruments & equipments calibrated and in good

5 condition. 20
मापने के यंत्र / उपकरण कै लिब्रेटेड और अच्छी स्थिति में हो।

5S Sustain

Fans, Lights etc. are switched off after use.

1 20
उपयोग होने के बाद पंखे लाइट इत्यादि बंद हो ।

Lunch & tea times are strictly adhered.

2 20
दोपहर के भोजन और चाय के समय का सख्ती से पालन किया जाता है ?

Is personal Protective equipment's are used like helmet, safety

shoes, goggles etc.
3 20
व्यक्तिगत सुरक्षा उपकरणों का उपयोग किया जाता है? जैसे हेलमेट / सेफ्टी जूत्ते / चश्मा / ग्लव्स

Are the first 4S followed and maintained.

4 20
क्या पहले 4S का पालन और रखरखाव किया जाता है?

Is everybody aware about 5S.

5 20
क्या हर कोई 5S के बारे में जागरूक है ?

% Overall (Result)

Effectiveness verify on date:-

Rating Criteria
Level of Judgement Criteria for deciding the Level Mark %
Level-0 POOR 0 0
Level-1 FAIR 5 25
Level-2 SATISFACTORY 10 50
Level-3 GOOD 15 75
Level-4 EXCELLENT 20 100
Sr. Max
Checkpoint Marks
Actual Observation

Auditor Sign : Auditee Sign : Reviewed By :

FORMAT NO HRD-F-15 Rev No 00
Eff. Date : 06.09.2023

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